Uhhh.... yes and no. 21 Dec 2007
Here is a little more history to help you understand why some of his files are "missing". |
As I described in my previous articles about Smith, his website was
initially very simple. It was just one page. I posted a few news items,
a couple articles by John Kaminski and Karen Kwiatkowski, and his most
recent audio files.
The Internet archive doesn't show his website until August 10th, 2005. However, you can see that as of August there were only three audio files available for download. At that time he was producing radio shows for the GCN radio network. The image below is the portion of the screen image that shows those three files: You can see the entire page for Aug 10 at the Internet
archive site:
So, how did some of his files get deleted? Here are some of the reasons. 1) We never bothered to save the files from RBN Smith began doing radio shows in January 2005 for the RBN radio network. They provide their audio files for free at their website, so neither Smith nor I bothered saving those files on Smith's site. Also, Smith had purchased the minimum web hosting option that godaddy.com offered, so he did not have much disk space.2) GCN did not want him providing the files for free. Unlike the RBN radio network, GCN did not provide their files for free. GCN was selling monthly subscriptions, and they were selling audio files on CD-ROM. They told Smith that we could post a few of his most recent audio files for free, but they didn't want all them to be available for free. So I would post between three and six of his most recent audio files, and when he made a new file, I would delete the oldest one.
At some point in time (I'm not sure when) Smith became friendly with a man in Sweden named Krister, and Smith told me to let Krister have access to the website so that he could add some feature (or add something; I can't remember exactly).
Around July of 2006 there were about six times when I tried to upload an audio file to Smith's site, but for some reason the website wouldn't accept it. I couldn't figure out what the problem was. I wasn't sure if godaddy was having some temporary Internet problem, or if it was because Krister was accessing the site at the same time, which was causing some type of interference.Conclusions So, now that you have more background information on Smith's website, you should be able to understand why he is accusing me of erasing 40% of his audio files. I'm sure Smith realizes that most of his GCN and RBN files were never saved. I think the reason he's accusing me of deleting his files is because he is desperate to make himself appear to be a helpless victim who needs your pity and money, and he's desperate to make me look like a monster. |
I'm the honest truth seeker!” |
Some of his files should
be deleted!!!
Some of the files that he created while he was working with GCN were advertisements for Ted Anderson's gold business. They are referred to as "The Midas Report". In fact, this morning, 21 December 2007, as I was writing this document, I decided to listen to the live broadcasts of Smith's French Connection via shoutcast, and I was amazed to discover that he was broadcasting one of those Midas Reports from September 22, 2005. Both Ted Anderson and Smith were promoting Anderson's gold business. That show is an advertisement, and Smith should delete that file! The image below shows the header of my shoutcast radio identifying it as the show with Ted Anderson: |
Furthermore, most of his early audio shows were with Zionist agents,
such as Wayne Madsen and Greg Szymanski. There is no reason to promote
those particular people. Here is an excerpt of his idiotic shows from 2005
when he talks to Alfred
Webre about HAARP and chemtrails:
Smith-HARP-22Feb2005.mp3 110 k bytes You can find the entire interview at Smith's page for Feb 2005; look for Alfred Webre. Smith is so desperate to criticize me that he is willing to lie. Actually, Smith has already proven himself to be a liar. Let me refresh your memory with one example that I find truly amazing. If you listened to my audio file for October 30, you heard me play an
excerpt of Smith's show from October 28 in which he insisted that his health
was fine, and he complained that I was spreading lies that he might be
dying soon. Here is a brief excerpt to refresh your memory:
It was only six weeks earlier, on September 16, 2007, that Smith had
recorded an audio file in which he admitted that his health was so bad
at the beginning of 2006 that he worried that he might not survive another
year or two. Listen to this brief excerpt from that show:
And then, as I mentioned earlier, I was listening to the French Connection via shoutcast this morning, and I heard the Midas Report, and in that particular audio file Smith made a remark about his bad health! From the 22 Feb 2005 interview with Alfred Webre (at this
From the 15 Nov 2005 interview with John Kaminski (at
On October 24, 2005 he was talking with Doug Rokke and boasted about
being a veteran and how he gave up his health for the nation (at
And later in that show he once again boasted about how he sacrificed
his health for us and that he lost his father because his father was also
in the military:
He also boasted of being a "disabled vet" on 13 Jan 2006:
If you trust Smith, ask him to make his military records public so that
we can see how he sacrificed his health for us. Judging by his behavior,
he probably sacrificed his health by taking drugs, or getting into a fistfight.
Think about this: for years Smith has been announcing on the radio that his health is bad, and he was admitting this up until September 16, 2007. Then six weeks later, on October 28, he claimed that his health is fine and that it was me who was spreading false rumors about his health being bad! In private phone calls to me, he said his bad health was partly because of the stress of trying to expose corruption. I now wonder if he was exaggerating his health problems when he spoke with me and blaming it on stress in order to discourage me, as I described in my audio file for 2 Dec 2007. Smith's ability to make statements that are such obvious
lies reminds me of Larry Silverstein's remark on television
that the fire department decided to "pull" Building 7. When faced with
such obvious lies, we often assume that we must be mistaken; we have a
difficult time believing that somebody could make such obvious lies.
Who is Daryl Smith? What is his goal? What kind of person is Smith? Who would make statements that can be so easily disproven? We don't have to search for evidence that Smith is a liar because the evidence is on his own website! All we have to do is listen to his audio files! I now suspect that Smith was set up to be a radio host by his wealthy Jewish friends in the gold and jewelry business. They probably considered his arrogant, dishonest, and aggressive personality to be of use as a leader, similar to Alex Jones. However, they probably didn't have any use for Smith when they first discovered him, so they just maintained a friendship through the years. I also doubt that they actually liked him as a person. I suspect that they saw him as just another potential Useful Idiot to use in their goal of world conquest. By the beginning of 2005 they decided to use him as a radio host. I would bet that they never told him anything about Zionism, the Holocaust, or 9/11. Instead, they encouraged his arrogance by telling him that he will become a world famous leader of a revolution against George Bush. The people within the Zionist crime network who make decisions try to remain hidden. They look for mentally defective people to do their dirty work. People such as Daryl Smith, Alex Jones, Mike Piper, and Mark Glenn seem to be people with problems. I think all of them are fools to help this crime network. They probably think of themselves as respected members of the crime network, but I would bet that the higher level Zionists consider them to be mentally ill, worthless pawns. Smith should identify and expose his Jewish "friends" in the gold business. Alex Jones should also turn on his "friends", also. |
Hey, Jones, Smith, Glenn, Jayhan, Weltner, and you other suckers! Turn on your "friends"! They don't really like you. Do something useful with your pitiful life; help us put an end to this Zionist nightmare! |
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