A hero who saved us from Nazis?
26 Feb 2006
Have you seen the evidence that Eisenhower deliberately murdered about 1 million German soldiers after Germany had been defeated in World War II?
Once you understand what Eisenhower did, you should be able to answer that philosophical question, Was Auschwitz a "prison" camp or a "death" camp?I made a brief video to introduction you to this issue: Eisenhower-Death-Camp.wmv The book Other
Losses by James Bacque discusses this slaughter, also:
site has an article about an American Prison Guard who witnessed the
slaughter. And this
site has still more information.
Did you hear about Dresden?
Somebody very high up in the military leadership -- such as Eisenhower and Churchill -- planned and authorized that bombing. If you don't know about the Dresden bombing, take a look at what Christopher
Bollyn wrote about it:
Why would Eisenhower slaughter so many Germans? General Patton did not behave in this manner. Incidentally, General Patton died after the war from a minor but mysterious
car accident, while Eisenhower was soon elected to president. Coincidence?
I don't think so!
Who was Eisenhower working for? Did you know that in Eisenhower's military school yearbook he was described
as "the terrible Swedish-Jew"? You can find a photo of it here. The sites I link to often vanish, so search the Internet images like this. There's nothing wrong with being terrible, or Swedish, or a Jew, but his senseless slaughter of Goyim and his rise to the presidency suggests that he was actually a Crypto Zionist. Some supporters of Eisenhower point out his speech in which he made a vague remark about the "military industrial complex", but that doesn't prove he can be trusted. What is a military-industrial complex? I think Eisenhower was trying to protect Israel by blaming the war and other chaos on Goyim within the US military and our corporations. The "truth seekers" who warn us about the military-industrial complex, the New World Order, the Luciferian Controllers, the Globalists, and other vague entities, are not exposing the criminal network. The only way to expose a criminal network is to list
the names of the criminals, and show evidence that they're part
of the crime network. Take a look at my articles in which I identify people
and show the evidence. For example:
Compare my articles to those from Henry Makow, Alex Jones, and other people who blame our problems on the mysterious and elusive Globalists.
Texe Marrs discusses the Zionist influence in America in his
Illuminati Mystery Babylon. The audio for most important section
of his video is here:
![]() ![]()
In an interview with Alex Jones on November 21, 2007, he claimed that
the Freemasons were responsible for
the Armenian genocide of 1915:
I see evidence that Zionist Jews
were responsible, as I explained here:
Is Texe Marrs another liar who is secretly trying to protect Zionism? Please be suspicious of everybody in the so-called truth movement. Remember, Zionist agents provide some good information as bait in order to lure you over to them, but they mix deception with the truth. Now that I warned you to be suspicious of him, his web
site is:
His entire video Illuminati Mystery Babylon can
be downloaded here: