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The Kastron Constitution
7d) Databases

16 May 2024

Modern humans need an understanding of language

Documents should be brief and understandable

Government officials are required to post a document to explain their laws and decisions, and citizens who have a complaint or suggestion must post a document to explain it. However, a document is worthless if we cannot understand it, or if different people interpret it differently, or if it is so lengthy or monotonous that we don't want to read it.

In the USA, lawyers and government officials tend to create legal documents that are so lengthy, monotonous, and confusing that most people avoid reading them. For example, when we install software that we download from the Internet, even if it is free software, we often have to check a box to acknowledge that we agree to a legal document that very few people read.

This constitution promotes a different attitude. Specifically, documents should be as brief and understandable as possible. They must be written to explain a concept, not to entertain or impress us. They should be as easy to understand, and as serious, as a list of instructions that a factory supervisor provides to an employee on how to do his job.

This Constitution has a lot of lengthy documents, and part of the reason is to explain and emphasize concepts that should eventually be considered "common knowledge", such as evolution, and that material wealth does not bring us happiness. Once these concepts are well known to everybody, they can be removed from this Constitution.

Cat and mouse games are not tolerated

One reason that the legal documents in the USA are so lengthy and confusing is because the US legal system allows people to "play cat and mouse games," such as disregarding a "no swimming" sign by claiming that they were "wading" in the water rather than "swimming". That attitude result in lawyers adding unnecessary detail to their documents.

This constitution requires that we stop the cat and mouse games by:

1) Raise standards for people
Nobody can claim to be too stupid to understand the laws. Adults who cannot understand the laws must be regarded as misfits, and they must either be evicted or put on restrictions, as if they are children.

We must expect children to play the cat and mouse games, but we must stop tolerating adults who cannot understand the rules, or who pretend to have misinterpreted the rules.

When a business discovers an employee is not following the rules, they investigate the situation. If they determine that he doesn't understand what to do, they give him some training or advice, but if they determine that he is too stupid to understand how to follow the rules or use his equipment properly, they fire him or give him a simpler job. They do not ignore the disruptive employees, and they do not try to fix the problem with punishments.

Encourage the clarification of documents
We must acknowledge that human languages are crude, irrational collections of monkey noises. We must regard all documents as imperfect, and encourage people to identify the confusing words and phrases. People should get credit for finding ways to improve documents, including the narration of videos.

Although it might seem obvious that we should edit our documents to make them more understandable, there is no culture yet that encourages people to fix the mistakes in school books, videos, legal documents, maintenance manuals, or other documents. Instead, every culture encourages people to create documents that are entertaining and impressive, rather than serious and understandable.

For example, GPT-4o is very impressive, but it has been designed it to imitate silly humans. (An example is here.) There is nothing wrong with designing AI software to be entertaining, just as there is nothing wrong with a culture that encourages astrology, murder rituals, a particular religion, or pedophilia. We simply have to decide what we want our culture to be.

Do we want machines to imitate humans?
Do we want robots and AI software to speak to us in a silly and entertaining manner?

The software should at least have an option to let us choose between seriousness and entertainment.

A previous document pointed out (here) that a lot of things are interesting when we first see them, but they become boring, or irritating, after months or years.

Businesses in a free enterprise system compete for the attention of people, and the people who are the most difficult to attract are those with mental disorders. They need extreme excitement, which results in businesses adding large amounts of sugar and salt to foods; having the narrators of documentaries dramatize events; editing the photos of travel brochures to make the colors more intense; and now, in 2024, making AI and robot software to be so entertaining that we could describe it as "clown software".

The clown software is very interesting and amusing, but how many of us will enjoy it throughout their life? And who among us will enjoy it? I find it irritating to talk to a computer that is pretending to have emotions, pretending to care about me, and talking to me in a silly manner.

The AI software is extremely impressive and useful, and eventually it will be applied to a lot of machines. For example, it would make CNC machines, farm tractors, and bulldozers easier to use. It would allow us to speak to a bulldozer and tell it to dig a hole, and where to put the dirt. We could also speak to a farm tractor to tell at the plant carrots in a particular area, or to harvest wheat in a particular field.

It would also allow us to talk to a CNC milling machine and get advice on which tool to use to cut a particular part, and what the feeds and speeds should be.

However, how many of us will want a bulldozer or CNC machine to pretend to have emotions? How many of us will regard that "clown software" as wasting our time on idiotic remarks and silly and slang expressions?

Should software be entertaining
or a good role model?
Furthermore, we should consider what effect the clown software has on children.

Will children become better adults, or have a more pleasant life, when they are taught by "clown robots"?

Or will they become better adults when the robots and software speak and behave in a serious manner, and set a good example for them?

Journalists and advertisers regularly use language, including slang expressions, in an attempt to titillate, manipulate, and deceive people, and no culture demands that they use language in a more serious manner.

In order to settle the issue of how we should design AI software, robots, city holidays, telephones, social activities, recreational activities, and everything else, this constitution creates the concept of City Elders, and the ministers must consider what will provide the Elders with the most pleasant and satisfying life. The ministers cannot pander to the people with ADHD or bipolar problems.

The Courts Ministry must treat people in a similar manner as businesses treat their employees. Specifically, when somebody misinterprets a law, the Courts Ministry must pass judgment on why he misinterpreted it. If the judge decides that he is too stupid to understand the law, then the judge should consider whether he should be put on restrictions and treated like a child, or evicted from the city.

If a lot of people misinterpret a particular law, and it seems to be due to mistakes in interpreting the law, then the judge must request the law be edited to reduce the confusion. However, if the judge determines that a person has deliberately misinterpreted the law, he must be regarded as a criminal, and the judge must pass judgment on whether his crime is serious enough to evict him from the city or be put on restrictions.

This constitution requires the Courts Ministry to be intolerant of people who deliberately misinterpret laws. The Courts Ministry is regarded as part of the security system of the city, and as described in the behavioral document, the security personnel must be "coldhearted". This is one of the reasons that the Courts Minister is restricted to a man, but only a man who has shown the emotional ability to resist being intimidated or manipulated by whining, threats, pouting, and tears.

Documents are technology, and need improvement

Our documents are a type of technology, and they can and should be improved upon, just like refrigerators and robots are technology that can be improved upon. We cannot expect a person to produce a "perfect" document. We must expect documents to be somewhat confusing, and we should try to improve them.

Since we differ in our ability to express our thoughts, we should restrict the people in influential positions to those who have shown a better-than-average ability to express themselves so that we reduce the confusion and misinterpretation of our laws and other culture. Our leaders should have a better understanding of language than the people they are providing leadership to, and this applies to everybody in an influential position, such as journalists, teachers, and the managers of a business.

The crude aspects of human languages is another issue that is repeated several times in this constitution because it is very important for modern humans to understand that many of the arguments that we get into are because of differences in how we interpret words. We often get into arguments over words and phrases that we don't understand very well, such as freedom, rights, white privilege, toxic masculinity, sexism, Holocaust denial, and anti-Semitism.

The existing school systems are adding to this problem by promoting the concept that we are "enriching our vocabulary" when we learn unusual words and phrases. That encourages children to use words that most people don't know or use. The schools also teach children to keep punctuation to a minimum, rather than to increase clarity to the maximum.This constitution prohibits the schools from promoting those concepts. Schools are required to give children practice in explaining themselves as clearly as possible.

To improve our use of language, the Knowledge Division of the World Government is the authority for language.
The city databases

Every city maintains databases about itself

Each city maintains its own database about itself for both its citizens and visitors. The suggested categories are:

/Laws /Customs /Explanations
/Suggestions /Deleted /Requests
/Jobs /City /People
/Detrimental /Prices /Elections
/Surveillance /Public Polls


The Economic Division does not produce laws because they are involved with material items and services, not human behavior. The ministers and presidents of the Health and Social divisions have the authority to create laws. For example, the Safety Ministry of the Health Division can create laws to set safety standards and equipment for employees, and the Medical Ministry can create laws to control medical personnel and hospitals.

The Courts Ministry must impress us by reducing crime, not with bookcases or wigs.

When a government official creates a law, he must post it in the Law database so that everybody can easily find it. The official must also include an explanation of the law.

All of the databases must be electronic. The laws cannot be printed in paper books. One reason is to reduce the use of resources and labor, and a more important reason is to prevent government officials from doing what is common around the world, which is to try to impress us by sitting in front of giant bookcases of legal books.

A trial is an intellectual analysis, not a battle between lawyers to intimidate, impress, and manipulate a jury. The people involved with a trial must impress us with their analysis of the crime, and their suggestions to reduce crime.

Incidentally, the wigs that are worn by some people in the legal system of some nations was originally intended for men who did not want to bother keeping their hair neat and clean. This is another example of how some of our customs are the result of people mimicking the idiotic behavior of people with high status.

There is also evidence that the custom of wearing pointed shoes is the result of wealthy medieval people trying to show off, and centuries later due to cowboy boots that were pointed to make it easier to get them into stirrups.

Wealthy people have also created the custom of believing that lobster, caviar, and champagne are "delicacies".

The wealthy people do a lot of stupid things simply to show off, and most other people mimic the wealthy people rather than think about what is most sensible.


Some of the things that we do are optional, rather than required by a law. For example, there is no law telling us how we must greet one another. Instead, we have a variety of optional methods to greet one another, such as saying "hello", shaking hands, tipping hats, kissing cheeks, hugging, or nodding heads.

Likewise, there is no law telling us how to eat our food, and this results in some people using chopsticks, some people holding a fork in their left hand with the prongs pointing downward, and other people holding a fork in their right hand with the prongs pointing upward.

Nobody has created a specific word for these optional things. Instead, we have a variety of words, such as customs, traditions, habits, conventions, routines, and rituals. This constitution will refer to them as "customs".

We have a lot of freedom to choose how we greet people, eat our food, get dressed, and many other customs, but none of us actually uses or wants that freedom. Instead, all of us want to impress the people that we admire and respect, and be accepted by them, and this results in us mimicking other people rather than using our freedom to do what we want to do.

We don't want freedom with clothing.
We want to mimic other people.

Mimicking other people is as natural to us as blinking and breathing, so we don't notice that we do it. The only way we will realize that we are mimicking other people's clothing styles is to look at photos of ourselves and other people in the past, and notice that clothing styles change in the same senseless manner that a group of fish change their course erratically.

Our prehistoric ancestors did not have to be concerned about who or what they were mimicking because they lived in small groups, and everybody's behavior was similar. Today, however, our technology and large populations can result in us mimicking idiotic, wasteful, or dangerous activities. Modern humans need to be aware of their mimicking tendency, and we need to occasionally pass judgment on whether we are mimicking sensible behavior. We need to be especially concerned with what the children are mimicking.

Our customs have been developing haphazardly, and they have been manipulated by businesses, religions, Zionist organizations, and individual citizens. The result is that there are lots of variations of customs, and different groups of people mimic different customs, which often creates awkwardness, frustration, insults, and fights.

We will create a more pleasant and relaxed social environment if we reduced the awkwardness with customs. We don't want the freedom to choose customs, so the social division is required to analyze our customs and experiment with more sensible and beneficial customs. They will post their recommended customs in the Customs category, along with an explanation of it.

Tourists will be able to use the Customs category to find out what the customs of a city are before they arrive in the city. Children will be able to use that category to learn about their customs. However, those customs are not "laws" that are enforced. Rather, they are "suggestions" or "advice".

For some examples of what the social ministers can do:

Greeting customs
The Leisure Minister is responsible for analyzing greeting customs and developing a custom that will reduce awkwardness, confusion, and frustration. For example, he might suggest a different greeting custom for when men and women greet each other compared to how we greet our own sex. That might reduce some of the awkwardness and problems that occurs between men and women. He might also recommend that children greet adults differently than how they greet other children.

Clothing styles
None of us wants or benefits from the freedom to chose our clothing styles. We want to mimic people in our peer group, but that causes us to mimic people who never did any research or analysis of clothing styles, which in turn results in us mimicking clothing customs that are irrational, uncomfortable, and wasteful. An example are the women's pointed and high-heeled shoes that deform their feet, cause them pain, and add a burden to the healthcare system. Another example are the men who dress like penguins regardless of the weather conditions.

We would create a less awkward and more pleasant social environment if everybody followed the same clothing customs, and if the clothing styles were more sensible and comfortable. Therefore, the Clothing Minister has the authority to determine what type of clothing and shoes are authorized for production.

People will be able to choose their clothing, but only from whatever types of clothing that the Clothing Minister has authorized.

The Clothing Minister can bring stability to clothing styles because he can prevent "fashion trends" from occurring. People will not be able to mimic the latest style worn by Queen Elizabeth or Oprah, or the latest style created by Nike or Diane Von Furstenberg. The Clothing Minister is the only person authorized to create new styles, not the wealthy people or the entertainers.

Courtship activities
Every culture is still following courtship activities of monkeys. This is causing most of us to waste a significant amount of the best years of our life as we search for a spouse, and it causes us to occasionally suffer from awkwardness, frustration, sadness, loneliness, embarrassment, and failed relationships. It also sometimes results in unwanted pregnancies and venereal diseases.

Our modern societies are so large and complex that we no longer benefit from having the freedom to find a spouse though our "natural" method. Modern humans need to experiment with more appropriate methods for men and women to get to know one another and choose a spouse. Therefore, the Courtship Minister is authorized to experiment with courtship activities, and the single men and women are required to find a spouse through those activities, and they are prohibited from flirting in public.

The Courtship Minister is also required to create customs for single men and women, such as how they should greet and treat one another. He will have to create a lot of new customs because most of our existing customs are either idiotic or will be inappropriate in Kastron. For example, all of the material items are free, so it will not make sense for single men to provide women with gifts, and it will no longer be practical for single men to show off their material wealth.

The Courtship Minister might also prevent businesses from producing flowers for men to give to women in order to reduce the wasted labor and resources on those flowers, and to reduce the number of insects in the apartments.

We must expect our first attempts to be crude

Our first attempts at courtship customs and activities will be crude, awkward, and ineffective, but we cannot let that discourage us. New technology is always crude, but if we learn from our mistakes, we will find ways to improve it.

History provides us a lot of examples of people who criticized new technology as worthless and wasteful, such as the first gasoline engines and airplanes. Today some people criticizing surgical robots and artificial intelligence software.

Our first attempts to create improved courtship activities, government systems, recreational activities, holiday celebrations, school systems, and other culture, are going to be crude, but instead of reacting with insults or fear, we should look for ways to improve them.


The government officials are required to provide an explanation for what they do. When they do something that doesn't fit into any other category, they will put it into the Explanations category. This can be regarded as the "miscellaneous category" for government officials to explain themselves.


Everybody who has suggestions or complaints can post them in this category. However, unlike existing cultures, which allow us to make suggestions and complaints that are rude, incomprehensible, and insulting, the documents in the Suggestions category must be written as if the person is a teacher speaking to his students, as described here.

As described here, everybody is held accountable for their documents, so a person who posts a suggestion that turns out to be beneficial will get credit for it, which will help him if he wants certain jobs. It will also improve his social credit score, and give him a reputation for having useful ideas, which will cause people to pay more attention to his future suggestions.

Conversely, a person who routinely posts documents that are considered to be worthless will have those failures listed in his database entry, which will cause him to develop a reputation for being worthless. The Database Ministry has the option of having his suggestions tagged as low priority so that people can choose to ignore his suggestions when they search that category. If a person's opinions are considered extremely worthless, then the Database Ministry can prohibit him from posting in the Suggestions category.

In order for this Suggestions category to be useful, people need practice in writing suggestions, and in analyzing suggestions. People who have trouble explaining their opinions should ask for help in writing their suggestions rather than create a confusing document.

It is likely that a lot of ordinary people will have valuable suggestions, but they will need help writing their suggestions. Therefore, it is best for them to first post their suggestions in the Public category (described farther down). For an example, a factory worker might find himself occasionally wasting time because he becomes confused about how to use a particular machine or software, but his complaints are so vague and confusing that no one understands him. If he were to get help in describing the problem, the engineers who design the machine or software would be able to improve it, thereby making the factory more efficient, and making the man's job more pleasant.

Most people have nothing of value to say

The majority of people are not likely to post any suggestions, but that should be expected rather than regarded as a failure of this culture. All of our social and technical progress has come from a small percentage of the population, and we must expect all of the progress in the future to come from a small percentage of the population. However, there is no way to predict which of us will provide the improvements, so we need to encourage everybody to get involved, and give everybody the opportunity to contribute.

Government officials can also use the Suggestions category to post suggestions or complaints that they don't have the authority to deal with. For example, the Medical Minister might have a suggestion about a holiday celebration, but he has no authority to do anything about the social affairs of the city, so he must post a suggestion just like the citizens.
Examples of suggestions that this Constitution encourages and discourages are here.

Posting suggestions is privilege

The Suggestions category is not an entertainment site. Rather, it is for people who have put some effort into thinking about and developing their suggestions.

Posting a document on the suggestion site is analogous to going into the cockpit of an airplane and suggesting a change in course. Every adult is provided with the privilege to post on that site, but a person can lose that privilege if most of his documents are regarded as worthless or idiotic.

The Suggestions category is similar to the publications that scientists use to publicize their work. The people who control those publications are not supposed to censor or suppress any of the scientists. They are supposed to publish any document that they regard as beneficial to their audience. If a document is rejected, the author is free to edit it, or have it published somewhere else.

The Suggestions category is similar, except that nobody passes judgment on which document to accept. Initially every adult has the privilege to post documents on the site. However, the documents will eventually be analyzed, and the people who tend to post a lot of worthless documents risk having their documents tagged as "low-priority" so that they are at the bottom of the list, and to allow them to be excluded from searches. The people who post a lot of documents that are considered to be idiotic can be prohibited from posting on that site.

However, nobody is censored or suppressed. A person who loses the privilege to post on the Suggestions category can continue promoting his opinions in other manners, such as on other websites, or by discussing his ideas with his friends or coworkers.

How many idiotic suggestions can a person post before he loses the privilege? There is no answer to that question. That is similar to the issue of how many mistakes can a factory worker can make before he is fired.

One of the problems with the Internet today is that there is no quality control for the messages. This allows messages to be idiotic and deliberate propaganda, such as promoting the flat earth theory. It also allows people to insult and argue with one another.

To improve upon the situation, everybody is encouraged to pass judgment on which documents are too stupid to be allowed in the Suggestions category. If a citizen or government official believes a particular document is stupid, he can post a document in the Suggestions category to explain why he believes the document is too stupid to tolerate.

The Courts Ministry has the authority to give the person an intellectual trial, and if they determine that his document is indeed too stupid, the person who brought this to the attention of the Courts Ministry will get credit for identifying a stupid document, which will be useful if he wants to get involved with the government.

The Courts Ministry also passes judgment on when a person has posted so many idiotic documents that he is prohibited from posting documents. For example, a person who posts a document that claims the earth is flat might be prohibited after posting that document, whereas a person who posts documents that are only "slightly stupid" might be able to post a dozen before the Courts Ministry comes to the conclusion that he has nothing of value to to say.


When an author wants to delete or edit one of the documents he posted in any of the other categories, it will automatically be moved here, as described here.


The directors, presidents, and ministers are the only people authorized to post documents in this category, but everybody can access this category.

As described here, when a minister needs something from another minister, he must request it, and he does that by posting a document in the Requests category to explain his request. He cannot send secretive or anonymous requests.

The purpose of making them post their requests in this category is that it will enable the voters and presidents to pass judgment on which of them are making the most sensible requests.

It will also allow us to determine whether a official is repeatedly changing his request, which is a common problem in the world today. For example, a government official or business executive might request the development of a new product or software program, but partway through the project he makes changes to what he wants, and sometimes more than once.

When the requests are verbal or secretive, we cannot be certain who is wasting time and resources. By keeping track of the requests, we will be able to pass judgment on which officials do a better job of developing their requests before they make them.

We will also be able to determine which ministers have created requests that turned out to be the most beneficial, and which of them have the most rejected requests.

Since the presidents must routinely replace a minister, analyzing their requests is one of the ways they will be able to decide which of the ministers should be replaced.

If a minister is so afraid of having a failed or rejected request that he rarely makes a request, he will be considered useless for not doing much of anything. The ministers are supposed to experiment with improvements to society, so if they don't accomplish much of anything, they are not doing their job. As mentioned here, we must expect them to have failures once in a while.


The Jobs database will have a list of every job in the city, along with a description of the job and its current status. This includes all of the government jobs.

If somebody is working at a job, he will be identified, and if he has made plans to retire or switch to some other job, it will show the date at when the job will become available. Unlike a free enterprise system, nobody has any secrecy, so everybody can see all of the jobs in the city, and who is working at the job.

If a job is expected to be eliminated in the future, the database will have the estimated date. For example, when the managers of a factory make plans to install robots and eliminate some employees, or when they expect a job to be eliminated due to upcoming changes in social activities, they will put the estimated date that the jobs will vanish in the entry for those jobs.

This constitution suggests the following information for each job:

Factory Supervisor

Job ID:

Full time, weekdays, 7:00 to 16:00

Supervise a factory that produces...

Must have experience with...

5 April 2023

Termination date:

Current employee:
Bob Doe, ID 516-932-184

Becomes available:

Must be able to routinely pick up boxes up to 20 kg from the floor, which requires an excellent back and knees.

That entry shows that Bob Doe currently has the job, and that there is no "Becomes Available" date because Bob doesn't have any plans to leave the job, and there is no "Termination Date" because there is no plan to eliminate the job.

Some jobs should have an "Irritation" entry (shown in green, below) to describe the aspects of the job that previous employees have either disliked or been fired for. In a free enterprise system, businesses tend to ignore or minimize the undesirable aspects of a job, but as mentioned here, jobs must be designed to allow people to enjoy working, and this requires businesses be honest about the jobs so that prospective candidates can make better decisions about whether they will be able to do the job properly and enjoy it.

Employees are not the possessions of businesses. A business is just a group of city employees who have been selected to accomplish a particular task. Everybody in the city has a right to know the truth about all of the jobs and businesses.

When a new job is expected to exist in the future, the database will show the estimated date at which the job will be created, shown in red below:

Aquaculture analyst

Job ID: A54-82-57

Hours: Part-time, three hours, one day a week.

Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of a new type of aquaculture facility...

Requirements: Must have experience with...


Termination date:

Current employee:

Becomes available:
August 2023

Irritations: Expect to frequently get wet, and have to deal with unpleasant fish odors.

In a free enterprise system, businesses are secretive about the jobs they plan to terminate, and the jobs they expect to create in the future, because they don't want employees to quit before the job has been eliminated, and they don't want their competitors to know what they're planning to do, but this Constitution creates an economy in which the businesses are groups of friends who are working to make their lives better. They are not working for a business, or for an investor.

With this Constitution, the businesses cannot keep secrets from the people because the businesses belong to the city. They do not belong to investors, banks, or wealthy people.

The jobs in the city are analogous to the chores of a family. Everybody has the right to know the truth about all of the jobs, including which jobs are likely to soon vanish or be created, so that we can make plans for our future. It will also allow schools to adjust their curriculum to prepare students for the jobs of the future.

No organization is allowed to to be deceptive or secretive. Instead, they are required to let everybody know what they do, and what they expect to do in the future. Their future plans are public knowledge, not proprietary information.


The City database is for information that the city government assumes will be useful to both the residents and visitors of the city, such as:

Maps, descriptions, and diagrams of the parks, trains, foot paths, plazas, bicycle paths, swimming areas, farms, and creeks.

A map of every structure of the city. Since the map is electronic, clicking or touching any of the buildings on the map will provide a description, such as whether it is an apartment, restaurant, museum, social club, school, medical facility, or factory. It will also contain whatever other information that is considered useful, such as hours of operation, and what type of services the facility offers.

Since everybody is free to move from one apartment to another whenever they please, the database will show which apartments are vacant and whether the apartment is restricted to childless adults, families, or the elderly. It will show the names of the people in each apartment so that people can decide who they want to live near.

A calendar with a description of the city's festivals, holidays, and other celebrations.

A description of the dangerous vegetation that grows in and around the city, such as those that are poisonous or have thorns.

A listing of the dangerous animals and insects in the area.

Geological information about the land, subsoil, earthquake faults, and underground water that would be useful for people involved with farming, construction, and gardening.


When a woman gets pregnant, an entry in the People database is created for the baby, and the baby is provided with a unique identification number. From then on everything about the baby is recorded in his database entry. For example, if there are any ultrasound scans of the fetus, or other medical analyses, that information is saved in his database entry.

If the woman has a miscarriage, or the fetus is aborted, that information will be saved for scientists who analyze such issues.

When the baby is born, information about his health will be saved in the database, along with a DNA sample. The school and medical personnel will continuously add information to the database, such as updated photos of his face, samples of his voice, 3D scans of his head and body, dental records, medical records, and school records. The city's computers will use that data to identify and track people.

No information is considered to be too "personal" or "private" for the database. The People database is treated as if it were a database about wolves or cherry trees. It is regarded as a valuable source of knowledge about humans. It will allow scientists, doctors, and artificial intelligence software to analyze humans to help us identify people with potential medical and physical disorders, and help us understand the human race.

It will also be useful for the citizens to compare themselves to other people to help them understand themselves and how they differ from other people.

The People database also eliminates the time that we waste providing information about ourselves to doctors, employers, and other people. For example, when we visit a doctor, we do not have to provide any information about our medical problems, the drugs we are taking, or any other aspect of our history or life. Instead, we provide only our ID number, and the medical personnel will access whatever information they want by looking at our entry in the People database.

The doctors cannot maintain their own medical records. Instead, every doctor puts whatever information he collects about us into our entry of the People database.

Likewise, schools are required to put a student's performance reports into his entry of the People database, and businesses must put job performance reviews into that database.
In order to avoid cluttering the database with useless job performance reviews, if there is nothing particularly good or bad to say about an employee, his manager should not post his job performance review. Most people do the same tasks over and over, and they do not cause trouble, so there is no point in posting a job performance review to let us know that his performance is the same as it was the year before.

The People database also simplifies applying for a job or an educational program. Instead of filling out applications, we only have to provide our ID number. Employers access information about a job candidate by looking in his database entry. This will also eliminate the problem of deceptive resumes.

Everybody has access to the People database, but only certain people can put information in it, such as doctors, teachers, and the managers who provide job performance reviews. However, nobody can post information anonymously. When a person puts information in the database, the software that manages the database will automatically tag the data with the identification number of the person who posted it.

The software will not allow a person to put data into the database unless the software has verified who the person is through facial recognition. Therefore, the person who posts the information has to do so from a computer or phone that has a camera.

If a person believes that some of the information in his or somebody else's database entry is inaccurate, he can post his explanation in the Suggestions category, and the Courts Ministry of the Quality Division will investigate and decide if the information should be edited.

The Courts Ministry is the only group authorized to edit the information in the People database. When a Courts official decides to change some information, he must identify himself as the person making the change, and he must provide a reason for the change. It will be similar to how the Wikipedia keeps track of the edits made to the information. However, the Wikipedia editors are not held accountable for what they do, which allows them to lie, include propaganda, and censor important information.

We can put instructions in our database entry

Although nobody is allowed to edit their database entry, we are allowed to add instructions to it. For example, if a person is expecting a delivery of something he needs immediately, such as a medicine, he can put an instruction in his database entry to deliver the product to wherever he happens to be.

Normally a package is delivered to a person's address, but the city's computer looks in a person's database entry to see if he has requested any of his packages to be delivered to where he happens to be, and if so, the computer will use its tracking software to figure out where the person is, and then send it to that location.

A person could also leave an instruction to be notified when a package is about to be delivered to him, in which case the computer sends him a message, and then he can decide what to do with the package. For example, if a technician is waiting for a tool or spare part to perform maintenance on a farming tractor, but the tractor is being used, then he could leave an instruction to be notified when the tool is about to be delivered.

When he gets the notification, he can figure out where the farmer happens to be, arrange for a delivery location nearby, ask the computer how long it will take to deliver to that location, and then tell the farmer to be there at that time. Then he, the farmer, and the package will arrive at the same location at about the same time.


This constitution does not support any type of censorship. Therefore, when people create documents that are considered to be absurd, destructive, or worthless, instead of censoring them, the government officials can move them to the Detrimental category.

This will enable the government to remove the documents that promote such idiotic concepts as astrology, reverse speech, ghosts, and witchcraft. The documents will continue to exist, and links to the documents to continue to work, but the documents will not show up in searches unless somebody specifically requests that the Detrimental category be included in the search.

The only people who can move documents to this category are the ministers, presidents, and directors, and when they do so, the software keeps track of which person is responsible for it.

Moving documents to this category is superior to censoring documents because it allows us to know what our government officials consider to be detrimental information. That allows us to pass judgment on whether they are making wise decisions.

Nobody has authorization to edit or delete any of the documents in this category because that would defeat the purpose of having this category.


Everything in Kastron is free, and there is no type of money. However, everything will be given a price in order to make it easier and faster for the people in management to make economic decisions. Although there is no currency, the prices will be set in "dollars" because most people are already familiar with that word.

Since the prices of item are used only for analyses, they can be set to be more useful compared to the prices of a free enterprise system. For example, a refrigerator needs insulation, but if there are two options for insulation, and one of them requires slightly less labor or resources, then the businesses in a free enterprise system would choose the less expensive insulation. However, if the more expensive insulation is easier to recycle, then its "overall cost" to society might be lower.

In a free enterprise system, the price of an item is the price of producing and selling it, but with this economy, the price can include the recycling and maintenance of the item. More details about this concept are here.


The election of the presidents are conducted through the Internet. This category has information about every election. It will have a list of the candidates for each election, and a list of how each voter has voted.

The people who want to become president must apply for the job exactly as if they were applying for a job as a factory worker, technician, or engineer. The presidential candidates are individual citizens, not political party members. The candidates cannot travel around the city to give speeches or meet people, advertise themselves, or participate in televised debates.

Although each voter is independent, they are expected to get together once in a while to discuss issues. The voters are city employees who select presidents for the city. They are not selecting presidents for themselves or their friends. Therefore, they are expected to help one another make intelligent decisions by discussing the candidates, the presidents, and their policies.

Voters who cannot calmly discuss their decisions are as disgusting as people who need muzzles.

As mentioned here, a person who cannot calmly discuss issues is regarded as analogous to a wild animal that needs a muzzle over its mouth. Those type of voters must be fired because they are destructive to the discussions.

The voters do not have any secrecy. Each voter must post a document in the Elections category to explain who he is voting for, and why.

Expecting a voter to provide a document to explain his decisions is not putting a burden on the him because he should have analyzed the candidates, so he should have a reason for selecting a candidate. Requiring a voter to produce a document to explain himself is simply asking him to tell us what his reasoning was.

The document only needs enough detail to allow us to understand his reasoning so that we can pass judgment on whether he is providing us with intelligent analyses of the candidates, and making sensible decisions about them.


The city's security system will produce such an overwhelming amount of data that nobody is expected to watch it live on monitors. Rather, it will be stored in the Surveillance database, and all of the video is be available to everybody.

When the AI software becomes more advanced, it could discard the sections of video that doesn't have anybody in it so that we don't waste storage space on it, and to make it faster to search through the video data.

The surveillance video will be tagged with the date and time, and the location of the camera. The Security Ministry is required to use facial recognition and tracking software so that computers can also tag the security video with the identification numbers of the people in the video.

Providing the city with only one security system, and putting all of its video into one database that everybody has access to, prevents some of the problems that occur with security video today. For example, when a crime occurs today, the police have to wander around the area to figure out which citizens and businesses might have security video of the crime, and then they have to hope that by the time they find the video it hasn't been overwritten.

The police also have to hope that the citizen or business doesn't deliberately overwrite the video, or pretend that the cameras were malfunctioning at the time, such as when that Jeffrey Epstein supposedly committed suicide.

The police also have to be concerned about other government agencies confiscating and destroying video. For example, the FBI confiscated, and possibly destroyed, a lot of the security video of the 9/11 attack, and probably thousands of other crimes. The military is also keeping security video of the attack on the Pentagon a secret.

The majority of people don't care that security video is being confiscated, destroyed, or hidden, or that cameras are mysteriously malfunctioning. Their apathy is one of the reasons that crime networks can be so successful.

It also allows crime networks to hold onto security video for blackmail purposes, and release it when they want to manipulate people. For example, in May 2024, CNN boasted that they obtained security camera video from a hotel that was recorded in 2016. The video shows Sean Combs behaving abusively with his girlfriend at the time. That video was kept secret for about eight years. Who kept it hidden? Why was it hidden? Why was it given to CNN? How many other security videos of crimes are being hidden?

The majority of people are so unable and/or unwilling to deal with the problems of a modern society that they don't ask such questions, and they don't care about the answers. However, that video is evidence that a crime network in the entertainment business was holding onto that video, and that CNN is working with them.

Perhaps they released that video because Sean Combs was not following their orders, and they wanted to torment him and set an example to the other people they are blackmailing. Or perhaps it was released to distract the public from the accusations that the Jews in Hollywood are involved with pedophilia and human trafficking by directing our anger towards the black Americans.

In order to prevent this problem of people hiding and destroying security video, this Constitution requires all security video to go into one database, and nobody is allowed to edit, delete, or hide any of it. This will give the police, and everybody else, access to all security video at any time of the day, and from any phone or computer.

Although many people are frightened by surveillance cameras, the more video we collect about ourselves, the more we benefit. For example:

1) Understanding humans.
Some examples of how security video can help us understand ourselves are:

It allows government officials to understand how and when people travel to and from their jobs, leisure activities, restaurants, and other facilities. That analysis helps them make decisions about how to design and arrange the public transportation system, foot paths, bicycle paths, and bridges, and where to place medical facilities, restaurants, and plazas to reduce the traffic congestion and travel times.

It provides scientists with unbiased data about human behavior, and it allows them to observe how pollen, diseases, mosquitoes, and other environmental issues affect people's health and behavior.

It allows historians to have access to unbiased data about human life. As of today, there is not much surveillance video for them to analyze, but the future historians will have whatever security video we save for them, and that will allow them to analyze history rather than depend upon our analysis of ourselves.

As mentioned in previous documents, such as here, people can use the surveillance video to reminisce about their past, or to show their children or grandchildren what life was like in their "primitive" era.

Refreshing our memory.
Our memories are imperfect, so the more surveillance video we have, the easier it is for us to figure out what we said or did in the past. For an extreme example, if we had complete surveillance of everybody in every location of the city, and if the city's computers were tagging all of the video, a person would be able to use his cell phone to ask to see video of himself in the morning to verify that he took the medicine he was supposed to take, or turned off some piece of equipment.

Having access to such a video database would be more useful than writing notes to ourselves.

Resolving disputes.
It helps us to resolve disputes and crimes, which is extremely beneficial to the people who are honest. The more extensive our video surveillance is, the less likely it is for an honest person to be falsely accused of a crime or mistake.

Paintings of the past show the value of surveillance video

We do not yet have the ability to ask a computer to show us the video of our past, or the video of somebody from a previous century, so it can be difficult for us to understand how entertaining or valuable that data will be.

However, the paintings made centuries ago can give us an idea of how useful and entertaining surveillance video can be. For example, the paintings made during the Middle Ages show us what type of clothing the people wore, what type of homes they lived in, and what a wedding dinner in 1568 looked like. Surveillance video of that era would have been even more entertaining and educational.

It is idiotic to be afraid of surveillance video. We should learn to enjoy it and benefit from it. I scanned this magazine article from 1952 about my mother's family to show how useful and entertaining this type of information can be. It is just text and photos, but if it had been video it would have been even more useful and entertaining.

Why are we embarrassed about surveillance video?

Animals are not embarrassed or ashamed of what they do. They do whatever they please in front of other animals. Humans, however, are embarrassed and ashamed of a lot of the things we do. We want to hide in our homes or bathrooms when we do certain things. Why are we so ashamed of ourselves? Why are we afraid of surveillance cameras?

If we could go back in time, we would find that there was a point during the development of humans that our ancestors were not ashamed or embarrassed of anything they did. As with the monkeys, they would eat, have sex, masturbate, argue, pick their nose, and clean their teeth whenever they pleased, and without any embarrassment.

There are lots of possible ways to explain our embarrassment. One is that we developed "manners". We prefer to look at attractive clothing rather than a person's crotch, and we don't enjoy watching people pee, poop, or pick their nose.

However, a more sad reason that we are embarrassed of surveillance video is because the human race has degraded significantly during the past few tens of thousands of years. For example, women have messy menstruation cycles, and everybody seems to have problems with farting and excess mucus in their nose.

The human race is becoming increasingly defective, and this is causing us to become increasingly ashamed and embarrassed of ourselves. We have intense cravings to be at the top of the social hierarchy, so we want to impress people, and this results in us wanting to hide our embarrassing aspects and pretend that we are better than we really are. We are frightened of surveillance video because that video will show the truth about us. We don't want people to know the truth about us. We want them to believe our lies.

Even though we are extremely arrogant and like to believe that we are the standard to judge all humans, almost everybody is embarrassed of some portion of their body, their odors, their bodily functions, or their behavior.

For example, some people are embarrassed of how often they masturbate, or the manner in which they masturbate, or how often they have sex, or the manner in which they have sex. Some people are embarrassed of how much alcohol or other drugs they use, and some people are embarrassed of how much time they spend in their home lounging because their physical and mental disorders make it difficult for them to do something. Some people are embarrassed of how they treat their spouse or children.

This problem is becoming worse with every generation. If we don't start restricting reproduction, everybody in the future will be extremely ashamed of themselves.

When the future generations start restricting reproduction, there will be a point at which everybody is in excellent mental and physical health. Those genetically superior people will not be ashamed of themselves.

We must regard humans as animals

In order to restrict reproduction to people with the best mental and physical characteristics, we must be able to collect details on everybody's characteristics. That will require we suppress our embarrassment of ourselves.

We have to push ourselves into regarding humans as animals, and acknowledging that each of us is a jumble of animal genes. We must regard data of ourselves as documentation about the human race, and as information about human behavior.

It is absurd and detrimental for a person to feel guilty about his undesirable physical characteristics, such as an ugly face, excessive mucus, food allergies, crooked teeth, or bad eyesight. Nobody chose to have genetic defects, so nobody should be ashamed that they have defects. It is detrimental to be ashamed of ourselves because it gives us a bad attitude. We need to accept our defects rather than be ashamed of them, ignore them, or lie about them.

It is also absurd and detrimental for a person to insult somebody who has a genetic disorder. We have a strong craving to "pluck the feathers" out of the people we regard as inferior, but that emotion is no longer useful in our modern era. We need to exert self-control over that crude craving. That type of behavior creates a miserable social environment for everybody.

We must learn to accept our own defects, rather than be ashamed of ourselves and we must accept the defects of other people, rather than insult them. We must control our craving to impress other people with a false image. We must push ourselves into being more honest. This is one reason why this Constitution requires schools to occasionally have the students analyze themselves and other people. (This is described here and here.)

The computer installations should be attractive

The city needs a lot of buildings to hold all of the computers and other electronic equipment to support a phone network, radio communications, and possibly a local GPS network. In all existing nations, the electronic equipment is put into buildings that tend to be bland and low to the ground, such as the data center for Facebook in Georgia, in the photo below.

In a free enterprise system, the buildings are designed to be economical, but this Constitution puts human life ahead of profit, so the buildings must be designed to be decorations for the city. Furthermore, the buildings should be as tall as possible so that more land is available to the people, and to reduce travel times.

The buildings do not need windows, so the outside of the buildings can be designed for strength and fire resistance. The intake and exhaust ports for cooling air could be decorative, also, and at the tops of the building so that the people on the ground are not bothered by the noise or the blowing of the air.


This category is similar to the Suggestions category, but less formal. It is intended for people to discuss issues that they are curious about, but without having their social credit score ruined as a result of asking "stupid" questions.

By discussing an issue, a person might learn enough about it to develop a formal suggestion for the government officials. Also, discussing an issue can stimulate other people into thinking about it, which might eventually lead to some valuable ideas or suggestions.

Three examples of the type of messages that people might post in this category are:

Are glass fibers escaping from fiberglass?
Jim Jones, 24 Aug 2032

After picking avocados with a device that has a fiberglass handle, it felt as if there were microscopic needles along the inside of my hands. It occurred to me that it might be the result of fiberglass because the device was several decades old, and the epoxy seemed to be degrading. I wound the handle with duct tape, and that stopped the problem.

This made me wonder, does the epoxy matrix disintegrate from age, thereby exposing us to the glass fibers? If so, does that result in tiny fragments of fiberglass getting into our skin? And does it also result in tiny bits of glass blowing around in the air, which get into our lungs, eyes, and stomach? If so, what happens to those pieces of fiberglass when they get inside of us?

Does carbonation affect our intestines?
Ralph Johnson, 16 Aug 2030

When we drink carbonated liquids, does the carbon dioxide get into our intestine? If so, is it better to have high levels of carbon dioxide there, or better to have high levels of oxygen?

Are carbonated drinks useful for helping us to burp, thereby reducing the air in our stomach, which in turn reduces farting? Or do they make the situation worse by increasing the gas in our digestive system?

Does our body have a natural painkiller?
Jane Smith, 9 Dec 2036

During the day, when I am not sleepy, if I remain in one position in a chair, or if I am laying down on something, the parts of my body that are under pressure soon become irritated, causing me to shift my position. When I sleep, I also move around occasionally, perhaps because my body notices that some areas are not getting enough blood, but it seems that I can remain in one position a lot longer when I am sleeping.

Does our body release a painkiller when we sleep so that we don't notice the irritation caused by the pressure on our body? Or does our brain ignore those particular pain signals while we are sleeping?

If our body releases a painkiller to help us sleep, could that chemical be synthesized and used as a natural pain medication?

By having informal discussions about issues, the people can educate themselves and one another, and the people who maintain electronic encyclopedias and school books might occasionally realize that they need to edit some of their information to clarify it, or add additional information. Those discussions can also lead somebody into posting a proposal in the Suggestions category for a research project, or for some cultural change.


The Polls category is for the government officials to post a document that requests the opinions of the City Elders when they are dealing with arbitrary issues. This is described here.