Leaders should have fewer defects
Everybody has physical and
mental defects, but the people in
leadership positions should have fewer
of the defects that
with leadership abilities. This requires passing judgment on which defects
a person has, and whether any of them interfere with
his ability to be
a leader.
Which physical defects are significant?
Some physical
defects can
interfere with a person's leadership abilities by either disrupting the
function of his brain, such as by creating improper blood chemistry, or
by creating such pains that he develops bad attitudes or has trouble
concentrating on his work.
There are other defects that are insignificant. For example, a birthmark is a
defect, but a typical birthmark does not
interfere with a person's leadership abilities. However, a birthmark can
interfere with a person's leadership
abilities if it causes the person to become so ugly that he is rejected
by other people, thereby causing him to have a lonely and
miserable life. That rejection can
cause a person to suffer from low self-esteem, become envious of
people, or become angry that he has to suffer while other people enjoy
life. Those bad attitudes will make him undesirable as a leader.

censors her face to
protect... who? And from what?
Kiana Smith has a birthmark on her face that is so ugly that when I
searched the Google images for " Kiana
Smith birthmark", Google blurred a lot of the photos.
Can a person become an effective leader if he is so ugly that
Google hides
his face?
Howard Stern considers his face to be ugly, and has admitted to having two
surgeries to reduce his ugliness; has his ugliness had a detrimental
effect on his life and attitude? What would his life and attitude have
been like if he had been born with a more ordinary face, or if he had
been good-looking?
Every culture is ignoring the issue of how ugliness affects a person's
life, but ignoring unpleasant issues is behaving like a
stupid rabbit that is hiding from a wolf.
Now that we are preventing nature from eliminating the genetically
inferior people, we
must be able to deal with the unpleasant aspects of life that our
prehistoric ancestors did not have to be concerned about. One of those
unpleasant aspects is that we inherited the emotion of animals to like
certain visual images and dislike others. When we see an ugly person,
an unpleasant
emotion is triggered, and that causes us to want to avoid him.
The reason Google censors Kiana Smith's face is to protect us from
having that unpleasant emotion stimulated by her ugly face. The
censorship is not
to protect Kiana Smith, or to make her life better.
It is to make our
lives more pleasant.

ugly people is as insulting
as making them wear a paper bag.
That censorship should be
considered as an insult to
Kiana Smith. Censoring her face is as
insulting as making her put a paper bag over her head
whenever she goes out into public.
We do not regard ourselves to be insulting an ugly person when we
censor their ugly face because we are thinking of ourselves when we do it. We do
things to make ourselves feel
better, and we are not concerned
with the effect we have on other
people, or whether other people are having a pleasant life.
All of us want to deny that we have selfish and cruel thoughts, and
this results in people claiming that they want to censor Kiana Smith's
in order to make her
life more pleasant, but we do not
censor ugly
people for their benefit. We
do it for our benefit. We do
not want to
look at ugly people. We censor the ugly people because that is what our
emotions want us to do. We are not
using our intelligence to analyze
the issue, and developing intelligent reasons for censoring their ugly
Our selfishness is also the reason that parents resist aborting and
defective babies. They want the babies to titillate themselves, and they don't care about quality of their
children's lives, or what effect the children will have on society.
We do not treat people
equally. We give special preference to people
who are good looking, and we try to avoid the people who are deformed
and ugly. We also do this with animals. Specifically, we enjoy the
animals that
we regard as good-looking, and we dislike animals that we regard as
ugly. All animals are equally wonderful, but we regard some of them as
disgusting simply because of their visual appearance.
All of us inadvertently torture
the deformed and ugly people, and we
all give special treatment to the people who
are good looking, especially the young
Kiana Smith has such an unpleasant life that she got involved with the
Vascular Birthmarks Foundation,
and is going through a
lot of surgery in an attempt
to become less ugly. If she were a top government official, she might
be more concerned with birthmarks and cosmetic surgery than in taking
care of the nation.
It is risky to put extremely ugly people into leadership positions
because they are people who we torment incessantly,
and that can cause them to develop detrimental attitudes and behavior.
Likewise, it is risky to put a short man into
a leadership position
because he is likely to suffer from low self-esteem, and in some cases,
as with Chris Morgan,
become angry
at women.
To make the situation more complex, the people who are extremely good-looking
can also develop
unpleasant attitudes because they might think of themselves as superior
to everybody else, and the special treatment they got during their life
might cause them to expect
special treatment when they are in a
leadership position.
the men who are extremely good-looking will regularly encounter women
who are attracted to them, and when they are in leadership positions,
the women become even more attracted
to them.
Women have a resistance to adultery, except when they encounter a
good-looking man with high status. That puts those men into a situation
that is similar to having chocolate bars chasing after fat people and
begging to be eaten.
We don't want to deal with the issue of ugly or deformed people, or
short men, or extremely good-looking people, but we must face
these problems and pass judgment on whether a person has the
appropriate physical characteristics for a leader.
Which mental defects are significant?
Mental defects interfere
with the function of our brain, thereby causing a person to
become inappropriate as a leader, but it is still impossible for us
to identify mental defects, and to determine which mental defects are so
significant that it disqualifies a person from leadership.
Some of the people who have become extremely wealthy and famous have
admitted to having bipolar
disorder, ADHD,
or OCD,
but they often regard those mental disorders as beneficial
rather than as defects.
Some of them have boasted that
their mental defect is actually a gift
because it has allowed them to become wealthy and famous. However,
their belief that wealth and fame has given them a wonderful life is proof that
their mental disorder
has interfered with the function of their brain, and has caused them to
develop an unrealistic
view of life.
Every culture is promoting the theory that the more wealth we have,
the more happy we will be, but we should consider a person's brain to
be inadequate
for leadership
position if he cannot understand such concepts as:
A person
is "wealthy" only
compared to somebody with less wealth.
The wealthy people
of 2024 are living in extreme
poverty compared to the
people in the future.
The wealthy people a few centuries ago
were living in poverty
that was more extreme
than the welfare recipients of the USA in 2024.
Furthermore, excessive amounts of wealth has disadvantages, such as
when a person's house is so large that he needs servants to keep it
clean. The servants give the house a social environment that is more
to that of a business with employees, especially if the home is so
large that the servants are in the house all day and night.
The people who believe they need more wealth than everybody else are
promoting an idiotic concept,
and they must be regarded as unacceptable
for a top leadership position. The people who are even more
unacceptable for leadership are those who promote the attitude that we
will have the best life when we become
so wealthy that we can hire servants
or slaves
to work for us and pamper us.
We must restrict leadership positions to people who show a better
understanding of happiness and wealth, and who want other people to be
their friends rather than
their servants or slaves.
people who believe that they must be wealthier than the typical
person must be disqualified
from leadership. It
does not matter whether a person repeats the phrase, " Money cannot
buy happiness". We have to judge a person by what he actually does, not by what he says.
Millions of people have repeated that phrase
while struggling - and sometimes cheating
- to get more money. They behave like parrots that mimic noises
that they don't understand.
This hypocritical behavior can also be seen in regards to food.
Specifically, lots of people repeat remarks similar to " we need to
control our food consumption and eat healthy food", but they eat
excessively, and frequently eat unhealthy amounts of sugar and salt.
We like to believe that
we have wonderful minds, but we have the brain of an ape. This results in us occasionally
doing something that contradicts what we claim to believe in. We need
to be
more critical of ourselves, and watch for hypocrisy.
Our world is currently dominated by people who have abnormal
for material wealth, and who want to be a pampered by servants rather
than one of our friends. Those people cannot
provide us with intelligent
analyses of life or culture, or provide us with sensible guidance. They
encourage crude, animal behavior.
Although material wealth makes our lives more comfortable, an
important concept that modern humans must understand is that we do not benefit
by having a larger
quantity of
items than
other people. We can enjoy life even when everybody has the same amount
wealth. This concept applies to everything, not
just "wealth". For example:
Food and water.
We need food and water, and we will have the most pleasant life when we
create meals that are attractive, healthy, and tasty, and when we drink
water that is clean, but we will not improve
our lives by having more food or
water than
everybody else.
Sex and masturbation.
We have sexual cravings that we need to relieve once in a while
through sex or masturbation, but we cannot
improve our life simply by doing those things more
often than everybody else.
We get pleasure from children, but having more children
than everybody else
will not
bring us
pleasure. Instead, since children are a burden, the more children we
have to take care, the more of a burden we impose on ourselves.
Our craving to have more material wealth than other people is due to
our craving for status. That craving also results in us competing to
have the
most sex, the most Christmas decorations on our house, the most
frightening Halloween pumpkin, the largest yacht, and the most
trophies. We want to feel important and special.
Our craving for material wealth causes us to assume that the
people are having a
better life than we are, but it is more likely that the extremely
wealthy people are suffering from
some type of mental
Likewise, the people who have excessive amounts of sex, food, trophies,
or children are likely to be suffering from some mental disorder.
It is
foolish to envy other people, or try to be imitate their life,
especially when we don't have any evidence that their life is better
than ours. If we thoroughly understood the human mind, we might
discover that many of the famous and influential people should be
described as mentally ill.
Example: Sam Altman
Sam Altman is an example of
a man who is extremely wealthy, and who has admitted to having a mental
problem, but he regards his problem is a gift.
He described
it as:
"The missing circuit in my brain,
the circuit that would make me care what people think about me, is a
real gift. Most people want to be accepted, so they won’t take risks
that could make them look crazy—which actually makes them wildly
miscalculate risk."
Years ago I mentioned
one method to get a better understanding of yourself is to imagine that
there is
a planet in which the only people on the planet are identical clones of you.
What would life be like on a planet in which everybody was
a clone
of Sam Altman?
Altman's "missing circuit" was truly a gift, then a world of Alman
clones would be a better
place. However, it would be a miserable world. if those clones were so
anti-social and has such intense
cravings for wealth and status that they were all struggling to be the
boss and use other people as their servants, or if they were all
willing to join crime networks.
Many of the wealthy and famous people have been accused of being
involved with pedophilia, murder rituals, crime networks, human
trafficking, and various other appalling activities. They are not
choosing those activities because they have mental " gifts".
Rather, they get involved with those activities because they have
mental disorders.
Their brains do
not function
properly. We should not envy those people, or allow them to
become our leaders. They should not even be allowed to reproduce.
would a person regard a mental
a gift?
The wealthy and famous
people are above-average in intelligence and education, so why would
they regard a mental disorder
as a gift? The reason is
because humans, especially men, are extremely arrogant, so we resist
looking critically at ourselves.
Many people are aware that they have some "unusual" mental
characteristics, but we prefer to regard them as meaningless, a
gift, or amusing.
For example, we frequently giggle at ourselves when we
mispronounce words, forget something, stumble as we walk, or knock
something over on a
table. If a robot were as clumsy
and forgetful as we are, we would be annoyed
with it, not giggle at it. We would complain that the robot is defective.
Our arrogance causes us to resist the possibility that some of our
mental characteristics are detrimental
defects. We prefer to defend
our characteristics. For
example, when somebody complains about one of our irritating
characteristics, we are likely to regard his remark as an attack on one of our wonderful characteristics, rather
than as useful
constructive criticism to improve ourselves with. We are likely to
react by defending
ourselves, or by
criticizing him, or by reprimanding him with a remark similar to, " He who cast the first stone!",
or by
boasting " Well, that's the way
I am!".
We resist
the possibility that our mind is an imperfect modification of monkey
brain, and that we have mental characteristics that cause trouble for
ourselves, our family, and other people. Each
of us prefers to believe that we are the best person in the world, and
that we deserve to be the leader of the world. Even
children believe that they are intelligent, talented, and knowledgeable.
Some people have suffered so many failures and disappointments that
their self-esteem has been reduced to the point that they never boast
themselves, but they were born with the same arrogance as everybody
Arrogance is an animal characteristic that we all inherited, and our
arrogance is so extreme that almost everybody denies being arrogant.
Are humans “intelligent”?
All of us believe that we are extremely intelligent, and that the
human race is intelligent, but those beliefs are more examples of how
our arrogance is warping our view of life. Humans are
intelligent only
if we compare ourselves to creatures that are less intelligent.
That type of comparison is as worthless
and deceptive as as a person
who believes that he is wealthy
because he is comparing himself to somebody who has less wealth.
If there is intelligent life on another planet, and if they have
been evolving for millions of years longer than humans, then they could
be much more intelligent than
us. Furthermore, if they have been restricting
their reproduction for thousands of generations, they have superior
and behavior. Compared to them, we would appear to be
ugly, sickly, stinky, stupid, untrustworthy, violent, unpredictable,
and deformed apes.
They would also have superior material wealth, healthcare, foods,
clothing, and
knowledge. They would regard all humans, including the billionaire
humans, as living in
extreme poverty and ignorance.
 We assume aliens are
but if any aliens had the intelligence to figure out how to travel to
our solar system, they would have the intelligence to create
clothing that is as superior to ours as our clothing is superior to the
clothing of the ancient Greeks.
The people who promote the concept that there are aliens on other
planets assume that the
aliens are naked and hairless because nobody has seen an alien.
mind cannot imagine what a more advanced creature would look like, or
what their hair, fingers, clothing, foods, communication devices,
homes, or
would be like.
For all we know, there is a planet where the creatures evolved from
bacteria that eat hydrogen sulfide. Does any human have the
intelligence to be certain whether intelligent life can exist on
hydrogen sulfide? Or perhaps there is a planet covered in water, and
there are creatures similar to dolphins that are more intelligent than
Bats have fingers on their wings, so they have the potential to evolve
into a creature that has hands that can make and use tools. If there is
a planet with a denser atmosphere than ours, the bats could be heavier,
which would allow them to have larger brains and more strength. They
could evolve into creatures that are more intelligent than us, but with
the ability to fly.
Likewise, we cannot imagine what the humans millions of years in the
will be like, so we cannot compare ourselves to them. If we could
compare ourselves to them, we
discover that it is like a comparison of us to Australopithecus
We cannot imagine the distant future
Our mind thinks by processing the information in its memory.
Therefore, when we try to predict the future, we analyze what we know,
and we try to guess at how the changes
of the past will continue in the future. This allows us to make fairly
accurate guesses about what will happen during the next few months, but
not for the next few decades or centuries.
example, in 1930 a German man drew a picture of what he assumed
telephones would be like in the future, ( drawing
to the right).
Although he accurately predicted wireless telephones, all he did was
take some components of an existing telephone and combine them with an
existing radio
receiver, headphones,
and television
screen. He made a collage of existing components, which is similar to
the artist who takes the head of one
animal and puts it on the body of another.
His memory had no information about integrated circuits, bluetooth
earphones, LCD
screens, voice recognition software, or GPS software, so he could not
predict the cell phones that we have today. The most creative aspect of
his design was his prediction that television screens would continue to
decrease in size to the point at which they are small and thin enough
to hold in with one hand.
We do not have any information about life on other planets, so when we
try to guess at what the plants and animals on other planets would
look like, the only information
that we can process is the information about the Earth's creatures. The
end result is that we modify some of the Earth's creatures, but that
gives us modified Earth creatures,
not alien creatures.
Likewise, when we try to guess at what the hairstyles, clothing,
furniture, meals, and robots, that an intelligent alien species would
have, all we can do is modify the items that we are familiar with,
which is human hairstyles, clothing, and other technology. However,
that gives us aliens that look like humans, which most people assume is
incorrect, so they give up trying to create alien hairstyles and
clothing and leave the aliens bald and naked.
 We also cannot
imagine what the eyes
of aliens
would look like, so the eyes are usually dark blobs. We cannot imagine
what their teeth look like, so they usually have their mouth closed.
A more advanced alien species would have a more complex language and be
able to pronounce words that we have trouble with. That would make it
impossible for us to pronounce their words
properly, or use use their language properly, just as a monkey has
trouble pronouncing human words and understanding our grammar.
This concept can help us expose liars
The people who describe aliens as bald and naked have not seen a
real alien. They are
either lying, or they were fooled by a human who was dressed in an
alien costume.
If a person were to encounter a real
alien, he would have detailed
information about his hair, eyes, clothing, food, voice, and
that nobody has ever imagined.
Although this concept might seem to be useless, it is beneficial to
understand because it can help us determine when somebody is lying.
When a person lies, he is usually incapable of providing adequate
and sensible
details. His lies will be a collage of whatever information he has in
his memory.
We are not cruel to judge a person's
mental characteristics
Existing cultures promote
the fantasy that only a small percentage of the population has a
mental problem, and that the rest of us are "normal" and "healthy", but
constitution is based on the theory that everybody has
mental and
physical problems, and that half the population is below-average.
Every culture also promotes the attitude that it is impolite, hateful,
or cruel to criticize a person's mental characteristics, but this
constitution requires
schools, voters, Behavior Ministry, and many other people to routinely
analyze other people's mental and physical
characteristics for the purpose of passing judgment on their talents,
limitations, and defects.
We are not
hurting a
person when we analyze
his physical or mental characteristics, or when we describe one of his
characteristics as "defective" or "irritating". Rather, it is necessary for
us to maintain our society, just as a farmer must pass judgment on his
plants and animals in order to maintain a successful farm.
All cultures evolved to give us what we want, and what we all want to
do is deceive people
into thinking that we belong at the top of the hierarchy. We deceive
people by hiding or lying about the unpleasant information about our
medical history,
school records, and job performance reports, and by using hair dyes,
toupees, wigs, and cosmetic surgeries.
This constitution changes the situation by discouraging deception and
by maintaining a People
database that has information about everybody's life
so that everybody can see the truth about one another. Our emotions
want to be deceptive, but deception is detrimental to all of us.
A person who cannot acknowledge his particular mental and physical
characteristics is a misfit in
this modern world. Everybody today needs to be able to face reality,
and that means accepting what your mind and body happens to be, and
acknowledging what your life has been like and how you have treated
other people.
It is not
cruel to require people to be honest about themselves, or to point out
them that some of their qualities are defective or irritating.
For example, we are not cruel if
we tell Tim Cook that his
homosexuality is a genetic defect, not a
wonderful gift from God. We are not hurting
him when we tell him that the reason he repeatedly tells himself that
homosexuality is God's greatest
gift is because he is suffering from
his homosexuality, and he is
trying to make himself feel better. We are not cruel to
tell him that he
is tormenting
himself by trying to force life to fit an idiotic,
religious fantasy, and that he should learn to accept his defects.
Since there is no dividing line between male and female, there are lots
of sexual mistakes with humans and animals, but it is absurd to
consider those mistakes as gifts from
God. We hurt ourselves when we
ignore reality and try to force life to follow a fantasy because we
will become disappointed, angry, or frustrated every time we encounter
a situation that conflicts with our fantasy.
Sam Altman is also homosexual. Although that might not have any
connection with his hero fantasies, or his missing brain circuits, we
should investigate the causes of homosexuality rather than be afraid to
upset the homosexuals. We might discover that whatever is causing
people to
become homosexual is often also causing problems in other sections of
their brain.
Judging a person's mind is like
judging his health
Every culture encourages us
to have doctors analyze our health and dentists analyze our teeth.
Every culture also requires pilots and certain other people to meet
certain health requirements. However, every culture is refusing to
apply that concept to our minds.
This constitution regards an analysis of a person's past behavior and mental characteristics
to be more
important for the person and society than an analysis of his
body. It is more important for us to pass judgment on whether a person
has the mental qualities necessary to be a government official, doctor,
pilot, scientist, technician, or parent, than to pass judgment on
whether he has an appropriate heart pressure and eyesight.

We deny a
person certain jobs if his body is below
certain standards.
We must deny
jobs to people whose mind is below
certain standards.
A person's mind has more of an effect on his job performance, treatment
of other people, and effect on society than his blood pressure.
Nobody can be secretive about
their health
RFK Jr. believes
that a parasitic worm that ate a portion of his brain is responsible
for the problems he was having with his memory and thinking in 2010,
but he believes that he has since recovered from those problems.
If it is true that a portion of his brain has been destroyed, it is idiotic to believe that he has
recovered from it because our brain does not have the
ability to repair damages. Or brain can compensate, to a certain
extent, for some types of damage but it cannot regrow damaged sections.
Rather than assume that he has recovered from the damage, we should
analyze his mental characteristics and determine whether he has the
abilities that we want in a leader. We must not be afraid to hurt his
feelings by telling him that he is suffering from brain damage that
makes him unacceptable for a top government official.
However, we cannot pass judgment on his mental abilities when people
are allowed to be secretive about their health issues. We must eliminate secrecy.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump are also remaining secretive about their
mental and physical health. This constitution changes the situation
dramatically by prohibiting secrecy, and maintaining a People
database of everybody's life.
We must identify the defects
that are inheritable
If some of our health
problems are due to environmental issues, such as toxic chemicals, or
worms or get into our brain, then we
would be able to reduce the suffering, so it would be cruel to ignore
the issue. We should investigate
these issues rather than
be frightened of hurting
somebody's feelings.
Likewise, we should analyze homosexuals and other people with weird
sexual cravings to determine which of
those problems are inheritable
genetic characteristics,
and which are due to environmental
issues. We must not let them intimidate us into feeling guilty for
hurting their feelings. If their feelings are hurt, it is because they chose to react to the investigations
by pouting rather than being excited to learn about themselves.
People who oppose investigations
are detrimental
The only way we can learn
about something is to investigate
it, so the people who oppose investigations or promote secrecy are
interfering with our
understanding of life. We must resist being intimidated by those
people. We are not
cruel for investigating issues; rather, they are destructive for suppressing
We should be willing to investigate every issue.
If a person's feelings are hurt by an
investigation of sexual attitudes, the Holocaust, the 9/11 attack, the
Apollo moon landing, the differences between men and women, or
climate change, then he should be regarded as mentally unfit for this modern
Unfortunately, all of the governments, and many of the businesses,
courts, think tanks, charities, and other organizations, are dominated
by people who oppose
investigations and promote secrecy, and the
reason seems to be that achieved their influential positions through
blackmail, false flag operations, inheritances, joining crime networks,
and other types of cheating. They oppose investigations because they
want their crimes, incompetence, mental disorders, and propaganda to be
Very few of the people in influential positions are providing us with
intelligent analyses of our problems, or sensible suggestions on how to
improve our future. Most of them seem to be suffering from significant mental disorders. They
waste their lives on the pursuit of excessive amounts of wealth and
status, and they cause
trouble for the world with their dishonest and selfish behavior, and
their promotion of secrecy and deception. They must be prohibited from
getting into influential positions.
In order to provide ourselves with beneficial leadership, we must pass
judgment on the mental characteristics of the candidates for
leadership. We
must look at the history of a
person's life and decide whether he has the intellectual and
emotional characteristics that we need for leaders. We must resist
feeling guilty for telling a person that his mental characteristics are
unacceptable for an
influential position. We must not be intimidated by
his insults, glares, or accusations.
We routinely
pass judgment on the
characteristics of refrigerators,
cell phones, and automobiles, and we should pass judgment on our minds. Each of us should try to
understand our
particular mental and physical characteristics, and help other people
understand their
The people who react to being judged with temper tantrums,
pouting, whining, or accusations should be regarded as having a mind
that is too similar to an animal to belong in a modern society. Those
people degrade our social environment because they make us afraid to be
honest. They cause us to frequently lie to other people in order to
tell them what they want to hear in order to avoid their insults and
We would create a much more pleasant and beneficial social environment
if we were
living among people who can handle critical
without temper tantrums, pouting, whining, or accusations. By
restricting a city to those type of people, we would be able to discuss
every issue without
fear that somebody will have a temper tantrum or
start crying.
This constitution does not encourage
lying in order to avoid hurting a person's feelings. Rather, the people
cannot handle the truth, or differences of opinion, should be evicted.
Nobody should feel pressure to lie to somebody in order to prevent them
from having a temper tantrum.
Unhappy people are a bad influence
When a person is unhappy
because of a mental or physical disorder, his natural
assumption is that his unhappiness is the result of something outside of him, not
the result of an internal
physical or mental problem. That mistaken assumption will cause the
person to believe that he can end his misery by finding
something, or changing something, in his environment. That will cause
him to waste his life doing
things that can only bring momentary relief. He will be essentially
chasing after a rainbow. Four examples of this futile behavior
1) |
a goal to find
the most common reaction to unhappiness is for a person to assume that
he can find happiness by achieving a goal that brings happiness, such
becoming extremely wealthy or famous, winning a trophy, traveling to an
"exotic" location, climbing Mount Everest, or skiing at a
"luxurious" ski resort. Benjamin Sifrit and
his girlfriend came to the conclusion that they might find happiness by
committing burglaries, and when that failed to relieve their misery,
they assumed that they would find happiness by committing random
Some miserable people distract themselves with risky, intense, or
dangerous activities. Those
activities can be so emotionally stimulating, or require such high
levels of concentration, that the person becomes temporarily unaware of
how miserable he is.
Another distraction is to work all day, every day, so that the person
always too busy to notice his misery.
One of the easiest ways for unhappy people to feel better is to
stimulate a pleasant emotion, such as with sex, praise, food, or
Another method is to withdraw into a fantasy, such as a
religious fantasy in which they repeatedly titillate themselves by
imagining that they
will have a wonderful life as soon as they get to heaven. Other people
prefer titillating themselves with daydreams of being a hero, or of
having a wonderful friend or spouse, or having a wonderful life in a
Harry Potter or science fiction fantasy.
Many unhappy people use alcohol, oxycodone, marijuana, or other drugs
to temporarily reduce their misery.
The unhappy people are a bad influence, especially on children, because
they create the
impression that what they are doing is providing them with a better
life than the ordinary people. For example:
When they boast
about skiing at Lake Tahoe or watching a polo game, they can fool
people into believing that those activities are more exciting
the activities of the ordinary people.
When they boast
about traveling to an exotic location, they can fool people into
believing that some locations are "exotic", and that the ordinary
are going to "boring" locations.
When they talk
about their "extraordinary" wines and champagnes, and when they laugh
about getting drunk, they can fool people into believing that alcohol
is one of life's greatest pleasures.
When they complain
that their job is boring or monotonous, and that they are searching for
a "dream job", they can fool people into believing that they should
look for a dream job, also. (Jobs are
a complex issue.)
An unhappy person is especially troublesome if he comes to the
conclusion that his misery is the result of other people, such as
believing that he is a victim of sexism, white privilege, racism, or
anti-Semitism. Those people instigate hatred and fights.
Unhappy people are also a bad influence on the economy because they prefer products
that are "exciting" rather than functional and practical. For example,
they are likely to prefer bicycles, automobiles, boats, and other
vehicles to be extremely fast and noisy because they are likely to
regard vehicles as sources of pleasure and excitement rather than as
transportation devices.
They are a bad influence on television
programs because they want titillation
rather than an education. This results in programs that
promote " popular
legends", and which dramatize
ordinary situations.
The unhappy people are also a bad influence on school curriculum,
recreational activities,
and foods because they want everything to be "exciting".
The unhappy children
are a bad influence on the other children because they encourage
obnoxious or risky activities, and they encourage bad attitudes, such
as doing things that are "fun", and avoiding "miserable" things, such
as homework and household chores.
Some unhappy people have impressive
Some unhappy people
achieve something impressive in their attempt to find relief from their
misery, such as the people who develop new technology in a desperate
attempt to become
wealthy, or who entertain us with
impressive athletic abilities, comedy routines, or musical abilities.
Those people can become wealthy and famous in a free enterprise system.
Since we have a emotional desire to admire and mimic the people who
are high in the social hierarchy, we can be fooled into believing that
they are better people than the rest of us, and that we should mimic
their attitudes and goals. In reality, they are inferior
people who are suffering, and
should not
mimic them.
For example, Michael Phelps became a very famous athlete, but it seems
to be because he was suffering
from ADHD. It would be foolish for parents to encourage children to
spend as much of their childhood as he did practicing to win a sport.
He is not
a good role model for children. He is an example of how a mental
disorder can interfere with a person's life and happiness, but which
can cause a person to excel in some activity.
Unhappy people should not be leaders
Although there is no
dividing line between "happy" and "unhappy" people, we must pass
judgment on the quality of a person's mind. Even though some unhappy
people occasionally impress or
entertain us, they are inferior as
leaders. The reason is because they are more concerned with
finding relief from their misery than they are with analyzing the
problems of a modern society, and experimenting with ways to improve
our lives.
When they become leaders, they do things to make themselves feel
good, such as by arranging for themselves to be pampered by servants,
or having lots of sex, or gathering lots of material items, or
arranging for photographs with "important" people, or suppressing their
They believe that their opinions and behavior are sensible, but they
have never experienced life with a healthy brain, so they have no idea
how their mental disorders have affected their life. People with mental
disorders cannot imagine what life would be like if they had had a
healthy brain, just as we cannot imagine what they think.
 For example, Bambie Thug ( photo
to the right) believes that she is special,
but it is extremely unlikely that she would dress
or behave like she does, believe that she is a witch, or want to be
referred to as "Thug", if she had not been suffering from ADHD,
and whatever other problems she has.
And those of us without that
mysterious disorder cannot
understand why she behaves as she does.
Until we have the technology to allow mentally ill people to experience
life has a healthy person, they should refrain from boasting that their
mental characteristics are a gift, or that they are special people, or
that they are enjoying their life. They should instead try to
understand their problems and try to deal with them without causing
trouble for themselves and other people.
We should not ignore or pity the people with mental problems. We should
not be afraid of hurting their feelings by disqualifying them from
influential positions, and pointing out to them that there is something
wrong with them. They are not good role models, and they should not be
influencing our lives or future.
This concept applies to children, also. We should not ignore or pity
the children who have bizarre behavior. The unhappy and weird children
should not
be leaders
for other children. They must be separated from
the other children.
Every culture promotes the animal attitude that all children
are wonderful, and this results in every culture ignoring the unhappy
and weird children, or making excuses for them. However, the
low-quality children
are a bad influence on other people. They should be put into their own
school classes, and they should be investigated
to determine whether
their problems are genetic or environmental.
If we determine that their
problem is due to something in the environment, such as chemicals that
disrupt the development of a fetus, or food allergies, then we
should be able to reduce
the problem in future generations. If their problem is due to an
inheritable genetic characteristic, then they should have restrictions
on reproducing.
We are not
cruel when we analyze children and identify those with destructive
physical and mental characteristics, or when we tell a child
that he is too abnormal to reproduce, or that he is mentally
unfit for a leadership position.
What is “happiness”?
This constitution considers
happiness to be the state at which our emotions are not causing
us any
unpleasantness, and that a person is unhappy when one of his unpleasant
emotions is triggered.
For example, when we experience hunger, we could describe that feeling
as causing us to become unhappy. A person who has an appropriate
hunger emotion can easily deal with the unpleasant feeling, and his
hunger disappears when he eats. However, if a person's hunger
emotion is excessively intense, then he will experience a higher level
of unhappiness when he is hungry. Or, if his hunger emotion is
triggered too easily, he will become hungry too soon after eating,
results in him spending more time in a state of unhappiness than a
normal person.
However, even though hunger is an unpleasant
emotion, it will not ruin our
life. Rather, we can have a more pleasant life when we deliberately
allow ourselves to "suffer" from hunger because it will make the food
taste better, and it allows us to enjoy the foods with subtle flavors.
The same concept applies to sex. Our craving for sex increases each
day, eventually causing us to notice and suffer from it, but a "normal"
person can easily deal with that type of suffering without causing
trouble for other people, and his suffering disappears when he
masturbates or has sex. However, a person who has a sex
emotion that is excessively intense, or which is triggered too easily,
will spend more time suffering from the craving.
Even though the craving for sex is an unpleasant emotion, it will not ruin our
life. Rather, by deliberately letting the craving grow and increase, we
will get more pleasure from masturbation or sex.
Our emotional cravings for food, water, and sex cause us to
routinely "suffer" from unpleasant emotional feelings, so we could
everybody as regularly becoming unhappy every day of
our lives. However, for a normal person, that type of unhappiness is so
trivial and temporary that we don't regard ourselves as suffering from
it. One of the ironic aspects of life is that suffering is what makes
our life pleasurable.
Another example of how we should learn to enjoy suffering is that we
should enjoy "bad" weather. For example is when the weather is hot, we
will suffer from the
heat, but that allows us to enjoy
jumping into a cool pool of water.
None of the existing cities provide us with easy access to pools, but
by designing a city so that we live and work in clusters of tall
buildings, and by putting the transportation system underground, we
have plenty of land for pools.
We can also make gigantic
swimming pools, and put them within walking distances of the apartment
office buildings,
thereby providing everybody with easy access to pools. The pools can
also be decorative, rather
than rectangular pits lined with concrete. That type of
city will make it much easier for us to enjoy the "suffering" of
hot weather.
It would be even easier for us to enjoy the pools if we were free
to take off our clothes and jump into the pools naked. Bathing
suits can protect our
skin from sitting on rocks, and prevent sexual organs from bouncing
around when we run around the beach, but they are a nuisance when we
just want to spend a few minutes in a pool.
Another example of how we can enjoy "suffering" is that we will suffer
if we are prohibited from putting plants, bouquets of
flowers, terrariums, aquariums, pets, and water fountains in our homes
offices. That type of suffering will allow us to get more enjoyment
from nature when we walk out of the buildings and into the surrounding
parks, ponds, and gardens.
Furthermore, that policy eliminates the undesirable chores of
producing, distributing, and maintaining all of those things in our
homes and offices, which gives us more time to do something that is
more pleasurable.
Some suffering is unacceptable
We can design our cities so
that we enjoy "suffering" from hot weather and a lack of nature in our
buildings, but there is a type of suffering that is undesirable. Specifically, the
suffering that results when unpleasant emotions are almost constantly
stimulated as a result of a genetic
disorder or environmental
An example are the people with Prader-Willi syndrome, who suffer from
hunger constantly
regardless of how much food they eat.
Another example are
the people who suffer from whatever mental and/or physical
disorder causes bipolar problems, ADHD, migraine headaches,
fibromyalgia, and schizophrenia. They are frequently in a state of
misery, but there is nothing they can do to relieve it. Likewise,
concussions can cause a person to suffer in a way that cannot be
Those people are miserable because of problems inside their mind and/or
body, and there is nothing they
can do to stop the misery. Their mental and physical disorders cause
them to suffer throughout their entire lives. They are the people that
this constitution regards as "unhappy
people" because they are
suffering from an abnormal and perpetual type
of unhappiness.
If the unhappy people can accept the concept that they are suffering
because of their mental or physical disorders, then they would not
cause trouble for us, but their tendency is to assume that their misery
is due to something outside of
them, in which case they blame their misery on other people, poverty,
bad luck, a lack of opportunities, sexism, racism, bad parenting, or
anti-Semitism. This can cause them to
become angry at other people, or pursue
wealth and fame, or get involved with crime or drugs.
This concept applies to all
animals, not just humans. Specifically,
certain mental and physical disorders can cause an animal to suffer
from internal pains, and that can result in the animal assuming that
his misery is due to other creatures, which would cause him to be more
likely to run away from them, or attack them.
Unpleasant emotions are vital for animals
We have emotions that cause
unpleasant feelings for a very important reason. Specifically, to push
us into doing something. For example, we
experience the unpleasant feeling of hunger to push us into finding
food, and we experience the unpleasant craving for sex to push us into
Our unhappiness causes us
to do things, and it allows us to enjoy life. We must learn to enjoy
the unhappiness of hunger; the "misery" of working; the
"irritation" of competition; the "unpleasant" weather; and the
"cruelty" of constructive
However, unhappiness should be temporary,
not perpetual. We should be
able to do something to relieve the unhappiness, such as jump into a
cool pool on a hot summer day, or turn on an air cooling system.
However, if a
person's unhappiness is due to mental or physical disorders, then he cannot relieve
his unhappiness no matter what type of life he has, and no matter how
much wealth, food, fame, or sex he has.
We should create a heaven here on
the earth
It is detrimental for us
to fantasize about avoiding work and
have other people pamper us while we "do what we want to do". Likewise,
it is a waste of our life to fantasize
about heaven ( the image below is another assumption of
the rooms in heaven).
Instead of fantasizing about dying and going to heaven, we should learn
to enjoy working with one another to create a life for ourselves that
is similar to heaven. We should enjoy the suffering of creating and
maintaining a beautiful city, with beautiful parks and gardens. We
should enjoy the suffering caused by the Earth's weather.
We should also enjoy the suffering that we experience when we try new social and recreational activities
that are different from what we have become accustomed to because that
will allow us to learn about ourselves and our culture, and improve our