Who among us
is a CIA agent?
A lot of people who discuss the 9-11 attack wonder who among us is a
government agent. Arguments sometimes occur on message boards as people
accuse one another of being a government agent. There are several
reasons as to why people are suspected of being an agent:
1) People who support idiotic theories
For example, Professor Bazant, John Judge.
2) People who ignore certain issues
For example, Amy Goodman, Mike Ruppert, Noam Chomsky.
3) People who start fights
Most of them are unknown people who post anonymous messages on Internet message boards.
1) People Who Support Idiotic Theories
Millions of people insist on idiotic explanations for the 9-11
attack. For example, Flight 77 had two, large engines, but the photos
taken after the crash at the Pentagon show only a small piece of one,
small engine. Some people insist that the other engine burned up in the
intense fire, but these people have no explanation for how a massive
steel engine could vaporize in a fire, regardless of how intense it is.
People who promote idiotic theories create a lot of suspicions:
Are they working for the CIA?
Do they actually believe the stupid theories they promote?
Have they been bribed into promoting these idiotic theories?
Have they been blackmailed into promoting these idiotic theories?
For example, Professor Bazant promoted The Pancake Theory,
but he has never bothered to respond to the critics who claim that his
theory is nonsense. Does the professor actually believe his theory? Or
was he deceived, blackmailed, or threatened into publishing the theory?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to figure out who among us actually
believes their idiotic theories, and who is being paid or threatened
into spreading these idiotic theories. We can only determine this with
people we know intimately.
For example, my brother and his wife believe that the official
government theory that Osama attacked us on 9-11. Furthermore, they
sometimes repeat the simplistic remarks that they heard on the
television news, as if they are parrots rather than humans.
They both insist that I am wrong about my "conspiracy
theories", and they insist that they have a friend who is a physics
professor who could easily show me that I'm wrong. When I ask them to
tell the physics professor to put me in my place, they always have an
excuse, such as they forgot, or they're too busy.
My brother and his wife will insult me, but they won't offer
any evidence for their accusation. I don't insult them, and if I did, I
would have evidence to back it up. They are treating me in a manner
that they would complain about if I did it to them. If I did not know
them so well, I would be certain that both of them are on the CIA
Most people are not interested in doing their own research or
thinking. Most people also have extreme difficulty dealing with
criticism and unpleasant issues. They think of themselves as being
independent, but they follow the crowd like a sheep.
The government agents can easily mingle among the population
without attracting attention because the majority of people behave in a
stupid and irrational manner.
If everybody in the world was in good mental health and
intelligent, the CIA agents would stand out because they would be the
only people promoting the stupid theories. The fact that government
agents can so easily mix among us is a sign that most people's minds
are lousy.
2) People Who Ignore Certain Issues.
A lot of people have put themselves into a position of a "Champion Of Justice".
For example, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman, and Noam Chomsky. However,
many of these Champions are quiet about the September 11th attack.
They're also quiet about the Oklahoma City bombing, and numerous other
I know of several people who have tried to get Amy Goodman to
discuss the September 11th attack on her radio show, but she has so far
avoided the issue. Noam Chomsky and Mike Ruppert also refuse to talk
about the September 11th attack in a serious manner.
None of these Champions Of Justice actually lie about the
September 11th attack; rather, they avoid certain aspects of the
attack. This causes lots of suspicions:
Are they government agents?
Are they simply so naive that they don't know what is going on?
Are they too stupid to understand what is happening?
Are they being manipulated with misinformation by government agents?
Have they been threatened to keep quiet?
Are they simply afraid to discuss certain issues due to paranoia, even though nobody actually threatened them?
Are they being blackmailed to keep quiet?
Have they been bribed into keeping quiet?
There is already some anger towards these Champions Of Justice for
their silence about the 9-11 issue, but anger will not cause them to
talk, nor will anger make the world a better place. None of us can even
figure out why these Champions Of Justice are avoiding the 9-11 issue.
Since we do not know why they are quiet, how could we possibly figure
out how to make them talk?
All we can do is make wild guesses as to why they are so quiet.
For example, I suspect that Michael Moore is too dumb to understand
what is happening, and I also suspect that he is being manipulated by
his "friends".
I suspect that Amy Goodman is afraid to talk, perhaps because somebody
gave her a subtle hint that her radio show would be taken off the air
if she says too much.
And I suppose the Zionists are frightening Chomsky. Noam
Chomsky is on a list of "Self Hating, Israel Threatening" Jews. The
Zionists refer to him as a "pathetic Jew".
But I could be wrong in my assumptions. Perhaps Michael Moore
knows what's going on, but would rather exploit the situation for
wealth and fame. Perhaps Amy Goodman is more interested in promoting
some form of communism, and does not want to get involved with any
movement that does not help communism. And perhaps Noam Chomsky really
is a "pathetic Jew".
Regardless of why these Champions Of Justice refuse to discuss
the 9-11 issue, becoming angry at them is wasting our time, and it
makes the situation worse. For example, imagine that Mike Ruppert is
being threatened to keep quiet about the 9-11 issue. In such a case,
Ruppert has to put up with the government threatening his life and the
9-11 activists insulting him for being a CIA agent. We are not helping
Ruppert -- or the world -- in such a case.
Hatred has never solve any problem yet, and I don't see how it
will make these Champions Of Justice talk. If anything, hatred will
just make their lives more miserable.
Torture doesn't work, either. Actually, the 9-11 activists
could turn this situation into comedy by proposing that we send Amy
Goodman, Michael Moore, and the other Champions Of Justice to the Abu
Ghraib prison for torture.
So what should we do with these Champions Of Justice? I advise
we leave them alone. We need to educate people, not encourage anger. We
need to inspire people to make a better world, not encourage them to
3) People Who Start Fights
It seems that every message board that discusses 9-11 occasionally
has arguments break out over who on the message board is a CIA agent.
Are these fights breaking out simply because people are becoming
frustrated and angry at all the people (such as my brother and his
wife) who cannot deal with reality?
Or are there really CIA agents on the message boards, and are they being exposed?
Or are some of the people who start the fights actually working
for the CIA, and are trying to get the 9-11 activists to fight with one
another in order to prevent them from doing something productive with
their time?
If everybody in the 9-11 movement were to work together as a
united group, we would have a tremendous amount of influence in the
world. However, if the government could encourage the 9-11 activists to
fight with one another, they would turn the 9-11 movement into a
disorganized horde of angry individuals who waste one another's time on
useless fights.
This concept also applies to the conquering of the nation. A
small group can get control of a large nation by getting the people to
fight among themselves.
For example, Americans will spend lots of their time fighting
with one another if somebody brings up the issue of abortion,
especially "late-term" abortions. Americans also fight whenever
somebody brings up the possibility that welfare or social security will
be cut.
Not surprisingly, it seems that somebody brings these issues up
during every election. While the majority of Americans are busy
fighting with one another over abortion or welfare, they don't notice
that their nation is deteriorating and that their government is being
influenced by a small group of people.
In order for the 911 movement to be useful, we must avoid
breaking down into a group of angry individuals. We have to keep in
mind that the government wants us to fight among ourselves. The
government agents may be among us, and they may be encouraging the
fights. |