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Concepts of a New Culture

11) Laws cannot control animals

24 March 2024

We cannot improve an animal’s brain

All attempts to improve people have failed

The most popular methods of improving human behavior are to use:
1) Technology
2) Laws
3) Punishments and rehabilitation
4) Religion
5) Public service announcements (PSA)

However, those methods have failed continuously. The reason is because it is impossible to improve the function of an animal brain. The following sections explain why the first three of those five methods are worthless. PSA's were discussed years ago here.

1) Technology cannot improve our behavior

Every culture promotes the belief that technology can solve a lot of our social problems and improve people's behavior, andt every culture is ignoring the evidence that this belief has failed 100% of the time. For example:

Crime can be prevented with such devices as security cameras, street lights, passwords, guns, and security locks for automobiles, bicycles, and bank vaults.

America and Europe have created a thousands of jails, and citizens and businesses have installed a wide variety of security devices in their businesses, homes, automobiles, and bicycles, but that technology has failed to make people honest.

The USA has more guns per person than any other nation, but the guns have done nothing to reduce crime, illegal immigrants, dishonest journalists, or government corruption.

Hunger can be eliminated with more advanced varieties of rice, better farming techniques, and with more advanced farming machines.

Americans and Europeans have been trying to end hunger in the Third World nations by giving them food, tractors, and other equipment, but all of those programs and handouts have failed. The Peace Corps, the United Nations, the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, and other organizations have also failed.

Homelessness can be eliminated by building homes for the homeless people, such as these in California.

Ignorance can be eliminated with schools and educational books and videos.

Every society provides their children with schools, and provides the public with libraries and Internet access, but it has not stopped ignorance. There are millions of people who believe that there are supreme beings floating around in the sky, or that the human mind is like a piece of clay that molds itself to the environment, or that astrology can predict the future, or that they have a good chance to win the state lottery. There are also millions of people who believe the 9/11 attack was conducted by 19 Muslims, and that the Nazis gassed and burned 6 million Jews, and that six teams of Apollo astronauts have been to the moon.

When nuclear fission was discovered, some people predicted that it would provide such abundant and low cost energy that we would be able to eliminate hunger, homelessness, war, and almost every other problem. Today some people are predicting that nuclear fusion will do that, and other people are predicting that solar energy, or electric automobiles, will solve many of our problems.

Technology cannot control a wolf

Everybody can understand that technology has no effect on the mind of a wolf, cat, or hyena. For example:

Providing educational books to wolves cannot reduce their ignorance, allow them to develop useful skills, improve their behavior, or increase their intelligence.

Providing wolves with security cameras cannot prevent them from grabbing food from one another, trying to rape the females, or getting into fights.

Technology cannot control humans, either

Our arrogance makes it difficult for us to acknowledge the evidence that humans are animals, and that technology is just as ineffective at controlling human behavior as it is for controlling other animals. Technology cannot make an idiot more intelligent, convert a dishonest person into an honest person, or cure an alcoholic. Technology is beneficial only to people who:
  1) Have the intellectual ability to understand it.
  2) Have the emotional desire accept it.
  2) Have the emotional desire to use it properly.

For example, educational documents and videos are useful only to the people who have the intellectual ability to understand the information, a desire to learn it, and a desire to use the information in a productive manner. Educational books about evolution are worthless to people who cannot understand the information, or who refuse to believe it.

Furthermore, educational materials are useful only if it is produced by people who have the ability and desire to provide useful information. Educational material is worthless or detrimental if it is propaganda from businesses that is intended to promote a particular product. Educational material is especially detrimental if it is propaganda from Zionist groups and other criminals who are trying to deceive and exploit us.

2) Laws cannot improve our behavior

Laws have no effect over the behavior of dogs, chimpanzees, and crows, but our arrogance makes it difficult for us to believe that laws are just as ineffective at controlling humans.

Every nation has laws that prohibit burglary, rape, bribery, murder, and vandalism, but they have failed to stop those crimes. The laws against pedophilia are so ineffective that many people, such as Anneke Lucas, have put videos on the Internet to expose some of the pedophiles, but our FBI, police agencies, military, journalists, professors, and other people either do nothing to investigate such accusations, or they try to suppress the accusations.

Britain also has laws against pedophilia, but in February 2024, this document was posted to accuse the British royal family and other people of beating, raping, and abusing students at the Aldenham boarding school. The BBC published this article about one rape, but they refuse to investigate the other accusations.

Kari Lake released an audio recording in which a congressman, John DeWit, inadvertently supports the accusation that the American government officials are being bribed, threatened, and intimidated by a group of criminals, but none of the journalists or security agencies are interested in investigating.

The reason laws are failing to solve our social problems is because laws are useful only to people who:
  1) Have the intellectual ability to understand the laws.
  2) Have the emotional desire to follow the laws.

Laws must be beneficial

To complicate the issue of laws, a law is useful only if it has been designed to be beneficial to society, but government officials often create laws to satisfy their own personal desires, or to appease some group of people.

For example, the governments that have created a law to prohibit Holocaust Denial are hurting their society because that law is intended to suppresses investigations and curiosity, and to allow Jews to cover up lies and crimes.

Another detrimental law is the law that allows us to keep our DNA a secret from the police. That law is beneficial only to criminals. Eliminating that law would allow the police to solve a lot of crimes, and it would answer such questions as whether Brigitte Macron and Michelle Obama are "true" females.

Another example of detrimental laws are those that allow people to give unlimited amounts of land, money, material items, and businesses to their children and ex-spouse. Rather than improve society, those laws allow wealthy people to create economic monarchies, which is detrimental to society because it allows people to become influential without earning the position.

Government officials must justify laws

In order to improve this situation, this Constitution requires government officials to show evidence that every law is beneficial to the human race, rather than to appease some religious fanatics, individuals, or businesses.

Customs must be beneficial, also

The customs (traditions or rules) that we are pressured to follow, but which are not enforced, must also be designed to be beneficial to the human race. However, businesses create and manipulate customs in order to increase their profit, rather than to improve our lives. For example, businesses promote the custom of giving a woman a diamond ring for marriage, and the custom of having children search for candy during the Easter holiday.

Religious fanatics have also created a lot of idiotic, worthless, and detrimental customs. For example, the Mormon church pressures its members to give 10% of their income to the church. That custom was created to benefit the people who work for the church, not the human race.

People with mental problems are also a source of detrimental and idiotic customs. For example, the people who enjoy dangerous pranks and initiation ceremonies push us into accepting them.

Government officials have control of culture

It is idiotic to let organizations create customs because they will create customs for their own selfish purposes, and it is idiotic to let citizens create customs because many of them are mentally ill, and many others are trying to promote their particular selfish desires.

In order to improve our customs, this constitution gives the government total control of our culture, and the officials are required to post a document to show that their clothing styles, recreational activities, work environments, holiday celebrations, and other customs have been designed to be beneficial to the human race. This allows the government officials to analyze customs, pass judgment on their value to us, and prohibit customs that promote detrimental, risky, dangerous, or idiotic behavior.

Giving a government total control of culture will be a disaster if we end up with leaders like we have in the world as of 2024, or like those in the communist nations, or like the medieval popes, Kings, and Queens. However, all businesses and militaries follow this concept. Specifically, the culture of a business is set by the leaders of the business. The employees do not have the freedom to modify the culture of a business.

Giving the government control of culture will be dangerous only if the voters are as irresponsible, incompetent, easily deceived, apathetic, selfish, mentally ill, and stupid as most voters are today. Therefore, this Constitution sets high standards for voters, and regards voting is a serious job, rather than a casual leisure activity. (This is explained here and here.)

3) Punishments cannot improve our behavior

When an animal misbehaves, a higher ranking animal tries to improve his behavior with intimidation or violence, such as by glaring at, slapping, or biting him. Since humans inherited that characteristic from our monkey ancestors, we also try to improve other people's behavior by glaring at, yelling, slapping, and insulting them. When our nomadic ancestors settled into permanent cities, they expanded that concept to include putting the badly behaved people in torture devices and jails.

Although intimidation might be an effective method of teaching young children how to behave, it is worthless for the older children and adults. Furthermore, some people react to torture and punishments with anger, which makes their behavior even worse. Furthermore, punishing people in jail puts a big burden on society.

Punishing people who cannot behave properly is as almost as idiotic and worthless as creating a law that prohibits people from developing cancer, and then punishing the people who develop cancer.

If a person does not have the intelligence and self-control to understand and follow the rules of society, there is nothing we can do to help him. For example, men have sexual cravings, and there is no law that can stop us from having those cravings. A man must have the ability to refrain from grabbing at, raping, and pestering women. If he doesn't have that ability, he has to be put on restrictions or evicted. We cannot fix his behavior with laws or punishments.

Laws against harassing and raping women and children are as useless as laws against becoming hungry. Laws cannot control our emotional cravings. Each person needs the ability to control himself. Laws are useful only to tell us what we should and should not do.
A person must want to be respectable

What is a “law”?

The word "law" is confusing because we use it for different purposes. Our governments also create laws that prohibit or require certain behavior, and which are enforced by police officers. Sports organizations create laws that define their particular sport, but those laws are are enforced by referees rather than the police. Scientists have created laws of physics, mathematics, and other scientific fields, but those laws are not enforced by anybody.

We also have similar words, such as rules, traditions, customs, manners, and etiquette that specify how we should behave, just like government laws, but they are not enforced by anybody. We also have recipes that are a list of instructions that tell us how to make a particular meal, but those instructions are not enforced, either.

For the sake of simplicity, this constitution will often use the word "laws" to refer to both the enforced laws and the unenforced customs, traditions, instructions, etc..

Our culture is a set of laws

Our culture is set of laws that tell us how to behave. Some laws are enforced by the police, others are enforced by referees, and others are optional.

By designing appropriate laws, and by following them, we can organize ourselves into teams, such as governments, schools, and businesses. Those laws also allow us to have recreational activities, birthday parties, and weddings.

Every organization, including a government, is also a set of laws. Those laws organize the members of the organization into a hierarchy, and specifies what each of them does for the team.

Some laws create "checks and balances". Those laws put people into conflicting situations in order to reduce mistakes and selfish behavior. Those conflicting situations also put people under pressure to put more effort into what they are doing, similar to putting people into competition. Since we were designed to be under constant pressure, the checks and balances are very beneficial.

A person must want to follow the laws

The U.S. Constitution creates checks and balances by dividing the government into three branches, each with a different purpose. However, those checks and balances have failed to create an honest, competent government because only a few, if any, of the government officials are interested in following the laws.

The laws that create checks and balances are useful only to the people who have the ability to understand the laws, and the desire to follow them. It is impossible for checks and balances to force a group of mentally disturbed, selfish, and violent people from abusing one another.

Reducing crime requires raising standards for people

Culture is useful only to the creatures that have a brain that can understand and follow it. This concept also applies to technology. For example, anti-freeze is useful only to the creatures who can understand how to use it, and who have the desire to use it properly. Anti-freeze is worthless to a dog, and it is dangerous to give it to a woman who wants to use it to poison her husband in order to collect his life insurance.

The only way we can reduce crime and corruption is to restrict our society to people who can understand its culture, and are willing to follow it.

Our minds are more significant than our laws

An organization is a group of people who are held together and coordinated by their laws, but the most significant aspect of an organization are the minds of its members, not the laws that hold them together, and not the management structure that they create for the organization.

A group of dishonest, retarded, or selfish people will create a miserable organization no matter how advanced their laws are because they will not understand or want to follow their laws, treat one another nicely, or work together. They will behave like animals that fight over food, land, sex, and material items.

Conversely, a group of intelligent, honest, considerate people will create a pleasant organization even if their laws are simplistic or primitive, and even if they have a crude management structure.

Government officials become corrupt when they want to

Most people believe the theory that there is corruption in government because "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". That theory predicts that every government official who has "power" will be corrupt, and the more power he has, the more corrupt he will be.

According to that theory, corruption cannot be eliminated because there will always be people with power. That theory promotes the belief that we can only reduce corruption by reducing the power of the government officials.

The US government was created according to that theory, and this has resulted in a government in which none of the officials have much power. However, instead of reducing corruption, the US government seems to be at least as corrupt as the European governments that it was based upon, and might be even more corrupt.

The reason government officials are corrupt is because they want to be, not because they have "power". A person becomes corrupt only when his mind choses corruption instead of honesty. His mind must chose to ignore the laws and satisfy his selfish desires. (The concept of "power" was discussed here and here.)

Our leaders must be the best people

The leaders of animals are always adult males in excellent physical and mental health, and that was true for all prehistoric humans. However, after settling into agricultural villages, human societies have become dominated by people who got into leadership positions through inheritances and crimes. There were even some children who became Kings or Queens.

Instead of expecting laws or checks and balances to control government officials, this Constitution sets high standards for them, and requires they operate without secrecy. The voters are also required to routinely give them job performance reviews. Our leaders must be better than the majority of people in regards to their behavior, intellectual abilities, and education, and they must be adults within a certain age range.
We need higher-quality people

Each of us is responsible for our behavior

Every culture is refusing to acknowledge the evidence that each person is behaving in the manner that he wants to behave, and that each person is responsible for his behavior. That refusal makes it impossible for us to reduce our social problems because we cannot solve a problem unless we know the true cause of the problem.

For example, there has been no progress in reducing drug abuse because most people refuse to consider the possibility that a person who is attracted to marijuana, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, heroin, oxycodone, or other drugs has a problem with his body or brain. Instead, they blame peer pressure, drug dealers, advertisements, or divorced parents.

Likewise, most people won't consider the possibility that a person who is badly behaved, weird, dishonest, irresponsible, obnoxious, introverted, or extroverted is suffering from a mental or physical disorder. Instead, they blame his strange behavior on poverty, bullying, ignorance, bad parenting, racism, sexism, or anti-Semitism.

Almost everybody is willing to acknowledge that whether a dog is violent or peaceful depends upon its genetic characteristics. Although it is true that abusive environments can encourage violence in dogs, not many dogs are in an abusive environment.

Although a small percentage of the children are in abusive environments, and that can cause their behavior to be abnormal, adults are able to do what they want to do. The badly behaved adults are choosing that behavior. They cannot blame it on other people.

We must restrict the leaders positions to people who can understand that humans are animals, and that we follow the same rules that the dogs and other animals follow.

All animal brains make a decision by processing information. Therefore, our decisions are the result of:

1) The information that we have stored in our memory and are receiving from our eyes, ears, and other senses.
Our mind's ability to process information, which is dependent upon both our intelligence and our emotions.
Our body's ability to provide our brain with the appropriate blood chemistry so that it functions properly.

Our environment determines the type of information we process, but our genetics determines our intelligence, emotions, and blood chemistry. To complicate the issue, the environment can degrade our processing of information by damaging our brain or body, such as through concussions, mercury poisoning, alcohol, improper diets, a lack of sleep, and strokes.

We must restrict leadership to people who have an above-average understanding that a person behaves in a manner that his brain has decided to behave. Our leaders must realize that every person must be held responsible for his behavior.

To complicate this issue, our leaders must realize that because the environment has an effect on our ability to think, we should investigate people with strange behavior rather than ignore, insult, or feel sorry for them. By investigating weird behavior, we might be able to determine whether it is due to toxic chemicals, allergens, inheritable genetic disorders, or dangerous recreational activities, and that allows us to reduce the problem. This concept is mentioned in several sections of this constitution, such as here.

We must evict the misfits

This constitution is based on the theory that the people who behave inappropriately are doing so because they have chosen to do so. The Quality Division it is required to set high standards for people, and if the Courts Ministry comes to the conclusion that a person's undesirable behavior is due to a problem that he cannot control, instead of trying to improve their behavior, the Courts Ministry must follow the concept that has been successful for businesses and other organizations. Specifically, evict the people who are dangerous, and put the annoying people on restrictions, such as restricting them to certain neighborhoods or jobs. Jails and other types of punishments are prohibited.

Computer crimes are becoming worse

No society has any standards for its citizens, and this results in computer programmers wasting a lot of time trying on a futile attempt to stop computer viruses, spam, viruses, pop-up ads, fraudulent email offers, and other diabolical software. Microsoft Windows tries to protect us from diabolical software by blocking or deleting files that we download from the Internet, but that doesn't solve the problem, either.

None of these computer crimes were possible a century ago, and people in the future will have even more options for computer crimes. The situation will become even worse when robots are so advanced that they are providing services for citizens in addition to businesses.

If we do not do something to stop these crimes, the future generations will be constantly irritated by robots that have viruses, scams, and pop-up ads, and with robots that give us political, business, and Zionist propaganda. And they will have to watch for robots that criminals use to murder people, kidnap children, or vandalize items.

Technology allows a wider variety of crimes

The more advanced our technology is, the more opportunities we have to commit crimes and irritate one another. For example, when artificial insemination became possible, some men secretly used their sperm to impregnate women, such as Bertold Wiesner who possibly has 600 children Although journalists insist that Jeffrey Epstein did not have a chance to do that, they admit that he was planning to do it.

We cannot reduce crime with laws, jail, security devices, or rehabilitation programs. We must raise standards for behavior, and restrict reproduction to the people who are able to understand the laws, and are willing to follow them.
Some nations have lower-quality people

India does not have a shortage of food

Many Americans are trying to improve the lives of the people in India, Pakistan, Africa, and other nations by providing them with food, school books, solar panels, and other material items, but those nations already have the industries and technology to produce food, books, and other items.

Providing the primitive nations with food, schoolbooks, and clothing is not helping them because they not not suffering from a shortage of those items. Every nation is already producing enormous amounts of food, clothing, and other items.

We cannot solve a problem unless we have a realistic understanding of the cause of the problem. Hunger is the result of overpopulation, not a shortage of food. Therefore, providing hungry people with food makes the problem worse, not better.

Likewise, bribery is a more serious problem in India than it is in Germany and Japan because there is a higher percentage of people with low quality minds in India than there are in Japan and Germany. We cannot reduce the bribery in India by giving them handouts of food, schoolbooks, or clothing. The only way to reduce the bribery in India is to restrict the reproduction of the Indian people to those who have higher quality minds.

The men who are gang raping women in India are not suffering from a shortage of food, schoolbooks, or solar panels. Therefore, we cannot reduce the gang rapes by giving those items to India. The only way to reduce the gang rapes is to restrict reproduction to the higher-quality Indians.


Taiwan is a much smaller nation than mainland China, and has fewer resources, but it is much more advanced because the people in Taiwan, as a group, have superior genetic characteristics than the people in mainland China.

A European man who lived in China for many years has created videos that show some of the problems of China. In this video, he explains that a lot of the Chinese people are routinely cheating one another, and he claims that a famous remark in China is:
If you can cheat, then cheat.

That man is just one of many who has complained that a large percentage of the Chinese population are willing to routinely cheat, steal, lie, and deceive. For example, this news article has information about some of the bridges and railroads that the Chinese government has failed to complete because of corruption.

Another example of their corruption is this video that shows how the Chinese have created more than a billion apartments that nobody is living in. The reason the apartments are empty is because there are so many Chinese citizens, business executives, and government officials who are willing to cheat that they have trouble producing high quality products, and completing projects properly.

There is more corruption in China than there is in the USA, Taiwan, Western Europe, and Japan, but it is not because of imperialism or capitalism, or because Taiwan separated from China. It is also not because the Japanese attacked China in World War II, or because of the Opium Wars. It is because China has a lot of genetically inferior people.

The Chinese people are constantly cheating one another. A group of people with such low quality minds will never be able to create businesses, schools, governments, recreational activities, or militaries that are as efficient, pleasant, or productive as a group of people who can trust one another and work together as a team.

The mainland Chinese are angry about the abuse they suffered from Japan during World War II, but the reason they were so easily beaten by small number of Japanese is because of their low quality minds. They should blame themselves, not the Japanese. Actually, China might want to thank Japan because the Japanese undoubtedly got rid of some of their lower-quality people. (This concept was described here.)

Japan and Germany have been extremely productive during the past few centuries, and have very clean, orderly cities. The reason is because their culture sets higher standards of behavior. Both of those nations are much more intolerant of crime than other nations.

The mainland Chinese people are envious of Taiwan, Japan, and other nations, and they want to get control of Taiwan, but if they were to get control of Taiwan, they would cause it to degrade to the low level of mainland China.

Mainland China does not need any more land or resources. They need better leadership and better culture, and they need to start restricting the reproduction of their genetically inferior people.

The ancient societies degraded because of a lack of standards

The most advanced societies a few thousand years ago were in China, Egypt, Greece, India, the Middle East, and Italy, but all of them deteriorated for the same reason that Western Europe in the USA are deteriorating today. Specifically, no culture sets high standards for immigrants or their own children. This causes the advanced societies to accumulate low-quality people.

The deterioration of those ancient societies should be used as examples for students to understand why we must set high standards for both immigrants and our own children.

Russia has lots of low quality people, also

The organization in Russia, StopXam, tries to stop people from being irresponsible with automobiles, such as this woman who was driving on a sidewalk in order to avoid traffic, but StopXam is a failure. They believe that they can improve people's behavior by embarrassing, educating, or insulting the badly behaved people, but the only way to improve the behavior of the Russian people is to put restrictions on which of the Russian people can reproduce.

Russia has a lot of crime, stupid behavior, government corruption, cheating, bribery, alcoholism, and other problems, but their problems are not the result of imperialism, capitalism, or a shortage of land or resources. It is because Russia has a lot of low quality people, especially the Russian Jews.

One of the more advanced cities of Russia seems to be St. Petersburg, and the reason is undoubtedly because it is farther away from central Asia than the other Russian cities.

Russia will not improve simply by changing its government system, school system, economic system, or holiday celebrations. A group of crude, dishonest, selfish, and abusive savages will create a miserable nation no matter what their culture is. The only way to improve Russia is to restrict the reproduction of their low-quality people.

Different races have different genetic characteristics

Virtually everybody is willing to acknowledge that different species of animals have different genetic characteristics, and that results in them having different intelligence, vision, physical size, diet, and behavior. However, every culture refuses to believe that humans are just another species of animal, and that our genetic characteristics are also determining our intelligence, vision, physical size, diet, and behavior.

Every culture is promoting the fantasy that men and women, and all of the different races, are virtually identical in their intelligence, learning ability, technical skills, emotions, and other mental characteristics. That fantasy is emotionally pleasant, but it prevents us from understanding our behavior and problems, which in turn prevents us from improving our world.

Low-quality Europeans are better than ordinary Asians.

The USA was created by, and is still dominated by, the low-quality Europeans, but the USA is a much more pleasant and advanced nation than those in East Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. The reason is simply because the low-quality Europeans are genetically superior to the ordinary people in central Asia and other nations.

Likewise, Australia is more desirable than India, Pakistan, mainland China, and central Asia because the criminals of England are higher-quality people than the typical Asians.

The USA would be even more desirable if we had set higher standards for the Asian immigrants. It is those immigrants, especially the Russian Jews, that are the biggest problem in the USA, not the immigrants of Western Europe.

If the USA had been dominated by the highest-quality Europeans, and if we had set high standards for all of the immigrants, the USA would be even more advanced, and we would have much less crime, corruption, and chaos.

Even though the USA is dominated by the wretched refuse and huddled masses of Western Europe, millions of people around the world want to live in the USA. The reason is because the wretched refuse of Europe treat people with more dignity and respect than the typical Pakistani, Indian, and Chinese citizen, and we create a better society than they can create. The wretched refuse of Europe are more honest and dependable, and less likely to participate in gang rapes, bribery, and stealing mail.

Those other nations should be embarrassed that their nations are so unpleasant, but instead they insult us. They want to live with us, but instead of acknowledging that we behave better than they do, they whine about us, hate us, and accuse us of nonsensical crimes, such as "white privilege". Their whining and hatred is an example of why their nations are inferior to ours.

The terrible behavior in the Third World nations is the result of the people in those nations, not a shortage of food, or because the advanced nations are exploiting them.
Everybody is responsible for his behavior

Bad behavior is a choice

This constitution gives the government a lot of authority, and puts a lot of restrictions on the freedom of the people. This will result in some people worrying that it will create a government that is as abusive as those in some of the dystopian movies and fiction books, such as Orwell's 1984.

If a government is abusive, it is not because they have "power" or "authority". Rather, it is because of the people in the government, and the people who put them into the government, and the people who did nothing to stop the abuse. For two examples of this concept:

Parents are essentially dictators of their children. However, parents that are abusive, such as Joseph Fritzl, are not abusive because they have dictatorial control of their children, or because of poverty, ignorance, racism, anti-Semitism, or sexism. Rather, the parents who abuse their children are doing so because they want to.

A doctor who rapes his patients while they are anesthetized is doing so because he wants to, not because he has authority.

Government officials can be abusive regardless of whether the government is a democracy, Marxism, a dictatorship, or the type of government that this Constitution creates. Likewise, business executives can be abusive regardless of how they structure their business, and regardless of the nation's laws and unions. School teachers can be abusive, incompetent, and involved with pedophile networks regardless of whether their school is private or public, and regardless of the laws, government system, and economic system of their nation.

We must blame the person for his bad behavior

Every culture evolved to give us what we want, and we want to avoid responsibility for our problems, so every culture allows us to blame our problems on something nonsensical, such as poverty, discrimination, anti-Semitism, or other people. This makes it impossible for us to solve our problems. For example:

Blaming drug abuse on the businesses that produce and sell drugs causes the police to get into fights with those people, but it does nothing to stop drug abuse or help us understand why people are abusing drugs.

When a woman spilled hot coffee in her lap while in her automobile, we allowed her to blame the business that made the coffee. Instead of reducing the problem of people who hurt themselves while eating in an automobile, we encourage more lawsuits for such behavior, such as this girl who burned herself with chicken McNuggets.

The differences between us is subtle

In 1897, an American newspaper published an article that pointed out that the caste system in India was not much different from the class system of Europe. The author is correct, but that concept is true for everything. For example, there is not much of a difference between a criminal and an honest person, or between an obese person and a thin person.

All humans are similar to one another. We all have the same intellectual, emotional, and physical characteristics. We all have similar fears, nutritional needs, and desires.

This concept also applies to animals. There is not much of a difference between different species of animals, and within each species, there's not much of a difference between the individual creatures. In a group of wolves, for example, there is not much of a difference between the leader of the group and the lowest ranking member.

However, being similar is not the same as being identical. The subtle differences between us are the reason that:

One person has a pleasant life, and another person is miserable.

One person has a wonderful marriage, and another person has a miserable marriage.

One person can pronounce words properly and speak smoothly, and another person stutters, slurs, or speaks in a more "rough" manner.

One person is good looking and has pleasant body odors, and another is ugly and stinky.

One person can understand evolution and genetics, and another believes in Noah's Ark or Freudian psychology.

There are only subtle differences between the races of humans, but the subtle differences are important. Those subtle differences result in India having more gang rapes, bribery, starvation, and religion, than Germany and Japan.

Likewise, the people who emigrated to the USA, and the Africans who were sold as slaves, were not a random sample of the population. They were not identical to their relatives who remained in their nation. There were subtle differences between them and their relatives.

Although some of the immigrants, and possibly some of the slaves, had better-than-average characteristics, most of them had slightly inferior characteristics, which resulted in Americans having more problems with alcohol, religion, gambling, crime, mental illness, and other problems,. compared to their relatives who remained in their nation.

Modern humans must be able to accept reality

It was acceptable for prehistoric people to believe in fantasies because nature handled the unpleasant issue of who should live and who should reproduce. Now that we prevent nature from dealing with those issues, we must deal with these issues. This requires that we restrict leadership positions to people who can understand that humans are a species of ape.

The people who cannot understand, or refuse to believe, that humans are apes will give us idiotic policies. This has been mentioned in many documents. To summarize it, their inability to understand that human emotions are animal emotions, and that our emotions developed for an important reason, causes them to come to idiotic conclusions about our behavior. For example:

Their inability to understand the purpose of our sexual inhibitions causes them to assume that children will be harmed by nudity and sex education.

Their inability to understand why we have emotional cravings causes them to assume that we are abused or denied our freedom when a spouse, parent, or government prevents us from doing what we want to do.

A man who cannot understand that we inherited the arrogance of an animal, and their craving to be a leader, will assume that his emotional feeling of superiority is because he truly is a super educated, super geniuses who is better than other people, and that he deserves to be the leader of the world.

The inability to understand that human behavior is the result of the genetic characteristics of our brain causes people to believe that we can improve human behavior with punishments and rehabilitation programs.

The inability to understand that our sexual characteristics are the result of a random mixture of genes, causes people to assume that they can stop the unusual sexual behavior by passing laws against homosexuality, beastiality, coprophilia, pedophilia, and other behavior, or by putting those people through rehabilitation programs.

Likewise, their inability to realize that we have the body of an ape causes people to come to idiotic conclusions about our body. For example:

The inability to understand why male animals have a sheath around their penis causes religious people to assume that their particular god decided to design boys with an unnecessary component.

The inability to understand why our skin produces oils and fragrances causes people to assume that we must use soap and shampoo to remove our natual oils and fragrances and replace them with artificial oils and fragrances.

The inability to understand that many genetic characteristics of humans have been degrading for thousands of years results in people assuming that childbirth is difficult only for humans because we are such special creatures. Likewise, they cannot understand why there are so many people with dental problems, bad breath, stinky bodies, bad eyesight, and mental illness.

The people who want to ignore or cannot understand genetics are misfits in this modern era, and they are causing trouble by interfering with our understanding of ourselves, and our ability to solve our social problems. Those misfits must be prohibited from influential positions, and they should not reproduce. We need higher-quality people today.

We do not have the technology to fix a person's brain. The people with only mildly annoying behavior can be put on restrictions, such as restricting them to certain neighborhoods or jobs, but they should be prohibited from reproducing. The more destructive people must be evicted from society, and they must be prohibited from reproducing.

In order to provide ourselves with respectable governments, business executives, doctors, teachers, and citizens, we need people with higher quality brains, and the only way to achieve that is to control reproduction.

The Ministers must set high standards

In order for us to create a pleasant and efficient business, social club, school system, hospital, police department, nation, or other organization, we must set high standards for the members. A group of dishonest, neurotic, selfish, or stupid people will create a miserable organization no matter what its culture is, no matter how much technology and resources they have.

One of the lessons that we should learn from the USA and Europe is that when there are no standards for the immigrants or children, the nation will quickly be destroyed by immigrants and children with low-quality minds.

In order for a person to qualify for the job of Behavior, Courts, or Security Minister, he must show an above-average understanding of these concepts. He must be willing to set high standards for the citizens, and especially for the people in influential positions. He must be intolerant of destructive behavior, and he must be willing to evict the destructive people rather than try to cure them with punishments or rehabilitation programs.