19 Aug 2007
Are you going to play dead and let this continue? We can stop this without any violence if we can get enough people to support us! If there were millions of people supporting Hufschmid and Bollyn,
we would have enough people to force the police departments to arrest the
people in the Zionist crime network. We can already identify
of suspicious people who should be arrested and investigated; all we need
is enough support to do something about
However, the people in that town may not completely understand why
the ADL is trying to stop discussions of the Armenian massacre. If you
know people in that town, please tell them about our site, and the issue
of Crypto Jews and Zionism.
If we don't get enough support, the Zionists will continue their wars and murders. And if we allow them to get away with the kidnapping or killing of the Bollyn family, we can be certain that will they go after more of us. Why would they stop if they are successful? In Communist Russia and East Germany, the Zionists would arrest anybody who opposed them. The other citizens ignored the mysterious arrests, just as the neighbors of the Bollyn family ignored Christopher's bizarre and illegal arrest. If we don't get much support, it is possible that violence will break
out, and that may be what the Zionists are most afraid of. There were violent
demonstrations in Hungary in 2006 against the government. Look at how CNN
tries to minimize it as being due to "football hooligans":
Even the Zionist propaganda encyclopedia, the Wikipedia, is more honest
than CNN:
This type of violence is terrible, and nobody wants it. We do not advocate violence. Rather, we advocate spreading our information and finding enough support so that we can deal with this problem in a nonviolent manner. However, if violence breaks out, then we must go after the criminals, and that means many of our government officials, law enforcement officials, media reporters, and 9/11 truth seekers. If violence breaks out, it is important to understand who we are fighting. Random violence doesn't help anybody. Breaking windows and burning cars is stupid. We have to go after the criminals. In order to go after the criminals, you must know who they are. That was the point of our article, "Battle Plan". Some of us may not survive much longer; we may end up like the Bollyns. Therefore, it is important for you to pass our information around and let people realize that if violence breaks out, direct the violence towards the criminals, not towards the breaking of windows or the burning of cars. Don't have a temper tantrum; instead, have a planned attack on the criminal network. Bollyn does not like my "battle plan" article (here).
Bollyn's complaints about it are very similar to what Victor Thorn said
after Bollyn was arrested in August 2006. Specifically, both Victor Thorn
and Christopher Bollyn are trying to suppress any thoughts of rebellion.
Both of them encourage us to remain docile while this horrendous violence
and abuse is going on. Here is Bollyn's article:
Christopher Bollyn used to write investigative articles that exposed top Zionist criminals, but now he writes articles that could have come from an ordinary high school student, or from Victor Thorn.
Daryl Bradford Smith firmly believes that Linda Shelton is a principal in the bizarre disappearance of the Bollyn family, and calls for a full investigation into the actions and associations of this woman. Moreover, I believe the Cook County sheriff should be approached and presented with these anomalous details and have Dr. Shelton's participation in these events pointed out.
Accused of being an anti-Semite?
If you get accused of being an anti-Semite, tell people to look at what
the Rabbis against Zionism are saying, and Benjamin Freedman. For example, it would be
difficult for you to say that Zionist Jews were assisting the Nazis, so
tell people that the Rabbis against Zionism are claiming that Zionist Jews
were helping Nazis:
Watch out for wolves in sheep's clothing
Notice William Pepper; a barrister in the United Kingdom, will travel to New York City to speak. Europe is also infiltrated with the Zionist agents. You should assume that the people who speak at the 9/11 meetings today are Zionist agents. Some of them may claim to be naive about Zionism, but don't let them use that as an excuse. If they are truly naive, they should not be speaking about 9/11 or corruption; instead, they should be told to go to HugeQuestions.com and learn more about the issues. Richard Gage is also speaking at
a 9/11 event that Alex Jones is putting on in New York City:
Richard Gage is a popular man! Why do the people in the 9/11 truth movement
like this man so much? Can you figure it out? His website:
Notice that his group is also having a 9/11 event in California:
Have you noticed that these 9/11 truth seekers approve of the video
That should be a warning to you about that particular video. The details
of the Oakland show and these videos are here:
This is the same group that created the "Deception Dollar":
Battle Plan! Have you seen the "Battle Plan" article that Christopher Bollyn is worried
about? Why would somebody who has been exposing Zionism try to counteract
this? His concern about this article is evidence that he did
not write the article, or he is a prisoner
and was forced to write it.
Bollyn's audio files are here
Secret message below:
(Help educate the world!)