Our mind determines our attitudes
and behavior
All of us prefer to blame
our troubles on other people or mysterious concepts, but every adult is
in control of his life, not other people, the devil, poverty, or
ignorance. If we had complete surveillance of a person's life, we would
discover that almost all of the problems that he suffered from were the
result of decisions that he made.
Although "ignorance" affects our attitudes and decisions, we cannot
blame ignorance for our problems because it is our mind that determines what
we are educated about, and what we are ignorant about. For example, our
mind determines whether we are knowledgeable about Jesus or evolution.
It is also our mind that determines whether we can figure out if
astronauts can see stars on the moon, and whether we are willing to
accept the evidence that humans are a species of ape.
Likewise, the people who are in debt are not suffering
from "poverty" or a "low income". Rather, they are victims of their decisions
to spend more money than they have.
We make bad decisions because we
are apes
We are a species of ape, so
we have the intellectual and emotional characteristics of an animal. As a
result, our mind was designed to deal with the problems that animals
face in their struggle for survival. Our mind was not designed
to deal with the problems of our modern, technically advanced era. The
result is that
we frequently make idiotic decisions about what to do, who to trust,
what to believe, what to be afraid of, and how to treat other people.
We make decisions about food like
an animal
We cannot even make
sensible decisions about food. All of
us have made stupid
decisions about food, especially when we were young, such as eating so
much that we don't feel good. Although we learn from our mistakes and
make better
decisions as we get older, the majority of people continue to make so
many stupid
decisions about food throughout their life that they hurt themselves.
We don't need to do scientific research to figure out that most people
are routinely making bad decisions about food. All we
have to do is look at them and
notice that they are overweight,
and that many if them have trouble climbing stairs and bending
One study conducted between 2007 and 2012 showed
that about 70% of Americans were overweight, and studies since then
show that the number of overweight people has increased every year.
survey claims that more than 40% of Americans suffer from constipation
at least once a month, and almost 50% suffer from diarrhea at least
once a month. Some or most of those problems are likely to be due to
decisions that they made about what, when, and how much to eat.
About 11%
of the US population has diabetes, although we don't know how much of
that is due to a person's decisions about food.
survey shows that a significant
percentage of the US population has
trouble controlling their food consumption during holidays, especially
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
There are so many Americans who have trouble controlling their food
consumption during
Thanksgiving that some plumbers refer to the day after
Thanksgiving as Brown
Friday. That should be considered as a disgrace to a
culture, or as a failure of
the culture, not as an amusing characteristic.
Many people are appalled by the Black Friday shoppers who get into fights the day
after Thanksgiving, but the people who cannot control their food
consumption on Thanksgiving are not behaving much better, and neither
are the people who cannot control their arrogance and temper and get
into arguments
during the Thanksgiving dinner.
Our meals should be one of our major sources of pleasure in life, not a
source for fighting over political issues or material items, or
becoming uncomfortable from overeating.
If a boarding school were to provide the children with meals that
caused 70% of them to become overweight, and caused a significant
percentage suffering from diarrhea and constipation, and created a
social environment in which they were frequently fighting with each
other during their meals, we would consider the management of the
boarding school to be incompetent.
When the majority of people in
a society are overweight, and frequently arguing with each other during
their meals, and suffering health problems as a result of their eating
habits, we should consider their culture to be a failure. However, our arrogance
causes us to resist looking critically at ourselves and our
culture. Furthermore, instead of experimenting with improvements to our
culture, our fear of the unknown causes us to repeat the same behavior
day after day.
The problems we have with food are the result of having an ape brain
while developing the technology to provide ourselves with phenomenal
amounts of food. The fights that occurred during our meals are the
result of having the arrogance of an ape, and their desire to fight for
In order to improve our lives, we must be able to understand and
acknowledge that we are apes, and we must be able to exert control over
our emotional cravings. We need to push ourselves into discussing issues with other people,
rather than believe that we have the answers to life.
worst enemy is our own mind
Our arrogance causes each
of us, especially men, to
believe that we are super intelligent, highly educated experts on
virtually every subject,
but in reality we are just ignorant apes with crude emotions and low
levels of self-control.
We have trouble handling the freedom to select our meals, spend money,
and select our government officials. All of us occasionally make bad
decisions for ourselves and our family, but we resist looking
critically at ourselves, admitting to making mistakes, and trying to
learn from our mistakes.
Instead, we blame our problems other people, or
mysterious concepts, such as poverty, racism, sexism, a death in the
family, Russian influence, or anti-Semitism.
is increasing because of our
In the early 1960s, I and
other children would regularly walk or ride bicycles to school, wander
around the neighborhoods after school, without our parents worrying
about us becoming victims of pedophiles or teenage gangs. Hitchhiking
was a common activity for teenagers and young adults, and even some
young children.
Today parents are afraid to let their children walk to school and
wander around by themselves, and everybody is terrified of hitchhiking.
There is so much violence at some schools that armed policemen are
patrolling the schools.
Crime has been increasing during the past few decades, but not because
of criminals, the devil, poverty, or a declining interest in the Bible.
It is the result of our bad decisions.
For example:
We have chosen to
believe that we can cure a criminal with punishments, and the reason is
because, as mentioned in many other documents, we are animals, and animals react to bad
behavior by hitting and biting the badly behaved animal.
We have chosen to ignore the evidence that punishments
cannot cure a criminal, and the reason is because we are arrogant
animals who resist looking critically at ourselves and our culture, and
because we are animals that are frightened
to try something different from what we are accustomed to.
We have chosen to
believe that the children of rapists, murderers, and other criminals
are just as wonderful and precious as the children of honest people,
and the reason is because we are animals, and animals have an intense
craving to take care of all of their babies rather than pass judgment
on their quality.
In order to reduce crime, we must suppress our animal cravings and
experiment with culture that is based on scientific evidence. Although
we are ignorant about human behavior, our experiments will allow us to
learn about ourselves and eventually create a society that is so
peaceful that children can freely wander around the city by themselves,
including at night.
We could provide the city with a variety of recreational facilities for
children, none of which would need armed guards. Parents could let
their children walk or ride bicycles to those facilities, as the image
below is supposed to show.
None of the children would be afraid of criminals or bullies, and with
the transportation system underground, none of them would be concerned
about automobiles. The city could allow small electric vehicles for
exploring the city and surrounding forest, but they would be
slow-moving, and have their own roads.
We could create a society that is so peaceful that young girls could
hitchhike along the paths that we ride electric cars without any
concern of being molested or hearing lewd remarks.
The concept of a city in
which the men are taking care of the women and children seems
impossible, but it is possible.
We simply have to change the path that we are on, stop allowing
ourselves to become victims of our animal cravings and fears, and experiment with our culture.
are not victims of our
Many of us, probably most
of us, regularly complain about the incompetence and corruption of
the government, but most people don't make any attempt to improve the
because they claim to be helpless victims of the government, the "super
rich", the
military-industrial complex, the "deep state", or the
"special interests".
However, the government is corrupt because the voters continuously make
terrible decisions about who to elect
to the government, and what they want
the government to do, and they do nothing to remove the incompetent and
corrupt officials. Many people refuse to consider the possibility
that Senator Mitch McConnell is suffering
from significant mental
Every organization is whatever the majority of
members make it to be.
Every government is corrupt, and there are lots of abusive businesses,
ineffective schools, and dishonest charities, because the majority of
people created
or allowed
those problems.
The majority of people have total
control of their government,
economic system, school system, and other culture, regardless of
whether they have a
dictatorship, democracy, or communism. The public appears to be
helpless for three main reasons:
We want to be submissive
to our leaders.
We inherited the
animal's craving to be submissive
to whoever
gets into a leadership position, regardless of how he
behaves and treats us. This desire allows one
Pharaoh, King, president, or Pope to exploit and abuse billions of
For example, the US military leaders have told their members to
remain silent
about the 9/11 attack and many other issues. They told the military
personnel that it is detrimental for them to "express personal
opinions" and
"conspiracy theories".

personnel must be able to differentiate between following sensible
orders and being tricked
into becoming a submissive
The purpose of a military is to protect
their nation,
and that requires that they know who their
enemy is, where
their enemy is located, how their
enemy is attacking them, and as many
other details as they can discover.
Discussing the evidence that the 9/11 attack was a false flag operation
is not
violating orders, being insubordinate, or spreading crazy
conspiracy theories.
Rather, it is analyzing an
attack in order to identify the enemy and their tactics.
Every employee, regardless of whether he is in the military, factory,
or in office, should contribute to the welfare of the organization by
pointing out potential problems and mistakes. When an employee has
questions about his orders, or is concerned about some issue, he should
be free to ask his supervisor about it, and he should be given
intelligent responses rather than being reprimanded.
The same concept applies to students. They should be feel free to ask
questions about what they are learning rather than be told to keep
their mouth shut and believe whatever they are told.
In order to protect the nation, all the military personnel must be
aware of the concept that their enemy will to try trick them in
a variety of different ways. The military leaders should educate their
members on as many of the tricks as possible, and they should encourage
their members to constantly watch for evidence that they are being
tricked, and to let their leaders know when they think they are being
The US military leaders are doing the opposite.
Although they allow their members to learn about the concept of camouflage,
and a few other tricks, they suppress the military personnel who notice
aspects of the 9/11
attack, the Holocaust, the world wars, the attack on the USS Liberty,
and other issues. This allows a small number of military leaders to
keep their members so ignorant that they can be tricked into attacking
their friends
providing assistance to their enemy.
We must be aware of our craving to be
submissive to our leaders, and we must be able to control that craving. We must regard
leaders as people in a management job, not as Kings or Queens. We must
push ourselves into being as critical of our leaders as we are a
factory workers, and we must replace
the leaders who are incompetent or
abusive. We must
be able to differentiate between being respectful
of leaders, and being as submissive
as a stupid animal.
However, a person who believes that he is a creation of a supreme
being, or that his mind is
like a piece of clay, will not understand
the concept that he has an animal's
to be submissive to the people who are above him in the
hierarchy, so he is not going to
be aware of or
control that craving.
People today must meet higher standards for education and
mental abilities. The people who cannot meet the standards must be evicted because they are apes in
human clothing.
We are arrogant
Another reason we believe we are helpless to improve the world is
because our arrogance makes it difficult for us to look critically at
and our culture, take responsibility
for our problems, look favorably at other people's opinions, work
together as a team, compromise on policies, and work for the benefit of
the human race.
We prefer to spend our time pleasing ourselves, regarding
other people as inferior to us, and blaming our problems on other
people or intangible concepts. A small, organized group of criminals
will easily be able to dominate an unorganized gathering of selfish
In order for us to improve the world, we must have enough control over
our arrogance and selfishness so that we can work in a team, and for the benefit
of the team.
The majority can be outsmarted by a minority.
One reason that the majority of people cannot be expected to do much to
help the nation is because they are easily outsmarted by people who are more
intelligent than them.
Everybody is a random jumble
of genetic
characteristics, and this results in most people being ordinary or
below-average in intelligence. Therefore, most people cannot make "above-average"
about managing their nation.
Their low intelligence also results in them choosing something idiotic
or detrimental when they decide to do something to help society. For
example, some of them believe that they can stop hunger or cancer by
donating money to a charity, and some believe that they will improve
the world by pressuring people into joining their religion, becoming
a vegan, or by purchasing a gun.
This is a problem that cannot
be truly solved. The only way to prevent the majority of people from
being outsmarted is to have leaders who have the intelligence and
education to notice when criminals are trying to outsmart the public,
and who have the desire and ability to stop those criminals. However,
that is not a simple task. How do we determine who among us has that
ability? And how do we ensure that those people are put into leadership
positions? Who among us will make the decisions about who should be in
a leadership position? This dilemma is one of the reasons that this
constitution is putting so much emphasis on
It is also the reason that this constitution requires the government to
maintain a social credit system, and the City Elders. We must pass
judgment on one another's mental characteristics and determine who we
want to influence society.
The "public" is a large group of people, and our leaders are a small
percentage of the population. A small group of people cannot abuse
a large group of people unless the large group allows the
The public is regularly abused by the leaders of businesses, government
agencies, charities, churches, and other organizations, but it
is because the public allows
abuse. They are
victims because of their decisions.
For example, as of 2024, most people in many nations are still
supporting Kings and
Queens, and the majority of people around the world are allowing
wealthy people to give their businesses, land, and
to their children and ex-spouse, thereby allowing economic Kings
and Queens.
people are not experts in
Most of us believe that we
are experts on food, nutrition,
raising children, abortion, crime, choosing government officials,
marriage, and other issues, but the
majority of people make average or below-average decisions about those
Every culture is promoting the attitude that people are "equal", but
most people are ordinary,
and half the population is below-average.
majority of people have nothing
intelligent to say about any issue. Most people's opinions are ordinary
or stupid.
Two examples of how the public makes terrible decisions about managing
a modern society are:
1) They ignore evidence of
2) They don't understand the value of a DNA database.
#1: We must stop ignoring
In January 2024, The Daily
Mail released an audio recording of John DeWit's attempt
to bribe and intimidate Kari Lake, and his remarks are proof
that the American government is being bribed, threatened, and
intimidated by a group of criminals.
John DeWit reacted by resigning
from the government the next day, and a few days later he released this
document in which he explained that he resigned because:
"I received an ultimatum from Lake’s
team: resign today or face the release of a new, more damaging
Instead of demanding that her other audio recording(s) be released, and
that the FBI or police investigate the corruption, many journalists
reacted by
trying to make it
appear as if the audio recordings were insignificant.
For example, Laura
Gersony suggested
that the recordings were " political theater"
rather than " exposing
The FBI, police departments, US government officials, and almost
everybody else in an influential position of the USA also ignored or
minimized the recordings. Some people complained that the conversation
place more than 10 months ago, which implies that a crime that is more
than 10 months old is no longer of importance. The Jews tell us to never forget, but
all of the Jews want us to forget about this crime.
Furthermore, Kari Lake, and the people who work with her, such as
Carolyn Wren and Garrett Ventry, are also remaining silent about
the corruption rather than demanding an
investigation. Their silence implies that
they have been intimidated, persuaded, or tricked into silence by some
organization, such as the FBI, military, or NSA, or that Kari Lake
exposed the corruption only to make DeWit resign, which would
mean that
she used the crime as a tool
for her benefit, not to expose
or stop corruption, or to improve the nation.

Our government is corrupt because the voters, police, and other people do nothing to
stop the corruption.
Kari Lake's recordings are proof
of corruption, but the majority of American people do not care.
The public also doesn't care why the FBI, journalists, and police
agencies are ignoring the corruption, or minimizing the
of the audio recordings.
Many people during the past century have provided the public with
that we
have been lied to about wars, the sinking of the Titanic, the Federal
Reserve, the creation of Israel, the 9/11 attack, the Holocaust, the
Apollo moon landing, and other issues, but the majority of people ignore or ridicule
the evidence.
An organization can only be as good as its members can make it. It is impossible to
eliminate corruption when the majority of people ignore or ridicule the
evidence that people in influential positions are involved with crime.
#2: We must have a DNA database
There have been many crimes
in which the police collected DNA of the criminal, but did not know who
it belonged to because no culture authorizes the government to create a
database of everybody's DNA.
In 2006, some citizens became so angry about the lack of a DNA database
that they pressured the New Mexico state government into passing " Katie’s
Law" that allowed the police to collect a DNA sample of anyone
arrested on for "violent" felony. That law was altered in 2011 to allow
DNA samples for all felonies.
Years later some citizens in Nevada became angry, and they pressured
the Nevada government into passing " Brianna's
Law", which requires the police to collect DNA samples from people
arrested for a felony.
Other states have passed similar laws. Although those laws might seem
to be examples of citizens who are so concerned about society that they
involved with trying to improve it, the laws are actually examples of
Our emotions
are inappropriate today.
As discussed here,
we are so selfish that we
don't care about a problem until it irritates
us. For example, the people who demanded Katie's law had no concern
about DNA databases until Katie was murdered. Likewise, the people who
demanded Brianna's
Law had no concern until Brianna was murdered.
People today need more intelligence.
As of 2024, many states now have laws that are similar to Brianna's Law
and Katie's Law, but those laws
allow collecting DNA from only people
convicted of felonies. Two problems with those laws are:
1) |
The police
can get a DNA sample of a person only after he
commits a felony,
and only
if the police are successful in arresting
him for the crime. Therefore, the first time a person commits a felony,
the police will not
be able to identify him because he won't yet have his DNA in the
This allows him to commit more crimes.
A criminal who
is only caught while committing misdemeanors
never has to give a DNA sample, which makes it easy for him to get away
with committing more misdemeanors.
If he decides to commit a felony,
the police will not have a sample of his DNA to identify him..
It is more beneficial for us to regard our DNA as as
"identification" technique, similar to how we put a photograph of our
face on
our driver's license, and how we regard fingerprints as identification.
The police should have a DNA sample of everybody.
do not allow people to keep their face
a secret, and we should not allow people to keep their genetic
information a secret. However, most people have such a resistance to
thinking, such low
intelligence, and/or such an inadequate education, that they cannot
understand the value of having a database of everybody's DNA.
Furthermore, most people have such a strong craving to be submissive to
their leaders that they allow their leaders to promote the concept that
our DNA is "personal" or "private" information that should be kept
secret. Not many
people have the ability to look critically at their leaders or their
culture, so there are not many people discussing such issues as:
1) |
How will we
be harmed by having a DNA database of everybody?
Wouldn't a
DNA database protect innocent people
by reducing the chances that they are accidentally considered guilty of
a crime?
Many state
governments force us to put our automobiles through routine smog
inspections, even if we've only driven a few thousand miles since the
last inspection. The officials don't have any evidence that the
inspections are providing benefits that outweigh the disadvantages, but
they force us to do them anyway.
By comparison, we would benefit tremendously
by having a national database of DNA, but the governments refuse to
authorize it. Why are they more concerned with inspecting automobiles
than in reducing crime? Do they truly believe that our DNA should be
kept secret? Or are they afraid
that a DNA database will expose the crimes that they and their friends
are involved with?
The majority of people are incapable of making wise decisions about
DNA, crime, and every other problem of a modern society.
have prehistoric minds
The human mind evolved for
the life of a nomadic tribe, and although we have undergone some
evolutionary changes during the past few thousand years, none of us
have a mind that has been completely adapted to this modern era.

Most people
have a mind that is designed for the simple life of perhaps 5000 BC,
and nobody has a mind
that has evolved for 2024.
If we could measure the intellectual and emotional characteristics of
each of our minds, and if we could compare our minds to all of our
ancestors, we would discover that the majority of people have mental
characteristics that are most similar to our ancestors of perhaps 5000
We would also discover that none of us
are have evolved the mental characteristics that we need for 2024. The
human mind needs to evolve a lot more before we are properly adapated
to 2024, but by the time humans have evolved for 2024, it will be 3267
or 5015, and our societies will be even more complex.
Our mind evolved to deal with such simple problems as
hunger, cold
weather, predators, and feeding children. We do not have the
desire and/or the intelligence to
deal with the complex problems that we have today, such as voting,
abortion, money, school, laws, alcohol, organized religions, Zionism,
television, and guns.
Or mine did not evolve to deal with crime
networks, or to watch for the modern tricks that criminals use to
deceive us,
such as Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Pied Pipers,
Gaslighting, Strawman, and Contaminating the Punch Bowl.
The sexual desires of men evolved for an environment in which the women
are frequently naked and have hair on their body. We did not evolve to
deal with women who wear beautiful clothing, and who have bathrooms to
keep themselves clean and shave their body hair to make themselves
artificially attractive. We also did not evolve for a social
environment in which businesses are using sexual titillation to
manipulate us.
have prehistoric bodies
Our body has not yet
adapted to this modern era, either. For example,
our body was not designed to sit for hours in a chair at a computer or
in a airplane, or
to deal with large amounts
of sugar, grains, or animal milk.
Some people have a body that is better adapted to our modern era, but
nobody has a body that is completely adapted to it.
We need to study our bodies, and the
differences between men and women, different ages, and different races.
We can then use that information to alter our culture to keep us in
good health, and to make decisions on who should reproduce.
We must be critical of ourselves
All us believe that we are
experts on nutrition, raising children, Donald Trump, abortion, and
most other issues, but our confidence does not come from
with those issues.
Rather, it is the result of inheriting the emotional
characteristics of an animal;
specifically, their extreme arrogance.
Science did not become productive until people
came to the
realization that they must be critical of their brilliant ideas,
and they must verify one another's ideas. They discovered
that what "makes sense" to a human mind is not necessarily realistic.
Modern scientists are very critical of their ideas about chemistry,
engineering, and other technical fields, but the human race has not yet
figured out that this concept also applies to voting, recreational
activities, holiday celebrations,
meals, raising children, abortion, drugs, crime, marriage, and other
social issues.
Every person still has the primitive attitude that something that
sense" is correct. Nobody believes that
they need to find supporting evidence for their brilliant opinions, or
that they need other people to verify the accuracy of their opinions.
As a result of this arrogant attitude, most people frequently give
lectures, or get into arguments, about who to elect as president, how
to raise children, and what our policy should be about crime,
marijuana, immigration, feminism, and abortion.
brilliant opinions are collages of information trash
One of the other reasons
that science became productive a few centuries ago is because
scientists realized that they must identify the sources of
information. They realized that they were building on the work of
other people, rather than creating new knowledge, and they must
identify that other information so that other scientists can understand
what they are basing their theories on. However, this is another
concept that has not yet been applied to social issues.
Every person creates opinions about social issues by processing the
information that he picked up during his life. A person's opinion about
crime, Zionism, marijuana, and gambling is the result of him
processing the information he picked up about those issues. However, it
is not natural for us to keep track of who we are
getting our information from, or to verify the accuracy of the
Children are like sponges that gather information without any concern
for where it comes from or what it is. The reason is because they
evolved for an environment in which they can trust the adults and the information
that they are provided.

gather bits of other
people’s opinions.
As we grow up, we collect bits and pieces of information from other
people. We essentially cut out pieces of newspaper articles and create
a collage of information.
We assume that we are creating brilliant opinions, but in reality we
are creating collages of other
Furthermore, we don't make much of an effort to verify the information
that we choose to put into our collage. Instead, we are concerned only
with whether the
information "makes sense". This results in us preferring the
information that is emotionally pleasing.
We are also likely to believe information that we get from a person we
admire or respect, such as the Pope, a Hollywood celebrity, a
billionaire, or a Queen. Therefore, the value of our opinions is partly
dependent upon our ability to select appropriate role models.
Our knowledge about life is a collage of other people's information, but
those other people are also creating collages of other people's
information. Therefore, our knowledge is a collage of pieces of other
collages. And since nobody verifies any of their information, all of
our collages are full of mistakes, propaganda, and lies.
people have more valuable collages
All of us are exposed to
virtually the same information, but we pick out different pieces for
our collage. The value of our collage depends upon our ability to
choose information. The the social scientists and religious fanatics,
for example, are ignoring a lot of information about evolution, and
collecting lots of worthless information.
Big Bang theory is a collage of religious
The Big Bang theory was
first proposed in
1927 by Georges Lemaître,
a Catholic priest. All he did was modify some of the religious nonsense
that he had picked up from other religious fanatics. Specifically, he
removed God
from the creationism theory, which
resulted in a theory in which the universe creates itself.
That is not
an intelligent alternative to creationism. It is just a worthless
modification of a nonsensical religious fantasy. The
Big Bang Theory doesn't explain the universe any better than the Bible.
Actually, the Bible might have fewer
contradictions. For example, the Big Bang theory claims that everything
is expanding outward from a single point, while at the same time
claiming that galaxies are colliding with each other. Ethan Siegel
wrote this
article to defend the Big Bang theory, and one of his remarks is that " there's no center point to the event
of the Big Bang"
because " the Universe didn't
explode; it just expanded."
All human languages are still very crude, and Siegel is an example of
people who are confused by some of the vague
words. Siegel believes that he has clarified the Big Bang theory by
the word "explode" with "expand", but that doesn't clarify the theory
any better than if he had said that the universe widened, swelled,
extended, filled out, distended, dilated, bloated, increased in size,
inflated, or enlarged.
No matter which word is chosen, it cannot
how the universe expanded from a tiny point without that
location becoming the center of the expansion. Also, no matter which
word is chosen, it cannot explain how the galaxies can collide
with one another when they are traveling outward from
the center of the Big Bang.
need the freedom to make my own meals!”
One of the most important
activities of our lives is eating
food, and this constitution gives the Meals Ministry the authority to
control food recipes and meals. Whether we benefit by this depends
upon the ability of the voters to select an appropriate Health
President, and the ability of the Health President to select a
competent Meals
Minister. For some examples of how some people would be a terrible
Meals Minister:
woman would put pee into
our food. |
A fanatical vegan
would prohibit meat, or force us to eat insects. |
A person who
refuses to believe that we are apes would design meals with no regard
to the genetic characteristics of a human body. Instead, he will be
more interested in making the meals pleasurable.
If we can provide ourselves with a Meals Minister who is a zoologist
that specializes in humans, then he would realize that humans evolved
to eat certain foods, and that each of us has different reactions and
allergies to foods. He would experiment with meals that are designed to
fit our genetic characteristics, and he would be willing to investigate
the possibility
that men and women, and different ages and races, need slightly
different meals. He would provide us with meals that are healthier
than what we would get from the religious fanatics, Freudian
psychologists, and other anti-evolutionary people. We would benefit
from his guidance.
Giving people the freedom to choose their own meals is idiotic because
most of us have never done any research into nutrition. Furthermore,
the people who have done research into health are just blind men
feeling an elephant, so their decisions are only slightly less idiotic
than ours.
Letting people
choose their own meals
is as idiotic as letting people choose their own medicines. Although scientists and
doctors still do not know much about medicines, they can make better
decisions about medicines than the rest of us, so we benefit from
their advice.
Furthermore, scientists will make much better decisions about medicines
and foods when we restrict them to people who have an above-average
understanding that humans are a species of
ape, and when they are free of the pressure from businesses, Zionists,
religious fanatics, and psychologists to promote a particular medicine
or food.
Scientists and doctors will also make better decisions about medicines
and foods when we maintain a People database
that contains details about everybody's health because that database
will allow them to get a better understanding of the human mind and
are victims of our arrogance
The people who are not critical
of their collage of information can
easily become victims of
the propaganda, lies, and deception of crime networks, advertisements,
salesmen, pedophiles, and
For example, in 1972 Arm & Hammer began advertising baking soda as
a way of removing odors from refrigerators, and within a year more than
of the American refrigerators had a box of baking soda in it.
However, Arm & Hammer never provided scientific evidence that the
technique works. It might be just another advertising trick to exploit
us, similar to the advertising slogan that
"Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend", and the advertisements for Crisco.
We must
be critical of the information that we pick up from other
people, and we cannot believe something simply because it "makes
We must also be careful of trusting " experts"
because nobody is truly an expert on anything. There are simply some
people who are less
ignorant than the majority.
We need to be critical of the information that we pick up, but in this
modern era, we muar pick up too much information for any of us to
analyze by ourselves. We have to pick up so much information that
children must spend most of their childhood in school. There is no way
anybody can verify all of the information that he picks up during his
life. We need a government agency
to analyze information for us.
To complicate the issue of determining which information is accurate,
we have to be aware that some of the information is coming from
people who are deliberately trying to
deceive us.

People who
cannot look critically at their opinions will not realize that they are
being treated as puppets by
businesses, religions, and other people.
For example,
everybody who is concerned with how many
licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll POP are victims of
Another example are the people who believe they know how
to eat an Oreo cookie.
Most people are not concerned
about Tootsie POPs or Oreo cookies,
but those are just two simple examples of the manipulation that occurs
in a
free enterprise system and a democracy.
In a free enterprise system, businesses treat us as profit
opportunities, and it is likely that all of us have been deceived by
businesses at least once in our life.
Furthermore, it is likely that all of us have also been a victim of
some Jewish group, religion, sports group, charity, think
tank, or other organization or person. For example, many people have
been deceived into believing Anne Frank's Diary, the Apollo
moon landings, that the
United Nations created
Israel, or that
World War I was a " Great War".
Schools are also deceiving us because they are in competition for
students, rather than competing to prepare students for life. For
example, many colleges have fooled some of their students into
believing that they are special people for going to the "best" college.
This results in graduates from Harvard who believe that they are better
people than those who graduated from Yale, Cambridge, or Oxford.
Schools deceive students into believing that they are special people.
people who boast about their college
are puppets
or victims,
just like the people who
boast about knowing how to eat an Oreo cookie.
Likewise, the people who believe that lobster, caviar, and certain
other foods are "delicacies" are victims of deception, and so are the
people who believe that they are having a better life than everybody
else because they can afford a Rolls-Royce or goldplated cell phone.
When we are not critical of the information that we pick up, we can
become manipulated by criminals, businesses, charities,
religions, idiots, lunatics, and ignorant
Furthermore, we become a nuisance if we lecture other people about what
they should think. It is even more
detrimental when people get into fights
and arguments over the
irrational, deceptive, and idiotic information that they
picked up.
People have been fighting and arguing about religion for centuries, and
today we fight over issues that didn't exist until recently, such as
abortion, immigration, the eating of meat, the pronouns of our
language. What is the difference between people
getting into an argument about:
The correct
religion. |
The correct
for abortion. |
The correct
way to
eat an Oreo cookie. |
The correct
way to
make pizza. |
• |
The best
recreational activity. |
• |
The best
college. |

There is no significant difference between people who argue about those
issues. All of them are behaving like arrogant animals, and they are wasting
a portion of their life on a worthless activity, and
they irritate themselves and one another.
of the people
who post
comments are victims of their
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter,
and other Internet sites allow everybody, including children, to post
comments, but only a few people are posting comments that are
intelligent and informative. Many comments are from people who believe
that they are experts on
As a result, they post comments that are worthless, insulting, or
sarcastic. They are wasting a portion
of their life, and when they get into arguments, they can cause
themselves frustration and anger. They are victims of their arrogance. They
would have a better life if they could control their arrogance and find
something more pleasant and productive to do with their leisure time.
That would also make the message boards more useful by eliminating a
lot of the worthless comments.