serious problem with crime 15 February 2007
We got involved with 9/11 in order to fight the corruption and make the world better. We have already proven that 9/11 is a Zionist job. We have to start discussing how to get rid of the Zionist movement, and how we can fix our world. Help us improve the world! We are not involved in 9/11 for fun, fame, or money. In fact, it is an extreme irritation to waste our time and money trying to explain what should be obvious, and to fight the organized crime gangs that our government is supposed to fight. Unfortunately, most "truth seekers" are discussing issues of no significance.
They also suggest the that the airplanes that crashed into the towers were illusions created by television news crews.
How are we going to stop the organized crime when people are wasting
their time on idiotic discussions or trembling in fear of having chips
under their skin?
Which forums and "truth groups"
are useful?
A forum or a 9/11 group would be useful if it provided information and
serious discussions. Some examples of issues that should be discussed are:
1) How can a nation protect its media? A small handful of Zionists are buying our media companies. This Zionist gang is using the media to cover up horrendous crimes, such as 9/11 and the world wars. We should be discussing:
Most people believe that secret agencies, such as the CIA, KGB, Mossad, and MI6, are necessary for the security of a nation. |
"Wait... they're listening to my shoe. |
The attitude of these secret agencies is that life is a James Bond movie, and that the way to improve the world is to assassinate foreign leaders, smuggle weapons, and install puppet governments in other nations.
Why don't we stop the James Bond nonsense and put our resources into making our nation so wonderful that other people are inspired by us? 3) How do we design a better system for selecting government officials? The Americans and Europeans have a method of selecting government officials that is easily influenced by money from businesses, organized crime gangs, and other nations. It is also easy to cheat our system. 4) How do we make a better school system? Our school system has been so thoroughly dominated by Zionists that most Americans are graduating from college without an understanding of Zionism, which is the most significant movement of the 20th century! Our schools are moneymaking ventures and Zionist propaganda centers. Help us or get out of our way! If a person was incompetent in dentistry, would you let him work on your teeth simply because he was a "nice person"? Of course not. You would tell him to find some other job. We must have the same attitude towards people in this so-called "truth movement". If they cannot help us, don't show them any pity. They should get out of our way. Most Internet message boards that discuss 9/11 or the Holocaust are dominatd by fights, Jewish propaganda, insults, and useless discussions. Some have good information, but only to lure to you their site, not to educate you. Be careful trusting the people who post messages on those forums, and be careful trusting their information. Many of the people who control the forum refuse to identify themselves, and don't assume it is because they are afraid to be known to the government. The government could identify them; it is you and I that they are hiding from. Some examples of suspicious forum are NOLAJBS, wakeupfromyourslumber, and freerepublic.
Have you seen the evidence that the American Free Press
is a Zionist group? For example:
In fact, on 14 February 2007, Rivero once again desperately struggled
to defend his opinion that Flight 77 really did
crash into the Pentagon. He wrote this at his web site:
How obvious do Rivero's lies have to do be before people put him and the people he promotes on a list of suspects? When a person promotes Mike Piper, Mike Rivero, or other liars, we have
to wonder if they are truly naive or stupid, or if they are also part of
the Zionist operation to take over the truth movement.
Zionists frequently pretend to be their enemy When a person goes to the NOLAJBS or any other forum on 9/11 or corruption, they should find intelligent discussions that are going to help the human race. When a forum provides fights, and links to Mike Piper and Mike Rivero, we should be wondering who controls this forum? One of the tactics that has worked successfully for the Zionists for many decades is to pretend to be their enemy. It is a simple concept; specifically, the Zionists attract a large crowd
of Goyim by providing some very useful information, and then after they
have everybody's trust, they start slipping in deception.
Don't be a sucker for the deception One reason the Zionists have been impossible to stop is that they have been able to deceive so many gullible, stupid, and naive people. Here is a list of some of the deceptive remarks we have seen the Zionists use to deceive people (these are not their exact words):
It should be obvious that most forums are infiltrated Take a look at the messages at Rumor Mill News. For example, somebody mysterious who calls himself Bob H. posts there frequently. He seems to be speaking in a code. He claims to be one of the "light" who is fighting the "dark". His messages have a recurring theme. For many years he has been reassuring his lightworkers that their success is just around the corner. He is constantly talking about a big event that is soon to occur, and this event will finally remove the forces of darkness. What is the event? Is it the next 9/11? However, his frequent reassurances are a sign that his agents are starting to wonder if they are failing. Take a look at his message for 14 Feb 2007: OUR "TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS" ARE SOON TO END ???
He refers to messages that come from Mike Quinsey:
Who is Mike Quinsey working for?
And who are the "dark" that he is fighting? These suspicious people should be investigated. |
People with strange symbols also bring attention to themselves How do Zionists around the world identify one another? Certain strange symbols are found on sites that routinely deceive us,
so perhaps some of them use symbols.
And take a look at how Frank Morales (a Zionist Denier who promotes Alex Jones and other liars) shakes hands with Jason Bermas and Dylan Avery, but he does not shake hands with William Rodriguez. Rather, he puts two fingers on his chest. Is there a meaning in this? |
Does this handshake means something?
Or is this just the latest fad? |
with Dylan Avery |
Does two fingers on the chest means something?
Does it mean: "Here is one of our Useful Idiots" |
People like Frank Morales, forums like NOLAJBS, and other people who
behave in strange ways, or who encourage fights or idiotic discussions,
should expect people to wonder if they are part of a criminal network.
When you behave in suspicious manners, you should expect people to wonder
about you.
Are we causing fights by accusing people of being Zionist agents? Some people complain that we encourage fights by accusing people of being Zionist agents. However, we are not insulting people. Rather we are providing evidence that most of the people in the "truth movement" cannot be trusted. We are trying to identify the criminals. This is what criminal investigators are supposed to do. We are supposed to identify the people who committed the crime, and identify who is trying to cover up the crime. So, join with us, or expect us to wonder what your real intentions are. |