The Ministries of the Social
The Social Division has
control of most of the city's culture. The
ministries that are suggested to initialize this division are:
Dining Ministry
The Dining Ministry is
responsible for ensuring that the restaurants are so pleasant that we
prefer to eat at restaurants rather than at home, and that our meals
are one of our main pleasures in our life. The
details are here.
The Neighborhoods Ministry
is responsible for designing the city. The details are here.
Leisure Ministry
The Leisure Ministry is
responsible for experimenting with leisure activities for the city. The
details are here.
Social Clubs Ministry
The Social Clubs Ministry
is similar to the Leisure Ministry, except that it is for activities
that require supervision and more extensive facilities, equipment, and
supplies. This Ministry has the
authority to create and terminate a "social club", which is
defined as an
informal organization that has
an executive to supervise,
train, and
assist the members with some type of leisure activity.
In a free enterprise system, people who get involved with social
organizations usually have to purchase everything they need, but the
Social Clubs Ministry provide people with free access to equipment and
including expensive items, such as CNC lasers cutters, 3D printers,
drones, microscopes, and robots.
The Social Clubs Minister is responsible for selecting and replacing
the executives
of the clubs. Since the clubs are leisure activities, they are
closed during the workday, and become available during the evenings and
Thw executives work on a part-time basis, and they
do not have to work every day. Some people might want to work only one
evening a month. Some clubs might have dozens of executives,
each working on a different evening or weekend.
Although the concept of a social club having a lot of executives
working on different days is bizarre for a free enterprise system, it
occurs in a family on a routine basis. For example, one evening the
mother might supervise her children with an arts and
crafts activity, and on another day the father might supervise the
children in the same activity, and on another day one of the
grandparents might supervise
the children for that same activity.
One purpose for allowing people to become executives as seldom as one
evening a month is because there are likely to be people who are
willing to be
an executive of a social club, but don't want to spend all of
their leisure time on it. This allows more people to get involved with
providing the city with activities.
Another purpose is to allow a person to be an executive for more than
one club. For example, person might want to be an executive of a
ceramics club one evening, and an executive for 3D printing club on
another evening. It is conceivable that some people would be an
executive for a dozen different clubs.
The executive is responsible for ensuring that the people in his club
are using the
equipment and supplies properly, and he provides
assistance and training when necessary.
The executive also has the authority to prevent his members from
wasting resources on projects that he regards as
worthless, detrimental, or idiotic. He can also
refuse to allow a person to become a member of his club. This authority
will result in every executive creating a
slightly different environment, which will result in
some people preferring to go to the club when certain executives are in
The Social Clubs Minister does not tell
the executives how to manage their club. Rather, the minister lets
each executive do as he pleases, and he judges them by their effect on the city, rather than
whether the people in the club approve of him.
The Social Clubs Minister observes the club and passes judgment on
whether it is doing
something useful, or wasting the city's resources, or causing the
people to develop bad attitudes.
For example, if one
of the
executives of a ceramics club is so incompetent or submissive that he
allows people who
don't have appropriate knowledge or a sense of responsibility to use
the expensive porcelains or glazes properly, resulting in a large
amount of ceramic items that are tossed in the
trash, then the minister would consider him to be incompetent, and he
would select somebody to replace him.
The executives must
promote beneficial attitudes
The Social Clubs Minister is also responsible for passing judgment on
whether a club is encouraging beneficial attitudes. As with everybody
in influential positions, the executives of the clubs are in the role
of a parent, and they are required to
promote beneficial activities and attitudes, and dampen destructive and
wasteful activities and attitudes.
The ministers and executives must be aware of our
tendency to get obsessed
our activities. For example, the executive of a 3D printing or ceramic
club must
understand that if he allows one
person to get involved with a "harmless"
prank, such as creating a dribble glass,
it can inspire other people to
devise idiotic pranks.
Since we love to compete with another, that can
result in the people competing to create the most amusing or shocking
prank, which can lead to pranks that are dangerous, as well as wasting
the city's resources. It also results in those people wasting a portion
of their life on worthless activities.
The people in leadership positions are expected to stop idiotic
behavior before it becomes extreme, rather than wait for it to become
Public hobbies are encouraged
previous document explained the concept of " public hobbies"
in which people create things that are beneficial to the city, as
opposed to doing things for themselves.
The Social Clubs Minister is required to encourage public hobbies. This
will result in people doing things that improve the city for everybody.
In Kastron, everything is free, so when people create furniture,
sculptures, paintings, and other artistic items, they are using
equipment and supplies that the city has provided to them for free, and
so they have an obligation to create something that other people will
A person is free to decorate his home with a piece of furniture or a
painting that he
created, but when he gets tired of it, or when he dies, it
is given to the city, so it should be something that somebody else will
Therefore, when a person creates something at a social club, he and the
executive of the club should consider whether other people will
appreciate it.
If we allow people to create things that only they like, then
we will end up a lot of items that are eventually discarded in the
trash. It is better to restrict people to creating items that at least
a few other people will appreciate.
Clubs can censor art
The censorship
document points out that everybody wants art to be censored, and the
Social Clubs Minister and executives are responsible for censoring the
art that people
create at the clubs. The minister has authority over the executives.
For example, if the executive of a 3D printing or
rock carving club was
allowing people to create items
that the ministers regard as unacceptable,
the executive would have to stop that type of art. The minister can
also replace the executive.
Some people believe that they have the right to create whatever
art they please, but we are no longer individual savages who can pick
up a colored rock and scratch whatever type of art we please on a cave
The people who create paintings, sculptures, music, and other
types of art and entertainment want us to provide them with
technically advanced art supplies and machines, as well as electricity
and shelters from the weather. They also want us to provide them
with food, housing, clothing, telephones, medical treatments, and
artists have the attitude that we should provide them with what they
want, but they should not have to provide us with the art that we want.
Rather, they want the independence to do as they please.
That selfish, arrogant attitude is no longer acceptable. All of us are
members of a large advanced team. All of us want to
benefit from the team, and in return, all of us must contribute
something that is beneficial to team.
The social clubs can have expensive equipment
Since the government supports the social clubs, rather than free
enterprise, the clubs can have
equipment and supplies that would be too expensive for a
free enterprise system. For example, a microscope club could have
expensive microscopes, including electron
microscopes, and an
archeology club could have a CT
scanner for analyzing the objects they discover.
It would be practical to provide the clubs with expensive
items because the clubs can be provided with the prototypes and used
equipment from businesses and research labs. Since every business works
for the city, the prototypes and used equipment belong to the city, not
to the businesses, and that allows the city to provide them to
schools and social
Another way of providing the social clubs and schools with expensive
equipment is to let them borrow it while no other business
wants it. For example, a research lab might need to use an expensive 3D
printer every few months, but rather than have that printer sit idle
most of the time, the ministers could allow it to be used by other
businesses, schools, and/or social clubs. Since the city owns all of
the equipment, and has control of all of the organizations, the
ministers can pass judgment on which of the expensive but seldom used
equipment can be shared.
The city is regarded as a large family, and so the people can share
items just like family members share items.
By providing the clubs with advanced equipment, and by
encouraging us to work together on public hobbies, we will be able
to create things for the city that are much more decorative and
advanced than what hobbyists are creating in the world today.
We will be able
to create beautiful furniture, tiles, stained-glass windows, statues,
and footbridges that would be impossible for one person to do by
himself. For example, a group of people could get together to create
some large pots for a neighborhood plaza, and put giant bonsai trees in
them, as in the image below.
The people who get involved
with the public hobbies will get more satisfaction from their work
compared to people who do things by themselves and for
themselves because the public will notice and appreciate their work.
People who enjoy terrariums, metalworking, tropical plants,
and carpentry could get together to provide a restaurant or lounge room
with small terrariums that fit on tables, or
terrariums that are so large that we can walk inside of them, or
medium-size terrariums, as in the image below.
By putting a terrarium in a
public lounge or restaurant, we are more likely to notice the lizards,
frogs, or whatever is inside the terrarium, and notice how the plants
grow and change through time.
The same is true with aquariums. By putting them in an area where we
frequently sit, we are more likely to notice the fish and the
vegetation in the aquarium, and how they grow, reproduce, and change
through time. It will make it easy for us to observe some of the
creatures we don't see much of.
By working together on
public hobbies, we can complete large and complex projects, such as
water fountains for children to play in.
Every neighborhood would
have different plazas, foot paths, architecture, terrariums,
restaurants, lounges, swimming pools, statues, and decorations, so we
will enjoy visiting the plazas, gardens, lounge rooms, and
restaurants in other neighborhoods.
Decisions are made with documents, not meetings
One of the concepts that is stressed in this Constitution is that
everybody who wants to control our future must explain their opinions
in a document. This concept also applies to the people who are
determining which projects should be authorized as a public hobby.
If we allow people to have verbal discussions about which project to
authorize, we are certain to suffer from a problem that is inherent to
social animals. Specifically, the most aggressive people will dominate
the discussion and conclusions, rather than the people who have the
best analyses or leadership abilities.
Whenever a group of people get together to resolve an issue, the people
with the most aggressive personalities will dominate, and the other
people will follow like sheep, even if they disapprove of what they
have to do.
In order to get better leadership, we must require everybody to
describe their opinions in a document so that we can analyze the
opinions at our leisure without being intimidated by the author's
aggressive personality.
We should have discussions only to answer questions about the
documents, rather than try to resolve the issue. After the discussion,
we can
edit our document if we feel we need to change or improve it,
and then we could have another discussion if we had more questions.
We should make a decision about what to do based on documents,
not on verbal discussions. This will allow people of any age or
status, including teenagers and women, to have an equal opportunity to
influence our future. We will reduce the chances that we are dominated
by selfish, arrogant, and aggressive people.
Nobody needs to make
commitments to a club
Unlike the clubs of a free enterprise system, which often require
people to
sign a contract and commit to being a member of a club, these social
clubs are as
informal as restaurants, museums,
and city parks. Everybody is encouraged to visit the clubs to
observe the activities, just as people are encouraged to visit a city
park. However, if a person wants to use the
equipment in a club,
he must get authorization from the executive of the club.
The executive will pass judgment on whether the person has the
knowledge to use the equipment properly, and if not, he will provide
him with some training, or arrange
for him to get training. When the person can show the executive that he
knows how to use the equipment, the executive will give him a license
to use it, which is a remark in the person's entry of the People
database that specifies that he can use the particular equipment of
that particular social club.
The licenses that allow a person to be a medical doctor or an airplane
pilot must be honored by everybody, but a license to use a social club
is valid only for a particular club and a particular executive. Another
executive of the same club might have higher standards and refus to let
a person use the machine.
The reason the executives can refuse to honor a person's license is
because an executive is responsible for the club when he is in control
of it. Therefore, each executive can set his own standards of behavior
for the members.
The Social Clubs Minister must pass
judgment on which of the executives are too lenient or too strict, and
provide the executives with advice, or fire them.
Unlike a free enterprise system, the executives do not compete with one another to
attract members. Rather, the Social Clubs Minister judges the
executives by their
effect on the city and the people. The goal of the executives is to
provide people with activities that they enjoy, and which
encourage productive attitudes, and which are beneficial to the city.
Therefore, an executive cannot
be considered inappropriate simply
because his standards are so high that not many people want to be a
member of the club when he is in control of it.
Of course, there is a point at which an executive has so few members
that he must be replaced. The Social Clubs Minister has to make a
decision about when an executive is not attracting enough members, and
the public can post documents in the Suggestions
category if they believe one of the executives should be replaced.
Some of the social clubs would be " production" clubs because
they allow
people to produce items for the
city, such as furniture, bonsai trees,
and decorative footbridges. Other clubs would be " educational"
clubs because they provide people
with the ability to learn something.
For example, the clubs that provide microscopes, ultrasound machines,
underwater drones would allow people to learn something, rather than
produce something.
The clubs are analogous to rooms within a giant mansion of a giant
family. Nobody in a family has to sign a commitment to use a particular
room in their house, or to use a particular piece of recreational
equipment, tool, or gardening equipment. The social
clubs are essentially rooms within our giant mansion for us
to visit and use whenever we please.
If a person wants to participate in one of the clubs, he can do so
without any commitments, thereby allowing him to get involved with the
club until he satisfies his curiosity. For example, there might be a
lot of people who would enjoy working with a CNC plasma torch,
microscope, or drone, but only for a few days or weeks.
Clubs operate during the
evenings and weekends
This constitution does not allow a welfare or wealthy class, so
everybody works during the day, aside from mothers with babies, and the
people who must work during the evenings.
Therefore, the social clubs are
closed during the daytime, and become available only during the
evenings and weekends.
By closing the activities during the weekday, we reduce the consumption
of electricity and other resources, and it is easier for people to
become part-time executives because there are fewer hours for them to
The ministers must reduce undesirable jobs to a minimum, and that
includes jobs in which people must work during the evenings, weekends,
and night. Human life is more important than profit, so the ministers
are required to put resources into developing machines and software to
do the nighttime jobs, and the only factories and businesses that
operate at night should be those that are truly necessary.
If the few people who must work during the evenings want access to some
of the social clubs, then the Social Clubs Minister can arrange for
Clubs can discriminate
Although everybody is free to use the clubs, the executive of a club
has the authority to restrict his club to children,
teenagers, adults, men, women, or elderly people. This
constitution allows discrimination so that people can get together in
their leisure time with people that they are comfortable with. This
will allow a group of women to have a club in which they don't
have to be bothered by men or children, and a group of older people
could get together without being bothered by the younger people.
Club can also discriminate on different days. For example, a woman
might become a executive of ceramics club on Monday evenings, and she
might restrict the club to women only. A man might be the executive of
the club on Tuesday evenings, and he might restrict the club to men. An
elderly person might be the executive on Wednesday evenings,
and restrict the club to elderly people.
Although this would be condemned as discriminatory and confusing in a
free enterprise system, it is something all of us do in our personal
lives. For example, when relatives get together for a holiday, they
might arrange for some activities specifically for the young children,
and arrange for some other activities for the teenagers, and other
activities for the grandparents. We regularly practice discrimination
in our personal lives, and nobody suffers from it.
Secrecy is prohibited
The Social Clubs Minister is responsible for maintaining a list of all
of the clubs, which includes descriptions of their activities,
executives, and restrictions. This makes it easy for people to
determine what clubs are available, and which executive is in control
and when he is in control.
None of the clubs are allowed to have any type of secrecy, which is
happening in the world today, such as with the Freemasons. For example,
some of the Freemason clubs have logos that show evidence that they are
secretly controlled by Jews.


logo of a British Freemason club.
you see the Jew hiding in the background?
The Social Clubs Minister
is responsible for ensuring that none of the clubs are doing anything
secretively. The clubs belong to the city, not to
the executive or members.
People without a license
can use clubs indirectly
If a person doesn't have a license to use a particular piece of
equipment, or if the executive of the club doesn't regard the license
to be valid, then the person could ask somebody with a license to use
it for him.
For example:
A person who does
not have a license to use an ultrasound
machine might be curious to see an ultrasound of his
internal organs, but if he doesn't have a medical problem, he would not
be able to
justify bothering a doctor to put him through such an analysis.
Therefore, he would visit a club that has those machines and ask
somebody to use it on him.
Although we could say that it is a waste of resources to let people
"play" with expensive machines, whether something is wasteful or
beneficial depends upon our
attitude. We could say we are wasting labor and resources when we
create Hollywood movies, toenail polish, and alcoholic beverages.
We could also say that we are wasting resources when we create colorful
clothing, when we decorate our homes, and when we plant flowers in a
city park. Many vegans claim that we are wasting resources when we eat
We must make arbitrary decisions about the type of life we want. Should
we put
labor and resources into providing ourselves with meat, or should we be
vegans? How much of our labor and resources should be put
into decorating our apartments, offices, plazas, walkways, and
bicycle paths? Should we provide ourselves with beautiful restaurants,
or should we get our food from feeding tubes,
similar to those used by the farmers who produce foie gras?
The president and ministers are responsible for making the arbitrary
decisions about our culture. They must consider what is best for
the City Elders, rather than appease the majority of people.
If we can provide ourselves with truly intelligent,
responsible, and honest leadership, then they will make decisions that
are more sensible than what the public would make.
Some people have the
artistic talent to design things,
such as a decorative door
with stained-glass windows, and decorative moldings for the walls, but
do not have the time, desire, and/or experience to make those
items. Those people could take their designs to the social clubs and
ask if they want to make it. The people at the club would have the
knowledge to know whether their designs were practical, and if not,
they could give them advice on how to redesign it.
For example, an artist could take the drawing of the door below to
a social club and ask them to make it for one of the
city buildings.

If the executive of the club approved of the door, then he would
arrange for it to be created, and if he believed it needed to be
redesigned first, then he would help the artist to redesign it.
By providing this type of service, the social clubs would allow people
who have artistic abilities, but not necessarily the desire or ability
to manufacture items, to contribute something of value to the city.
It also gives the people who enjoy making things, but do not have much
artistic ability, the opportunity to create beautiful items
for the city.
As the text-to-image software becomes more advanced, there will be more
people capable of designing beautiful furniture, murals, tiles,
stained-glass windows, clothing, and other items, but do not have the
desire or experience to build the items.
These type of social clubs allow everybody in the city to get directly
and indirectly involved with projects to make the city more beautiful
and comfortable.
It would make it easy for people to design and/or create decorative
tiles for the city plazas and walkways; more comfortable furniture,
rowboats, and kayaks; and decorative windows and elevators.
Courtship Ministry
The Courtship Ministry is
responsible for helping the single people find a spouse. More
details are here.
Clothing Ministry
The Clothing Ministry
the clothing styles that the people can choose from during both their
leisure time and while they are working. More
details are here.
Children Ministry
The Children Ministry
the activities for
children, such as
birthday parties, recreational events, and social affairs. More
details are here.
Events Ministry
The Events Ministry is
to the Leisure Ministry, but the Leisure Ministry handles the social
and recreational activities that people do
repeatedly throughout their lives, whereas the Events Ministry is
responsible for the activities that we do only occasionally, such as
holiday celebrations, city
music concerts, theatrical productions, museums, funerals, birthday
parties, weddings, and anniversary parties.
The Events Ministry is one of the radical changes that this
promotes. In all existing cultures, individual people and organizations
have the freedom to
create almost any event they please, and without
any justification, and without being held accountable for its effect on
The result is that there are lots of citizens and organizations
promoting a wide variety of events that have no benefit to anybody,
such as beer drinking contests and
competitions to set world records.
It also results in
encouraging people to put absurd
amounts of their time and
resources into elaborate and idiotic
and funerals.
It also results in dangerous
events, such as the Running
of the Bulls. The Red Bull company promotes
lots of dangerous events, and individuals are promoting dangerous
events on tik-tok, Facebook, and YouTube. Schools are also free to
create idiotic and dangerous events, such as Rice University which
provides their students with such events as the the twice-a-month " run around campus
wearing nothing but shoes and shaving cream", and the
annual " bicycle
race and drinking
This constitution changes the situation dramatically by prohibiting
citizens and organizations from creating leisure activities. If a
citizen or organization has an idea for a new activity, they must post
an explanation of it in the Suggestions
category, and the Events Minister will determine
whether it is worth experimenting with.
The officials in the Events
Ministry are required to authorize only the events that have some benefit,
and to prohibit the events that are wasteful,
dangerous, or encourage obnoxious or detrimental behavior. Since a lot
of their decisions will be arbitrary, they can use the opinions of the
City Elders to make decisions.
For some
examples of the activities that the Events
Minister has the authority to control:
• Funerals
The Events Ministry is the only group that is authorized to design and
arrange for funerals. They must design funerals to be beneficial and
They have the authority to prohibit funerals from
becoming "pouting events"
in which people are encouraged to cry, dress in black, and make
idiotic remarks about how they should have appreciated the person while
he was alive ( discussed here).
The Events Ministry determines what type of funerals are permitted, but the dead
bodies are given to the Death Ministry, and they determine
what happens to them, such as whether they are used for medical
research, schools,
or fertilizer.
The dead bodies cannot be cleaned, embalmed, dressed,
and put on display at a funeral. That practice is unacceptable because
it has no benefit to anybody, and it requires some people have the
unpleasant job of cleaning, dressing, and grooming a dead body. It also
encourages worthless behavior from the people who attend the funeral,
such as using a dead body to stimulate themselves into pouting or
crying, which is using a dead body to masturbate with.
Furthermore, it requires people to work in factories to produce the thousands
of chemicals and other items for the display of a dead body, such as
eye caps
and trocar buttons.
The Events Minister is required to treat death
as if it were the opposite of birth; specifically, a natural event in
everybody's life. It is idiotic
to regard the death of an old person as a sad event. Rather, his long
life is proof that he was successful
surviving the dangers of life. An elderly person should be grateful to
be old, and elderly people should celebrate
their old age rather pout and cry.
If a person dies prematurely, such as from a disease, accident, or
murder, then his death can be regarded as a sad event, but the Events
Minister is not
encourage people to pout over those deaths, either.
Instead, he must encourage people to look for a way to prevent such deaths. For example:
If a person dies
from an accident at his job, our reaction should be to investigate
the accident to determine whether we can reduce such accidents, perhaps
altering our safety procedures, developing better equipment, or
improving the training of the employees.
If a child dies of
a disease, we should investigate
to determine
whether the child had a serious genetic disorder, in which case we
determine if we have the technology to identify that particular
disorder in a
fetus or a newborn baby so that we can euthanize him immediately and
not have to go through the process of raising a defective child who
suffers a premature death. |
A death would also be sad if a person is elderly but never enjoyed his
life. However, the Events Minister cannot encourage people to pout over
those deaths, either. Instead, we should analyze the people who did not
enjoy life to determine whether we can alter our culture to make it
more satisfying to more people, or whether we can do a better job of
figuring out which of the children are such misfits or so defective
that they will never have a pleasant life, and should be euthanized
while they are young.
Elderly people will not suffer a slow, miserable death
 Many of the deaths of elderly people in the advanced
nations today are sad because most of elderly people waste the
final years of their life in hospital beds or wheelchairs.
Their final years are spent suffering from pain, boredom, and
loneliness, and many are on medications that interfere with the
function of their brain.
They are tortured
during their final years of life. Some of them are so miserable that
they asked for assisted suicide, but are not provided with it.
Furthermore, their friends and family
members are tortured by watching them suffer.
The people who claim that they would suffer if the government offered
assisted suicide services are suffering because they have chosen to
suffer. They are masturbating, but to make themselves miserable and
angry, rather than for sexual pleasure.
They believe that they have the right to force people to live even when
they don't want to live, but nobody should have such a right. Instead,
this constitution gives people the right to decide when they have had
enough suffering and want to die.
The Death Ministry offers assisted suicide services, so none of the
elderly people have to suffer a slow, agonizing death. That will
significantly reduce the suffering of the elderly people, their
friends, and family.
One of the unfortunate aspects of growing old is that a person can
suffer so much brain damage from strokes, concussions, cancer, tumors,
and other problems, that he becomes incapable of making a decision
about assisted suicide.
Therefore, the Death Ministry has the authority to pass judgment on
whether an elderly person should
be euthanized because he has
deteriorated to the point at which his life is worthless, but he has
suffered such mental deterioration that he is not capable of choosing
assisted suicide. That will also
reduce the number of elderly people who are suffering during their
final years of life.
The Death Ministry cannot make those decisions in secrecy, however.
They must provide some video evidence to show that the person has truly
deteriorated to the point at which he is essentially a piece of meat
that is merely existing from one day to the next.
Those decisions are arbitrary, so they must be made according to what
the City Elders would approve of, not what the public wants.
• Weddings
The Events Minister experiments with marriages, weddings, and
anniversaries, rather
let the citizens and organizations create whatever ceremony they
This will
allow the Events Minister to prevent women from creating weddings that
resemble the
wasteful and
extravagant coronation
of a Queen ( discussed years ago here).
Women consider a wedding to be the most special day of their lives
because humans are monkeys, not because a wedding truly is a
special day. Female animals have a tremendous resistance to sex, and
are very finicky about their mate, so one
of the biggest events in their life is choosing a male to have sex with.
It was acceptable for prehistoric women to regard a wedding as the most
exciting event in their lives because they got
married at a young age, their lives were short, their marriages were
much more stable, and it was impossible for them to arrange extravagant
Today, however, our technology allows weddings to be absurdly complex
and extravagant. It is especially ridiculous to have extravagant
weddings when there are so many people who get divorced after a few
years. According to these
statistics, 42% of the marriages in the USA fail, and of the people who
get married a second time, 60% of those marriages fail, and of the
people who get married a third time, 73% of those marriages fail.
To make the situation even more pathetic, a lot of the people who
remain married are actually miserable. Some people remain in an
unpleasant marriage because they have children, or they are worried
about the effect it will have on their image, or because their
religious beliefs opposes divorce, or because they are afraid of losing
the financial support of their spouse, or because they are afraid of
going through the process of searching for another spouse.
Women today need to be less
interested in weddings and more
concerned with finding a compatible husband.
The Events Minister can experiment with putting more
emphasis on an anniversary
party and less on a wedding in
order to encourage young
girls to be more concerned about having a long-term, pleasant, and
stable relationship rather
than a spectacular and brief wedding.
• Holidays
The Events Minister has the authority to create, terminate, and
experiment with all of the holiday celebrations,
including Christmas, Halloween, and Easter.
We should not follow holiday celebrations simply because our ancestors
did. All of the existing holiday celebrations are idiotic, wasteful,
encouraging detrimental attitudes because all of them have been manipulated by
religions, mentally disturbed people, businesses, Zionist groups, and
other organizations.
The Events Minister must analyze the benefits
and disadvantages to all of the holiday celebrations, and modify them
to become more beneficial and less idiotic. His goal is to figure out
what type of celebrations are so pleasant and beneficial that we enjoy
reminiscing about them when we become
example, Easter was
originally a celebration of spring,
but the Christian religions have manipulated it into the nonsensical
celebration of the dead man coming back to life for
a few days,
and then
vanishing forever. This should be regarded as a detrimental
concept to teach children.
Another detrimental aspect of Easter is its promotion of candy. The
original Easter celebration may have involved eggs because birds tend to build
nests and lay eggs in the spring, and it may have involved rabbits because spring is the time
when the people would have noticed a lot of baby rabbits, but
businesses have distorted whatever the original concepts were in
order to promote the selling of candy.
This is detrimental to the health of children, and it gets children
accustomed to absurdly sweet foods.
The Events Minister has the authority to determine whether we celebrate
Easter, and if so, what type of celebration it is. He can change it a
celebration of spring, and he can
prohibit the promotion of candy.
The Events Minister is also required and authorized to watch for and dampen the
tendency of people, especially men, to turn celebrations into senseless
and destructive competitions.
example, many people get involved with a competition
Halloween to create the most frightening costumes, decorations, or
carved pumpkins, or to frighten children to the greatest extreme with
pranks. During Christmas, a lot of people compete to put the most
decorations on their house.
Those type of competitions do not improve
our lives. They are examples
of how people can become so obsessed with winning a competition that
they waste their time and resources on worthless or detrimental
• Songs
This constitution prohibits
royalties and copyrights, so the lyrics and music of songs can
be modified to make them more pleasant, or to update them to fit our
modern era. For example, all of religious songs are idiotic in
our modern era, but most of us love the music. Therefore, all of those
songs should have their lyrics changed to fit our new era and knowledge.
Likewise, the songs about Santa Claus and other fictional characters
are idiotic, and the lyrics
in Scarborough
Fair no longer make sense to us. Simon and Garfunkel altered
the lyrics, and Garfunkel sang a second, different song in the
background, and the overlapping of their voices created a
song that became extremely popular, but it caused the lyrics to become
even more senseless.
Since a lot of people enjoy the music of songs with idiotic or
confusing lyrics, we should change the lyrics to be
more relevant. For example, Scarborough Fair could be updated for a
modern city festival that celebrates the ripening of fruits in the
summer. The first few lines of
the song could be something like:
Lets get together at the
summer fruit fair!
And have peaches, plums, fruit bars, and pies.
Remember when we did that before?
Since those memories are fading,
let's create a bunch more!
Songs are entertainment, so everybody has a
different idea about when a song has been improved, but this
advocates designing culture to fit the desires of the City Elders,
rather than letting the misfits and religious fanatics force
us to accept their desires for art, music, songs, clothing,
recreational activities, work schedules, school curriculum, and other
The Events Minister is also required to investigate the songs that have
lyrics, which has been common since the 1960s. A
lot of those songs seem to have hidden meanings as result of the people
being blackmailed, intimidated, threatened, and
frightened by the international Jewish and pedophile crime network.
Examples are the songs
from the Beatles that seem to describe their sadness
anger about the death of Paul McCartney, and some of Lady Gaga's songs,
such as Mary the Night, which
seems to describe her
agreement to join the crime network. The Events Minister is required to
songs with bizarre lyrics, and everybody has the freedom to alter the
lyrics to make them less bizarre.
do we enjoy songs with idiotic
A lot of songs have nonsensical or idiotic lyrics, but
most people don't care. The reason is because most of us are more
concerned with the music than we are with the lyrics. We do not want to
listen to a song if we
dislike the music,
but nobody shows any concern about whether they
like or understand the lyrics. An
example is that nobody can understand the lyrics in the song Louie Louie,
but it became very popular anyway.
The unintelligible words in Louie Louie are evidence of a
concept that most of the artists don't seem to understand.
Specifically, most of us do not care
about the lyrics of a song. We do not even care if we
understand the language of a
Some artists become upset when we don't pay attention to their lyrics,
but to most of us, the lyrics are irrelevant.
Likewise, we do not care about the meaning of a
painting, a sculpture, or other type of artwork.
The reason most of us don't care about the lyrics is because we
listen to music for entertainment,
not to learn something. We regard the voice
of the singers as musical
instruments. For example, this woman sings
"Hey diddle diddle" so nicely that I don't care that the lyrics are
nonsense. Rather, I am irritated by the excessively loud,
low-quality music.
When we listen to a song, our mind will decode the words into images,
but most of us do not look for
an intelligent meaning in
those images. Rather, we relax and treat the images as entertainment,
similar to how we can enjoy a slideshow that has photos of butterflies,
sunsets, and flowers.
We do not expect songs to have intelligent meanings, so a song
doesn't need "words". It is possible to create a song that
consists entirely of meaningless sounds, such as "la la
la" and "boop op a doop op". By occasionally adding a word that evokes
pleasant images, the lyrics will stimulate pleasant emotional feelings,
if the lyrics are nonsensical, such as:
la la la,
warm peach pie,
boop op a doop doo,
and chocolate bars too.
Since we don't care about the lyrics, why should the Events Minister
them? The reason is because this constitution encourages participatory
social activities, rather than spectator or voyeur
activities. We are not inspired
to sing songs with idiotic
lyrics, such as "Hey diddle diddle", and people who believe in
evolution are not inspired to
sing religious songs.
We will have more success in getting people to
participate in singing if we make the lyrics more sensible. Therefore,
is encouraged to improve the
lyrics, and to create
of songs, music, sculptures, paintings, tapestries, and other art, so
that we have more variety.
Tourism Ministry
Since the government
provides everything for free, everybody can travel around the world for
free. The Global Zone
is the land between the cities, and it will have a lot of vacation
resorts, and all of the land and resorts are available for free.
Providing this for free requires putting a lot of restrictions on
travel and tourism.
People cannot
be free to
travel whenever they please, or do whatever
they want in the area that they travel to. The government must ration
traveling, and every city must put limits on how many tourists they
accept at one time. The government must also set restrictions on
camping, fishing, fires, snowmobiles, and
other activities.
The World Government sets restrictions on tourism in the Global Zone,
and the Tourism Ministry sets restrictions for their particular city.
Every city is an
independent society, so a person needs permission to travel to another
city. People are not
free to travel to any city they please. A person who wants to travel to
either the
Global Zone or another
city to arrange for the trip with the Tourism Ministry. This allows the
Tourism Ministry to regulate the trips.
The Tourism Ministry must work with the World Government in making
decisions about tourism. The Tourism Ministry will either arrange for
the trip that the person wants, or reject his request. If they reject
it, they might provide alternatives.
The people who have a history of bad behavior can be limited to
certain types of trips, or prohibited from traveling. Likewise, every
city has the right to deny a person access to their city if they don't
like his behavior, and every city will have a limit on how many
tourists they will accept at one time.
In a free enterprise system, businesses want to exploit us for profit,
so they deceive
us into believing that traveling is one of the most exciting
options in life, and this encourages us to travel. The wealthy people
add to this problem by boasting about traveling. To make the
situation more absurd, governments promote tourism
because they want to exploit us for money.
This constitution changes the situation by prohibiting the
glorification of traveling. The Tourism Ministry, the World Government,
the businesses, the schools, and everybody else, must provide a
realistic view of traveling.
Specifically, children must be taught that we don't have to travel
anywhere in order to enjoy life, and that most of the people who have
been traveling don't actually enjoy it. Most of those people are
traveling for idiotic reasons, such as boredom, or they are suffering
from low self-esteem and want to boast about traveling so that they can
feel important, or they are lonely and are hoping to find a friend or
In a free enterprise system, traveling is expensive, and so tourists
tend to be the people with an above-average income. Since social
science is still a farce, nobody has done an accurate investigation of
tourism, but tourists are not likely to be a random sample of the high
income people. Traveling is most likely to be attractive to the people
who are unhappy or mentally ill. As a result, tourists are likely to be
quality people compared to the other high income people who have
less of an interest in traveling.
This would explain why so many tourists are obnoxious, such as irritating
the guards at Buckingham palace, trying to get photos
with wild bison, and irritating
the restaurant and hotel employees.
Allowing government officials to pass judgment on whether somebody
should be allowed to travel is putting restrictions on our freedom,
similar to allowing the Leisure Minister to determine whether a
activity is acceptable. However, the restrictions on our freedom will
be abusive only if
the voters give us the type of leaders that we have in the world today.
Therefore, instead of frightening ourselves with the possibility of
being abused by incompetent or corrupt government officials, we should
put our effort into ensuring that we create a government of
high-quality people who are more responsible, honest, and
considerate than what we have in the governments today.
The city of Kastron operates in a similar manner as a business.
Businesses do not
their employees to
travel, and do not
titillate the employees with travel pornography. Rather, they arrange
for trips only when the management believes that the travel is
beneficial to the organization.
From the point of view of a business, sending an employee on a
trip is adding a burden on the
The same concept applies to a city. The citizens who travel put a
burden on the city, so the Tourist Ministry must regulate traveling so
everybody has the opportunity to do it, and we don't impose an
excessive burden on ourselves as a result.
We can discourage
traveling by improving our culture
A survey
of Americans in
August 2024 shows that about 27% of the Americans consider their life
to be somewhat boring. The three main things that caused them to want
to do something "adventurous" to relieve the boredom was:
1) When the weather became
2) Seeing the same boring city every day.
3) Seeing their friends and family travel somewhere.
The survey showed that most people take fewer trips as they got older,
but most of the respondents were taking 4 to 5 trips per year. Those
trips were obviously not relieving the boredom in the 27% who were
complaining about their boring life. This should not be a surprise
because traveling is a chore,
not a pleasure.
The proper way to prevent boredom is to alter our culture. If we create a
city that we enjoy, we will reduce our boredom and our desire to travel. For
example, regarding the three reasons that people want to travel:
1) |
When the weather became warm.
When the weather is warm, we are more likely to want to get outside to
do things and be with people. However, our cities do not provide us
with many activities. Almost all of the activities are profit-making
opportunities for businesses, not activities designed for people.
Furthermore, in the USA and Europe, many of us are living among people
we dislike, fear, or have nothing in common with. Many of the people we
live among speak different languages and follow different cultures. Not
many of us are living in a friendly, homogeneous society.
Traveling cannot solve this
problem. Rather, we must create a more homogeneous, friendly society in
which we can trust and enjoy the people we live with. This requires the
unpleasant policy of evicting the misfits and destructive people.
Furthermore, the city must provide lots of leisure activities that are
designed for people,
not for businesses to profit from.
Seeing the same boring city every day.
Our cities are haphazard jumbles of ugly buildings, roads, telephone
wires, and parking lots. These cities are unnatural and unpleasant for
all types of apes and monkeys. Most cities have so much crime that
people are frightened of other citizens, and most people live in areas
that don't
give them good access to nature.
Traveling cannot solve this
problem. Rather, we must design a city so that it has beautiful
architecture, city parks, creeks, swimming areas, foot paths, plazas,
and bicycle paths. We should also design the city so that the
architecture and vegetation changes as we travel around the city so
that we enjoy visiting our own city.
Seeing their friends and family travel
We have a craving to do what other people do, so when we see friends
and family members traveling, we want to travel, also. We also have a
craving to compete with people for status, so if other people boast
about their traveling, they make us feel inferior to them, and that can
cause us to compete with them.
We cannot solve this problem
by competing with one another to travel to the most exciting locations.
Rather, we need government officials who will help us dampen our
arrogance, and our desire to boast about ourselves and make other
people feel inferior. We need pressure on us to treat one another as
friends. We also need to ensure that our competitions are to inspire us
to do something beneficial,
not to compete for something stupid.
By creating in a city in which we trust and enjoy the people, and every
neighborhood has different architecture, vegetation, creeks, and ponds,
and all of the factories are beautiful, we will enjoy visiting our city
all throughout the year. We will also enjoy watching the vegetation
change through the seasons, and we will enjoy encountering people.


giving each neighborhood unique vegetation, we would enjoy exploring
city with friends and family. |
controlling our sexual inhibitions, we can take off our clothes and go
swimming in the ponds during the summer.


By designing
the factories to be beautiful, we would enjoy visiting the factory
With the
weather and vegetation changing throughout the year, we would never get
tired of visiting our own city. |
It would be much more relaxing and pleasant to walk or ride bicycles,
rowboats, kayaks, or electric vehicles through the city parks, canals,
neighborhoods, and the vacant land surrounding the city, than it would
be to travel to other cities.
We should travel in a video room
We can further reduce our desire to travel outside of our city by
providing the city with
lots of small video rooms that have comfortable
chairs and a giant, curved, high-resolution monitor. That allows us to
visit everywhere in the world, and eventually in outer space, at our
convenience, and in comfort.
We will learn
more about the world, and be more comfortable, when we explore it in a
video room.
video rooms would allow us to see things that we would never see as a
tourist, such as time-lapse video of the growth of mushrooms and
flowers, the movement of glaciers; the activities of slow-moving
creatures, such as starfish; and the lives of creatures that rarely
move, such as spiders.
We could also see things that are dangerous, such as volcanoes,
Antarctica, and a view of the earth from a
Eventually robotic devices will be able to travel in the forests and
oceans to track animals and birds, and go into the burrows of gophers
squirrels, thereby providing us with images that we would never be able
to see as a tourist.
Other documents point out that many of the people, possibly most of
them, who are traveling around the world today have little or no
interest in learning about the areas that they are traveling to. They
are traveling for some other reason, such as they are bored, lonely, or
suffering from low self-esteem or a mental illness. They are
hoping that traveling will provide them with some excitement, or
increase their status level, or help them find a friend or spouse. They
are wasting
their time and society's resources. Some of them are also
rude to the people who live in the cities that they travel to.
The Tourism Ministry must be serious about traveling, such as by
pointing out the difficulty and time-consuming aspects of traveling,
and the potential problems of diseases, insects, and bad weather.
The Tourism Minister is responsible for experimenting with policies on
tourism. Since a person who wants to travel requires resources, the
Tourism Minister must ration the resources in some manner. One
possibility is to give everybody a certain amount of "travel credit",
and each person can determine how they want to use their credit.
For example, a person who wants to make a trip to a city, beach,
vacation resort, or forest that he can get to within a few hours by
train, he would not need as much resources compared to a person who
wants to travel to the other side of the planet, so he would be able to
make more of those short distance trips. By making the trains
controlled by computers rather than people, those trips would be even
less of a burden.
Another option is
allowing people who want to do a lot of traveling to get additional
travel credits by doing additional chores for the city.
This Ministry is also responsible for managing tourists from
other cities, and
they have the authority to evict a
tourist for bad behavior. They do not
have to justify evicting a tourist. Evicting a tourist does not hurt him
because he has a home to return to, so the Tourism Ministry is
permitted to evict a tourist without any trial or explanation.
The reason they should not have to justify evicting a tourist is
because it would be a waste of time to get into arguments with
tourists, the government officials of other
cities, and with the friends and relatives of the tourists. Nobody
needs to be a
tourist, so nobody is harmed if they are evicted. Nobody has the right
to be a tourist, either. Tourism is a privilege,
a freedom or a right.