The existing legal systems
are designed to punish
Every legal system so far
has been designed only to determine whether a person is guilty of
committing a particular crime, and if so, how he should be punished. These legal systems were
not created to analyze why the crime occurred, or how we can reduce
such crimes in the future. Rather, these legal systems were created to
satisfy our emotional craving to hit, slap, and bite the people who
irritate us.
Legal systems are useful only to certain people
A legal system is a
concept; it is a "social technology". As with physical technology, such
as cell phones, airplanes, and plasma torches, social technology is
useful only to the people who
are capable of understanding it, and are willing to use it properly.
It is dangerous to give physical technology to people who don't have
the ability to use it properly. Everybody understands this concept in
regards to children. For example, every adult understands that it is
dangerous to let children play with guns, knives, and razor blades.
However, every culture is oblivious to the concept that social
technology can be dangerous with people who don't know how to use it.
Every culture promotes the theory that every adult is capable of making
excellent decisions about voting,
and every adult will become an excellent juror. In reality, it is dangerous
to give people social technology that they don't understand, or have no
desire to use properly. The Laws
document pointed out that laws are useful only to people who can
understand them, and are willing to use them properly, and this concept
applies to a trial.
Exmaple: Is Bridget Macron a transgender man?
A trial was conducted in France to determine whether two women were
correct that the French president's wife, Brigitte Trogneux, is
actually Jean-Michel Trogneux, the man that she claims is her brother.
The trial concluded that the women were incorrect, and they were
ordered to pay €8000 to the president's wife, and €5000 to Jean-Michel.
The journalists have not provided much detail about the trial, and
there are some contradictions in their reports. For example, this
news article says that Jean-Michel Trogneux "participated" in the
trial, but most reports claim
that he was not
at the trial, so how did he "participate" in it?
Instead of having both Jean-Michel and Bridget appear at the trial
together to prove that they are different people, t his
news report claims that the only proof that was offered during the
trial is a piece of paper that shows that Jean-Michel voted in an
If Bridget is really Jean-Michel, then the French government is either
deceiving the world, or they are blackmailed into promoting the
deception. Therefore, the French government, or the people who are
blackmailing them, are likely to put a lot of effort into protecting
their lies with false evidence, or by bribing, intimidating, or
blackmailing people involved with the trial. This means that a trial to
resolve this
issue should set high standards for evidence to reduce the chances that
they become deceived with false evidence, and the trial must set high
standards for the judge and other people involved with the trial.
Is a piece of paper enough evidence to conclude that Jean-Michel and
Bridget are different people? Does it also prove that Bridget is female?
What is "evidence"? What is "proof"? When is evidence "conclusive" or
"undeniable", and when is it "inadequate" or "worthless"?
If a man and woman had appeared at the trial, and if the man claimed to
be Jean-Michel and the woman claimed to be Bridget, would that prove
that they are independent people? No, not unless we can verify that the
man is truly her brother, which would require a DNA analysis, and it
would have to be an honest DNA
Although most of us do not participate in trials, and many people do
not vote in political elections, each of us routinely votes and
conducts trials in our mind in order to resolve the problems in our
personal life. For example, we routinely analyze people and "vote" on
who to trust, be suspicious of, use as a role model, become friends
with, and marry.
We also conduct trials in our mind to determine whether there is
evidence of heaven, or whether evolution makes more sense. We also
conduct trials to determine whether we should be a vegan, and whether
we should eat olive oil, lard, corn oil, or coconut oil. We conduct
trials to determine what to believe about the 9/11 attack, the
Holocaust, feminism, the Apollo moon landing, whether Haitian
immigrants are eating
pet cats and dogs, and whether humans are causing global warming
because of our production of carbon dioxide.
All of us have also conducted a trial in our mind to determine whether
our DNA should be considered personal and private, or whether the
police should be allowed to create a database of everybody's DNA. Most
people are allowing DNA to be secretive, and this is allowing a lot of
crime, confusion, and corruption.
If the police were maintaining a publicly accessible DNA database, and
ensuring that it was honest, there would be no
dispute over whether Bridget Macron is male or female, or who
her children are related to. We would also be able to determine whether
Michelle Obama is male or female, and who her children are related to.
We would also be able to figure out whether Prince Harry and Prince
Charles have the same father. The police would also be able to solve a
lot of crimes very quickly.
A DNA database would be extremely useful,
but most people cannot understand that, or they oppose such a database
because they do not want us to know the truth about them, their
friends, or family members.
All of us take the role of a judge, jury, and voter on a routine basis,
but most people make idiotic
decisions because they do not have have much control over their
emotions; cannot look critically at themselves; do not want to think or
learn; do not want to look favorably at alternative opinions; and are
not very intelligent.
The minority of the population that can make better decisions than the
majority are only "less idiotic". If there were aliens in another solar
system who have been evolving much longer than us, then even the most
intelligent humans would appear to be idiots compared to them.
For example, aliens would regard the most intelligent scientists
as idiots for believing that they have proof that the Big Bang
is an explanation of the universe; that dinosaurs went extinct because
a meteor hit the earth; and that there are such things as quarks and God particles.
It is idiotic to believe that most people are useful as jurors, voters,
judges, or scientists. Most people need guidance, but the people who
provide the guidance are only slightly less stupid and ignorant than
the majority, so they cannot make perfect decisions. They will make
decisions that are less idiotic. This requires that the public be able
to deal with the concept that our leaders will never be perfect.
Or courts will never provide perfect analyses of crimes, and our
government officials will never make perfect policies, and our
scientists will never create perfect theories. Our goal must be to improve our
situation, not expect perfection.
The Courts Ministry analyzes crimes
This constitution changes
the situation dramatically by requiring the Courts Ministry to analyze
crimes for the purpose of understanding why they
occurred, and to
suggest methods of reducing crimes in the future.
A trial is similar to the analysis that engineers give to the wreckage
of a plane that has crashed. Specifically, the purpose of the trial is
to understand why
crimes are occurring, and how we can reduce them in the future.
This requires the trial to analyze the people
who are involved with a crime to
determine what is different about their genetics and environment. It is
also an investigation of whether our culture
has encouraged the crime, and whether altering our culture can reduce
such crimes.
A trial requires a judge to pass judgment on the value of the
people involved, and determine whether any of them need to be evicted,
put on restrictions, or euthanized. This is essentially what businesses
do when an employee is accused of bad behavior. Specifically, the
management investigates the accusations and passes judgment on whether
any of the
employees need to be fired or moved to some other department.
Punishments are worthless
No culture believes that
they can reduce obesity by punishing the "food pushers", the overweight
people, or the farmers in foreign nations that produce food, but the
American culture believes that we can stop drug abuse by punishing
"drug pushers", drug users, and the farmers in foreign nations that
produce drugs.
However, every culture continues to insist that we can reduce crimes by
punishing people, even though this concept has a 100% failure rate.
Although a few people stopped committing crimes after being punished,
the punishments have done nothing
to prevent or reduce crime. There is more crime today than there was
centuries ago.
We must understand the reason for the crime
The only way to reduce a
problem is to understand what causes it. For
The only way to
reduce problems with food is to figure out why only some people eat so
food that they become overweight, other people eat so much unhealthy
food that they become sickly, and other people eat so little food that
they become anorexic.
The only way to
reduce problems with alcohol, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, caffeine, and
other drugs is to figure out why only some people want to use those
and of those people, why only some of them use those drugs excessively.
The only way to
reduce divorce, loneliness, schizophrenia, diabetes, and
migraine headaches is to figure out why only some people have those
Crimes are not being committed
by a random sample of the
human population. While most people commit insignificant crimes, such
as violating traffic laws, only a certain number of people are
committing burglaries, rapes, murders, kidnappings, blackmail, and
other destructive crimes. We must analyze those people and our culture,
to determine what is different
about their genetics and environment, and how our culture influences crime. An example
of how our culture can encourage crime is the glorification of pirates
and other criminals in movies.
This concept applies to all of our problems. For example, the people
who become overweight are not a random sample of the population. Only
certain people become overweight, so reducing the problem requires
understanding what is different about their genetics and environment,
and it requires understanding how our culture influences our eating
habits. An example of how our culture influences our eating habits is
that our free enterprise system allows businesses to exploit us.
We must eliminate secrecy to understand
our problems
In order to determine why
only some people are having problems, we must
eliminate secrecy so that we can study everybody as thoroughly as
zoologists study chimpanzees and wolves.
We must analyze everybody's behavior, genetic characteristics, and
and then compare ourselves to one another to figure out what is
different about our genetics and environment, and how those differences
are resulting in different behavior.
We cannot create false images of
ourselves to impress other people. We must regard all of the
information about our behavior, medical history, school performance,
genetic characteristics, and environment as public
knowledge, and as a necessary
and valuable resource for
We need to gather as much data
about ourselves as we can tolerate. We should install video cameras
around the city so that computers can analyze how we interact with
people, the weather, animals, pollen, and food. Eventually the software
that analyzes the video will be advanced enough to provide useful
analyses of our physical activities, and how we walk, run, sit, ride
bicycles, swim, and eat.
In addition to helping us understand ourselves, we will be able to get
a better understanding of apes and other animals because we inherited
our characteristics from them.
Nobody can hide their past
After Ahmaud Arbery was
killed, some people pointed out that he had committed crimes in his
past, and so had his brother and some other family members. Other
people responded that his past behavior, and that of his relatives,
should be ignored.
Some of the journalists who insisted that we ignore Arbery's previous
crimes did not
ignore the past behavior of the police.
For example, the journalists
who wrote this
article described two " recent
scandals" of the
city's police department:
1) |
An attempt by the
police to cover up a case in which a detective was accused of having
sex with an informant.
A police chase in
which somebody died.
Those journalists want us to ignore
Arbery's previous crimes, but
they want to expose
and exaggerate the most
trivial mistakes of the police.
Every culture requires the police to meet high standards, and the
police are cannot hide their mistakes or bad behavior, but no culture
requires the citizens to meet similar standards. This constitution
change the situation by requiring everybody to be treated more equally.
Everybody is expected to behave properly, not just the police, and
nobody is allowed to hide their past behavior.
Our past behavior is significant
Before we agree to have
surgery, we
prefer to know the history of the surgeon, such as whether he has had a
history of failed surgeries. We do not want
surgeons to have the right to hide their failures. We would judge a
surgeon by his past performance.
If robots were available for personal use, we would not want the
businesses that sold robots to have the right to hide the history of
robots. We would want to know if a robot is new or used, whether it has
been successful with its chores, and how much maintenance it has
needed. We would judge a robot by its past
This constitution promotes that same attitude with people.
Specifically, nobody has the right to hide their history, or deceive us
with false images of themselves. Instead, everybody has the right to
know the truth about other people. This allows us to make better
decisions about who to choose for a friend, spouse, coworker, and
We must suppress the squeaky wheels
Every culture has evolved
to give us what we want, but some people have more influence over
culture than others because some people are more actively involved in
trying to control our culture. We have an expression for this
concept: The squeaky wheel gets
the grease.
The "squeaky humans" are usually the people with defective minds. For
example, the people who have the greatest incentive to get involved
with determining
our customs about secrecy are
those who want
because they are ashamed of their
behavior, or suffering from mental disorders.
By comparison, the better behaved people don't have as much concern
about secrecy, so they have less of a desire to get involved with
setting the nation's policy for secrecy.
The apathetic people are allowing the mentally disturbed people and the
selfish organizations to have more influence over our culture than they
should have. To prevent this problem, this constitution gives the
government total control of culture. The ministers must ignore what the
people and organizations want, and design culture for the human race.
People who want to make changes to our culture must post a document in
the Suggestions
category to explain its advantages and disadvantages.
Snitches should be praised, not insulted
During my life, I have
occasionally heard a person accusing somebody of being
a snitch, rat fink, tattletale, or stool pigeon. However, the
people who expose bad behavior should be praised because they are
behaving like a gardener who is maintaining a city park; a technician
who is maintaining a jet engine; and a dentist who is maintaining the
health of our teeth.
The culture of a nation is an indication of the type of minds
that the people have because every culture has evolved to fit the
desires of its people. The squeaky wheels have more influence than the
passive and apathetic people, so the larger the percentage of "squeaky
the more pressure that culture will have to criticize honest people for
being tattletales, allow secrecy, give pity to
criminals, and glorify
pirates and bank robbers.
By comparison, the more honest and respectable a group of people are,
the more pressure their culture will have to disapprove of bad
behavior, and praise and be proud of people who expose and stop crime.
Japan and Germany have low levels of pity for
criminals because they don't have as many criminals influencing their
culture. The USA, India, Russia, and mainland China have a lot of pity
and tolerance for destructive and obnoxious behavior because those
nations have a higher percentage of badly behaved people.
This constitution requires the Behavior Ministry to set standards of
behavior that are higher than
those in Germany and Japan.
The people who expose criminals are given credit for
taking an active
role in
helping to maintain society. However, they must expose destructive
behavior rather than something insignificant. For an extreme example,
it would be detrimental for a person to complain to the police that a
person has put the forks on the wrong side of the plates at a
dinner table. A person's complaints are put into his entry of the People
database, so idiotic complaints will lower their social credit score
and hurt their reputation.
accusations cannot
be tolerated
Many women have complained
that the police are not doing a good job of investigating rape
accusations, but rape is one of the more difficult crimes to deal with
because there is usually no evidence to prove that a rape actually
Another reason it is difficult to deal with rape cases is that many of
the rapists are working in the police departments, courts, media
companies, and
government agencies, which allows them to suppress some of the
accusations and or manipulate some of the investigations. A British
organization claims
that a British policeman is accused of rape at an average of once per
To make the situation worse, some women have lied about being raped,
such as Renee Skoglund.
This organization believes
that between 2% and 8% of the rape accusations are false.
Perhaps one of the most common false accusations in the world during
the past century are from Jews who claim to be victims of hate crimes
or anti-Semitism, such as this
Jew who was caught painting swastikas on his house.
False accusations are destructive to a society partly because they
waste the labor and resources of the police departments and courts, but
because they cause us to become suspicious of people who claim to be
victims of a crime. For example, the women who lie about rape cause us
to be suspicious of the women who claim to be raped.
The most destructive of the false accusations are those that come from
the influential members of
society, such as FBI officials, journalists, government officials, ADL
executives, and the SPLC. The reason is because the we have an
emotional desire to trust our leaders, so we are likely to believe
their false accusations.
Many people want society to be intolerant of rape, anti-Semitism, and
many other crimes, but not many people want false
accusations of those crimes to be considered as serious crimes. The
cultures either ignore false accusations, or they are treated as
trivial crimes. For example, Jews want people arrested for Holocaust
Denial, but they do not want to
arrest Jews, such as the Rosenblatts,
for lying
about being
a Holocaust Survivor.
Everybody wants slander to be illegal, but none of the police agencies,
courts, lawyers, FBI officials, or government officials want to
investigate the atrocious accusations that are being made about
influential people, such as the accusations
from Mariah Careys sister that her mother and sister had gotten
involved with Hollywood murder rituals and pedophile activities. She
even claimed
in court documents that her mother allowed men to have sex with her
when she was 10 years old. However, the people in influential positions
ignored her accusations.
Her accusations should be investigated,
and if she is lying about them, she should be arrested. Likewise, our security
agencies should investigate the accusations that Tom Hanks, Steven
Spielberg, and other influential people in Hollywood, government,
universities, and the media are pedophiles, and if those accusations
are lies, the people who made them should be arrested.
This constitution sets higher standards for
people in influential positions. They must investigate accusations, and
false accusations are unacceptable
There is no
dividing line between a "false accusation", an "insult", and a "stupid
remark", but the Courts Ministries required to make that distinction,
and evict or euthanize the people that they conclude are making false
accusations for the purpose of hurting or manipulating people.
Example: The accusation
by the New York Times
The New York Times filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, but
OpenAI claims
that the New York Times deliberately used their software in a
dishonest manner to make it violate copyright laws.
If OpenAI is
correct, then the New York Times is analogous to a man who kills his
wife, puts her body in his neighbor's home, and then calls the police
to accuse his neighbor of kidnapping and killing his wife.
As mentioned in several other documents, our crime policies developed
to fit our emotional craving to hurt the people who annoy us. The more
upset we become by a
person, the more we want to punish him. That emotion caused
us to create the concept that
"the punishment should fit the crime."
The crimes that stimulate a lot of anger, such as murder and
pedophilia, cause us to want to hurt the criminal to an extreme, but we
are likely to ignore a criminal who commits a crime that doesn't
stimulate anger.
Certain types of crimes can stimulate confusion rather than
anger. For example, when someone accuses the AI software is ignoring
copyrights, most people become confused rather than angry, so they tend
to ignore the crime rather than want to hurt somebody.
This constitution requires the Courts Ministry to use intellectual
reasoning for all decisions, rather than the level of anger we
experience from a crime.
If the Courts Ministry had to deal with the accusation by the New York
Times, and if they determined that OpenAI is correct that the New York
Times is deceptive, then the people responsible for that deception must
be considered as unacceptable
criminals, and they must be evicted or euthanized.
Although that crime does not stimulate much anger, it must be
considered intolerable because false and deceptive accusations are
destructive to society. Furthermore, that type of deception interferes
with the development of technology.
A trial is an analysis
of human behavior
The Courts Ministry
arranges for trials to be an analysis of the crime and the people involved with it. This
includes analyzing the information in the People
database about each person's life.
There is no way to avoid bias or mistakes, so
this Constitution puts the bias in favor of the people who are the best
behaved and the most valuable. If a person is worried about being
falsely accused of a crime, he will
reduce that possibility by becoming one of the best behaved and most
valuable citizens.
By analyzing a person's history, in addition to analyzing the crime, we
are more likely to
something about how and why crimes are occurring, and what we might be
able to do to reduce them. For example, an analysis of the killing of
Ahmaud Arbery would show that Arbery, and some of his family members
and friends,
were involved with crimes, which is evidence that Arbery is not a typical
person. Rather, he is the child of people with low-quality genetic
characteristics, and he was more
destructive, rebellious, and violent than a typical person. He is more
evidence that low-quality parents are more likely to produce
low-quality children
who become low-quality adults.
An analysis of Arbery's life can help scientists (and eventually
software) do a better job of identifying the
badly behaved children before
they become troublesome adults.
There is not much information about the men
who chased after Arbery, but an analysis of their history
would undoubtedly provide us with some valuable information, also. For
example, why
did they
chase after Arbery instead of call the police? It could be because
they, like millions of people in the USA, do not believe their police
or legal system can protect them from
crime. If our legal system was more effective, then those men might
have called the police rather than chase after Arbery.
In order to improve our legal system, this Constitution requires the
courts to analyze crimes for the purpose of understanding and reducing them, rather than to punish
criminals. This constitution prohibits all types of
punishments. The pupose of the
courts is to improve
the lives of the people, not to get
revenge on criminals.
People with unusual
behavior are given trials, also
The people who behave in an
unusual manner are not committing a crime, but the Courts Ministry is
required to arrange for a trial to investigate every person with
unusual behavior.
As mentioned earlier in this document, the purpose of a trial
understand people and culture, not to punish people. Therefore, the
trial of an unusual person is to understand what is different about
him. This concept is similar to a farmer who investigates a cow that is
behaving differently than the other cows. He does not want to punish
the cow. Rather, he wants to understand why the cow is behaving
We are a team, not individual animals, so we should not ignore our team
members who are behaving differently than the rest of us, especially
when they are irritating other people or showing signs of being unhappy.
We should analyze people with bizarre behavior to determine whether
their characteristics are due to inheritable genetic
characteristics, or whether they are
suffering from some environmental
issue, such as concussions, toxic chemicals, allergies, or improper
A farmer investigates the strange behavior of one of his animals; a
mechanic investigates the strange behavior of an airplane engine; and a
programmer investigates the strange behavior of his software. The
Courts Ministry should investigate the strange behavior of people.
We should not ignore, tolerate, or insult the people who have strange
behavior. We should try to understand human behavior, and deal with the
people whose behavior is inappropriate.
For example, John Orr is
believed to have set almost 2000 fires over 30 years while he was
working for a fire department,
but the court was not concerned about why he did
that. Instead, the court was only concerned with whether he was guilty of the arsons, and if so, how
to punish him.
This constitution requires the courts to analyze the people who are
guilty of crimes. The purpose is to understand what is different about them in order to
whether there is some way we can prevent, reduce, or predict such bad
For example, was John Orr's bad behavior due to some environmental
issue that we can prevent or reduce, such as toxic chemicals,
radiation, malnutrition, or concussions? Or was he suffering from a
genetic characteristic that his children or grandchildren might
When John Orr tried to become a Los Angeles police officer, he was
rejected for failing the psychological evaluation, and when he tried to
get a job at Los Angeles Fire Department, he was rejected while he was
a student at the fire academy.
No culture cares what happens to the people who are rejected by the
police departments, militaries, businesses,
schools, and other organizations. Every organization dumps their human
trash into somebody else's neighborhood, and nobody cares what happens
to that trash.
John Orr eventually got a job at the Glendale Fire Department, which
had the lowest salaries in Los Angeles County, so they may have been
so desperate for employees that they were willing to take
"wretched refuse" and "huddled masses" that the other fire departments
had rejected. If all fire departments that had equally high standards,
he never would have become a fireman.
Furthermore, if all nations had standards as high as the fire
departments, he would have been rejected by every nation, and would
have been sent to the City of Exiles.
One interesting aspect of
John Orr is that he had written a fictional
book about a fireman who was an arsonist. Although he said the book was
fictional, it appears to be based on his life. His book could be an
indication that he was suffering from low self-esteem, perhaps partly
of the difficulty he had in getting a job, and so he got involved with
setting fires in order to make himself feel
talented and intelligent. He may have written the book to boast about
his crimes.
As pointed out in many documents, men have a tremendous craving to be
at the top of the hierarchy, so we are always looking for ways to feel
important and boast about ourselves. Therefore, we must be concerned
that some of the boys and men might react to disappointments and
failures by doing
idiotic or destructive things in an attempt to make themselves feel
better about themselves.
For example, some people seem to be committing crimes simply to make
themselves feel intelligent. And some people seem to commit crimes in
order to feel as if they are so high up in the hierarchy that they can
do whatever they want, and are not submissive to their parents, the
police, or the government.
By eliminating secrecy and analyzing people, we will be able to
make better decisions about how to alter our culture to reduce bad
behavior, and make it easier to identify and deal with the people who
are potentially dangerous.
The misfits must suffer, not
Every culture promotes the
attitude of altering culture to fit the worst behaved people. For
example, every culture tries to reduce burglaries by installing locks
and security systems on homes and businesses, and the Muslims have
reacted to the men who have trouble controlling their sexual cravings
by requiring the women to cover themselves in order to avoid
stimulating the men.


Our attempts
to prevent burglary makes our cities ugly,
and is an inconvenience to
honest people.
Making women
cover themselves is an absurd
method to deal with badly behaved men.
Our attempts to prevent crimes are causing everybody to suffer, and
they are failing
to prevent crimes. This constitution changes the situation dramatically
by requiring culture be designed for the City Elders.
Instead of trying to prevent the badly behaved people from abusing us,
the courts must evict those
people, or put them on restrictions.
A trial has only one
A trial has only one
judge who analyzes the crime, and makes a decision about what to do
it. There are no lawyers or juries. The judge has access to any
information he needs, and he can interview anybody he pleases. If he
believes the case is complicated, he can ask for one
or more judges to get involved and provide advice, but he must make the
final decision. His decision is a document that he posts in the Explanations
Judges must be zoologists of humans
The US Constitution allows
people to become lawyers and judges simply by memorizing laws and
because the only
concern of the US legal system is whether a person has violated a law,
and if so, how he should be punished.
By comparison, this Constitution requires a trial to be an analysis of
crime and the people involved with it, and nobody can be punished.
therefore, the judges must have an understanding of
human behavior, and an ability to
provide an intelligent analysis of crimes and people. That in turn
requires that a judge have an
understanding of how
our behavior is affected by the intellectual and emotional
characteristics we inherited from the apes, and how we are affected by
such environmental issues as peer pressure, a lack of sleep, our
culture, and
A judge is a zoologist who studies humans, and who is
trying to find a way to reduce bad behavior, improve our relationships,
and make our social
environment more pleasant. The people
want to be judges must show some success in
analyzing human behavior and crimes. They could acquire
that type of success in different ways, such as providing intelligent
analyses of previous crimes; finding improvements to social activities;
finding a way to improve the work
environment of a factory or office; or finding a way to improve the
environment of a school classroom.
It is not necessary for a judge to memorize
the laws. A modern society has too many laws for a person to memorize,
so it is more sensible to put the laws in a database, and then train
some software to make it easy for us to find information about laws.
Computers select a judge for a trial
A judge should not have any
emotional connections to the
people involved with a trial, and he should not be under pressure to
produce any particular conclusion. In order to improve the chances that
judges are unbiased, this constitution
advocates letting computers
select the judges for a trial.
A computer can determine whether a potential judge has a connection to
the defendant or victim by looking through the People
database to find out who the person is
related to, married to, and divorced from. When the city has a tracking
system installed, the computer can also look at the
information to determine who the judge spends his leisure time with,
and who he has meals with.
All of that information will allow a computer to create a list of
judges who have no connection to the people involved with the crime.
The computer can then pick one of them at random.
Judges can be
The people who want to be
judges can do so on a temporary
basis. Those judges will have some other full-time job, and their names
will be in a list
of available judges.
When the computer chooses a judge for a particular trial, he
will accept it if he is interested in becoming a judge at that time and
for that case. He then becomes a judge, and when the case is finished,
he returns to his normal job.
If he is busy with some other task, or if he is not in the mood to be a
judge, or if he does not want to deal with that particular case, then
he can turn down the opportunity and the computer will select somebody
The advantage to allowing people to be temporary judges is that there
are some people who do not want to be full-time judges, but are willing
to do it once in a while. This allows more people to be involved with
trials, which gives us a wider variety of analyses compared to
having only a few judges. It also makes it
more difficult for a small group of people to secretly manipulate the
legal system.
The Courts Minister judges the judges
Putting a person into the
role of a judge creates the same endless
loop dilemma that occurs when we allow a
person to be a voter. Specifically, who determines whether
a judge is doing a good job? And who determines whether that person is doing a good job of
judging the judges?
The US legal system avoids this complexity by not having anybody judge
the judges. This allows the absurd situation in which Supreme Court
judges can keep their job throughout their entire life, even if
they are suffering from strokes or Alzheimer's.
To improve upon the situation, the Courts Minister is authorized and
responsible for hiring judges, and he is required to routinely
replace the worst performing judge, which requires that he pass
judgment on which of them is doing the worst job.
The judges are restricted to being between the ages of 35 and 70 for
the same reason
as the ministers.
Judges must explain
their decisions
When the judges make
decisions about cases, they must post their decisions
in the Explanations
database to allow everybody to pass judgment on which of the judges
provides the most intelligent analyses of crimes, and the
most intelligent suggestions on how to reduce them.
The Courts Minister
routinely replace the worst performing judge, and he can use their
explanations as one method to determine which of them is the worst.
Trials should be
completed within a month
In the USA, trials
often require months or years to complete, and if the defendant does
not like the decision, he can often start another trial that requires
more months or years to complete. By comparison, businesses resolve
disputes with employees very
This constitution advocates completing trials within a
month. By eliminating secrecy, having computers track everybody's
location, and saving security video in the city's computer,
there will be so much information about what people have been doing
that less time will be needed to gather information about a crime.
Our ancestors needed a lot of time for a trial because people had
to spend months walking
around and riding
horses in order to talk to witnesses, and they
needed a lot of time to write information on paper with feathers that
they dipped into jars of ink.
Modern technology provides us with access to a tremendous amount of
information about a crime, and at a very rapid rate, and we can create
documents by speaking to a computer and letting the computer create the
text. Therefore, we can accomplish trials at a much more
rapid pace today.
Although a trial should be completed within a month, we cannot force a
case to be completed within a specific time because
there are always exceptions. Therefore, a judge is allowed to ask the
Courts Minister for more time when he can
show that he truly needs more time to process the data, and that he is
not extending the case simply to delay it, which is a tactic used in
the USA as a way of causing witnesses to forget what
they saw, and allowing criminals to confuse, threaten, blackmail, or
murder the witnesses.
The judges cannot
punish anybody
Since punishments are
forbidden, a judge has to choose one
of the following options:
If the judge does not believe there is enough evidence to understand
the dispute, then he can dismiss it
as "unsolvable". This can happen when a crime occurs in an area where
there is inadequate security video, and no other evidence.
If some evidence appears in the future, or if future technology allows
evidence to be uncovered, then the case can be re-examined. |
Cultural flaw.
If the judge believes that the crime is due to culture, then he can
blame culture
rather than people.
For an example of this concept, sometime around 1992 a woman
asked me and some of her other friends to take a walk along the beach
near my house, so I drove everybody to the location she requested, and
I parked my car.
When we came back, there was a parking ticket on my windshield. I had
no idea that UCSB owned the land along the beach, and that they owned
the parking lot and the road that led to it, and that they
required a permit to park in that area.
The area is several kilometers away from the University, and surrounded
by vacant land, a creek, and the ocean. The Google Street map shows
that parking lot is just a large, dirt area. It does not look like a
restricted parking area to me. People were frequently
parking there to go
surfing or to visit the beach, and it never occurred to me that they
might be UCSB students or employees with parking permits.
Sometime between 2007 and 2017, UCSB installed a gate at entrance to
the parking lot, as seen in the
Google map images below.

entrance in 2007.
entrance in 2017
I cannot remember what the entrance looked like in
1992, but UCSB probably had a sign somewhere in the area that said that
permit was needed, but in 1992 many of the student parking areas at
UCSB were free to the public on weekends and evenings. So if I had seen
that sign, which I do not remember seeing, I would have assumed that
the parking would be free since it was a weekend, and because the area
was a public beach, not school classrooms or administrative offices.
This is an example of
how crimes were being committed because of a cultural problem, rather than
because people wanted to commit crimes.
Undesirable behavior.
The judge might conclude that a person is behaving badly, but not badly
enough to do anything other than mention the event in his database
entry. That will lower his social credit score, but otherwise not have
much of an effect on his life.
Unacceptable behavior.
A judge might conclude that a person's behavior is unacceptable, in which case he can
put the person on restrictions, such as restricting him to certain
neighborhoods or jobs, or restricting him from having access to certain
items, such as drones and electric vehicles, or prohibiting him from
certain areas of the city, or certain restaurants, museums, social
activities, parks, or swimming areas.
The restrictions are not intended
to punish the person. Rather, they
are to prevent him from irritating other people. They are
analogous to restricting children and animals to certain areas,
activities, and
material items.
Intolerable behavior.
A judge might conclude that a person's
behavior is so bad that he should be evicted.
If no other city wants him, he is sent to the City of Exiles.
The judge behaves in a similar manner as a farmer who has noticed that
some of his animals are fighting
with each other, or that some of his peach trees are dying. The farmer
does not
punish the animals or peach trees. Rather, he tries to understand why
they are having problems, and he tries to figure out how to reduce such
Everybody has one
opportunity to object
Everybody is permitted to
object to a court decision, regardless of whether they are directly
involved with the case. The purpose of providing everybody with this
option is to encourage people to get involved with passing judgment on
whether the judges are making a wise decision, thereby helping to
ensure that the judges are truly bringing improvements to the city.
If somebody doesn't like a court's decision, he has a
to explain his disagreements in a
document, post it on the Suggestions
site, and hope that one of the judges or ministers
agrees with his analysis and advocates re-examining the case.
If any of the judges or ministers approves of his suggestion, then
he must post his request to re-examine the case in the Requests
category, and the Courts Minister will make the final decision about
whether the case will be re-examined. If the Courts Minister rejects
the re-examination proposal, he must explain why in a document that he
posts in the Explanations
By having everybody post documents, rather than discuss issues in
secret, we can pass judgment on which of them is providing the most
intelligent analyses and suggestions.
People can object to a particular trial only once in order
to prevent the situation that is occurring in the USA; namely, people
appeal a case over and over.