6 July 2007
Most of us never knew of Benjamin Fulford until Henry Makow wrote this
article about his involvement with a Chinese secret
society who are fighting the Illuminati:
Jeff Rense interviewed Fulford on his radio show for 5 July 2007 to
provide more details. Fulford explained that the Illuminati
are responsible for the 9/11 attack, and that they are suppressing the
media coverage:
Fulford says the Illuminati families have been controlling Japan through
murder and blackmail; they created SARS to kill the Chinese; they want
to start a war between China and Taiwan; and after China is weakened they
want to fool Japan and America into attacking and dividing China into six
Fulford says the Chinese and Japanese want to stop the Illuminati, and
that a giant Chinese secret society
(6 million members) contacted him for help because Fulford is a nice, honest
man who wants to identify the top members of the Illuminati. Fulford was
invited to a meeting in Taiwan to talk with the secret society. Notice
that he says the Rothschilds are a "much mellower bunch" than the Rockefellers:
Fulford says the Russians, Japanese, and Chinese are cooperating to
fight the Rockefellers and the Illuminati:
He says there are 3000 Ninja assassins, but they are not your
typical Asian Ninjas. Instead, these
white (Caucasian) Ninjas, and they
will turn David Rockefeller into dead meat in a matter of hours:
Fulford says the Illuminati are desperate, and that they have such crazy
plans to save themselves that they are divided over it. What crazy plan
could it be? A nuclear war?
Who is the Illuminati? Fulford claims that there are 10,000 Illuminati members, and that the Rockefellers are the primary Illuminati family. If you are a regular visitor to the HugeQuestions.com website, you know that Zionist agents can be identified by their attempt to shift blame away from Israel and Zionism and onto people that they are willing to sacrifice, such as the Bush family, the Nazis, the Muslims, the Vatican, and Tony Blair. Some people have trouble understanding why the Zionists are willing to sacrifice the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Is it really that difficult to understand? The Zionists must blame somebody for 9/11, the world wars, the sex slave trade, and other problems. Furthermore, they must blame somebody who is actually involved in these crimes or people will realize that they are being tricked. They must sacrifice some of the people in their group. Furthermore, by sacrificing the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, that Zionists might be able to take control of those empires, thereby giving them even more control over us. Benjamin Fulford, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Webster Tarpley, and virtually
all of the 9/11 "truth seekers" are trying to fool us into believing that
the Rockefellers and the
the Freemasons, the CIA, and the Mossad. Fulford also says that the Rockefellers
control the USA and Japan, and the Rothschilds control Europe:
Look at who they promote and who they ignore Another way to identify Zionist agents is that they promote other Zionist
agents, and they try to ignore Hufschmid and Bollyn. For example,
in October 2006, Japan had a 9/11 conference:
Some of the people who spoke at this conference were Jimmy Walter, William Rodriguez, Leuren Moret, Dave Shaw (a producer of the video 911 Eyewitness), and Benjamin Fulford. Professor Steven Jones and David Ray Griffin did not travel to Japan, but they provided a video to present to the audience. They never asked Hufschmid or Bollyn if they were interested in speaking
or providing a video, even though David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Andreas
von Bulow, and many other people reference the research of Hufschmid and
Look behind the puppet Who organized the 9/11 conference in Japan? Who selected the speakers? It was a group in Japan called the Global Peace Campaign. The website promotes lots liars and anti-Goy, Zionist Deniers, such as Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project and Jim Hoffman. The group appears to be primarily one woman named Yumi Kikuchi. She was the Master of Ceremonies for the conference. Your first reaction might be to assume that she is responsible for the deception, but the Zionists prefer to find a gullible fool who believes their nonsense because a fool will speak with sincerity and honesty. Yumi Kikuchi may be the gullible Japanese woman who was tricked by Benjamin Fulford, Dave Shaw, and others to promote the Zionist agents and ignore those of us that they have no control over. Somehow the Japanese are being manipulated by the Zionists, and it may
be these mysterious people within Japan who are pretending to be reporters
and truth seekers. The Japanese should investigate everybody
in Japan who is not Japanese, and the Chinese should do the same.
Are the Chinese and Japanese starting to realize that Zionists are our problem? Benjamin Fulford blew his cover, and he would not have done this unless he was told that the situation is desperate. It is possible that his remark about the Chinese organizing a large force to fight the Illuminati is true. However, the Chinese may not be completely certain as to who the Illuminati are, so Benjamin Fulford is coming forward so that he can pretend to be helping the Chinese by identifying who is in this mysterious Illuminati. However, he is identifying a only small number of people that Israel is willing to sacrifice, such as the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the Bush family. If the Chinese, Japanese, and other people fall for this trick, they
will leave Israel with even more control
over the media, the banks, the governments, and the schools.
Help us fight Zionism! If you know any Chinese or Japanese, please warn them about the deception. The Zionists are setting up enormous gambling operations in Macau, and
undoubtedly lots of prostitution, sex slaves, money laundering, and other
activities that they can use to lure Chinese citizens into doing something
that they can blackmailed over:
Playboy is opening a mansion in Macau also:
The Zionists have already set up groups in China:
For More information: