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The Kastron Constitution

24) Let's switch to a new path

4 May 2024

As with the Explore document, this document is intended to inspire you look forward to experimenting with the "radical" changes that this Constitution proposes, rather than be worried or fearful.

I recently noticed that both documents discuss some of the same issues, although in slightly different manners. I have been working on these documents on and off for a couple years, with lots of interruptions, so they are not as organized as they should be.

Inspire courage, not fear

Our ancestors had the courage to change their path

Our emotions cause us to feel comfortable with the culture that we are accustomed to, and to be frightened of changes, but, as described in other documents, such as this,  mimicking our ancestors while we develop technology is resulting in our culture becoming increasingly inappropriate.

Our ancestors were risking their lives when they first began to farm, but we will not risk our lives by making changes to our culture.
When our nomadic ancestors decided to become farmers, there must have been a lot of fear among them to give up nomadic life and try an activity that they knew almost nothing about.

Furthermore, a lot of the must have failed as a farmer, which would have increased their fear that farming was a mistake.

However, it is obvious that some of them learned from their mistakes, and eventually became successful as farmers.

This constitution advocates making a radical change to our lives, and this will stimulate our emotion to remain with the culture that we are familiar, and to look for excuses to avoid making such changes, or to propose making less radical changes.

Our nomadic ancestors faced starvation when they became farmers, but all we face by making changes to our culture is that we make mistakes that need to be altered. We will not be risking our lives. Furthermore, we are much more educated than our nomadic ancestors, and we are a much larger group, so there are lots of people around the world to help us deal with problems. We have much less to fear than did.

Being afraid to make changes to our culture is as foolish as being afraid to make changes to the organization of a business, or the rules of soccer or baseball. We should look forward to making our culture better, not be afraid of it. We should help one another find enough courage to explore a new path in life. We should inspire people, not frighten them.

We need a new attitude towards “courage

Fighting is such a necessary aspect of life for the more advanced animals that they admire and follow the male that is the most successful in fighting for dominance, and the females are sexually titillated by the males who are the best fighters.

Humans inherited the desire to fight. One of our natural reactions to irritations is to attack the irritation, so all of us regularly have to struggle to control our desire to yell, throw objects, or get into fights.

Our culture has evolved for fighting. For example, most of our fiction material is dominated by fighting, including the romance books and television programs for women, although women prefer emotional fights. Most of our recreational activities are essentially fights for dominance, and some of them are violent and dangerous, such as rugby, boxing, and slap fighting.

However, fighting is no longer necessary for us. We no longer need to carry weapons and fight with predators, neighboring tribes, or one another. Today most of the problems we face are intellectual, so we need to change our attitudes about which men are "courageous".

We still need men with the courage to defend us from criminals, Zionist organizations, pedophile networks, and other destructive people, but today a man should not be considered "courageous", "brave", or "tough" unless he is able to listen to and calmly discuss problems, conflicting opinions, and constructive criticism.

Furthermore, he should also be able to acknowledge opinions that are superior to his, and admit to making mistakes.

If a man is capable only of fighting, then he should be regarded as "violent" or "crude" rather than "courageous".

We must refrain from protecting opinions

Animals are in a deadly battle for life, so they react to problems by trying to protect themselves, either by fighting or by running away. Today the conflicts between us are intellectual, so they need to be resolved with discussions, research, and compromise.

Unfortunately, our emotions are so stupid that they react to criticism and differences of opinion as if we are being attacked by a wolf or neighboring tribe. This results in us wanting to protect our opinions, either by fighting with the person, or running away and hiding from him. Unfortunately, those reactions are detrimental in our modern era.

An example of this crude behavior are the religious people who either ignore criticism of their religion, or defend their religion, rather than discuss the issue. Some religious people are so certain that they must defend their religion that they refer to themselves as "soldiers in Christ's army". They react to criticism like a prehistoric savage who has encountered a wolf.

Another example of this crude behavior are the people who have been fooled by into believing the Holocaust stories. When we show them evidence that the Jews are lying about the Holocaust, the world wars, and Anne Frank's diary, instead of discussing the evidence or investigating the issue, they either hide from the evidence, or they react as if we had attacked them.

Our emotions regard criticism as an attack,
rather than an opportunity to learn from other people.

Likewise, when we provide people with evidence that the World Trade Center towers were demolished with explosives, and that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax, they either hide from the information, or they become angry and defend whatever they believe is the truth.

When we follow our emotional desires, we behave like a stupid animal. Modern humans must exert enough control over their emotions to be able to discuss differences of opinion and critical remarks. The people who cannot do this must be regarded as having a mind that is too similar to an animal to be allowed in an influential position.

We need to change our attitudes about who has the best mental characteristics. The people who react to new ideas, differences of opinion, or criticism by running away or becoming angry should be regarded as crude.

We need new type of leader

A prehistoric tribe benefited from a leader who reacted to wolves and neighbors by grabbing a spear and defending his tribe, and even today we need men who have the courage to defend us from destructive people and animals. However, constructive criticism and differences of opinion are not attacks, so we do not benefit from leaders who "protect" us by arresting or censoring the people with different opinions. Those type of leaders inhibit progress and cause us to fear our leaders.

Modern humans must be able to remain calm when we are exposed to differences of opinion and criticism. Our heart rate should not increase, and we should not clench our fists, grind our teeth, yell, or make sarcastic remarks.

Modern humans should react to other people's opinions in the same manner that we expect a scientist to react to an alternative theory. A scientist should not be frightened of the possibility that another scientist will invalidate or improve one of his theories, and he should not ignore the alternative theory, or defend his opinions. Rather, he should calmly analyze the alternative theory to determine whether he needs to update or abandon his theory.

We should consider a person to be "tough" and "courageous" only if he can have a calm discussion with his critics and competitors. A person who has that ability will slowly improve his opinions through time because he will occasionally learn from other people.

Most people cannot learn from differences of opinion or constructive criticism, so their opinions about religion, crime, abortion, raising children, and Nazis do not improve much during their life. Most people die of old age with almost exactly the same opinions they had when they were 20 years old.

In order to improve our world, we must pass judgment on who among us is showing the most advanced emotional and intellectual characteristics, and restrict leadership to those people. Our leaders should encourage differences of opinion, curiosity, and constructive criticism. We must not tolerate leaders who react to critics with anger, hatred, insults, or censorship.

We benefit the most by improving our algorithms

A concept that is well known to computer programmers is that there are two different ways of increasing the rate at which software processes data. The obvious method is to analyze the code and find ways to make it more efficient. However, the best method is to analyze the purpose of the software, and look for a more efficient algorithm to accomplish the task.

This concept applies to culture, also. There are two different ways to improve our culture. One is to make changes to our existing culture in order to improve it, such as changing the rules for a recreational activity; creating a new law to reduce the cheating during the elections; or making a change to our work environment.

The other method is to analyze the purpose of a cultural activity, and then redesign it to accomplish the goal in a superior manner. Here are four examples of how we should redesign our culture rather than make trivial changes to it:

Example #1: Houseplants and yards

Most people want to have some land around their home, and to have plants growing in the yard. Many people also put potted plants and bouquets of flowers inside their home. The plants bring us pleasure, but they also have irritations. For example, having a yard requires us to do maintenance on it, such as mowing lawns and trimming bushes. Houseplants are also an irritation because they are frequently dying, especially orchids; they sometimes leak water onto furniture or the floor; they attract insects; and they require us to spend some of our time and money on their maintenance.

We can reduce the problems of maintaining a yard in a variety of different way, such as developing better lawnmowers, or providing the yard with an automatic sprinkler system.

Likewise, there are lots of ways to reduce the problems of houseplants. For example, we could breed the plants to make them more suitable to living inside of a home so that they are less likely to die. We could also design pots that are less likely to leak water, and which have an automatic watering system.

However, it is better for us to analyze the purpose of the yards and houseplants and look for a better method of accomplishing that goal. If the purpose is to provide us with access to nature, then we can accomplish that goal much better by redesigning our cities.

For example, by designing a city as described in the Neighborhoods document, all of the apartments, offices, factories, and schools will be surrounded by nature. By switching to an underground transportation system, we provide ourselves with even more access to nature, and we eliminate the noise, tire dust, and ugly and confusing roads.

When we have a problem, such as houseplants that die, instead of finding a solution to the problem, we should consider the possibility that there is a more efficient algorithm to accomplish our goal. That requires analyzing the purpose of what we are doing. What is the purpose of a houseplant? If it is to provide us with access to nature, then there are better ways to accomplish that goal than to bring plants into our home.

My analysis of such issues as houseplants, yards, lawnmowers, automobiles, bicycles, and other issues has brought me to the conclusion that we should design our cities so that they are clusters of tall buildings surrounded by nature, foot paths, recreational  facilities, and bicycle paths, similar to the image below.

That type of city would provide everybody with easy access to nature and recreation regardless of whether they were at home, school, or their job.

That type of city allows the government to justify prohibiting plants, bouquets of flowers, aquariums, terrariums, and water fountains in homes and offices, thereby reducing the time and resources that we waste on producing and maintaining those items, and reducing the insects, mold, and water damage inside our homes and offices.

Potted plants, bouquets of flowers, terrariums, and other things would be restricted to the buildings that were intended for such things, such as certain gazebos, restaurants, and lounge rooms.

Example #2: Traveling and vacations

Many people have a desire to have vacations in which they travel around the world. There are a lot of ways to improve our vacations, such as having more time for vacations; making it easier to travel, such as improving the trains, airplanes, ships, and roads; and providing more pleasant activities for group tours.

However, it is more sensible to analyze the purpose of vacations and traveling, and look for a better way of accomplishing that goal.

Why do we want vacations? Why do we want to travel? If we can figure out why we want to travel and have vacations, then we can look for a better way of accomplishing the task compared to what is happening in the world today. For example, businesses are arranging trips to places like Stonehenge, which very few people enjoy. Most people get bored at the destinations where all they can do is look at something for a few moments, and that can result in them getting drunk, eating excessively, playing obnoxious pranks on one another, scratching graffiti into trees, and leaving litter in the area.

Some people become upset that they wasted a lot of time and money traveling to such locations, which puts them into a bad mood, which is detrimental to everybody they come into contact with.

Nobody understands the human mind well enough to give us a truly accurate explanation of our behavior, but this constitution assumes that the four main reasons that people want to travel are:

1) Our nomadic ancestors never had vacations, but they traveled constantly. Every day the men would wander around looking for food and tools, while the women stayed "home" and took care of the children. The entire group would sometimes travel to a new home location. Young children still display this behavior. For example, the young boys prefer to get out of the house every day to explore the forests and creeks, while the young girls prefer to stay home and be protected from bad weather. Therefore, part of the reason that men want to travel could be simply because we inherited a desire to explore the world. Although women enjoy traveling, also, they seem to have more of an interest in the people that they are traveling with than with exploring the area.

Our cities are so miserable that we want to get away from them and find a more pleasant environment.

We have been fooled by the boasting of wealthy people and the deceptive advertisements of travel companies into believing that we cannot enjoy life unless we travel to "exotic" locations.

Many retired people travel because they are bored.

Arranging trips to Stonehenge or Niagara Falls is not a good solution to those four problems. It is better to redesign our cities and culture. For example:

Give of the neighborhoods different and beautiful architecture, parks, swimming pools, bicycle paths, foot paths, plazas, and gardens.

Provide lots of social and recreational activities so that we are less likely to be bored. This also requires raising standards for people so that we enjoy getting out of our home and being among the people.

Making everybody equal in material wealth so that we don't have wealthy people fooling other people into believing that they are suffering from poverty.

That type of city will reduce our desire to travel to other cities because we will enjoy spending our leisure time "visiting" our own city. We will enjoy taking a walk, riding a bicycle, driving an electric vehicle, or drifting along the canals in a kayak or rowboat.

We would continue to want to have a vacation in some other area, but the purpose of those vacations would be to experience different types of nature and activities, rather than to avoid boredom, show off our wealth, or to get away from our miserable cities.

To make the vacation resorts more desirable, they would also be clusters of tall buildings, as in the image below, so that more of the land is in its natural, wild condition.

The tops of the building would be restaurants and lounge areas, and provide the people with a nice view of the area.

Example #3: The complexity of our languages

Our languages are collections of irrational animal noises, and this makes it difficult for the artificial intelligence software to understand what we are saying, and to respond to us in the most appropriate sequence of words. The AI software is having the most trouble with the Asian languages. As a result, in 2023 the Japanese government and some Japanese companies decided to put a tremendous amount of money into modifying the AI software to do a better job of understanding the Japanese language.

If their estimate that it will be completed in 2031 are correct, then they will have put about eight years into the task, and a tremendous amount of technical talent and resources. Furthermore, the people who develop or use software should be aware that software projects are rarely "finished". After a software project has been "completed", the software continues to need updates, and usually forever.

The Japanese will put a lot of technical talent and resources into that project, but what will be the benefit? They will essentially be creating software that is analogous to a giant roll of duct tape that is trying to hold thousands of crude, primitive symbols together.

They would benefit much more by switching to English. Then, instead of wasting their talent on software for the Japanese language, they could put their talent into improving software that is truly useful, such as software for robots and industrial machinery. It would also reduce the time their children spend learning a language, which would give them more time to learn something of value.

The prehistoric languages should be used as decorations, not for communication.

Decorating the schools with prehistoric languages would show children what the old languages looked like.

English is a crude language, so ideally we would create a new language that is more sensible, but that is an extremely difficult task, and we have much more important things to do. That is a project for a future generation. Until then, all nations would benefit tremendously by switching to English. Since almost everybody of importance already knows English, it will be easy for them to switch to English.

This concept also applies to the USA. Specifically, our refusal to switch to the metric system is causing us to waste a lot of our time and resources. It would be more sensible to switch to the metric system, but the US government has been designed to be submissive, and none of the government officials have much authority to do anything, so it is impossible for the US government to force the nation to switch. The majority of voters would have to demand that the nation switch to the metric system, but most people want to entertain themselves, not learn the metric system.

In order to improve upon the situation, this Constitution puts the government in control of culture, not the people. This allows the government to force changes in culture, even if the people do not want to change. However, the government must be able to justify the changes as having more benefits to society than disadvantages. They cannot alter culture to suit their own personal desires, or make changes in secrecy.

Example #4: Recreational activities

Many businesses and citizens are trying to improve our recreational activities by developing golf balls that fly farther, and developing  baseball bats that can make balls fly farther and more accurately.

However, rather than making such changes to the games, it is more beneficial to analyze the purpose of the activity, and look for a way to accomplish that purpose in a more sensible manner.

What is the purpose of playing golf or baseball? What are the benefits and disadvantages? What is irritating or confusing about those activities? Will we improve our lives if we develop better tennis rackets, soccer balls, or badminton nets?

A lot of people practice a game in order to become better at winning it, and there are people whose jobs are training people on how to become better at winning the game. What is the benefit to winning a recreational activity? How do we suffer if we lose?

By analyzing our recreational activities, we would discover that our enjoyment of them has nothing to do with how far we hit a baseball, or the shape or quantity of sand traps in a golf course, or whether we win or lose the game. Instead, we would discover that the enjoyment of them comes our enjoyment of the people, nature, and the competition.

By understanding what we enjoy about the leisure activities, we can design them to provide us with the pleasures of the people, nature, and competitions, but with fewer irritations and resources.

Furthermore, when we realize that we don't need to win a game in order to enjoy it, we will realize that it is senseless to train to become better at the game. Training to win a leisure activity is a waste of our short life. Also, since only one person can win, all of the other people will be losers, which will cause them to suffer emotional discomfort. By designing the game so that there are no winners or losers, everybody will get pleasure from the people, nature, and competitions, and nobody will suffer.

Example #5: Meals

Most people want to reduce the amount of time they put into preparing meals and cleaning up the mess afterwards. The typical method is to look for ways to speed up the work, such as using a food processor to chop vegetables rather than using a knife, and using a dishwasher to clean the dishes rather than clean them by hand.

Many of us also want more variety in our meals, but we limit ourselves two more simplistic meals because of the difficulty of acquiring all of the ingredients, or because of our lack of experience, or because of the time required to create the meals.

Although we can improve our meals by improving our kitchen equipment, and by developing robots to help us make meals and clean up the mess, it would be better to analyze the purpose of meals, and then look for a better way to accomplish those goals.

This constitution regards the purpose of meals as to both provide us with food, and to allow us to enjoy other people. Improving our dishwashers and robots will not help us accomplish those goals.

However, we can bring significant improvements to meals by changing our culture. For example, this Constitution advocates eliminating kitchens in the homes, and requiring everybody to get meals at restaurants in which the food is free. This allows us to provide ourselves with a wide variety of meals that are visually attractive, tasty, and healthy. It will also allow meals to be created much more efficiently, thereby reducing the total amount of labor that is needed to make the meals and clean up the mess.

To further reduce labor, the restaurants do not have to provide menus, or complete meals. We can also reduce labor by changing our recipes so that they can be made by robots or machines. For example, by changing pizzas from circular to rectangular, machines can make them more efficiently.
(The Dining and Meals documents more details.)

Our culture needs to be redesigned

The point of this section of the document is that instead of making trivial changes to our culture, we should analyze our lives and determine what we are trying to accomplish. Are we living only to collect trophies from recreational events? Are we eating food only to refuel our body? Is the purpose of our life to throw a ball for a dog to chase after? Are we wearing clothing only because we are ashamed of our sexual organs? Do we go to school only to get a diploma?

We need to determine what we want from life, and then redesign our meals, school curriculum, leisure activities, city, clothing, economy, jobs, work environment, and all other culture to accomplish our goals in the most efficient and pleasant manner. This requires that we have the courage to get off the familiar path that we are walking on, and switch to a new and uncharted path.
We must adapt to our technology

We are misfits in our new environment

If we could go back in time 20,000 years, we would find that our ancestors were enjoying their life, and the reason was because they were just as well adapted to their environment as all of the other wild animals.

Prehistoric people were as unaffected by the cold weather as the wild animals. There are some people today who can handle ice water for short periods of time, but not many.
Prehistoric humans did not whine when rain or snow woke them up at night. They did not cry about spending every day doing the same "boring, monotonous work" of looking for food, water, and a place to sleep.

They enjoyed their life because they had evolved to fit it. However, during the past few thousand years, people began developing technology and altering their environment much faster than they were evolving genetically to it. Instead, genetic disorders have been accumulating.

Furthermore, our ancestors never realized that they needed to update their culture to fit the new technology. Every society is following a slight modification of prehistoric culture.

We have inadvertently caused ourselves to become genetic and cultural misfits in our new environment.

We are suffering because we are misfits

All of the problems that we are suffering from today, such as obesity, drug abuse, crime networks, gambling problems, miserable marriages, pollution, loneliness, government corruption, and human trafficking, are the result of our genetic characteristics and culture being inappropriate for our modern era. We have not adapted to our modern technology, so we have inadvertently become misfits, and we are suffering as a result, just like the mice in the utopia experiment.

For example, our appetite and digestive system evolved for a prehistoric era. Although we don't know the diet of a prehistoric human, documents from medieval England show that the people were eating 2 to 3 times as much food as we do today. The reason they ate so much is because they did a lot more physical work than we do, and their bodies had to produce a lot more heat during cold weather.

Our digestive system and appetite evolved for a primitive environment, but we now use technology to keep us warm during cold weather, and do a lot of the manual labor. We need less food than our ancestors, but our appetite is the same, and we have more food available to us, and we have extreme amounts of sugar. The result is that many people today are overweight and sickly.

We must understand the cause of a problem

No society has had any success in reducing social problems because most people base their theories on an irrational foundation, such as believing that our problems are due to poverty, a lack of opportunities, sexism, racism, white privilege, or poverty.

We need an accurate understanding of our problems in order to solve them. For example, obesity is not the result of ignorance, bad parenting, advertisements, or fast food restaurants. Obesity is due to:

1) Our genetic characteristics.
Our appetite and digestive system evolved for a primitive era, not our modern world in which we have access to excessive amounts of food, and large amounts of sugar.

Our culture.
Our free enterprise system causes businesses to pander to us, thereby providing us with food that we enjoy, but some of it is nutritionally unbalanced. We also have access to food 24 hours a day, every day.

When we understand the cause of obesity, we can find realistic solutions to the problem:

1) Improve our genetic characteristics.
We must restrict reproduction to the people whose appetite and digestive system are better adapted to this modern era. This will eventually result in people who want to a smaller, more appropriate amount of food. It will also reduce the number of people with food allergies.

Improve our culture.
This Constitution requires everybody to get their meals from restaurants, and the government has the authority to set standards for the restaurants.

Although this cannot stop people from overeating, or from choosing foods that result in malnutrition, it ensures that people have access to foods that are healthy, and only at certain times of the day. This culture will be especially beneficial for children because it will prevent parents from pandering to their children.

For another example, crime is not the result of poverty, ignorance, or bad parenting. People commit crimes when their mind makes the decision to do so for some reason, such as low self-control, defective intellectual characteristics, or inappropriate emotional characteristics. We cannot make a criminal become honest by punishing him because punishments cannot change the manner in which a brain processes information. The only way to reduce crime is to:

1) Improve our genetic characteristics.
We must restrict reproduction to the people who have a mind that prefers to be honest.

Improve our culture.
This constitution will reduce crime through such changes in culture as:

Giving everybody equal access to material items, and not having money, thereby making it pointless for people to get involved with such crimes as theft, bank robbery, embezzlement, and pyramid schemes.

Requiring schools to get children accustomed to sex, nudity, and other issues, and giving them practice in dealing with badly behaved men, which should dramatically reduce sexual crimes and irritations.

Evicting the criminals who are destructive.

We need intelligent culture

We must acknowledge that we are animals

The orangutan in the photo above can use tools to a certain extent, and this bonobo can help make a campfire and cook.
This constitution is based on the theory that humans evolved from some type of ape, and that human behavior is just modified ape behavior.

There is nothing "special" about humans. We are just a different type of animal. It is our arrogance that causes us to believe that humans are better than the animals.

It is more accurate to describe every living creature, including mushrooms, insects, and bacteria, as amazing and impressive. Claiming that one creature is better than another is as idiotic as claiming that argon is better than nitrogen.

We are following ape culture

Our arrogance causes us to believe that only humans have "culture", but all of the social animals have culture, and all of their children have to learn it in order to be able to fit into their society, and to know how to do certain things, such as how to crack open nuts.

The culture of apes is simplistic, but it is culture. Human culture is so much more advanced than ape culture that it doesn't seem to resemble ape culture, but if there are aliens on another planet that are millions of years ahead of us in evolution, our culture and behavior might seem to be only a slight modification of ape culture and behavior.

Our modern culture evolved from ape culture, but there was no authority to supervise its evolution, and that allowed of changes that were irrational, selfish, and idiotic, especially during the past few centuries. For example, businesses, religions, Zionist groups, charities, sports groups, and other organizations have modifying our culture for their selfish benefit.

Our culture also became modified as a result of immigrants who inadvertently and deliberately made changes to language, clothing styles, music, social customs, food recipes, recreational activities, and other culture.

Although our culture seems to be very advanced, as of 2024, it is still very similar to ape culture. Some examples are:

We try to control people with punishments.

The social animals control their members with intimidation and physical violence, and humans are still behaving in the same manner. We try to control both children and adults with insults, glaring, and slapping, and our governments try to control us with fines, jails, and other punishments.

We fight for food and material items.

Animals fight with each other constantly for food, nesting materials, and water, and humans are still fighting with each other for those things.

It is idiotic for modern humans to compete for food and material items because we are now producing such excessive amounts of them that an enormous amount is wasted. To make the situation more absurd, most people are becoming overweight, and their homes are becoming cluttered with unnecessary items.

An example of the absurd fighting for wealth are the cities that compete with each other for tourists, and to sell their particular agricultural products.

Also, by competing for material items, rather than sharing them, we create the ridiculous situation in which some people become extremely wealthy, and a lot of other people waste their life and talent designing, manufacturing, and maintaining private jets, mansions, yachts, and other absurd luxuries for those wealthy people, rather than do something useful for everybody.

We form arrogant groups.

Animals have a strong craving to form a group, and to regard all other creatures as potential dangers, and inferior. All human cultures are still encouraging us to form groups, and to regard other people as inferior. This crude culture encourages arrogance and idiotic fights and competitions, rather than friendship and cooperation. It also prevents us from learning from one another.

Some examples of this crude behavior are the schools encourage their students to believe that they are superior to the students of other schools; the employees of businesses are encouraged to believe that they are superior to the employees of competing businesses; the nations that encourage their citizens to believe that they are superior to the people in the other nations; and the religions that encourage their members to believe that they are superior to all of the other religions and the atheists.

We become submissive to our leaders.

Animals become submissive to whichever male animal gets into the top position in their hierarchy, and with no regard to his leadership abilities or how he treats the other animals.

As of 2024, every human culture is still promoting the crude attitude that we should be submissive to whoever gets into a leadership position, and with no concern for whether he is senile, a member of a crime network, mentally ill, or abusive.

We must stop behaving like savages

Our ancestors followed their emotional cravings, just like other animals, which resulted in their culture adapting to their emotions. This gives us a culture that we enjoy, but it does not give us the culture that is the most beneficial to us. I've given many examples of this in other documents, such as how we enjoy punishing criminals according to how angry we become at them, but that policy does nothing to reduce crime or improve our lives. For other examples of how we are behaving like animals:

We avoid fights with intimidation

Animals try to avoid fights by intimidating their opponents with glares, displays of their teeth, or growling. Likewise, for thousands of years men have believed that they can protect themselves and their families by the human equivalent of that behavior, such as yelling, showing weapons, and swearing.

We also use intimidation to avoid wars between nations. For example, we try to intimidate Russia and China with our mutual assured destruction policy.

The American people also believe that we can prevent other nations from getting into war with each other by providing them with advanced weapons so that they become equally intimidating.

However, the theory that no nation will start a war when all nations are equally dangerous is as idiotic as assuming that wild dogs that are equal to each other in physical strength will avoid getting into a fight with each other.

Our attempts to stop crime and wars through intimidation has failed continuously, but we have a strong attraction to that concept because we inherited an animal's desire to intimidate other animals.

Animals are so stupid that the only method they can use to avoid fights is to intimidate their opponents, but modern humans need to experiment with a more effective method.

We cheat for food, wealth, and status

The animals are constantly fighting each other for status, food, water, and a place to sleep. The males also fight for females. However, animals have no concept of cheating or fairness, and this results in them competing in any manner they can think of, such as biting, grabbing things from one another, and trying to rape the females.

Humans developed an ability to recognize when we are cheating somebody, but many people do not have the self-control to refrain from cheating. Some people go even further and join crime networks. Other people are cheating by marrying people with money, becoming friends with people that they think they can benefit from, and by promoting inheritances.

When we look for a spouse, most people cannot resist cheating by deceiving their potential spouse about their true qualities, hiding their unpleasant characteristics, and pretending that they are better than they really are.

Our recreational activities tend to be fights

Animals evolved for a deadly battle for life, and so they practice fighting while they are young. We assume that animals are "playing" with each other, but they are preparing for endless violent and deadly battles.

We evolved for a deadly battle for life, and this causes us to create violent sports with extreme emphasis on winning.
Humans also evolved for a deadly battle for life, and this causes us to create recreational activities that are a fight rather than a relaxed, casual, social affair.

We put tremendous effort into winning the competition because we regard the competitions as a life or death battle, not as a pleasant recreational event to provide us with exercise, or to enjoy nature and other people.

Some people get so carried away with the craving to win a recreational activity that they are willing to hurt their competitors, and many are willing to push themselves to such an extreme that they risk hurting themselves.

Our desire to fight for our lives is so strong that when we see two groups of people competing in a recreational activity, we have a desire to support one group, rather than merely observe them. This results in us becoming emotionally involved with the competition, and many people yell, applaud, scream, or have tantrums.

Our culture has evolved to fit our animal cravings, rather than be beneficial and sensible. To make our situation worse, during the past few thousand years, we have allowed our culture to be modified to fit the selfish desires of businesses, religions, crime networks, feminists, angry immigrants, Zionist organizations, and governments.

We are even tolerating people and organizations that try to change the words in our language, the names of military bases, and the statues in the city parks.

We cannot handle much freedom

Everybody wants the freedom to live his life as he pleases, and we oppose the concept of a government that makes decisions for us about our clothing, hairstyle, meals, recreational activities, and other culture. However, modern life is so complex that all of us would benefit from guidance in choosing our path in life.

Our social environment has become so complicated that we don't benefit from much freedom. Freedom is of use only if we have the ability to use it in a beneficial manner. A freedom is dangerous if a person cannot use it properly.

For example, people in every nation have the freedom to select their government officials, but very few people can use that freedom sensibly. They are instead repeatedly electing incompetent and dishonest officials.

Furthermore, no social animal wants much freedom. Instead, we want to follow other people. For example:

We have the freedom to choose our clothing, but all of us choose clothing according to what we think our peer group will approve of.

We have the freedom to learn from other cultures, but most people boast about their culture and insult other culture.

We have the freedom to learn any of the information that the human race has developed, but most people look only at the information that they find emotionally pleasing, and ignore or insult the rest.

Our world today is so complex that providing people with freedom is as idiotic as providing children with freedom. Most people cannot handle our modern era, and even the people who are best able to deal with it would benefit from a group of scientists who study human behavior and provide intelligent advice.

People must be accountable for cultural changes

Every culture holds people accountable for their foods and medicines. A business or individual who provides us with contaminated food or medicine will have his operation shut down. We do not tolerate people who provide us with dangerous foods or medicines.

However, nobody is held accountable for the culture they create. The Zionist groups, for example, are not arrested for contaminating our school books and news reports with lies about the 9/11 attack or the world wars.

This constitution gives the Social Division the authority to control culture, and this makes it easier to hold people accountable for cultural changes. Citizens and organizations can make suggestions about what to change, but the Social Division officials are the only people with the authority to make changes to culture.

Many people oppose the concept of a government that passes judgment on our clothing, meals, recreational activities, and other culture, but whether it is beneficial or detrimental depends upon whether we can provide ourselves with considerate, intelligent, and responsible government officials.

Military leaders, business executives, and parents have tremendous control over the culture in their organization, but only certain people are suffering from that. For example, Joseph Fritzl's children suffered tremendously, but that does not justify a fear of parents. There have also been some business owners who were abusive with their customers and employees; doctors who have been raped children who were under anesthesia; police officers who were involved with crime networks; and military leaders who were abusive.

We cannot use abusive leaders to justify a fear of authority. When we encounter an abusive leader, we should analyze the situation and look for ways of reducing the problem in the future. We should not react with fear and hysteria.

Everybody in every society is already being abused and exploited on a routine basis by people in influential positions, and sometimes by their friends, relatives, and family members. Instead of frightening ourselves with fantasies of abusive, dystopian governments, we should discuss such issues as:

Which is more sensible:
a) Give every person and organization the freedom to alter culture in any manner they please, and without any accountability.
Give a government agency the authority to control culture, and hold them accountable for what they do.

People with self-control are often insulted

We have a strong desire to follow our peer group, and to be suspicious of people who are different from us. However, a person who is different is not necessarily dangerous or inferior.

For example, for those of us who live in California, when one of our family members die, the California state laws require most employees to be given up to five days time off from work for "Bereavement Leave" to allow them to recover from the emotional trauma.

The "Bereavement Leave" law was created because the majority of people react to the death of a family member by spending many days pouting and crying, and in a emotional state that causes them to have trouble functioning properly at their job.

It is interesting to note that the law does not require a person to take the five days off immediately after the death, or to take five consecutive days. Instead, a person has three months to take those five days. He can also take two of the five days at one point in time, and then weeks later he could take the remaining three days.

Whoever created the bereavement law believes that people are capable of postponing and planning their pouting, but not refraining from doing it.

The men who remain calm when their mother dies or when their wife has a miscarriage, and who continue working at their job, and have no desire to take bereavement leave, would be insulted by some people for being unemotional, robotic, or coldhearted.

By comparison, a man would be praised as "loving and caring" if he reacted by crying, and by requesting bereavement leave in order to recuperate from the emotional stress.

This attitude that the emotional people are superior to the unemotional people is idiotic, and it interferes with the US legal system because it causes the people in the jury to assume that the defendants who remain calm are most likely to be guilty.

Lawyers exploit this attitude by encouraging emotional displays during a trial. The lawyers are supposed to discuss evidence of the crime, not manipulate the jurors with irrational emotional displays. However, most people believe that emotional displays are part of normal human behavior, so the defendants are encouraged to behave in emotional manners. For example, this article in a magazine for lawyers claims that: "Emotions are what make us human."

That lawyer is promoting a false but very common belief. Specifically, he is boasting that our emotions are wonderful, and they make us better than the animals. In reality, our emotions do not make us "human". Rather, they make us behave like monkeys.

It is our intelligence that makes us better than the animals, not our emotions. The people who are the "most emotional" are those who are behaving most like a monkey. They are not the best behaved people. Rather, they are inferior to those of us with more self-control because we are more likely to react to problems in an intelligent manner.

The author made a more accurate remark when he admitted that most of the decisions that people make are emotional, and that we try to justify those decisions with intelligent reasoning:

Emotions are the basis of most decisions. There are numerous studies that demonstrate that decisions are mostly based on emotion and then justified by rationalization. (See, releases/ 2006/ 08/ 060803171138.htm.)

That remark is accurate. An example of how people make emotional decisions and then try to justify it with intelligent reasoning is when people become angry at a murderer and request that he be put in jail for the rest of his life rather than executed. Instead of admitting that they want to torture the criminal for decades, they claim that they want to "serve justice".

A person who admitted that he wants to torture criminals would be considered a bad person, but in reality he might be a superior person because he might have a better understanding of himself, and the ability to be honest about himself.

Most people have “ordinary” self-control

Every culture believes that the majority of people are "normal", but that is not a useful way to judge human behavior. The majority of people are "typical" or "average", but we should not use a typical person as the standard of what a person should be.

For example, during the past century, people have becoming increasingly overweight, and this is causing most people to continuously change their concept of what a normal weight is. This poll shows that from 1991 to 2012 the Americans have revised their concept of ideal weight from 149 pounds to 162 pounds. If this trend continues, then Americans might eventually consider a normal weight to be 300 pounds.

For another example, most Americans have more material items than they need or use. The unused items are cluttering closets, attics, garages, and basements. Many homes are also cluttered with children's toys, and many Americans cannot get their automobile into their garage because the garage is so full of unnecessary things.

However, having excessive amounts of material items is considered to be "normal" rather than a symptom of an emotional problem. Actually, the situation is worse than that because every culture admires the people who become extremely wealthy.

That attitude encourages people to fantasize about having giant houses, hundreds of shoes, walk-in closets, and lots of toys for their children.

Most people have “low” self-control

The majority of people in a prehistoric tribe were well adapted to that environment, so it would make sense to describe the majority of prehistoric people as "normal". Today, however, most people cannot cope with our modern environment. Therefore, the majority of people would be more accurately described as "misfits" in our modern era, or as "abnormal", or "inferior".

The majority of people are typical or ordinary, but being ordinary is no longer acceptable. People today need higher levels of intelligence, and much better self-control than the typical person.

Every culture criticizes people who are obese for not having enough self-control, but this Constitution also regards the extremely wealthy people as lacking self-control, and the people who are frequently giving us lectures as lacking in self-control. This constitution requires everybody to exert self-control over all emotional cravings. For example, this constitution does not see any significant difference between:

The anesthesiologist (photo to the right) who was caught using anesthetized women for sexual gratification, in a similar manner as this monkey used a frog.

A business executive who produces worthless or deceptive products in order to become wealthy.

In both cases, a person is abusing other people in order to satisfy his particular emotional cravings.

The only difference between them is that the anesthesiologist is exploiting women to titillate his sexual cravings, whereas the business executive is exploiting people to titillate his cravings for status and wealth.

Every society considers the anesthesiologist to be committing a crime, (he was arrested) but if a business executive can exploit enough people to become wealthy, he will be admired, and his business will be described as profitable, lucrative, or clever rather than disgusting, criminal, or unacceptable.

We should admire people with self-control

Every culture encourages people to have the emotional reactions of the typical person, but this constitution encourages people to react in a more intelligent manner than the typical person.

Furthermore, this constitution reverses some of the bell graphs so that the "best" people become the "worst" people. For example, every culture considers the people who are extremely wealthy or famous to be the best people with the most talent and initiative, but this constitution reverses that attitude and regards them as being analogous to the obese people and hoarders.

This constitution regards a person to have a low quality mind if he is below-average in controlling his emotional cravings, regardless of which emotion he is having trouble controlling. The leadership positions must be restricted to people who have above-average self control.

We must improve the information we are exposed to

Our "culture" is just some intangible information in our minds, but it is more important for us to have high quality information in our mind than to have lots of material items, a giant mansion, or lots of trophies. Our culture determines whether we behave like a prehistoric savage, a medieval peasant, a modern human, or the people 10,000 years in the future.

Our lives will not improve by gathering more material items, having more sex, eating more food, or becoming more famous, but we can improve our lives tremendously if we improve our culture.

However, improving our culture requires a person have the ability to look critically at the information in his mind, and to experiment with that information.

The information in our mind has a tremendous effect on what we believe, how we treat other people, and what our goals are. During the past few decades, the Internet has exposed billions of people to a lot of information, and that information has resulted in many of us making significant changes to our beliefs and goals.

As we learn more information, our beliefs and goals will continue to change. If we could get access to the information that will be available to people thousands of years in the future, we would change even more, and we would regard those of us who are alive today as ignorant savages who are following a lot of false, deceptive, dishonest, and inaccurate information.

In order to improve our world, we need to improve the information in our minds. This requires raising standards for the information that we allow people to provide to us. The standards must be raised high enough to prevent such problems as:

The propaganda, deception, lies, and distorted historical facts that every society is currently receiving from businesses, advertising agencies, crime networks, Zionist organizations, government officials, religious fanatics, and feminists.

The travel pornography, hero pornography, material wealth pornography, and other types of pornography that stimulate unrealistic desires and goals.

The nonsensical philosophies, such as religion, feminism, and Freudian psychology.

The nonsensical and slanderous accusations, such as sexism, white privilege, racism, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and climate change denial.

Information is useful only if it is realistic. Providing a person with religion or Zionist propaganda is as detrimental and unacceptable as putting small amounts of arsenic in his meals.

In order for us to get access to more accurate information, we must put restrictions on everybody's freedoms, such as the freedom to become missionaries, to create private schools, and to create such organizations as the ADL.

Businesses no longer have the freedom to create any type of food or medicine that they please, and we must apply that concept to information. We must demand that the information that people provide to us is meeting high standards. We cannot allow people to give us, and especially our children, whatever information they please.

We must experiment with our lives

Nobody has the ability to figure out the best culture. The only way to improve culture is to experiment with our culture, which means experimenting with our lives.

Engineers can conduct experiments with refrigerators, computers, and bicycles in a laboratory without interfering with the lives of other people, but we cannot conduct experiments with culture in a laboratory. Therefore, in order for a society to improve its culture, the people must be willing and able to conduct cultural experiments on themselves.

To complicate the issue, we must expect people to disagree on which of the changes to culture are an "improvement", and which are idiotic or irritating.

This concept also applies to material items. An engineer cannot figure out how to improve a refrigerator, robot, or airplane. The only way to improve an item is to conduct experiments with it. To complicate the issue, we disagree on which changes are an "improvement" to a material item. Engineers resolve those disagreements by producing variations of a product, and letting consumers pick the variation that they liked the best. Software developers solve this problem by letting each of us customize their software.

Unfortunately, we cannot allow people to choose the culture that they like the best, or customize their culture. In order for an organization to function properly, everybody must follow the same culture. A nation cannot function if its members are following different languages, monetary systems, economic systems, government systems, school systems, and traffic laws.

We must learn to enjoy disappointments and suffering

Everybody within a society must follow the same culture, but we must expect everybody to occasionally dislike some aspect of their culture.

This concept is true of all organizations, not just the nation. For example, we cannot expect every employee in a business to always be satisfied with all aspects of the business, and we cannot expect every member of a family to always be satisfied with all aspects of the family. We must expect people to occasionally dislike something about the organization.

If we promote the Marquis de Sade attitude that we are suffering when we cannot get what we want, then the people who are dissatisfied with something will torment themselves by convincing themselves that they are suffering. They can also cause trouble for other people if they become angry and rebellious, or whine about being oppressed or mistreated.

We need a more sensible attitude towards life and happiness. We need to realize that suffering is not necessarily bad. When a person is suffering, we need to analyze the situation to determine whether he is truly suffering, or whether his suffering should be considered beneficial. This was discussed here.

Kastron is like a business or military

This constitution believes that a "society" is just an "organization" or "team" of people, and that a society follows the same concepts and rules that apply to businesses, militaries, families, and other organizations.

This constitution is based on the principles that have been successful for other organizations. It creates a social environment, economic system, and government system that is radically different compared to nations, but is very similar to what businesses, militaries, and families have been using all throughout history.