We can
improve games and exercises
The presentation
of recreational facilities is very
As I mentioned in Part 7, the manner in which we present an
activity can make the difference between whether we are interested in it
or repelled by it. For example, if ugly exercise equipment is provided in an
ugly, noisy, stinky gymnasium in an ugly part of the city, and if traveling
to the gymnasium is unpleasant, then most people would avoid it. And imagine
if crime was so extreme that getting into the building required filling
out forms and going through security checks and x-ray machines.
In order to get people interested in exercises and games, we have to
make the activities appealing. We can't simply put a feed
bag over someone's face and expect him to start eating. I think humans
have the creativity to figure out how to create some recreational facilities
that are so appealing that we enjoy going to them, and I also think that
we could devise some exercises and games that are a bit more beneficial
than simply providing exercise. Even if the benefit is trivial,
any benefit is better than none. For
a simple example, consider the people who currently exercise in a manner
that does nothing of value, such as jogging around the city streets, or
swimming back and forth in a swimming pool, or using some type of exercise
equipment. These people usually get so bored that some of them watch television
or listen to music as they exercise. Instead of contributing something
to society, they consume resources
during their exercising, such as batteries
or electricity.
If instead, they sometimes exercise on machines that are connected to
electric generators, they could produce some electricity. It wouldn't be
much electricity, but it might be enough to power their music players,
which would be better than consuming batteries. So, how do we design
an exercise facility that is appealing enough that people want
to go to it and produce some electricity?
Exercise facilities could be gardens
This type of recreational facility
would be especially nice for mothers with young children.
Imagine a city in which there are some gardens that are enclosed
in beautiful glass structures so that they have year-round protection from
the weather and insects. If these facilities are attractive, people will
enjoy going to them rather than forcing
themselves to go. Now imagine that some high quality, attractive exercise
machines are connected to electric generators so that instead of wasting
the energy that the people create, they produce some electricity. People
cannot produce much electricity, perhaps 10 to 50 watts, but it would be
enough to power small music players or televisions. If hundreds of people
combined their output, they would be able to power water fountains, geysers,
and waterfalls for children to play with, and this would likely result
in the children putting pressure on the adults to put more effort into
their exercising, or to exercise for longer periods of time, in order to
keep the fountains going. At night, even the physically weak people would
be able to produce enough electricity to power some LED lights in the pools
for the children.
Mothers could take their children to these facilities, and the women
could get some exercise while their children are playing. Some women might
find this to be less boring than swimming laps, or jogging on a city
street, or exercising at home. Even women who don't have their own children,
or whose children are fully grown, may enjoy exercising in these facilities
once in a while. These facilities could also provide swimming areas for
adults, as well as food, saunas, or whatever people wanted.
This type of recreational facility would be useful to society because
it would encourage the people to get some exercise, and the people would
produce electricity instead of consume
it. They would produce a trivial amount of electricity, but anything
is better than none. Furthermore, exercise is boring, so in addition
to listening to music or watching television, the people could entertain
themselves by watching the children.
If we combine this concept with my concept of a "City of Castles", then
every castle would have one or more recreational facility, and there would
also be facilities in the city for the office and factory workers. All
of these facilities would be operated by the city, so you could walk into
any of them at any time you please. The facilities within
the castles would be mainly for women and children, and the facilities
in the city would be mainly for adults. With this type of city, it would
be easy for everybody to get to one of the facilities by taking a short
walk, or a short ride on a bicycle or train.
It would be so convenient to get to these facilities that a person could
stop by for a short visit more than once during the day. In fact,
if a person had to walk past one of these facilities on his way to his
job or to a restaurant, he could stop by for just a few minutes
of exercise, and then continue on his way. Compare that to the situation
today in which some people in the suburbs have to travel long distances
to get to a recreational facility.
Another advantage to providing a lot of high-quality exercise machines
is that some people need specific types of exercise because of their
job, or because of injuries, or because they are recuperating from a surgery,
or because of defects with their body. For example, some people may benefit
from specific exercises for their back, neck, or wrists. Having easy access
to a variety of high quality machines would make it more likely that people
get the specific exercise they need.
Exercising could provide medical
Women might find it especially
easy to exercise and analyze their body when their children are within
the facility.
The exercise machines could provide sensors to monitor heart
rate, blood pressure, brain activity or whatever people were interested
in observing. This would be especially useful for people who want to determine
how sleep, diet, weather, and other factors affect their body. Some parents
might find it useful to occasionally observe their children. Schools could
occasionally take children to these facilities to help them understand
themselves, and to help teachers identify physical problems with the children.
A person who regularly analyzes his physical activities with these machines
might be able to notice small variations in his physical abilities, and
that would help him to understand how subtle environmental changes can
affect his body. For an example of what somebody might be interested in
studying, I mentioned in a previous file that some people have reactions
to food that are so mild that they haven't noticed that they have a problem.
When you exercise on a machine that is collecting data about your body,
and which you are producing electricity with, it's easy for you to build
a database of your power output and medical data, and this can make it
easier for you to notice if your abilities diminish after eating certain
types of foods, or during certain types of weather, or when certain types
of pollen counts are high.
I also mentioned in another file that hot peppers seem to be
capable of suppressing pre-skin cancers, but what other
effects does that particular chemical have? Does it affect our total energy
production, peak power, heartbeat, blood pressure, perspiration, or body
weight? Also, is the dried chili powder the same as fresh peppers? Is there
only one chemical that has this effect? Or is it a group of chemicals?
Do those chemicals have an effect on the healing
of bruises or cuts? Do they help or interfere with the development of muscles?
Exercising could become a social
It's not practical for people of different ages and physical
abilities to exercise together when they are swimming, jogging, or riding
bicycles. However, exercise machines are easily adjusted to fit a person's
physical abilities. Therefore, by creating a variety of these machines,
and by making them easy to slide around, and by putting them into a quiet,
garden setting (as in the image above, but without the children), then
people would be able to move some machines together and carry on conversations
while they exercise. Compare that to the situation we have right now in
which people sometimes try to socialize while riding bicycles side-by-side,
which creates a nuisance for other people, especially automobile
Furthermore, this type of exercise facility would allow families, groups
of friends, and groups of people from a business or school, to get together
to exercise and socialize, or have serious discussions. A person who gets
plenty of exercise during his job could set his machine to a very low level,
or if he didn't want to exercise, he could just move a chair and/or a table
over to the people and join the conversation.
Let's get into some covered wagons
and start
exploring life!
As you read my suggestions about exercises and sports, keep
in mind that I'm simply making suggestions to inspire
you into thinking about some of our possibilities. All of our
current activities developed inadvertently and haphazardly, and we can
improve upon total chaos. All we have
to do is make the decision to take control
of our culture and start experimenting!
What value
do our "mental" games have?
The human mind certainly has the creativity to develop games
that are more useful than Monopoly, chess, and checkers. Certainly we can
develop games that teach us something useful, or help us to socialize,
or help us develop skills. |
Some people believe that chess, checkers, and other games are
providing their mind with "mental stimulation", and that this helps their
mind grow or develop. However, before we promote the theory that these
games are helping us, we should look for some evidence
because it's possible that they don't actually
provide anything of value. Children enjoy these games, but children
have such simplistic minds that they can entertain themselves for hours
with a cardboard box. Just because
children enjoy something doesn't mean that they are benefiting from it.
I think humans have the ability to develop mental games that are much
more useful to both children and adults. For example, since adults have
a difficult time talking to children about sex and bodily functions, perhaps
we can turn that issue into a game so that children learn about those issues
while having fun. I would also bet that humans have the creativity to devise
some mental games for adults that are useful to us, such as helping us
to learn something about history or science, or helping us to socialize.
I would bet that future generations will develop much better games and
come to the conclusion that our existing games, such as chess and checkers,
are so worthless that they abandon
Why should we purchase
and stockpile
recreational items?
Every society today expects people to purchase their own recreational
equipment. Parents usually purchase inexpensive items for their children,
and more expensive items for themselves. However, since most people play
games only occasionally, most of these items sit idle in people's homes,
sometimes for decades. Furthermore,
because the games have to be affordable, they are frequently ugly, delicate,
and have limited value. However, when society takes control of recreational
activities, then the cost is less significant, so the games can be made
of better materials. Also, if they are educational
games, they can have access to enormous amounts of information.
For example, consider the educational game, Trivial
Pursuit. In order to make that game affordable, it is made out of paper
and plastic, and the information is very limited. A city would be able
to offer a version of that game that used something equivalent to small,
hand-held computer monitors, and the game could have a radio connection
to the city's database. This would give people access to phenomenal amounts
of historical information, and even information about themselves. This
would allow people to play games about their own
lives. That type of game might be especially fun for children.
For example, instead of parents having a birthday party for their child
in their own home, they could take the children to one of the recreational
facilities, and then the children could play this type of game about the
child who is having the birthday, or about all of the children at
the party. And since the game could have computer monitors, they would
be able to look at video and photos of themselves.
Our city could provide us with
a wide variety of
high quality recreational items.
If we change society and our economic system so that the city
provides us with lots of different types of recreational and exercise facilities,
then we wouldn't have to purchase anything, except for personal
items, such as clothing, and we wouldn't have to store any equipment inside
our homes. Since the equipment would be designed for public use, it would
be built to a higher quality standard, and the city would offer more variations
for different ages and purposes. When you wanted to go for a bicycle ride,
try rollerskating, or go camping, you would go to one of the recreational
facilities, look over a variety of high-quality items, and borrow whatever
equipment you wanted to use. You also wouldn't need to bother having parties
for your children at your own home. You could use the recreational facilities.
This concept fits with my "City
of Castles" philosophy in which society would be designed to encourage
people to get out of their homes and
enjoy the forests, creeks, restaurants, gardens, social activities, and
the people. The homes in these type
of cities would be primarily for sleeping and relaxing rather than for
isolating ourselves from other people and accumulating
material items.
Can any society afford
what I am proposing?
Is it practical for a city to provide us with plenty of large,
glass-enclosed gardens and pools simply for games and exercise? Can we
afford to provide attractive exercise equipment that has medical monitoring
sensors? Can we provide ourselves with facilities that give us a wide variety
of high-quality bicycles, camping equipment, games, and other recreational
During prehistoric times, everybody had to spend their time finding
food, but today only a small fraction of the population is needed to provide
all of us with food, electricity, homes, and other basic necessities. The
majority of people today could be working
on luxuries, such as making beautiful cities. All we have to do is change
attitudes and society. If
we can fake a man on the moon, we can make a nice city for ourselves.
For example, in 2007, the Creation
Museum opened, and it was so popular that a lot of people are now planning
to spend a lot of money on a large amusement park that has a very large
model of Noah's Ark. It's going to take a lot
of people and resources to create this
park, and the end result will be a miniature version of my City of Castles
in which attractive buildings are mixed with lakes, gardens, pathways,
and forests. However, instead of living
in the city, people will visit in order
to expose themselves and their children to religious propaganda,
and to purchase worthless gifts.

If we had better people in this nation, then we could be putting
our resources into something useful. Furthermore, as I pointed out in Part
7 of the series, if we had proper government officials, they could be arranging
for arts and crafts activities that do something useful for society, such
as helping with the production and maintenance of recreational facilities.
There are a lot of people who want to do something useful during their
leisure time. All we need are some respectable and honest
people in leadership positions who have a true desire to do something
useful for society rather than exploit, manipulate, and abuse us.
As I've pointed out in other files, our problems are not
due to a lack of technology, or a shortage of oil. Rather, the problems
we suffer from are due to the destructive, parasitic, diabolical, and disgusting
people who dominate society. We will create a better society as soon
as we deal with those awful people.
Our society can only be as good
as its people
At the moment, if a city were to create the type of recreational
facilities that I described, they would be vandalized and abused. It would
also attract pedophiles. However, I'm discussing the potential
that the human race has, I'm not discussing what we can do right now with
the criminals, psychos, and sheeple that dominate the planet today. I'm
discussing an imaginary city in which the police are honest, the
citizens are responsible, and the government is respectable. I'm discussing
could be, not what it is right
Many people are sloppy with their homes and automobiles, and they are
even sloppier with items that don't belong to them. Supermarket employees
have to constantly put items back in their proper location because there
are so many people who abandon an item when they decide they don't want
to purchase it. Retail stores that sell clothing spend an enormous amount
of time putting the clothing back where it belongs. In some cases, the
clothing stores are to blame because they put the clothing into piles
that make it very difficult for us to look through without making a mess.
However, even when the clothing is arranged nicely on hangers, a lot of
people refuse to replace the clothing properly. Most people also
have no concern about making a mess in public bathrooms, either. And some
people dump garbage along the side of the road.
Everybody inadvertently
makes a mess simply by living. For example, we drop hairs, skin cells,
and lint everywhere we go, and everything we touch ends up with oil
from our fingers. Sometimes we accidentally leave a mess because we didn't
notice. However, if we compare everybody's messes, we would discover that
some people consistently make more of a mess than others.
Some of these people are deliberately
ignoring their mess, and some people are making more of a mess inadvertently
simply because they are stupid or don't pay much attention to what they
are doing.
Because we inadvertently make a mess simply by living, public areas
need routine cleaning. However, some people use this as justification
for leaving a mess in a public area. In other words, they leave a mess
in a public area and justify it on the grounds that the employees regularly
clean the area anyway, so why should they bother cleaning it? This argument
makes sense when a person is dropping hairs and lint, but we have to make
a distinction between when a person is leaving an "ordinary" mess, and
when he is simply looking for an excuse to be an irresponsible slob
and a burden on society.
Imagine a child who leaves a big mess in his house and justifies it
on the grounds that his mother regularly cleans the house, so there's no
sense in him cleaning up his mess. This argument makes sense when the child
is simply dropping hairs and lint, but if he is leaving clothing scattered
around the house and mud on the furniture, then he is adding an additional
burden on his mother.
I've also heard some people justify the mess they make as a result of
their being too important and/or too busy to clean up after
themselves, but they have plenty of time to be responsible. Most of them
spend many hours each day sitting in
front of a television, getting drunk, or "loving" their dog. Those people
are simply looking for excuses for avoid cleaning up their mess.
We should be better
than our ancestors, not feel sorry
for them
Some of us Americans can face the fact that the inscription
at the base of the Statue of Liberty is accurate; that many of us are descendants
of Europe's "Wretched Refuse" and "Huddled Masses." However, instead of
feeling sorry for ourselves or our ancestors, we are trying to be better
than our crummy ancestors.
Also, some of us can face the fact that one of the unfortunate aspects
of genetics is that if a couple were to have a lot of children, about
half of the children would be worse
overall than their parents. Another way to look at this issue is that most
of the children would be similar to or worse
than their parents, and only a small percentage would be an improvement.
However, most parents boast about their children being "better than average".
Therefore, we also need to be able to treat our own relatives the
same way we treat other people's relatives. We can't give special
preference to our own children.
Those of us who are better than our relatives have to be capable
of turning our back on them, walking away, and getting together with better
people to create a better world. We can't feel sorry for the "Underdogs"
or let them pull us into their miserable existence of television, pouting,
hatred, alcohol, gambling, pornography, or whatever problems your particular
relatives suffer from.
The people who refer to themselves as "liberals" tend to feel sorry
for themselves and blame the world's problems on rich people, and the people
who refer to themselves as "conservatives" tend to blame the world's problems
on liberals. However, the problem with every nation is that it is dominated
by people who have the emotional qualities of a primitive savage,
and many people are suffering from serious mental
disorders. Most people cannot have a serious discussion about
the 9/11 attack, abortion, the lies about the Holocaust, the Apollo moon
landing scam, euthanasia, or religion. Instead, they become hysterical,
or they hide from the issue, or they get into fights.
Furthermore, crime networks can easily manipulate people with
offers of money, fame, and sex. The Jews also use feminist propaganda to
trick men and women into fighting with each other, and they stage terrorist
attacks to trick people into hating Muslims. They also use mentally unstable
people to create fights between different races. For example, have you
noticed that lately a black man, Kanye West, has been getting publicity?
For example, he was interviewed on television by Matt
Lauer, and Lauer introduced
him with a remark that "he's back in the headlines
this week". Why is Kanye West in the headlines so often? Who
decides to put him in the headlines? The Jews never put me
in the headlines, or Christopher Bollyn. How many of you
get news coverage? Why do the Jews pick Kanye
West so often?
As I pointed out before, the Jews give publicity only
to people who are either members of
the crime network, or one of their tools.
David Duke and David Irving
are good examples. Both of them are promoted as anti-Semites, but they
are just Jewish tools. Likewise, Kanye West is just an African version
of David Duke. However, instead of using Kanye West as an anti-Semite,
they use him to stir up racial fights and to give black people a
image. Kanye West is a fool; a
sucker; a disgrace. The Africans should complain that they're
tired of Jews using weird black people
to ruin their image and to instigate racial fights.
If there are enough high-quality people in America, then all we have
to do is put them in control, and this nation will be transformed into
something that is truly spectacular. This concept applies to other
nations, also. China's primary problem is not Japan or India; it
is the Chinese people. In fact, now that China has lots of automobiles,
they are starting to discover that the primary cause of physical injuries
and deaths in every nation are automobiles. (Here
are excerpts of security camera video of intersections in China.)
Update Jan 2012: YouTube deleted that security camera video
on the grounds that it was a violation of their policy on violence!
However, it is just as well because the Chinese government
created this,
much better video in an attempt to help
their citizens realize how serious this problem is.
Of course, only some citizens will benefit from this type of information.
This video is equivalent to the attempts to stop drug use by showing photos
of people who abuse drugs, or the attempts to stop crime by showing people
jail cells or execution chambers. We can provide information to people,
but we can't cure them of their bad behavior. |
Soon everybody in China will know of somebody who has
been permanently injured or killed from automobiles, as seems to
be the case here in America. However, the Americans are still refusing
to care about this suffering. If we could put better people
in control of America, China, or other nations, then we could start developing
better cities and better transportation systems, and we could
reduce one of the biggest sources of serious injuries in our lives.
Games could be useful
I'm using the word "game" to refer to competitive activities
that we play for exercise and entertainment, such as when we have casual
games of volleyball, baseball, or badminton. These type of games will probably
be popular for centuries, but in this section I'd like to point out that
I think if we start experimenting, we could create games for teams
of people in different age groups or physical abilities, and we can
even create games that have some value to society.
As I pointed out in Part 7, we like to compete with each other, but
our emotions don't care what the competition is. This enables us
to design competitions that have some value. A simple example are those
exercise machines I mentioned earlier in which people are generating electricity.
We could use those machines for games, also. Instead of simply exercising
on a machine, we could arrange the machines so that we are competing with
each other. It might seem silly to compete on an exercise machine, but
by taking advantage of our desire to compete with each other, we can make
the exercising less boring.
Some exercises, such as jogging,
are not practical for groups
of people of different
Exercise machines would enable them to be together. |
Furthermore, these exercise machines make it possible for groups
of people to compete, even if the members are of different ages and physical
abilities. For example,
families could
compete against other families. The members of each family would combine
their power output, and so they would be competing to see which family
could produce the most power. Each of the family members would have a different
machine depending upon their age, desires, and physical abilities. Teams
of employees could get together for a picnic at one of the recreational
facilities, and then compete against other teams of employees, either from
the same business, or from other businesses. People in one neighborhood
could compete against people from another neighborhood.
The idea of people playing games with exercise machines and producing
electricity might seem ridiculous. Some people might respond that they
would rather play volleyball or soccer. However, as I said before, the
of the game is very significant. I think if we were to design some beautiful
gardens that are enclosed in beautiful glass structures, and if we were
to design some attractive exercise machines and put them into these parks
along with picnic facilities and restaurants, then groups of people would
enjoy getting together for lunch or dinner in these areas, and some people
might occasionally play games on these machines. In addition to getting
some exercise, they would be able to socialize. They would also be able
to monitor their heart rate or blood pressure, and they could produce a
little electricity in the process. There will certainly be times when people
want to go for a bicycle ride or play a game of volleyball, but whether
playing a game with exercise machines is
depends upon what you consider "boring".
Some people may ask, "How
can producing electricity be fun?"
I would respond by asking:
"What is the difference between
men running around a track in order to "catch" a plastic trophy, and dogs
running around to catch a plastic bone?" |
Some people like to play soccer, and some like to play basketball,
and some people like running around an oval track. I'm not suggesting that
we force anybody to engage in any particular game. I'm simply suggesting
that we start experimenting with different
types of exercise and recreational activities.
We could try games that produce
food or do gardening
We could set up games to produce food
with muscle power, and children could encourage the players by complaining
that they're hungry. |
For an example, some of the people involved with the arts and
crafts activities could put together some simple, old-fashioned stone grinding
equipment, and we could make a game out of grinding grains with only our
muscle power, and then mixing the flour into dough, again only with our
muscles. This type of game would give people a lot of exercise, and it
would provide everybody with fresh bread.
Another year the athletes could compete to crush oranges into juice
using only their muscles as a power source.
Other contests could require the athletes to use their muscles to grind
meat into sausage. To prevent boredom, we could change these type of games
constantly. For example, the next time the people got together, they could
compete to crush oranges or apples into juice using only their muscles
as a power source. On another day, they could use their muscles to grind
meat for sausages.
There are some speculations that grape seeds
and skins contain chemicals that are beneficial to human health, and if
this turns out to be accurate, then we could have a game in which the players
crush grapes, extract the seeds, and then crush the seeds for use in some
type of food product.
There are sports events
and video games
for racing lawnmowers. |
We could also try some games in which people assist with the
maintenance of the recreational facilities, such as by giving each person
a little section of the garden, and then they compete to trim the branches,
or mow the grass as quickly as possible. It's not easy to believe that
people would want to make a game out of gardening, but many people
want exercise, and we all love to compete, so I think that it's possible
for us to devise some games in such a manner that when people are in the
recreational facilities, they could be encouraged to get together and compete
to do a small amount of gardening to help maintain the recreational area.
There is already a United States Lawn
Mower Racing Association, but all they do is arrange for people to
lawnmowers around an oval track. Why not do something useful instead
of driving around in ovals?
As I pointed out in Part 7, none of us are interested in doing anything
useful for society as of today because we dislike
the people that we live with. Actually, a lot of us are becoming
increasingly angry and disgusted
with the people we live with as we learn more about the crimes that are
going on. Not many of us want to get together for a game of gardening or
crushing oranges into juice. Instead, we are fantasizing about getting
together to get rid of criminals. However, in the future, when people
are living in cities in which they like and respect one another, I think
it would be possible for them to create games in which they get together
for a brief competition of mowing a section of a lawn or planting some