What is a Jew?
A recent
analysis of DNA claims that the different variations of Jews are related
to one another. Arthur Koestler had come to the conclusion
that the Ashkenazi Jews were Khazar savages who merely converted to the
Jewish religion, but it makes more sense if all of the Jews are related
to another because they behave more like one another than to modern humans.
Arthur Koestler may have traced the Ashkenazi Jews to the Caspian Sea
area, but the inability to perform DNA analysis made it impossible for
him to figure out if some of his ancestors were related to the original
Jews of Palestine.
As of today I would guess that the original Jews of Palestine scattered
around the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, and through interbreeding and
rape, they created a variety of Jews. This would explain why so many of
the people in Turkey, the Arab nations, Iran, and Armenia look and behave
like Jews.
To add complexity to this issue, some of the savages in Asia may have
also raped and interbred with the more advanced humans, resulting in a
lot of non-Jewish savages.
Humans today could be a very confusing mix of different races, and this
could explain some of the problems we're having. For example, the Neanderthals
had a large mouth, so when they raped and interbred with modern humans,
some of their children may have ended up with large teeth in small jaws,
which caused the teeth to be pushed out of their normal locations. The
Neanderthals also had different posture, so the mixture of the two different
skeletons may sometimes result in back and neck problems. The mixing of
different types of brains may result in children with mental disorders.
The Jews claim that they are all wonderful people who were
abused by Egyptians 4000 years ago, but once you realize how often the
Jews lie, and once you realize that they have never
been able to be friends or cooperate with anybody, you have
to wonder, Why should we believe the Jewish accusations
that the Egyptians were an anti-Semitic and cruel people who abused the
innocent Jews? The Egyptians may have originally treated the
Jews with decency, and then got fed up with their abuse, just like all
of the other nations. The original Jews may have been just as parasitic,
dishonest, and abusive as the Jews during the Middle Ages and even today.
The Jews claim that Moses parted the Red Sea and led the Jews to freedom,
but the Jews may have left Egypt because they realized the Egyptians were
becoming disgusted with them.
The Jews claim that the Egyptians chased after them because the Egyptians
didn't want their slaves to escape, but perhaps the Egyptians chased after
them because the Jews were stealing items as they left Egypt. |
Be cautious about coming to conclusions when you hear only
one side of a story. Furthermore, keep in mind that the Jews often provide
us with different sides in order to fool us into thinking that we have
heard several different viewpoints. Harold Rosenthal boasted about this
trick here.
Where does the desire for slaves
come from?
The Khazars, Huns, and other primitive races of central Asia
were extremely violent, and they seemed to enjoy slavery, torture, rape,
and theft. Many decades ago I read in a book (I can't remember which book)
that one of the primitive tribes in Central Asia about 1000 years ago would
routinely blind people that they had captured and use them as slaves. They
would blind them because that would stop them from running away. How is
that behavior any different from people who purchase children for use as
sex slaves? Where did Josef Fritz and other people
get their desire to keep people in cages for torture and rape? Where did
Barney Frank get his desire to rape little boys? Which of these desires
are coming from Jewish DNA, and which is coming from the DNA of Khazars,
Huns, Neanderthals, or other races?
All of us are contaminated with
primitive DNA
It might be very useful to study people's activities. We might
find that certain races of people are more likely to engage in sadomasochism,
sex slavery, sex with animals, kidnapping, and torture. We might find that
the Sephardic Jews are not as violent, sadistic, or sexually perverted
as the Ashkenazi Jews.
Everybody has DNA that comes from people long ago, but we might discover
that the most troublesome people are those who inherited the most primitive
qualities. We might find that the worst of the Ashkenazi Jews are those
who are the most closely related to the Khazars, Huns, or Neanderthals.
And we might find that the people causing the most trouble in China, Japan,
and India are those who inherited the most qualities from the savages of
Central Asia or the Neanderthals.
The Caucasians who are the most troublesome may be those who
are most closely related to the savages, also.
DNA doesn't follow simple
rules of arithmetic
A person who has a Jewish father and a Chinese mother is described
as half Jewish and half Chinese, but DNA doesn't follow such simple rules.
That couple might produce one child in which more than half of his traits
are Jewish, making him more like his Jewish father than his Chinese mother.
Another of their children may be more Chinese than Jewish.
Furthermore, a man only provides his child with chromosomes, whereas
a woman provides more genetic information and nutrients. We assume that the man
and woman are each contributing 50% of the child's genetic information,
but the woman may contribute more genetic material to the child,
as well as influencing the development of the child, and therefore,
the mother may be a greater influence over the child than the father.
Don't let the Jews fool you! Ignore
your ancestors!
Many people assume that they are a simple combination of their
parents, grandparents, etc. The Jews are using this concept to fool people
into helping them. For example, if the Jews discover that you have a Jewish
grandfather, they will tell you that you are 25% Jewish, and therefore,
you must help the Jews or you will be considered a Jew and executed along
with all of the criminal Jews. And if they discover that one of your female
ancestors was Jewish, they will claim that you are 100% Jewish because
the Jews claim that Jewish traits are passed on by the females.
People such as Adam Austin are assisting
with this trick by making remarks about how everybody
with even a tiny bit of Jewish DNA should be killed. Are you aware
of Adam Austin and how Jews are using this type of trick to frighten people
with Jewish ancestry? I describe Austin and this trick here.
“See, people like
me, we know, if you leave one Jew behind, and allow it to fester, we're
going to be right back... our ancestors will be right back in this same
boat another 2000 years from now if we let them live!”
only 56 kbytes
Adam Austin and other white supremacists, patriots, and truth seekers
are secretly working with the Jews to
create fear and hysteria among people with Jewish ancestry. You should
be concerned about your ancestors. If we follow our ancestors far enough
back in time, we will find lots of primitive savages, and some of us might
discover that one of our ancestors was a rat or a frog!
Don't worry about what your ancestors were.
think about what you want to be, and
what you want your future to be.
Don't let your family members or ancestors be a ball and chain around
your leg. Become what you want to be. Become better
than your relatives and better than
your ancestors. |
“Oh, dear God! I've just discovered that one of my distant ancestors
was a rat! Adam Austin and other patriots
will kill me!” |