Was Ronni Chasen murdered by
Ronni Chasen, a wealthy Jewish publicity agent, was murdered
in her car as she was driving home after midnight. Somebody shot five bullets
into her from the passenger window. However, nothing was stolen from her.
The police point out that assassins normally shoot people in the head,
but she was shot in the chest, which
left her alive and suffering for a
It's possible that this was just another "ordinary" murder as a result
of a dispute she was having over money, jobs, Oscar nominations, or relationships.
It's also possible that it was a crime that failed, similar to the murder
of the Nebraska couple that I mentioned in September (here).
However, I wonder if she was killed by Jews in order to intimidate
the people who are abandoning or turning on the network.
Why a brutal
murder? Why not an accident?
There is evidence that the Jews arranged for the car accidents of Princess
Diana, James Dean, General George Patton, and others, and then the Jews
killed those people in the ambulance or at the hospital.
Lee Oswald died during an ambulance ride, also.
The photo of Michael Jackson in the ambulance shows a man trying to
him. Or was that man killing Jackson? |
Why didn't the Jews arrange for Ronni Chasen to be involved
in a minor traffic accident, and then give her a ride to the hospital in
the "Jewish ambulance of death", and then
announce that she died from internal bleeding during the ambulance ride?
Why would the Jews conduct a brutal
shooting on a public street, like a gang of violent drug dealers? I wonder
if they chose this brutal method because they are trying to create fear
among people in Hollywood.
When you sleep with Hollywood
If money and fame was truly the source of happiness, then the
people in Hollywood, who are among the most famous and wealthy, would be
some of the happiest people on earth. However, the people in Hollywood
have some of the most bizarre and disgusting marriages and friendships,
and they have extreme problems with drugs, suicide, murders, gambling,
and psychological disorders. I think Hollywood is attracting unhappy people,
criminals, and parasites, and this mixture of weirdos results in bizarre
and abusive behavior.
Our tendency is to feel sorry for these people, but they are adults
who have chosen their life, and they
can walk away from it whenever they
want, but they don't want an ordinary life.
They abuse one another, and they abuse the public. They're not looking
for ways to make the world nicer. They're looking for relief
from their misery. They don't want to be an "ordinary" person. They
don't want to be "just another citizen". They want to be pampered and worshiped.
They don't want to live among us, either. They want to be separate
from us. They want us to provide them with mansions, yachts, and lot of
other material items. They don't want to be a member of our world
or one of our friends. They want us to treat them like gods and
goddesses. We are like a cow to them; a cow that they milk for money
and applause. They want us to worship them, not be their "equal".
Why should we care when they kill one another? When they die, my attitude
is, "Good Riddance!"
Furthermore, the Jews often stage anti-Semitic attacks in an
attempt to create pity for Jews and to frighten other Jews into joining
the crime network in order to protect themselves against the mysterious
anti-Semites. In fact, Time magazine is promoting the murder as
Slaying Unites Hollywood". So, if a brutal murder unites
those freaks in Hollywood, how do they react when something wonderful
happens? I suppose the headline in Time magazine would be: "The
wonderful relationship of John and Jane causes intense hatred, envy, fighting,
and bitterness in Hollywood."
We shouldn't risk our
lives to save a criminal
People are always getting into disputes with one another, and
criminals are no exception, and their fights are much more vicious.
The current attitude around the world is that the police should risk their
lives to protect even the criminals, but that is as foolish as police risking
their lives in order to protect ticks and fleas from killing each another.
We should be getting rid of all criminals,
not trying to protect them from one another.
Why do you
think some people are so incredibly
Do you think Judge Judy Sheindlin, Jay Leno, Simon Cowell,
and these
other entertainers are earning their tens
of millions of dollars each year? What are they contributing
to the human race to justify their phenomenal income? I suspect that all
of them are involved with the same Jewish crime network that
gave us the 9/11 attack.
Anybody who gets involved with these criminals deserves whatever happens
to them. Don't feel sorry for people whose main priority in life is money
and fame, or being pampered like a king, or being worshiped like a God.
Let them suffer the consequences of associating with criminals and psychos.
People who put money and fame above all else should be considered dangerous.
My advice is to avoid people with intense
cravings for anything; regardless of
whether it is money, fame, sex, gambling, drugs, or even food. I think
something is seriously wrong with the minds of people who have intense
and endless cravings.
Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson, and Simon Cowell, when
they were American Idol judges.
In Sarah Palin's book about herself, she praises
Simon Cowell for being truthful and honest. (Scanned images of some pages
were just removed!)
Since we allow people to keep secrets about their history and their relationships,
it's possible that she knows something about Cowell that I don't know,
but I don't see any honesty in anybody
who is famous. Perhaps some of them are secretly
helping to make the world a better place, but from my viewpoint, every
famous person is either faking stupidity
and ignorance about Jewish crimes, or they are spreading
propaganda about the crimes. Some famous people may be protecting
the criminal Jews out of fear of retaliation, but some are certainly doing
so because they want to.
In fact, a lot of the famous and wealthy people showed signs of abusive
behavior as a child. Simon Cowell,
for example, was thrown
out of schools for bad behavior. He also wrote this about himself: "From
my first day on the job I began planning and scheming my way to the top
of the business". What does he mean by "scheming"?
Does he mean "thinking"? Or does he
mean looking for ways to manipulate, cheat, abuse, deceive, murder, blackmail,
and exploit?
He also wrote that the two aspects of school that he hated the most
were boredom and
So, if he doesn't like "discipline", what does he like? Does he want to
behave like a primitive
savage who does whatever
he pleases and treats other people in whatever manner he desires?
Will he help destroy the Jewish crime network? Or would he rather
die than become part of an orderly, disciplined
world in which everybody earns their living and treats people
with decency? Is he capable of being an "ordinary" person?
It's also interesting that Sarah Palin praises Simon Cowell for being
about the poor performance of people
on the television show American Idol, but she's
not complaining that her own daughter is getting special treatment
on Dancing with the Stars. Why doesn't Simon Cowell show some honesty
about Bristol Palin? If Bristol Palin had been
daughter, would she be in the finals? I don't think so.
I suggest you be careful of all
of the rich and famous people
I think you should seriously consider the possibility that
Hollywood has lots of extremely dangerous
and psychotic freaks.
Hollywood seems to be full of people who are never
satisfied with life, no matter how much money, fame, or sex they have.
They are bottomless pits that we can pour money into for years,
but who are never satisfied. They are not thinking of ways to make society
better. They are thinking of how to become more wealthy, or more famous,
or have more sex, or how to get rid of their competitors.
This concept applies to all areas
where people have the potential of making a lot of money without earning
it, such as gambling, drug dealing, investments, and pornography. All of
these areas seem to attract criminals, parasites, and psychotic freaks.
Judge people by their behavior and by their effect
on society. Don't judge people by their money, fame, publicity
photos, or what they claim to be. Analyze people from the point of view
of whether they are treating people with decency and contributing to society.
A popular Hollywood plot: Aliens
conquer humans
Ronni Chasen's brother, Larry Cohen,
is involved in producing lots of horror and science fiction movies and
television shows, such as The
Invaders, which is another variation of a plot that
Jews love in which aliens from another planet disguise themselves
as humans in order to get control of us. A lot of Jews consider themselves
to be an alien race that infiltrates
our societies, and then murders, sabotages, kills, rapes, manipulates,
and deceives us. And in the process, they become kings and queens, and
we become their servants. These Jews are not
interested in becoming our friends.
They consider themselves to be a superior
race, and they want us to be their slaves.
Larry Cohen wrote and produced the horror movie It's
Alive, which is about a child who becomes a monster.
In an earlier file I
wondered if the "Ugly Duckling" stories are due to the observations that
every once in a while a woman really does give birth to a crude savage.
Roman Polanski's Rosemary's
Baby is another of those films.
Did Ronni Chasen's murder have anything
to do with the film "Burlesque"?
Ronni Chasen was killed on her way home from the premiere of
the film "Burlesque".
I wonder if her murder was scheduled for this particular day and time in
order to intimidate some of the people involved with the production, distribution,
or promotion of that film. There are a lot of people and businesses involved
with the film, but I only recognize three names: Christina Aguilera, Cher,
and Julianne Hough.
Ronni Chasen was recommending that the soundtrack
of the film receive an Oscar award.
The soundtrack seems to be mainly the singing of Christina Aguilera
and Cher, so I suppose that means the award would be primarily praise
to those two women. Christina Aguilera recently got divorced from a Jew,
and Cher is probably
very aware of
the crime network since she has been involved with Hollywood for decades.
Julianne Hough had a minor role in that film, but she is being aggressively
pursued by Ryan Seacrest, who I would bet is working for the Jewish crime
network, and I would also bet that he is using his contacts with the network
to help her with her dreams of becoming a singer and actress.
News reports mention that Cher and Christina spent a lot of time talking
to each other. Christina is quoted
as saying, "They had to drag us to set a few times
because we were late just talking about love and relationships and life."
If you were a criminal Jew, and you saw Cher spending lots
of time talking to Christina, wouldn't you wonder what they were talking
about? What if the Jews had hidden microphones in the area, and what if
they heard Cher talking about the crime network? And what if they were
also listening to Ronni Chasen?
Perhaps I'm getting carried away with wild speculations, but I suspect
that Chasen's brutal murder is another sign that the Jewish crime network
is deteriorating, and the frightened Jews
are struggling to maintain control over everybody.
Don't underestimate the "Wolf
in Sheep's Clothing" trick
Over and over I discovered that somebody who I assumed I could
trust was actually one of the criminals. One of their most successful tricks
is pretending to be angry at the Jews.
They dominate the "Holocaust revisionist" movement, the Nazi groups, and
all of the other anti-Semitic and racist groups. They are pretending to
be their enemies in order to fool their real enemies into trusting them
and identifying themselves.
How do any of us know whether Cher
can be trusted? Why is she so wealthy and famous? Why does she continue
to associate with people in Hollywood decade after decade? Is she
honest? Or is she working for the network? For all we know, she was talking
to Christina Aguilera simply to find out what Aguilera knows and is planning
to do, and she may have been trying to manipulate Aguilera with propaganda.
And she may have been talking with Ronni Chasen in order to find out what
Chasen is planning to do. Also, how do we know if we can trust Christina
Aguilera? Maybe she sold out to
the network, also! Maybe she was gathering
information about Cher and Ronni Chasen!
Think of yourself as being in the television show, Surviving the
Jews with the Stars, but it's not a game.
If you make a mistake, you end up like Jimmy Walter, or Peter Kawaja,
or Christopher Bollyn, or Ronni Chasen, or Princess Diana, or General George
Secrecy protects criminals,
not honest people
Can you understand that one of the reasons the criminals are
having so much success is because they have tricked us into allowing incredible
levels of secrecy? We have no idea
who we are living with. We are not allowed to look into a person's history,
or who they associate with. There are all sorts of accusations about president
Obama, for example, that he and Rahm Emanuel were members
of a gay club. Some people claim that Obama's mother is Jewish, and some
claim that we have been lied to about who his father really is. What do
we really know about president Obama?
Sex slavery
is a good example of how secrecy protects
Occasionally somebody is arrested for keeping a child as a
prisoner in his house. Some of these children were kidnapped by the person
who was arrested, but there is evidence that there is also a worldwide
trade in children for both sex slaves and labor slaves. In America, these
children are supposedly selling for tens of thousands of dollars each,
but we cannot see any of the transactions because we are not allowed to
know how people spend their money. Furthermore, we are not allowed to know
what anybody does inside their house, and this is allowing people to keep
slaves and stolen items
in their homes.
It was impossible thousands of
years ago for a person to hide a sex slave, but today this is just one
of many crimes that people can secretly
We are not allowed to know what a person does in his home, or who he
associates with, or how he spends his money. |
We have been fooled into thinking that we are protecting people's
privacy, but your privacy is not
being protected. Rather, we are protecting the
criminals. Your life will not be harmed in any way if people
know what you have inside your house or basement. You are not going to
suffer if people are allowed to see how you spend your money, or who you
associate with. You will not suffer if we can look through your school
records, job performance, and other historical information. Unless, of
course, you are hiding something from us.
What do we know about Ed Asner, or Cher, or Simon Cowell? What does
Julianne Hough know about Ryan Seacrest? Thousands of years ago a man had
to pursue a woman in front of other people. Imagine if Ryan Seacrest had
to pursue women in front of us. What
would we see? What would we see if we could watch video of Simon
Cowell's life? What exactly
did he do to become famous and rich? What would we see if we could know
the truth about Sarah Palin, or Hillary Clinton, or the sheriff
in our own city? What would we discover if we could see what is going on
inside the Catholic Church, or the Mormon church, or the Royal families
of Europe? What is the Mormon church doing with all the money they collect?
We are suckers to allow secrecy
among the leaders of our corporations, charities, think tanks, schools,
military, churches, and media companies. We are fools
to allow secretive people to influence our lives and our future. Secrecy
does not protect the privacy of honest people. Rather, secrecy is
helping criminals to get away with crimes, and to hide their true qualities
and deceive us about themselves. As
I said in one of my audio files, we need to put everybody into an acid
bath. We need to know who we are living with. We shouldn't allow
anybody to deceive us.
Is Jessica Simpson another of their
naive victims?
Professor Scher has this
weird photo of him, implying that he is watching us, but today we can watch
the Jews |
There are some names I see in the news regularly, such as Jessica
Simpson and Kim Kardashian, but I don't know why they are famous. All they
seem to do is pose for pictures. Anyway,
Jessica Simpson's name is in the news again, and it reminds me of this
message I saw in 2009 in which some mysterious people discussed hidden
microphones in her house, and that her father was a sucker who
fell for the trick of agreeing to allow
the hidden microphones, thereby allowing himself to be blackmailed.
A lot of the material on the Internet is the truth, but it has been
so that if you investigate it, you end up getting nowhere, or looking foolish.
Therefore, some of that message may be incorrect, but the "core" of the
message may be accurate. Specifically, the Jews may regularly trick family
members into agreeing to something that is slightly immoral or illegal
in order to "help" one of their relatives, and then the Jews blackmail
the people into remaining quiet on the grounds that they agreed to it.
Naive and stupid are dangerous!
When you are in deadly battle, you don't put your life into
the hands of an idiot, or somebody who is uneducated or naive, because
they may inadvertently hurt you. For
another personal example, in 2005, Jimmy Walter was fooled by some Russians
into thinking that they were arranging for him to talk about 9/11 to some
Russian government officials. Walter began planning a trip to Moscow, and
he asked me if I would go to talk about 9/11 with him. I assumed that the
Russians who were trying to arrange for the meeting would end up failing,
but I told Walter to go ahead and look into it, and if he could actually
arrange for a meeting, I would be happy to travel to Moscow and talk about
While they were trying to arrange for a meeting with the Russian government,
Walter told me to send a scanned image of my passport to him so that his
Russian "friends" could start processing the passport information, which
would allow me to fly to Moscow as soon as the meeting was arranged. So
I sent a copy. Some weeks later Walter came to the conclusion that he was
being tricked by those Russians, and
that they were simply trying to set him up with some women in order to
Months later I discovered my passport photo is on the Internet. However,
nobody would recognize it as my passport photo. They removed everything
except my photo, and they even removed the background pattern. I suppose
they did this because one of them wanted a photo of me but they didn't
want to make it look as if they had access to my passport photo, but I
recognized the photo, and those people have identified themselves as being
somehow connected to that Russian network.
I don't know whether they can do anything with my passport
information, but the point I want to make is that by being associated with
Jimmy Walter, who ignored my warnings,
a group of Russian criminals got access to my passport. People like Jimmy
Walter, who are trusting, naive, and/or stupid, are actually very dangerous
because they can inadvertently cause
trouble for us. You should visualize them as being like the character Pigpen
in the Peanuts comic strip. However, instead of dust clouds
following them around, they are followed by pedophiles,
murderers, kidnappers, and perverts.
The remarks about Jessica Simpson on that message board may seem silly
or senseless to you, but I suggest you treat them as a serious
but twisted description of what the Jews are doing. Those messages
remind me of the
many times the Jews
tried to push me into agreeing to something
or saying something. Also, be careful of people who dismiss my warnings
as "silly conspiracy theories". We don't know who to trust, so you better
be very careful trusing people. But don't be afraid. There is a
significant difference between being careful and being afraid.