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The Kastron Constitution
2a) The Economic Division Ministries

24 Jan 2025

The responsibilities of the Economic Division

The Ministries of the Economic Division

The Economic Division manufactures products and does scientific research. To initiate this division, the following ministries are suggested:

Utilities Transportation Factories
Research Food Restaurants
Maintenance Construction Mining
Chemicals Software Manufacturing

The ministries create and terminate businesses to produce products and do scientific research, but the businesses are not independent organizations that can do as they please. Instead, they must fulfill the goal that they were created for. The details are described here.

The Economic President and Ministers cannot make decisions about what to manufacture or research, but they have the authority to reject requests in order to provide checks and balances on the other government officials.

The Economic officials must be aware of nature

Homes, bridges, roads, utility lines, and other structures are occasionally destroyed by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, rain, wind, and snow. Fires started by lightning are so common in some areas of the world that some trees have evolved to depend upon it.

We cannot protect our cities from every possible natural disaster, but most of the destruction that has been occurring is the result of stupid decisions by people.

A recent example occurred in September 2024 when hurricane Helen caused flooding in Asheville, North Carolina. That flooding cannot be blamed on the hurricane because it was not the first time the river flooded. Asheville flooded in 1916 as a result of a hurricane, and about 80 people were killed, and that was when the population was only about 25% of what it was in 2024.

We don't know what the weather was like centuries earlier, but it is certain that the river has flooded many times during the past million years.

Animals have a slight awareness of what has happened in their recent past, but they have no understanding or concern for what happened before they were born, and they have almost no awareness of the future.

The human mind is still so similar to a monkey brain that we are primarily concerned with what we have experienced, not what happened before we were born, or what might happen after we die.

Our leaders must have a better awareness of the past and future.
Our animal characteristics causes us to ignore the floods, mudslides, and other disasters that occurred before we were born.

If an area has not flooded during our lifetime, we assume it is safe to build homes, factories, and offices.

This has resulted in individuals and businesses putting roads, homes, utility lines, and other structures and areas that are destroyed by storms, mudslides, earthquakes, and sinkholes.

Our tendency to ignore the future causes us to ignore the problems associated with overcrowding, overpopulation, and immigration. Instead of designing a city for a specific population level, we allow immigrants with no concern for where they will live or work. We don't even care if some of the immigrants become homeless, or survive on crime.

As a city becomes increasingly overcrowded, people put homes and buildings on less desirable areas, such as floodplains, cliffs, and along the edges of rivers, which increases the suffering from natural disasters.

We also have a lot of problems from "unnatural disasters", such as individuals and organizations that start fires or sabotage levees.

The only way to reduce the suffering from natural and unnatural disasters is if we set higher standards for people, especially those in leadership positions. The officials who are involved with the design of cities must have demonstrated an awareness of the past, and a concern for what will happen in the future. The officials involved with the legal system must have demonstrated a desire to understand and reduce crime, rather than pity or punish the criminals.

The technique that this Constitution uses to ensure the cities are being designed in a sensible manner is to separate the design of the city from the building of it. Specifically, the Neighborhoods Ministry designs the city, and the Economic Division does the construction, but they have the authority to reject their requests in order to provide checks and balances.

The Economic President and Ministers are required to analyze the requests and pass judgment on the long-term effect of the project on the human race. They must have a concern for what has happened centuries earlier, and what might occur centuries in the future.

The Economic Division must reject requests to put homes and businesses along the edges of rivers and cliffs, and over limestone areas that might develop sinkholes. The only structures that they can put in those risky locations should be those that do not cause trouble for us or the environment when they are destroyed, such as picnic tables, walkways, and piers. If they put more advanced structures in the risky areas, the structures should be movable or collapsible so that they can be protected before a storm arrives.

This constitution requires every city to be designed for a specific population, and for the neighborhoods, utilities, transportation systems to be planned before any construction starts. This will enable the ministers to do things that would be impossible in a democracy and a free enterprise system in which the cities develop haphazardly.

Tunnels under the city can help prevent flooding.
For example, the ministers could put drainage tunnels under a city that has the potential for flooding.

The tunnels would normally be closed and empty, or used for ventilation of the city, but they would open during rainstorms to allow the water to flow under the city.

They could also design a city with some ponds and canals that are partially emptied before rainstorms.
The Ministries of the Economic Division

Utilities Ministry

The Utilities Ministry is responsible for providing utilities, but they don't determine what the utilities are. For example, the Security Ministry designs the security system, and if the Utilities Ministry approves of their design, then the Utilities Ministry is responsible for creating the businesses that manufacture, install, and maintain the cameras, cables, or whatever was specified for the system.

Likewise, the Neighborhoods Ministry designs the city structures and transportation systems, and the Utilities Ministry creates the businesses that manufacture, install, and maintain the equipment to deliver electricity, water, and other services throughout the city.

The Utilities Ministry is responsible for creating businesses that:

Provide water for drinking, irrigation, and businesses.

Process sewage and wastewater.

Provide electricity.

Collect and recycle trash.

Distribute fuels, such as diesel, methane, and alcohol.

Provide the city with a security system.

Provide the city with the Internet, television, a telephone network, and whatever other communication system the city needs.

If a ministry requests a local GPS system in order to provide extreme location accuracy for such devices as drones, autonomous vehicles, and robots, the Utilities Ministry provides it.

The city needs redundancy with utilities

Instead of providing a city with only one facility to generate electric power or to treat sewage, the Utilities Ministry must have at least two facilities, each of which has the capacity to handle the entire city. That will enable one of the electric power generators to provide electricity for the entire city when one of the duplicates needs maintenance, repairs, or upgrades.

Furthermore, the redundant utilities should be located in different areas of the city, rather than placed next to one another, in order to reduce the chances that a disaster, such as a tornado or earthquake, destroys both of them.

We need checks and balances on the Internet

The democracies and free enterprise systems do not provide the Internet with any supervision. As a result, it is disorganized, and it probably contains more worthless information than useful information. It also contains a tremendous amount of deceptive, manipulative, and dishonest information from government officials, businesses, crime networks, and Jews.

The Internet requires a lot of electricity, labor, and advanced equipment, but no culture has any concern about wasting their labor and resources on the storage and distribution of worthless and deceptive information.

For example, as of December 2024, there are 4.3 billion YouTube videos, and there are other businesses providing video services, also, such as Facebook and BitChute. However, the most popular YouTube videos are music videos for young children, which means that the adults who provide the Internet to us are putting most of their labor and resources into providing entertainment to children.

The free enterprise system puts us into competition to make money, and this results in most people accepting jobs with no concern for whether they are doing something useful for society or themselves, or whether they are wasting their talent by providing private jets for billionaire criminals, or designing advanced computer systems to distribute silly music videos to children around the world, or performing Brazilian Butt Lift surgeries.

Since every culture provides citizens and organization with secrecy, there is no online database to show us the current consumption of electricity, hard disks, or other resources by YouTube or other businesses, but this estimate is that YouTube consumes 244 terawatt hours of electricity every year.

Meta, which operates Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and WhatsApp, used 15 gigawatt hours in 2023, and that amount has been rising every year.

This constitution eliminates secrecy for both people and organizations. Businesses cannot keep anything a secret because every business belongs to the city, and the city belongs to the people.

Businesses are public organizations, not private organizations, and so they must provide all of their technology to the public, and allow everybody to know how they operate.

Everybody has the right to know how many employees a business has, who the employees are, how much electricity the businesses using, what the business is doing, and all of the other resources they use. This will allow everybody to pass judgment on which businesses are not providing enough of a benefit for the labor and resources that they require.

The Efficiency Ministry of the Quality Division will use that information to determine which businesses should be altered or terminated, and which ministers or executives should be fired. The citizens are also encouraged to post their suggestions on how to improve the businesses. The Utilities Division should also do this.

For an example of what the Utilities Division could do, they could reject a request from YouTube to provide an additional data center. They would justify their rejection by pointing out that their analysis of the videos shows that most of them have no value to the human race or the future generations.

They would point out that most of the videos are entertainment for children, and that most of the videos from bloggers are of ordinary people having ordinary conversations. They would also complain that most of the videos are in high resolution, which requires a tremendous amount of storage and bandwidth.

The Utilities Division could demand that the blogger videos be deleted after some period of time, such as five years, and that the bloggers who only speak to a camera be restricted to a low resolution or be audio only.

If a person wants to create a video that is saved for the future generation, then he would have to put effort into creating a video that would classify as a "documentary", rather than as a "blogger video".

They could also complain that children should be doing something else during the day rather than sitting in front of a computer and watching music videos.

The Utilities Division could also suggest that the videos that children watch repeatedly be saved on local hard disks at the schools or recreational center so that they don't add a burden to the Internet.

The Utilities Ministry could also reject a request to expand a social media businesses, or create another social media business. They could suggest that all of the social media systems be simplified into one system, rather than having X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and the others, all of which are essentially duplicates of one another.

By rejecting requests to expand YouTube or social media, they will force a discussion about the issue. That will be a better situation than what we have today, in which there is no discussion about the future of the Internet, and every person, organization, and government agency is doing whatever it pleases with no regards to the consequences.

Another option that the Utilities Ministry has is to recommend shutting down the social media sites except during lunch, evenings, and weekends in order to save electricity and other resources, and to prevent people from using those services when they should be sleeping, working, or going to school.

The free enterprise system causes businesses to design the Internet to do whatever brings them the most profit, but this constitution gives the government total control of the Internet, and they are required to design it according to what is best for the human race, not according to what people or organizations want. This allows them to control the information that is on it, and the hours and days that individuals and organizations can access it.

Some of the companies that are providing the text-to-image software are censoring some of the images, and they have the freedom to create their own censorship policies, and the freedom to keep their policies and reasoning a secret.

By comparison, if the Utilities Ministry decides to censor the images, they have to explain what their censorship policies are, and they must justify them by showing that society benefits from them. For example, they could censor the images of sexually titillating women on the grounds that the lonely and sexually frustrated men are wasting their time and society's resources by generating thousands of those images every day. In that case, they censor images to force the men to do something more productive with their lives, rather than censoring images to deceive people, or to eliminate their competitors or critics.

We need an accurate utility map

Since the Economic Division is responsible for building the city, they will know the location of everything that is underground, such as drainage tunnels, sewers, transportation networks, electric power lines, and other utilities. They will also know the location of every structure on the surface of the land, such as the apartment buildings, office buildings, factories, bicycle paths, plazas, foot paths, ponds, swimming pools, ponds, and canals.

Therefore, the Economic Division is required to maintain an accurate map of everything in the city, and keep it in the City database so that everybody has easy access to all of the details of the city. The Utility Ministry is responsible for the utility lines in that map.

Although every nation already has these types of maps, they are scattered around haphazardly, and some of them are inaccurate. For example, a few years ago the electric power company sent a team to replace a power line that was crossing under a small, concrete lined creek at the end of my street. The map that described the power line said that it was within a conduit, but after they turned off our power, cut the electric power line, and began digging in the area, they discovered there was no conduit. The result was that it took them two days to replace the power lines, which caused everybody's frozen food to become warm.

The utilities are buried in my neighborhood, but the electric lines are not protected by metal or plastic conduit. Neither are the telephone lines or water pipes. The wires and pipes are just buried in the dirt about 1 meter deep, mostly under the sidewalk.

I began having trouble with my telephone line sometime around 2007. It was a landline from Verizon, so I called Verizon, and they discovered that there was some type of corrosion or break in the cable a few meters from my house. They ran a temporary telephone cable through several of my neighbors' yards, along their fences, and into my house, and said that they would fix the problem "soon".

It took about two years, and several phone calls before they finally sent a crew to dig up the sidewalk and fix the problem. In the process of digging up the telephone wire, they accidentally broke the water pipe that went into my neighbor's home because that pipe was not protected, and they didn't know it was there.

One of the people in my neighborhood dug a hole about a meter deep to plant a tree next to the sidewalk, and they encountered the electric power and telephone wires for their street, but there was no conduit to protect them. It was not under the sidewalk. It was just luck that they did not cut through the wires.

A lot of people have accidentally cut through utility lines. The democracies and free enterprise systems don't have authorities to ensure that the government agencies and businesses are maintaining accurate maps of utility lines, or whether they are installing the utilities correctly.

The Utility Ministry must maintain an on-line map of all utilities rather than tell us to call before digging.
Since there is no map to show us where utility lines are, there are signs scattered throughout the USA to inform us to call 811 to find out if there are any utility lines in the area.

It is more efficient and sensible for the Utility Ministry to maintain a on-line map on that shows the location and depth of all of the utility lines.

It would be even more convenient if we could use our voice and a cell phone to ask the city computer if there are any utilities in the area that we are at. If the phone has a GPS receiver, the city computer would know our exact location, and be able to respond to us with a verbal answer, and display a map of the utility lines in the area.

Google has a map that allows us to view the terrain, streets, wildfires, bike paths, automobile traffic, and air quality, but not utility lines, underground transportation lines, limestone areas that have potential sinkholes, or other potential dangers.

The US government declared April as the "National Safe Digging Month" in order to encourage us to be more aware of the underground utility lines, but that is as idiotic as declaring October as the "National Pedophile Awareness Month" to encourage children to be more aware of pedophiles. Our government officials should experiment with methods to reduce and prevent problems, not promote the buyer beware attitude.

Transportation Ministry

The Transportation Ministry is responsible for creating the businesses that manufacture, operate, and maintain the transportation systems for the city, but they do not design any of the transportation systems. Instead, the Neighborhoods Ministry is responsible for designing the systems, and they post their requests for what they want. This allows the Transportation Ministry to reject a request.

The three categories of transportation that a modern city is likely to have, and which the Transportation Ministry is responsible for are:

Trains for people and freight.

Industrial boats, canals, and harbors.


The Transportation Ministry is not involved with the production of vehicles for the use by businesses, such as tractors and forklifts, or for the recreational of citizens, such as electric scooters, bicycles, and kayaks.

The Construction Ministry manages the businesses that handle difficult construction tasks, such as digging tunnels for trains, so the Transportation Ministry will have to occasionally request their assistance. This allows the Construction Ministry to reject requests, providing further checks and balances.

This constitution advocates the underground transportation system described in this previous document. in which the cars are small and autonomous.
( The text-to-image and software doesn't understand the concept, but the images below might help you imagine it.)
The image above would be one of the capillary terminals, although there would not be any plants growing in the terminals.

The terminals in different neighborhoods would have different architecture to prevent monotony, and to make it easier to recognize the neighborhoods.
The cars would also be visually different according to their purpose so that we could quickly recognize which of them are made for one or two people; which are designed to carry four or six people; and which are intended for carrying lots of cargo.

Since the capillary terminals are accessible from elevators within every neighborhood, we do not have to walk outside to get to one of the terminals. Therefore, when we are traveling only to get from one building to another, such as going from our home to work, a restaurant, or a music concert, we do not need raincoats, umbrellas, rubber boots, or any other type of weather protection. This allows us to travel anywhere in the city while dressed for work or social affairs.

A person would need weather protection only if he plans to go outdoors. However, since the city provides umbrellas, raincoats, snowshoes, and other types of clothing and equipment for free, a person who wanted to take a walk outside in the snow or rain could stop at one of those stores to pick up a raincoat or a goose down jacket, and then go outside.

When he is finished being outdoors, he would give the equipment and clothing back to the city, and get back onto the transportation system in his ordinary clothing.

Although that situation would seem bizarre in a free enterprise system, the city of Kastron is essentially a gigantic mansion. Every neighborhood is analogous to a room in the mansion, and the transportation system is analogous to hallways within the mansion.

Therefore, a person who picks up a raincoat or waterproof boots as he leaves a subway station is analogous to a person in a mansion stopping at a closet at the front door to pick up a raincoat or waterproof boots, and then going outside. When he returns to the mansion, he puts the raincoat or boots back into the closet.

In the image below, the people pick up and return winter coats as they enter and exit the building.
Other stores would have bicycles, snowmobiles, sleds, volleyballs, and other recreational items that people would borrow. We could borrow clothing and recreational items from any of the stores of the city, and at any time.

That option would not be possible in any existing nation because there are too many low-quality people, but by setting higher standards for the people in Kastron, we would be able to share items without destroying them, and we would put the dirty clothing and broken recreational items in the bins for cleaning or repair.

Some of the clothing items would not need to be cleaned after use, such as the winter coats. Although many people today would be frightened to wear a coat that several other people have worn without being cleaned, that fear seems to be due to our fear of the unknown, not because there is a danger to doing it.

Unless a person is so sloppy that he leaves mucus or food on the jacket or in the pockets, wearing a "used" jacket is exposing us to less filth than sleeping in a hotel room, or traveling in an airplane. Breathing the atmosphere also exposes us to a lot of dangerous things.

We are already accustomed to sharing restaurant chairs, tables, plates, and glasses, and children who grow up in a culture in which certain clothing items are shared will not have a fear of doing it. Of couse, until we actually experiment with this concept, we cannot know for sure if we can do it. Our emotions might make us too uncomfortable to share clothing without washing the items after every use, which would be a waste of time and resources.

If we cannot share clothing, then everybody would have their own personal winter coat and other items, and we could have a garment conveyor system at the base of every apartment building to keep those items. As we leave our apartment building, we take the items we want, and we return the items to the conveyor system when we enter the building. That would eliminate the need for everybody to have large closets in their home.

By making the conveyor systems voice-activated, we would request what we want with our voice, and the conveyor system would recognize who we are, and know which item to give us.

Factories Ministry

The Factories Ministry is responsibility for creating the businesses that require large or complex equipment and processes to produce items. In the English language, these are often referred to as "heavy industries". The Economic President makes the arbitrary decisions about which items are produced by the Factories Ministry, and which are produced by the Manufacturing Ministry or other ministries.

As with all of the ministries in the Economic Division, the Factories Ministry does not determine what they manufacture, or the design of the items that are manufactured. The other divisions of the government make those decisions and post requests for items to be manufactured. For example, the Utilities Ministry needs large pipes for water and sewage, and they will request what they need from the Factories Ministry.

The Factories Ministry is expected to pass judgment on whether the requests are best for society. They must ignore what the public and businesses want and try to reduce undesirable jobs to a minimum, and avoid producing products that do not truly improve our lives. They also do not have to be concerned about producing products for people and businesses with different levels of income. Instead, they produce products for the city.

For example, in a free enterprise system, the businesses that produce machines for farmers must make them affordable to the farmers, and this results in the businesses producing a wide variety of machines at different prices. This requires a lot of factories to produce a wide variety of machines, and it causes farmers to have machines that they can afford but which are not the most productive for them.

Since this Constitution puts the farms under the control of the government, it is idiotic to produce a variety of farming machines at different prices. It is more sensible to produce only advanced machines, including autonomous and remote-controlled farming equipment.

Furthermore, it might be better to make some of the machines smaller so that they can be mass-produced efficiently. For example, some of the machines that plant seeds and harvest crops do so in strips that are 20 meters wide. Those giant machines are useful when a farmer must drive the machine because it allows him to be more productive, but when the machines are autonomous, they can run all day and night, so they don't need to be so large.

Therefore, it might be more beneficial to make some of the machines smaller so that they can be mass-produced on assembly lines that are more automated, which reduces the undesirable factory jobs. Making the machines smaller also results in the components being smaller and lighter in weight, which makes it easier for people and machines to perform maintenance on them. It is also faster and easier to transport the smaller machines from one farm to another.

Instead of having a lot of humans operate giant machines to plant seeds and harvest crops, we could have a lot of smaller, autonomous machines do the work for us. The farmers would supervise the machines, rather than drive them.

A small, bucket wheel excavator
Another method of reducing the undesirable jobs is to switch to different types of machines, even if they are more expensive.

For example, if small bucket wheel excavators, as in the photo to the right, can remove dirt faster than backhoes and other machines, or if they are easier to automate, then they should be used instead, even if they are more expensive.

The decision about which machine to use should be based on the effect that has on human life, not on the expense of the machine.

One way to make that determination is to imagine that there are two identical copies of a city, except that one city is using one type of machine, and the other city is using another machine. We then compare the cities to determine which city provides the people with the most pleasant lives.

For example, if the bucket wheel excavators are more expensive to build and maintain than the backhoe machines, then the city with the bucket wheel excavators will require more people to work in the manufacturing and maintenance of the excavators. However, those jobs might be less monotonous than operating backhoes, or the bucket wheel excavators might accomplish the jobs much faster, in which case the people would have a better life in the city with the bucket wheel excavators.

The goal should be to eliminate as much undesirable labor as possible, and to provide as many people as possible with jobs that they enjoy. If you are unfamiliar with the equipment and labor involved with moving dirt in order to construct a building, here is a video about moving 20 million cubic yards of dirt in South Carolina to create a factory.

There are a lot of jobs that are being done by people because developing a machine to do it would require a lot research and development. In a free enterprise system, profit comes ahead of human life, but this constitution considers human life to be more important. Therefore, the ministers can justify developing a machine if it reduces some of the undesirable chores. For example, none of us want to spend our life picking avocados, removing weeds, or cleaning windows, so we should develop machines to do that.

Likewise, nobody enjoys trying to eliminate mice and rats from our cities, and putting poison around the city is dangerous for humans and animals. There are lots of businesses involved with developing and manufacturing various types of traps, but despite all of the traps and poisons, the rodents are everywhere in our cities.

Therefore, the ministers would be able to justify funding the development of a robot that can use infrared cameras to identify the mice and rats, and then kill them with some type of projectile, laser, or electric shock. After killing a rodent, it would pick it up with a mechanical arm, drop it into a canister for disposal, and then search for the next rodent.

The ministers could also justify developing drones to eliminate the excess pigeons, sea gulls, and crows.

To avoid having projects rejected by the Factories Ministry, the engineers can post proposals rather than requests. This allows the engineers to get constructive criticism without ruining their reputation. For example, the Factories Ministry can provide them with advice on how they can modify the item so that it uses existing manufacturing facilities, or use existing components, or reduce the number of undesirable jobs that are required to produce or repair it.

One of the problems of a free enterprise system is that engineers are designing products primarily to be visually titillating to the public, and this results in items that are difficult to manufacture and repair. For example, automobiles are designed so that almost every bolt is hidden.

Likewise, washing machines, ovens, and refrigerators are essentially smooth rectangles of steel sheets, which makes it difficult to repair them.

Furthermore, the engineers don't care about using existing components, and this has resulted in thousands of trivial variations of V-belt, bolts, lightbulbs, fuses, batteries, battery chargers, camera lenses, and other components. This results in excessive numbers of factories and warehouses, and it adds a burden to the people involved with maintenance.

The Factories Ministry is required to look for ways of reducing the number of components, and to reduce maintenance labor. They are expected to help the engineers choose from existing components, even if the component is not ideal for the product.

They must also pressure the engineers into designing products that are easy to manufacture and maintain, which will result in products having a steampunk appearance. For example, the machine in the image below could be an air cooling, heating, or filtering device for the entire building, and placed in a corner of a lounge room with all of its components exposed, rather than hidden in a cramped utility room.

Although the exposed components would be upsetting to people today, the children who grow up in that environment would regard it as "normal", and some of the children would likely consider those devices to be fascinating. By attaching a barcode to the items, the children could access information about how the machine works, and what is inside of it.

One of the reasons that engineers are hiding mechanical devices and components is to prevent irresponsible and mentally ill people from being injured by the machines. However, this Constitution requires raising standards for people. The government officials and engineers must design the city, its culture, and the products for the City Elders, not the people who are too mentally incompetent to be responsible with modern technology or our modern social environment.

Research Ministry

The Research Ministry is responsible for operating the research laboratories, but they cannot determine what the research programs are. Instead, they approve or reject requests for research from other ministries.

The ministers who propose research programs that are regarded as unrealistic or useless will hurt their reputation, and the ministers who authorize research projects that are later determined to be a waste of labor and resources will do even more damage to their reputation.

For example, a minister who requests a research project to terraform Mars, or a project to sprinkle some white powder on the moon to increase it brightness, should be regarded as incompetent, and a minister who authorized such projects should be considered even more incompetent.

It might be sensible for the people in the distant future to terraform Venus or increase the brightness of the moon, but we don't have the technology for such projects.

Everybody has a different idea on which research programs are useful, and the democracies and free enterprise systems give every business and government agency the freedom to authorize whatever research program they please. Everybody is also free to conduct research programs in secrecy, and be deceptive about them.

We will get more useful research projects when we let a government agency make the arbitrary decisions about which project to authorize, and when we eliminate secrecy and require the officials to post their requests for projects, and explain their decisions.

The democracies and free enterprise systems gives us the research that we want, but that is not necessarily the research that we benefit from. For example, there has been lots of research into insecticides and herbicides, but how beneficial has that been? The insects and diseases adapt to our chemicals, which results in us poisoning ourselves and the Earth. We might have benefited much more by putting all that technical talent and resources into developing better farming techniques, greenhouses, and methods of using nature to control the pests.

There have also been research programs into developing supersonic passenger jets, supersonic private jets, giant yachts, space tourism, and other "luxury" items, but the people who develop and produce those products are wasting their life, and the wealthy people who believe those luxuries are giving them a better life than the rest of us are fooling themselves.

Physicists are also wasting enormous amounts of technical talent and resources on atom smashers, "dark matter", "ultralight dark matter", quarks, and microscopic wormholes. Their research projects never produce any useful knowledge or products, and many of their theories are contradictory. For example, they claim that the universe has been expanding from a single point for 13.8 billion years, and that it has expanded to a radius of 46 billion light-years, which means that it has been expanding faster than the speed of light, which they claim is impossible.

It is acceptable for us to discuss dark matter and wormholes, but funding a research program to find dark matter or wormholes is as idiotic as funding a research program to find a fountain of youth, unicorns, or heaven.

Scientists should investigate the universe and discover knowledge, not try to find evidence to support their fantasies, because it is easy to find evidence for a fantasy. For example, volcanoes could be used as evidence that there really is a hell deep in the earth, and that the evil people are living in extremely hot conditions.

Likewise, each of us can find evidence to suggest that we are experts on raising children, marriage, abortion, drugs, and Nazis.

The Research Ministry must pass judgment on which research programs to authorize, and that requires they be able to make intelligent decisions about what research will truly be beneficial to us.

These will be arbitrary decisions, so we cannot expect people to agree on what the research projects should be. Therefore, we must be very concerned about who becomes a government official. We cannot behave like apathetic sheep who become submissive to whoever gets into a leadership position.

Ministers must consider the quality of life

Every existing culture refuses to acknowledge the evidence that our genetic characteristics allow us to live for only a few decades. This results in us putting a lot of resources into research projects to prevent elderly people from suffering and dying from dementia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and old age.

The scientists who are trying to prevent deterioration from old age, and the businesses that are providing healthcare to the elderly people, are not helping many of the elderly people. Instead, they are causing a lot of elderly people to suffer from surgeries, chemotherapy, and drugs that have terrible side effects.

Furthermore, a lot of the family members and healthcare workers also suffer because they have to deal with elderly people who have developed irritating behavior as a result of brain damage, pain, boredom, or loneliness.

Every culture is refusing to acknowledge that we start deteriorating rapidly after the age of 50 or so, and that we will die a few decades later.

Every culture is encouraging us to try to stop the death of elderly people through drugs and surgeries. Every culture considers the death of an elderly person to be sad. Every culture is concerned with the quantity of years that a person lives, rather than the quality of his life.

Many cultures also promote the hypocritical belief that we will go to a wonderful heaven when we die, in which case they should welcome death, but instead they consider death to be a sad event.

The only way for each generation to have a longer and healthier life is to maintain a database of everybody's life, and restrict reproduction to the people whose ancestors have had the most healthy and long lives.

That requires eliminating secrecy and collecting detailed data about everybody's life. It also requires people who understand that a person who lives longer than another person does not necessarily have a higher quality body. His longer life might instead be because he has a higher quality mind which allowed him to make better decisions about his meals, alcohol consumption, physical activities, and sleeping habits.

It is sensible to have some research of the medical problems of elderly people, but most of our technical talent should be restricted to projects that will benefit children and younger adults. We must acknowledge the evidence that elderly people have only a few more years of life, and there is no point in wasting our resources in a futile attempt to stop their rapid deterioration and death.

One of the purposes of the Research Council in the World Government is to provide checks and balances for the research programs of the cities. Our emotions want us to put a lot of effort into preventing the death of elderly people, but that is a waste of resources.

All of us would have had a much better life today if those resources and technical talent had been put into researching nutrition, allergies, lectins, sugar, oxalic acid, and other health issues. That type of research would allow us to improve our health while we are young, which in turn will cause us to be healthier when we are elderly.

These concepts also apply to the attempts to keep sickly fetuses and infants alive. We have such strong cravings to take care of babies that we will go to extreme lengths to perform surgery on fetuses, split Siamese twins, and give tremendous medical care to an infant whose heart is outside of his rib cage. We should be more concerned with the quality of everybody's life rather than trying to save every creature from death.

It is sensible for animals to put a lot of effort into taking care of their babies, but as our technology improves, it becomes increasingly idiotic to for humans to do so. It causes every generation to have more miserable, lonely people who hate themselves and are envious of healthy people.

It makes sense to investigate Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, and other health problems, and it makes sense to investigate the concept of controlling fusion, but after a certain number of decades without any success, we should consider the possibility that we don't have enough knowledge to solve those problems. We should reduce the labor and resources that are going into those difficult tasks, and get involved with projects that have a greater chance of success, and offer greater benefits.

There are some health issues that we can make progress with today, such as improving the tests to determine which foods, pollen, and other items each of us is allergic to, which will allow all of us to reduce our suffering from allergies.

We would also improve our lives by researching which medical problems are inheritable and which are environmental, and using that knowledge to make better decisions about who should reproduce, and how to alter our environment to improve our health. If we can figure out which chemicals are harming our health, we will be able to improve the health of everybody, including elderly people.

It is difficult to judge research proposals

The people who request a research program are required to explain how it will benefit the human race, and the Research Ministry can reject proposals that they don't believe are beneficial enough. However, each of us will come to different conclusions about which research programs are beneficial.

For example, the editors at Popular Mechanics believe that the project to find Noah's Ark is sensible enough to promote in their magazine. They also believe that it is sensible to promote a television program from the History channel that investigated the claims that the Skinwalker Ranch has been visited by space aliens, and that there are ancient Native American rock formations that depict "interdimensional portals".

In order to get more sensible research programs and documentaries, we must do a better job of determining who is better at thinking.

The existing school systems consider a student to be superior to the otherd if he excels in math and memorizing information, but that doesn't tell us anything about the student's intelligence, honesty, responsibility, or mental health.

In order to provide more useful analyses of a person's mind, we must eliminate secrecy and maintain a database with details of everybody's life. That will allow us to analyze what a person has done during his life, and compare his behavior and achievements to that of other people. This will allow us to pass judgment on who should find a different job, who is qualified for leadership, and who is a potential danger to society.

The staff at StudyFinds provides an example of people whose intelligence is inadequate for journalism. They wrote this summary of this research document, and they gave it the title:
Indulging your sweet tooth could lead to depression, surprising study reveals

The people who conducted the research did an analysis of the food preferences of a group of British adults, and they noticed that the people who ate the most sweet foods were the most likely to have a problem with depression. The staff at StudyFinds interpreted that observation as evidence that eating a lot of sweet foods "could lead to depression".

This is just one of many times that journalists have misinterpreted a scientific document. In some cases it is because the journalists don't have the knowledge or intelligence to understand the scientific report, but in some cases it is because they deliberately distorted the report in order to attract people to their document, or to promote a particular product or concept.

No culture yet has any concern for whether information is accurate or honest, but this constitution requires the people at StudyFinds to be regarded as producing an invalid analysis of a research document. They would have to improve it or delete it, and they would have a failure listed in their database entry, which would increase the chances that they lose their job as journalists.

The people at StudyFinds probably produced that inaccurate document as a result of their resistance to the concept of genetics and evolution. Specifically, they might want to blame depression on our diet, rather than on genetics. This is similar to how we prefer to blame drug addiction on the people who sell drugs rather than consider that the people who want the drugs have a defective body and/or mind.

If it is true that people who eat a lot of sugar are more likely to be suffering from depression, it is not because the sugar caused them to become depressed. Although it is conceivable that eating excessive amounts of sugar can damage our brain in a manner that results in depression, it is more likely that the reason people with depression are eating a lot of sugar is because they are suffering from their depression, and they have reacted to their misery by searching for ways to make themselves feel better, and one of the easiest, simplest, and least expensive techniques is to titillate ourselves with sweet foods.

This concept can be seen with alcoholics, hoarders, people who get involved with risky sports, and people who are struggling to become wealthy or famous.

Many alcoholics, for example, seem to be suffering from a mysterious mental problem, such as bipolar disorder, but it is not because the alcohol created the mental problem. Rather, they were attracted to the alcohol because of their mental problem. Although excessive alcohol consumption can damage our brain, there is no evidence yet to make the claim that "drinking alcohol can lead to bipolar disorder".

Likewise, all of the billionaires and famous Hollywood celebrities seem to be suffering from mental disorders, but it would be incorrect to claim that "Becoming wealthy and famous can lead to mental illness".

Many of the Olympic athletes have ADHD or other mental problems, but it would be incorrect to say that "Becoming an Olympic athlete can lead to mental illness".

A lot of the Christian church officials seem to be homosexuals or pedophiles, but it would be incorrect to make the statement that "Becoming a church official can lead to homosexuality and pedophilia."

When I was a child, we were warned that we should not smoke marijuana because that can cause us to get involved with other, more dangerous drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. However, a more sensible explanation for why many people who smoke marijuana also get involved with other drugs is because they are suffering from a mental or physical disorder, and when marijuana failed to stop their suffering, they experimented with other drugs.

To complicate this issue, the environment can cause us to be miserable. For example, if a person with a healthy body were to eat more sugar than his body can deal with, he will suffer from diabetes, just as if he had a defective pancreas. His high blood sugar levels would cause him to feel miserable. In that case, his diabetes, and his miserable feelings, would be environmental rather than due to a genetic disorder, so he could fix the problem by making better decisions about how to live.

When we are unhappy, we look for ways to make ourselves feel better, but if we do not have a good understanding of these issues we might get involved with worthless or detrimental activities. For example, a person who is suffering from high blood sugar levels might react to his misery by titillating himself with sweet foods, thereby making his problem worse. Or he might try to mask his misery with alcohol or other drugs, or titillate himself with with pornography, shopping, or dangerous sports.

One of the easiest ways to make ourselves feel better is to titillate ourselves, such as imagine that we are important. This can result in a person believing that he is one of the most talented, educated,  and intelligent people, which will make his life worse by causing him to become even more arrogant.

A person might also titillate himself by believing that he is a hero who is protecting the world from sexists, racists, anti-Semites, climate change deniers, pro- or anti-abortion people, or meat eaters.

Those people can make their life worse by getting involved with worthless or destructive activities, and by irritating other people with their "heroic" behavior and lectures.

People who are perpetually unhappy because of physical or mental disorders tend to waste their entire life looking for happiness, which can cause a lot of problems for themselves and other people.

The children who are unhappy are troublesome to parents and a bad influence on other children because they don't want to be responsible, do chores, learn, think, or work. They want to find relief from their misery, which can result in them trying to titillate themselves with food or obnoxious, risky, or dangerous activities.

The unhappy people can also disrupt the operation of organizations when they become disillusioned with them. For example, they might get involved with a job or activity that they assume will be exciting, but when they notice they are still miserable, they quit and get involved with another job or activity, and then repeat the process.

The unhappy people cause themselves and society even more trouble if they assume that their misery is coming from other people, corporations, foreign nations, discrimination, racism, sexism, or poverty, and they react to that false assumption by becoming angry or violent with the people or organizations that they assume are ruining their life.

Unhappy people are analogous to broken gears in a transmission, so we need to eliminate secrecy, observe everybody, and pass judgment on their mental characteristics. Although nobody is perfect, we need to identify the people with significant problems, and help them realize that their problems coming from inside of them. That will help them deal with their problem in a sensible manner, rather than searching for happiness or becoming angry. It is detrimental to ignore the unhappy people, feel sorry for them, or pander to them.

It is especially detrimental to let the unhappy people get into influential positions. This is happening all around the world because many unhappy people make the mistake of assuming that they will enjoy life if they can become wealthy and famous, and so they struggle, and often cheat, to achieve their goal of becoming a government official, Hollywood celebrity, or billionaire.

Some of the unhappy people make the mistake of assuming that they can find excitement through unusual sex acts, such as sex with children, orgies, sex with animals, and sex that has been enhanced with drugs such as amil nitrate.

It is unpleasant to tell somebody that he seems to be suffering from some type of problem that is causing him to be perpetually miserable, and that he must find a way to deal with his misery in a sensible manner, but we must do it. It is idiotic to allow the unhappy people to torment themselves and the rest of us. If they cannot deal with their problems in a sensible manner, they need to be put on restrictions or evicted.

We also need to pass judgment on who is doing their job properly. It is unpleasant for us to tell somebody that he doesn't have the mental or physical characteristics necessary to be a journalist, scientist, government official, engineer, farmer, technician, factory worker, doctor, or whatever job he wants, but we must create a functional team. That requires ensuring that everybody is taking a job that they can do properly.

The people who cannot accept their particular limitations, take a job that they can do properly, and become productive team members, are like dirt in a transmission. They must be evicted. It is idiotic to let crude people degrade our lives. Everybody must be able to accept what they are, and without being envious, angry, or bitter.

Food Ministry

The Food Ministry is responsible for creating the farms, ranches, fishing operations, food processing businesses, and food distribution businesses, and selecting the executives to operate those businesses.

Each executive is responsible for managing his particular food related business, but the executives cannot decide which foods to produce, or the quantity. The Food Minister tells them what to produce, but he doesn't make that decision, either. Instead, the Meals Minister in the Health Division decides what type of foods to produce in order to provide people with a variety of healthy meals.

The Meals Minister sends his requests to the Food Minister, and the Food Minister either fulfills the request, or complains that he does not have the appropriate equipment or farms, or that he considers the request to be unnecessary or stupid. If the ministers have trouble compromising on what to do, the presidents must resolve the issue.

The Meals Minister determines the quantities of the foods that the farmers to produce according to the city's historical consumption of food. This allows the city to produce only as much food as needed, thereby reducing wasted food, labor, and resources.

It will be practical for the Meals Ministry to request specific quantities of each food item because the city population is held at a certain level, and because all of the food is delivered to restaurants rather than to stores that provide food to individual citizens to take home to their own kitchens. Since the restaurants are encouraged to plan their meals ahead of time, like the restaurants at a retirement center or a Navy submarine, they are able to provide meals without wasting food.

A small amount of food is delivered to stores that provide the citizens with food for picnics, but the Meals Ministry can require people to make arrangements for picnics at least a day in advance, so they will know how much food to deliver to the picnic stores.

In addition to providing food for people, the Food Ministry creates the businesses that provide food for the animals in the city, such as the animals on the farms and in research laboratories. However, they can make the decisions about which foods to produce for the animals, and the quantity.

Fresh foods are delivered when needed

Some foods are available fresh only certain times of the year, such as apricots and cranberries, and some foods are so difficult to produce that we cannot depend upon a consistent quantity, such as certain types of mushrooms.

Since the Food Ministry must produce only as much food as necessary, they must maintain a database of the foods that are available, and which should be available during the next few days or weeks, so that the restaurants can plan their meals ahead of time by at least a few days.

For example, when the farmers are getting ready to harvest apricots, the Food Ministry will edit the entry of apricots to show that there will be a particular amount available during the next few days. That will allow the restaurants that serve fresh fruits to plan their use of apricots several days in advance, and arrange for a certain quantity to be distributed to them on the days that they want them.

The restaurants that serve fresh fruits are prohibited from offering menus, and they must require customers to make reservations at least a day ahead of time so that the farms know exactly how much food to distribute to those restaurants. That will allow their customers to have fresh fruits without any waste. It is similar to the just-in-time or "lean manufacturing" concept that some factories follow.

People can make reservations at a restaurant through a phone or computer, and eventually by telling a robot. The reservations would go to the City database so that all of the restaurants and people have access to them. There is no secrecy, so everybody will be able to see who has reservations at which restaurants, and what the restaurants are going to be serving. That creates an environment that is similar to that of a large family in which everybody what types and quantities of foods are in the kitchen.

Although allowing some restaurants to require reservations at least a day in advance will put a limitation on our freedom to do as we please, it provides benefits that outweigh the disadvantages.

The people who don't have the ability to choose a restaurant one day in advance can choose a restaurant that doesn't require reservations.

We should also consider that the people who cannot make a reservation for a restaurant one day in advance should be regarded as too crude for our modern era, in which case they would not qualify as a City Elder. Those people are analogous to people who we invite to dinner the next evening, and they complain that they cannot make dinner plans so far in the future.

Farmers are not responsible for natural disasters

In a free enterprise system, a farmer can suffer tremendous financial problems from natural disasters, such as droughts, aphids, hailstorms, and excessive rain. This concern causes a lot of farmers to use pesticides, herbicides, vaccines, and antibiotics to reduce the destruction of their plants and animals. It also results in farmers paying a lot of money for insurance.

To improve this situation, this Constitution regards the executives of the farms, ranches, and other food related businesses as employees of the city, and no employee is responsible for natural disasters.

If a farm has a crop failure because of the farmer's ignorance or incompetence, then he risks being fired, or demoted to an apprentice, but if a crop fails for reasons beyond his control, such as a hailstorm, he is not responsible.

Human health is more important than profit

This constitution gives human health a higher priority than profit. Therefore, the Food Minister is required to ensure that the farmers are using the minimum possible amount of poisons and antibiotics. The Food Minister is permitted to risk natural disasters in order to make the foods healthier.

This can result in occasional reductions in food production, but we should accept that as a side effect of living on the Earth, rather than react by increasing the pesticides and antibiotics. If the natural disaster creates such a severe reduction that there is a shortage of a particular food product, there will be plenty of other foods. We will not become hungry. Our modern technology gives us the ability to store foods in warehouses and freezers, and we can import foods from other cities.

Farmers in the free enterprise systems are using lots of pesticides and other chemicals because of the fear of financial problems, not because we will go hungry if there are natural disasters. To rephrase that concept, all of the nations are poisoning their food supply because of their free enterprise system, not because we are in desperate need for food.

Every nation is also wasting a lot of food by giving people the freedom to make their own meals, and by making restaurants pander to consumers rather than plan meals ahead of time. Centuries ago the free enterprise system was a sensible way of producing food, but today it is extremely inefficient, and it is causing the destruction of the environment and the breeding of insects into poison-resistant creatures.

The Food Minister cannot pander to the public

One of the responsibilities of the Food Minister is to reject requests for foods that have no value to us, or which are potentially unhealthy. For example, the yellow food dye, tartrazine, is prohibited in some nations because some people have allergic reactions to it, and scientists are still not sure about its effect on our health. However, the US government is more concerned with pandering to businesses and citizens than in maintaining health and ensuring products have some value to us.

The Food Minister, by comparison, is required to ignore the desires of businesses and citizens, and make decisions that are best for society. This allows them to reject requests for foods that people want but have no value to us.

For example, if there is a type of margarine that is a healthy alternative to butter, there is no benefit to adding a yellow dye to it to make it look similar to butter. The reason businesses are putting yellow dye into margarine is because humans are still so similar to animals that we are frightened of anything that is different from what we are accustomed to, and businesses in a free enterprise system pander to the desires and fears of customers, rather than provide guidance.

The Food Ministry is required to ignore what the public likes and dislikes, and make decisions that are best for society. For an example of what they could do, they could restrict food coloring agents to those that have a lot of evidence for being safe, and restrict them for making decorative meals, rather than to pander to the fears of consumers.

Restaurants Ministry

The Restaurants Ministry supervises all of the restaurants. Each restaurant is an independent business, and there is one executive in control of each restaurant. Each restaurant belongs to the city, and everybody who works at a restaurant is a city employee.

This Ministry selects an executive for each restaurant, and the executive selects his employees. As robots become more advanced, the executive will be able to select from the available robots, also.

Restaurants must be available every day, but nobody has to work every day, so a lot of the employees and executives will work on a part-time basis. Some people might choose to work only one evening a month, and there might be some people who want to work only during certain holidays.

It would be difficult in a free enterprise system for people to work only one day a month at a restaurant, but this Constitution requires the ministers to look for ways of providing as many people as possible with jobs that they enjoy doing. Therefore, people can take part-time jobs that are as seldom as one day a month, or only during holidays.

The concept of a person working at a restaurant one day a month is similar to how parents allow one of their children to help with the meals once in a while, but they do not require him to do so on a full-time basis.

A free enterprise system gives everybody the freedom to set up a chain of restaurants that are virtually identical in appearance and food products, but the Restaurants Ministry is the only group authorized to create restaurants, and they are required to make each restaurant unique. The executive of a restaurant can operate only the restaurant he is assigned to. He cannot create or supervise additional restaurants.

The executives who work full-time at a restaurant will choose the decorations and ambiance for their restaurant, whereas those who work part-time must share a restaurant that the full-time executive has decorated. If a particular restaurant doesn't have any full-time executives, and all of them are part-time, then the Restaurant Ministry will choose the decorations for the restaurant.
The concept of businesses sharing buildings and equipment is described in more detail here, and in some previous documents, such as this.

Since the city has a fixed population, the city will have a fixed number of restaurants. Therefore, a person who wants to become a restaurant executive must apply for the job, and he must wait for an executive to quit or be replaced.

When a person is hired to be a restaurant executive, he can continue providing the meals that the previous executive was providing, or he could ask the Meals Minister if he can produce a different type of meal.

If the Meals Minister believes that there are already enough restaurants producing the type of meal that an executive wants to create, then the executive has to either wait for one of those restaurants to become available, or he has to produce some other type of meal.

The Meals Minister must ensure that the restaurants are providing a variety of meals. This requires him to tell the restaurant executives what type of meals they can chose to produce, rather than give the executives the freedom to produce whatever meals they please. For example, there might be a lot more people who want to operate a pizza restaurant than the city needs.

In a free enterprise system, the people who want to operate a pizza restaurant have to compete with one another for customers, and they drive the excess businesses to bankruptcy, which is wasteful and creates an unpleasant environment. The Meals Ministry can improve upon this by making the people who want to become pizza executives wait until one of the existing pizza executives is fired or quits.

Each executive has the freedom to operate his restaurant has he pleases, but he must follow the guidelines for meals that are set by the Meals Ministry. Furthermore, the Dining Ministry can prevent him from having activities that they disapprove of. For example, if the Dining Ministry considers Wet T-shirt Contests or Food Eating Contests to be unacceptable, then the restaurant executives cannot offer those activities.

None of the executives own anything in the restaurant. The city owns all of the land, structures, refrigerators, freezers, ovens, and furniture. The full-time executives can choose their furnishings and decorations from the warehouses that the city provides for the restaurants, and they can also get decorations from the arts and crafts clubs. If they decide they no longer want some furniture or decoration, they give it back to the city.

One of the purposes of forcing people to eat at restaurants rather than their home is to provide people with healthy meals in an efficient manner. Therefore, the restaurant executives are judged according to their effect on society, not according to how many customers they attract.

Unlike a free enterprise system, the executive of a restaurant does not need a lot of customers. He only has to provide healthy meals in an efficient manner. He must fill his restaurant with customers so that he does not waste the dining room, so if he can only attract a few dozen people, then he is given a small restaurant.

If an executive can attract only 20 customers one evening each month, he would be restricted to operating a restaurant one evening a month to serve those 20 customers.

All of the restaurants must follow the guidelines for meals that the Meals Ministry has set, so none of them will be able to use "tricks" to attract customers, such as by using a lot of sugar or MSG.

The Restaurants Ministry must regularly replace the worst performing executives so that other people can have the opportunity to test their talents.

The Restaurants Ministry must collect information on the meals so that they know how much of each type of food is used by the city throughout the year, and they use that information to work with the Meals Ministry of the Health Division, and with the Food Ministry of the Economic Division, to plan the foods and quantities for the farms to produce.

They also keep track of how much food the restaurants waste, and why it is wasted, and look for ways to reduce the waste.

Maintenance Ministry

The Maintenance Ministry is responsible for all of the janitorial and maintenance requirements for the city. Although everybody is expected to clean up after themselves, a city will always become dirty and need maintenance, and the Maintenance Ministry is responsible for all of the cleaning and maintenance chores that other ministries are not handling:

They manage all of the trash collection operations, recycling operations, sewage operations, and toxic trash from hospitals, factories, and research laboratories. They also determine the policies for trash, such as how organizations and citizens must separate their trash.

The citizens are required to meet high standards, so this Ministry can require people do a better job of separating trash than what is possible in a nation with lots of irresponsible, mentally ill, and stupid people, such as requiring citizens to put the used batteries in a trash container that is restricted to batteries; the broken lightbulbs in a container for lightbulbs; and the broken memory cards and other electronics in a container for electronics.

Since all of the material wealth is free, people will not be purchasing items on a routine basis, so nobody will have to continuously dispose of packing materials and broken items. And since everybody gets their meals from restaurants, there will be no food waste or food packaging to dispose of.

There will be very little trash coming out of people's homes, so it will be easy for people to do a better job of separating the small amount of trash that they produce.

Maintenance of public items
Since all of the material items are free, the Maintenance Ministry handles the cleaning and maintenance of all of the free items, such as the cameras, computers, phones, drones, bicycles, rowboats, snowmobiles, and school equipment.

They maintain and clean all of the apartment buildings, office buildings, windows, elevators, escalators, public bathrooms, restaurant equipment, city plazas, swimming pools, recreational facilities, schools, bicycle paths, and walkways.

They are responsible for maintaining all of the parks and gardens, the gardening equipment, and all of the vegetation, trees, creeks, ponds, fountains, and other things in the city parks.

The Maintenance Minister is judged according to how well he can find ways to reduce the undesirable labor needed for this Ministry. His goal is to maintain the city with the least amount of labor and resources as possible.

Although the Maintenance Ministry cannot redesign the city, they should provide suggestions on how do redesign the public bathrooms, windows, factories, office buildings, and other structures to make them easier to clean and maintain. They can also make suggestions on how to improve mops, vacuum cleaners, and other equipment that they use for maintenance.

They can also post requests for what they want. For example, they can post a request to develop a robot that can deliver new batteries and lightbulbs to homes and organizations, and take the used items to recycling centers, in order to prevent people from having to deal with that chore.

If the Products Ministry considers such a robot to be a sensible project for the city, they would develop a proposal to develop that robot. The Research Ministry would then decide whether they have the labor and resources to do it, or whether the proposal should be modified.

The computer programmers in the Research Ministry might reject the proposal and recommend that it be modified so that all of the batteries and lightbulbs can be given barcodes so that the robots can more easily identify them. They might also recommend that the lightbulbs and batteries be redesigned to have certain shapes to make it easier for robots to pick them up, or easier for the recycling centers to process.

By making all of the ministries posts requests for what they want, and giving all of them the option to reject requests, the ministries are forced to analyze one another's suggestions and complaints, and compromise on projects. The ministries will be competing to improve the city, rather than appease consumers. This will give us better leadership, which in turn will give us better products, software, recreational activities, holiday celebrations, and other culture.

For another example, the Maintenance Ministry can reject the proposals for autonomous lawnmowers that mow randomly, and suggest that the mowers operate similar to CNC machines. A CNC lawnmower would allow the maintenance employees to mow lawns simply by identifying the boundary of the area to mow, and the mower would mow the grass in a much more efficient manner than the random mowers.

A fleet of CNC lawnmowers, edge trimmers, weed pullers, and other gardening devices could start operating late at night, and stop early in the morning, to avoid bothering people. They would be high quality machines that are quiet.

The CNC lawnmowers would mulch the grass clippings rather than discard them in the trash. Eventually the lawnmowers could be given cameras and arms so that they can pick up and move objects in the grass.

I wrote in 2009 that I would create a video to show how easy it is to define an area for a CNC lawnmower, and I finally found the motivation to do it. Here it is.

That video shows the concept of drawing a boundary around an area to mow, and specifying "islands" within that area to avoid. That concept also applies to the weed removal robots. Specifically, we would create a boundary that shows the robots where to remove weeds, and within that area we draw a boundary around the plants and trees that we want the robot to treat as "islands" to ignore. The robot would then remove the weeds within the boundary while ignoring everything in the islands.

By providing the weed removal robots with a database of photos of plants, they would be able to identify the plants to remove. That would allow them to travel around the city and remove certain plants from the flowerbeds without destroying the flowers.
Larger, more powerful robots could remove the small trees and branches that are outside of the boundary that was specified for each of the trees.

A smaller, or different type of robot, could remove the weeds or trim the plants within the islands. This concept is being used with CNC milling machines and wood routers. Specifically, a large tool is used to remove large amounts of material quickly, and then the machine switches to a smaller tool to do the more delicate work.

Construction Ministry

The Construction Ministry is responsible for creating and renovating all of the structures in the city. After a city has been built, this ministry won't have many construction projects because the city is not permitted to grow in population, but they will have to occasionally replace, renovate, and fix the damaged or old structures, and update structures to fit changes in technology and culture. Some of the structures that they are responsible for are:

Train terminals, airports, canals, and harbors.

Apartments, offices, factories, restaurants, warehouses, farms, and greenhouses.

Paths and storage areas for recreational vehicles, such as bicycles and small electric vehicles.

Parks, gardens, swimming pools, and animal parks.

Facilities for pedestrians, such as plazas, foot paths, bridges, and moving walkways.

Large, autonomous machines would make it easier to build new cities.
The section that described the Factories Ministry pointed out that it might be beneficial to reduce the size of some farming machines, but with some of the earthmoving equipment, the opposite might be true.

Specifically, it might be useful to have some gigantic earthmoving machines so that the machines have the size and strength to move large rocks and hard dirt.

The earthmoving equipment should also be automated as much as possible. Instead of having people drive bulldozers, backhoes, and dump trucks, the ministers should fund the development of CNC machines that can run autonomously and by remote control.

A person should be able to draw a map to show where to dig a foundation for a building, and the excavating machine should do the digging by itself.

The excavating machines would fill autonomous dump trucks, which would dump the dirt wherever the person specified, such as to create some artificial hills in the city parks, or to create artificial hills on the outside of the city to reduce the wind blowing through the city.

The Standards Council restricts a lot of radio frequencies for the control of autonomous machines and robots so that the machines can have higher powered radio transmitters to allow them to be operated at a greater distance than what is possible in the world today.

That will allow people to control and monitor the autonomous excavating and other machines from be comfortable office building, rather than in a portable container that is located near the construction zone.

We should not compete to have the tallest building

One of the responsibilities of the Construction Ministry is to provide some checks and balances on the Neighborhoods Ministry and other people who are involved with designing the city's buildings, transportation systems, parks, and other facilities.

One of the problems that is occurring in the world today, and which the Construction Ministry can help to prevent, is the competition to have the tallest building. That is a detrimental competition because those extremely tall buildings are a waste of our resources, and nobody benefits from them.

That competition is as wasteful and idiotic as calculating the largest Mersenne prime number. Luke Durrant spent about $2 million of his own money to set the world record, but that was not truly "his" money. He spent our money to calculate that prime number, and we did not benefit from it.

Nobody is truly an individual who is making "his" own money. We are a member of a team, and the people with more money are simply taking more from the team.

Whether it is sensible or fair to allow some people to take more wealth is an arbitrary decision, not a right or wrong issue.

The people who are capable of making more money in a free enterprise system believe that they deserve more money, but their ability to make money comes from their genetics, and not necessarily beneficial genetics. Some of them are anti-social, neurotic, or dishonest.

A person who inherited low-quality genetics, or less of a desire to make money, doesn't deserve less money than other people, unless we want to make that arbitrary decision. This constitution promotes the philosophy that all people deserve to be treated equally.

Rather than create classes of people with different levels of material wealth, we should restrict reproduction so that each generation has fewer people that are unable to contribute equally, or who demand special treatment.

Construction projects must be beneficial to society

The Construction Ministry is required to authorize only the projects that are beneficial to society. They cannot authorize a project simply to set a world record, or to appease some business or individual.

Most buildings should have more than one floor so that there is a lot of land available for swimming pools, parks, plazas, bicycle and foot paths, and creeks, as in the image below, but the Construction Ministry must make intelligent decisions about when a building is so tall that it's disadvantages outweigh the benefits.

The Construction Ministry must judge construction projects according to the benefit to the lives of the people, not according to what we find emotionally titillating.

This requires passing judgment on how easy it is for people and furniture to get into and out of a building; what the view will be like from the windows; how easy the building is to maintain; and how long its life will be.
The text-to-image software creates unrealistic cities, but these images might help you understand the concept of a city that consists of neighborhoods of tall buildings that are surrounded by nature.

This type of city will be very quiet and clean because the transportation system is underground. It will provide us with easy access to nature, and since every neighborhood must be unique, we will have a wide variety of visually different buildings, parks, plazas, foot paths, bicycle paths, and swimming areas.

Furthermore, by putting the transportation systems underground, we would be able to enjoy the snow and ice during the winter, rather than suffer injuries and deaths. By putting the utilities underground, we don't have to fear having our electricity cut off during storms, or being electrocuted by broken electrical cables.

By providing the city with lots of elevated foot paths, we would be able to walk through the parks and over the icy ponds and creeks without ruining the beautiful display of snow and ice on the ground.
The paths could be made of expanded metal so that autonomous snow removal machines could drive along the paths to push the snow through the holes, which puts it under the path rather than around the path. At other times of the year, the expanded metal would allow the rain and sunlight to pass through to the grass, bushes and trees below.

Mining Ministry

The Mining Ministry is responsible for operating whatever mining operations the city has, such as mining coal, iron ore, or natural gas. If a city doesn't have any significant natural resources, then this ministry could be eliminated, and the few mining operations could be given to the Utilities Ministry or the Chemicals Ministry.

The ministers are required to support the development of machines to do as much of the mining and processing as possible so that people don't have to work in the mines. Also, the machines would be able to remove more of the ore, and get into areas that are too hot or dangerous for people.

Chemicals Ministry

The Chemicals Ministry is responsible for producing all of the chemicals that the city needs, such as gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, acids, baking powder, plastics, clothing dies, and paints.

Software Ministry

The Software Ministry produces all of the software that is so complicated that it requires teams of people, such as the software to operate the trains, robots, airport, telephones, CNC machines, and security cameras. They also create all of the software that people use.

Many people use inappropriate software

All adults are able to understand the concept that hammers, screwdrivers, crescent wrenches, and other simple tools are useful for certain operations but not others. As a result, everybody selects a tool that was designed for the particular problem that are trying to solve. For example, a person does not use a screwdriver to remove a hex bolt.

However, a lot of people have trouble understanding how this concept applies to computer software. For example, a CNC machine tool dealer told me that there have been many times when he showed a customer of his machines how the MillWrite software can allow him to do certain tasks much faster and easier than the software that they were currently using, such as Mastercam, SolidWorks, and Fusion 360. His customers often had trouble understanding that those CAD/CAM systems were designed for complex 3D surfaces, and that it was frequently much easier and faster to use MillWrite when they were creating 2D shapes or engraving a part number.

The machinists also put up resistance to using MillWrite because they spent a lot of time and effort learning those complex 3D CAD/CAM systems, and they did not want to learn another system, even though MillWrite is much easier to learn. Therefore, they would often waste a lot of the company's time doing a job that could have been done much faster if they had been more willing to learn a new skill and choose the appropriate software. However, like most employees, they did not care about wasting time. They were doing the job for money, not because they enjoyed it, or because they wanted to contribute something of value to society.

Software must have honest descriptions

In a free enterprise system, one reason that people have trouble choosing appropriate software for a particular task is because businesses tend to deceive customers into believing that their software is so versatile that they don't need anything else. Businesses resist identifying the limitations of their products, and they especially resist identifying which of their competitors has a product that is better suited to certain tasks.

This constitution changes that situation dramatically. All of the products belong to the city, not to any of the businesses. Therefore, all of the descriptions of the products must be designed according to what is best for the city. Every product description must be an accurate and honest description of what the product was designed for, and some products should identify the products that are better suited to certain tasks. For example, a description of SolidWorks might look like this:

SolidWorks CAD/CAM software
• Creating 3D objects and surfaces.
• Producing CNC programs for 3 to 5 axis milling machines.
• Producing STL files for 3D printers.
• ... etc. ...

It is not intended for architectural drawings, engraving, inlays, stamps, staircases, chain sprockets, or two-dimensional machining. For those tasks, consider using ...

Businesses cannot claim to have "the best" of something

In free enterprise systems and democracies, businesses and citizens are constantly competing to have "the best" of something. For example, the people who create the rules for soccer boast that they have the best recreational activity; a lot of citizens and restaurants boast that they have the best recipe for pizza or chocolate cake; and many software businesses boast that they have the best software.

The attitude that certain things are "the best" is a destructive attitude because it prevents us from enjoying the variety of life, and it can prevent us from using the appropriate tool for a particular task. For example, if a person believes that a certain tool is the best, he might end up using that tool for a task that some other tool would be more appropriate and efficient. That will result in him wasting his time, and possibly causing himself unnecessary frustration and confusion, and possibly break the item or the tool.

Instead of businesses competing to produce "the best" software, they must create different variations of software for different purposes.

For example, there are several businesses producing text-to-image software, and each of them creates slightly different images from the same text prompt. Instead of competing to create "the best" text-to-image software, a more sensible and productive attitude is for them to create different variations of the text-to-image software so that we can create different types of images.

The NightCafe software provides us with the option of choosing a "model" and a "style". We could take this attitude even further by making some text-to-image software specialized for specific tasks. For example:

One business could create a variation that creates images that follow the rules of physics so that the images are realistic enough to be used for designing swimming pools, chairs, tables, and doors.

Another business could create a variation that is more artistic in order to give us ideas that we would otherwise never have imagined, and which we could use for decorative artwork.

Another business could create a variation that creates images of the past, rather than the present or the future, for historians who want images of medieval life, dinosaurs, and prehistoric tribes for historical documents and videos.

Robots should have emotions

There are some fictional movies and books in which robots are given emotions that results in them developing a hatred of humans, but we should not be afraid of designing robots with emotions. Instead, we should look at nature and give robots the emotions that have been beneficial to animals and humans. For example:

Robots should be lazy.

Animals have an inherent laziness that causes us to look for ways to do tasks in an efficient manner. Therefore, by designing robots to be "lazy", they would analyze their tasks and look for a way to do it by moving fewer of their arm and leg components, and using less energy and time. This will allow them to find a way to accomplish the task with less time, movement, and energy.

For example, one of the PBS documentary (Episode 2 of Nature's Great Race) shows caribou migrating in Alaska during the winter. Since it is difficult to walk through deep snow, they follow the path of the caribou in front of them, but the caribou do not understand that they are being efficient. Rather, they notice that when they walk along the path of another caribou, their muscles are not bothering them as much.

Animals are designed to avoid physical exertion, so our muscles send us an unpleasant emotional feeling when we use them, and the more work we do, the more unpleasant that feeling is. This causes us to look for ways to accomplish a task with the least amount of physical effort.

Likewise, when birds are flying, they notice that they can keep up with the other birds with less muscular irritation when they are in certain locations. This results in them frequently forming a "V" formation, but they have no understanding of what they are doing. They are simply looking for a way to reduce their physical effort. That formation also allows them to see the other birds without colliding with them.

By designing robots to notice when they are using less energy and time, they can also become more efficient in their tasks.

Robots should dislike noises.

By having the robots keep track of the noise that they and other machines make, they will notice when their own components, or another machine, is making more or different types of noises, which would let them know that they or the other machine needs to be serviced. By also designing robots with stereo microphones that can identify the location of a sound, they would help the technicians figure out which component needs servicing. Thermal cameras would also be beneficial.

Robots should have a slight OCD problem.

By having robots "like" items that are arranged in geometric patterns rather than scattered randomly, they will want to arrange items on shelves in a orderly fashion, rather than at random. They will also want to pick objects up that have fallen onto the floor and put them where they belong. Eventually robots will be able to sense odors in the air, which will help them identify items that are starting to overheat or leak.

Robots should feel pain.

By attaching pressure and temperature sensors all around a robot, it will become aware of when it is touching something, and whether it is near something that is hot or cold. The information from those sensors would allow a robot to "feel pain".

For example, when it was touching something hot, or when the pressure sensors registered a high pressure, it could react quickly, as if it was in pain, by trying to figure out what it is in contact with, and what to do to protect itself.

By comparison, when it sensed something that was not dangerous, such as a human hand or the leaves from a bush, it would not "feel pain", so instead of reacting quickly, it would analyze the situation to determine if it needs to do anything.

Manufacturing Ministry

The Manufacturing Ministry produces most of the material items in the city. One of their responsibilities is to pass judgment on whether they are requested to produce a product that is truly beneficial to us.

For example, if the Products Ministry requests the production of some mechanical wrist or pocket watches, the Manufacturing Ministry should pass judgment on whether the benefits of mechanical watches outweigh the disadvantages of producing and maintaining them.

The Manufacturing Ministry is also expected to pass judgment on when they are producing an excessive number of variations of a product. For example, it is beneficial to produce a variety of bicycles of different sizes and types so that people of different ages and physical abilities can find a bicycle that is comfortable, and fits the type of recreation they want.

It is also beneficial to produce a variety of different types of clothing items and furniture so that everybody can find items that fit their particular body, and to provide some artistic variety in order to prevent monotony.

However, we do not benefit by producing hundreds of trivial variations of garlic presses, laundry detergents, V-belts, vacuum cleaners, and other devices that are tools rather than artistic or personal items. Therefore, the Manufacturing Ministry should be finicky about producing additional variations of tools.

The Manufacturing Ministry can be more generous with artistic and personal items, but they need to pass judgment on when they are producing excessive amounts of those items. For example, in the free enterprise systems, there are a lot of business involved with producing plants and flowers for people to give as gifts, but according to several surveys, those are the most unwanted gifts.

Producing those flowers and plants requires a lot of greenhouses, land, fertilizer, and other resources, and a lot of labor and resources to pick, package, and ship them around the world. The Manufacturing Ministry must pass judgment on whether the benefits of a product compensate for the labor and resources involved with producing, shipping, and recycling it.

The Manufacturing Ministry must also consider who benefits from the product. Their primary concern is improving the lives of the City Elders. For example, it is unlikely that the City Elders will benefit from mechanical wristwatches or chicken flavored lickable wrapping paper.

Manufacturing should occur in tall buildings

Aside from a few cities, such as Hong Kong and Manhattan, manufacturing tends to occur in buildings that have only one floor, which requires them to consume a large area of land, which in turn causes the city to be spread out over a large area, which in turn requires people spend a lot of time traveling to get to and from their jobs.

As discussed in the section about the Construction Ministry, in order to provide more land for the people, and to reduce transportation time, the Economic Division must design the factory neighborhoods as clusters of tall buildings.

The businesses that need heavy equipment or produce heavy products are put in the basements and the ground floor, and the products that are lighter in weight and can be produced with lightweight equipment are at the higher levels. The tops of the buildings would have the offices, restaurants, and lounge rooms.

In the cities with cold winters, the factories that need cooling could use water from large, free-form swimming pools,  such as the pool in the image above, so that people can benefit from the waste heat. The waste heat could also be used to keep the foot paths free of snow and ice, or provide warmth for greenhouses.

One of the crops that would benefit from sealed greenhouses are figs. I created this video to explain it.

Although that would make the figures more expensive, as many documents have pointed out, we need to put some serious thought into why we bother to live and work. Are we living in order to serve Jesus, Prince Charles, or the billionaires that run our businesses? Is our goal to be as efficient as possible? Or do we want to enjoy our lives, nature, other people, and foods?
Requirements to become a Economic Minister

There are no standards for leaders in free enterprise systems

A free enterprise system does not have leaders, but people become more influential in the economy as they acquire more money. However, a free enterprise system has no concern for how a person acquires money, or their age, mental health, or effect on society. This allows both children and adults to gain significant influence over the economy through crime, inheritances, divorce settlements, investments, gambling successes, entertainment, and exploiting consumers.

The Economic Ministers are leaders of the economy

This constitution puts the Ministers of the Economic Division in control of the economy, and it restricts them to adults who have demonstrated some success in supervising a business, or supervising a department within a large business. A person cannot become a minister simply by graduating from school, or because his parents were ministers.

A person must be between the ages of 35 and 65 to become a minister, and he must retire by 70, and for the same reasons that the presidents are restricted to a certain age group.