We should be experts in “happiness”
Every animal spends its
entire life trying to please itself,
and avoid whatever is
unpleasant or frightening. We want to enjoy life, not suffer.
Therefore, we should have the best possible understanding of happiness,
fun, pain, suffering, and related issues.
This constitution requires the schools to put a lot of emphasis on
teaching the teenagers about this issue. Ideally, everybody would be an
expert on happiness so that they can make wise decisions about how to
spend their life and how to treat other people.
When we have a good understanding of our emotions, we will realize that
we are designing machines and robots to have emotions. For example, if
we design a robotic arm with a temperature sensor, and design the
software to reacts to high temperatures by pulling the arm away from
the hot object, then that robot could be described as feeling the pain
of heat, and trying to protect itself from harm. That robot would be
doing exactly what animals and humans do when the temperature sensors
in our skin send a signal to our brain.
The opposite is also true. Specifically, when we understand that
machines that react to heat, light, or pressure are essentially
machines with emotions, then it can help us to realize that we are biological robots.
( Some examples of robot emotions are listed here.)
All of regularly masturbate
This constitution uses the
word "masturbation" to describe any type of self titillation, not just
sexual titillation. With that definition, everybody masturbates on a
routine basis, probably every day. For example, men have cravings for
status, so we frequently titillate ourselves by giving ourselves praise
of how smart, talented, strong, educated, coordinated, or
good-looking we are.
Everybody masturbates, but we should pass judgment on whether a
person's masturbation can be
considered normal and beneficial, or whether it should be considered
excessive, bizarre, or detrimental.
For example, women have cravings to look pretty, but we should pass
judgment on whether a woman is spending an excessive amount of time
hair color, cosmetics, jewelry, and clothing, or whether her
grooming activities should be considered bizarre.
If we had a People
database with details of everybody's life, including video of them
grooming themselves, then we
could analyze the grooming activities of the women, and make a decision
about what we should consider to be "normal", and why some women have
abnormal grooming habits. For example, we might discover that lonely, single
women tend to spend more time on grooming than the women who have a
pleasant marriage and friendships.

When is a woman
spending excessive
amounts of time and resources on grooming?
That would
suggest that the women who are involved with excessive or bizarre
grooming are unhappy,
and are either trying to attract a husband, or trying to make
themselves feel better by titillating their
craving to look pretty.
The women assume that they are enjoying
themselves when they pierce
their noses or make their hair green, or paint their toenails, but are
they truly
enjoying those things?
Do cosmetics truly improve a woman's life? Or are the women merely
titillating themselves, similar to a man who
titillates himself with sexual pornography?
How do we determine if something we do is truly enjoyable, or if we are
doing it because we are unhappy and trying to stimulate ourselves?
Women also have strong cravings for children, and a People
database might show us that the women who are most attracted to pet
animals and dolls are those who don't have children, which would be an
indication that their attraction to animals and dolls is because they
are unhappy, and they are
using the animals to masturbate with.
Women also have cravings for affection, and a People
database might show us that the women who are most attracted to having
massages, other than athletes with sore muscles, are the lonely women
who don't get much affection, and are going to a massage parlor because
they want someone to caress them, and a massage is similar to that.
The same concept applies to men. Men have strong cravings for status,
so all of us frequently titillate ourselves with praise, and by
insulting other people.
However, we should pass judgment on when a man is spending excessive
amounts of time masturbating, or when his masturbation is bizarre. A People
database would show us that some men spend more time than others trying
to show off their material wealth, college diploma, or job title, and
some spend more time boasting about traveling to exotic locations,
eating expensive caviar,
or knowing famous Hollywood celebrities.
How much time should a man spend each day on titillating himself with
fantasies of being important? How often should a man masturbate
sexually, and how does that change as he grows older? How does a man
determine if he is enjoying his life, or if he is wasting a lot
of time by titillating himself because he is actually unhappy or mentally defective?
The only way we could
determine whether we are enjoying life would be to have thousands of
different lives, each of them with
different people, culture, technology, social activities, and jobs.
We are foolish to believe that we know what we enjoy, and what will
bring us a pleasant life. We must control our arrogance and our fear of
the unknown, and experiment with our
lives. We must experiment with our
meals, social activities, jobs, city designs, holidays, clothing, and
all other culture.
We often mistake suffering for pleasure
We assume that we know
when we are happy and when we are miserable, but in reality, none of us
understand ourselves well enough to know if we are truly enjoying our
life, or whether we are suffering.
The younger we are, the more difficulty we have in figuring out whether
we are enjoying our life. An example are the children who grow up in
homes in which pedophilia is common. They don't realize that they are
having a miserable childhood until they become much older.
The free enterprise system and the democracies fool us into
believing that we are
happy by giving us whatever we want.
Unfortunately, most of the things
that we want are irrational, unnecessary, worthless, or detrimental
because we make decisions according to according to our emotional
cravings, what other people
want, what we became familiar with during
Give it to me!
Every culture is promoting the false belief that when we satisfy our
desires, we are enjoying our life, and that we suffer when we cannot
satisfy our desires. This crude culture encourages
people to behave like spoiled brats who
demand that we let them have whatever they want.
Ironically, we get the most pleasure from life when we allow ourselves
to suffer. For example, we get
the most pleasure from swimming in cool water when we suffer from hot
weather, and we get the most pleasure from swimming in warm water when
we are cold. We get the most pleasure from food when we suffer from
and we get the most pleasure from relaxing after suffering from
One way that we can get a better understanding of happiness and
suffering is to observe our behavior as the
environment changes. Three examples are:
Example #1: Pet animals
From March 2020 and throughout 2021, many people spent a
lot of time
at home because of the Covid lockdown. This
survey shows that the number of people purchasing pet animals
increase tremendously
during that time period, especially during 2021.
The people who got a pet during the lockdown believe that they did so
because they enjoy the
pet, but if they truly enjoy pets, why did they not bother with a
pet until the lockdown?
There are different ways to explain why many people decided to get a
pet during the lockdown, but I believe it was
because a lot of people became unhappy
due to boredom and loneliness. When we are
unhappy, we search
for something to make us feel better, and some of the lonely people
decided to use an animal as
substitute for a friend, spouse, or child.
It would be incorrect to say
that those people had improved their life, or were enjoying their pet.
would be more accurate to describe them as
"lonely" people who were using an animal to titillate
themselves. Evidence to support this theory is that many of
those pets were abandoned
after the lockdown was over. ( More about the "Covid pets" is here.)
It would also be incorrect to boast that our free enterprise system
allowed people to get the pets that they wanted, and thereby enjoy
their life. It would be more accurate to describe the businesses as
"exploiting unhappy people".
Example #2: Candy, television, suicides, and fights
The consumption of candy increased
during the Covid lockdown, and there were surveys that showed that
spent more time watching
television, and there were reports of an increase
in suicides and domestic violence.
The people who were doing those things might claim that they did them
because they "wanted to", but it would be more sensible to conclude
that those people did those things because they had became unhappy
from loneliness and boredom, and they were trying to find a way to
relieve their misery. Some of them relieved their misery by titillating
themselves with candy, and others distracted themselves with
television. Some people could not reduce their misery and they became
angry or suicidal.
Example #3: Abnormal relationships
Charles Dodgson, who wrote Alice in Wonderland, and Michael
Jackson had abnormal friendships with young children. Many people
accuse them of being pedophiles, but what is a "pedophile"?
A significant percentage of the population today has a close
relationship with a pet dog, and a small percentage of them have sex
with their dogs, but are any of those people "dog-ophiles"?
There are also a lot of people who form friendships with fictional
characters, such as the characters in television programs, Harry Potter
and Hollywood movies. There are also lots of people who believe that
they have a close relationship with Jesus.

Are the
people who form relationships with fictional characters
One man has such an attraction to Peter Pan that he has dedicated his
life to becoming
Peter Pan. Is he a "Peter Pan-ophile"?
I pointed out in a previous document that some of the homosexual men do
not seem to be truly homosexual. Rather, they seem to have gotten
involved with men because they had trouble forming a relationship with
a woman.
They are lonely, and they want sex, but instead of
dealing with it by masturbating or getting a inflatable sex doll, they
got involved with other men.
We cannot assume that a person is doing something because he actually
enjoys doing it. An alcoholic is not necessarily a "alcohol-ophile" who
loves alcohol. Rather, he may be
suffering from some type of physical or mental problem, and is using
the alcohol to distract himself from his misery.
Likewise, the people who claim to enjoy marijuana, heroin, or cocaine
me not actually like those drugs. They may instead like how the drug
relieves or masks some of their misery.
Both Charles Dodgson and Michael Jackson had trouble forming
relationships with adults. They were social misfits who were more
comfortable around children. Children are less finicky about their
friends compared to adults, so the socially awkward adults have an
easier time forming a friendship with a child.

always seemed sad.
Charles Dodgson was a social misfit because of his physical and mental
disorders, such as migraine headaches, stammering, deafness in one ear,
and possibly epilepsy.
photograph of him makes him look unhappy. Although the photographic
technology at that time was so crude that everybody had to remain
motionless for a long time, thereby causing everybody to look serious,
Dodgson seems unhappy rather
than serious.
If Charles Dodson truly had an genetic attraction to children, then he
have remained attracted to children even if he had been cured of his
headaches, stammering, and other problems.
However, if he became attracted to children only because his disorders
caused him to be a misfit among adults, and extremely lonely as a
result, then if he had been cured of his genetic disorders, he would
have formed friendships with adults instead of children.
When we are bored, we look for something to do, and that can cause us
to do something that we don't truly enjoy. Charles Dodson is an example
of a similar concept. Specifically, some people will get involved with
relationships and activities that they don't truly care for simply
because their genetic disorders have caused them to become lonely
misfits. Therefore, if those people could be cured of their genetic
disorders, they would want to change their life.
Michael Jackson was also a social misfit. Although it's possible that
he had some type of mental disorder that interfered with his ability to
form normal relationships, it is more likely that he became a misfit
because he was constantly surrounded by adults
who were trying to exploit or control him. He probably felt more
comfortable around children since they did not try to exploit him.
An adult who has abnormally close friendships with children is not
necessarily a pedophile, and he does not necessarily prefer
relationships with children.
Likewise, the people who form abnormally close friendships with dogs or
imaginary characters, such as Jesus or Harry Potter, do not prefer
animals or fictional characters over humans. Rather, they are suffering
from loneliness, probably due to genetic disorders, but possibly
because their childhood was abnormal.
Alcoholics are another example of this concept. They are not attracted
to alcohol because alcohol is exciting to humans. Rather, they are
suffering from some physical or mental disorder, and they are using the
alcohol to relieve the misery. Therefore, if they could be cured of
their genetic problem, they would lose their interest in alcohol.
This concept also applies to the billionaires. The billionaires believe
that they are enjoying their life because of
their wealth, but are they truly enjoying their material wealth? Or are
they attracted to absurd amounts of wealth for the same reasons that
some people are attracted to alcohol, cocaine, and
marijuana; specifically, because they are suffering from some type of
genetic disorder that is causing them to be miserable, and they are
trying to relieve the misery through wealth and status?
Nobody can claim to have a perfect mind, but some of the billionaires
have admitted to having mental problems that are worse than the
"normal" people, and
I suspect all of the others have serious mental problems, also. It does
not seem possible for a person in "good" mental health to become a
billionaire. Therefore, if the billionaires could be cured of whatever
their problem is, they would become more interested in friendships, and
less likely to commit crimes and exploit people.
The billionaires seem to be more intelligent than the ordinary people,
and have a much greater initiative to do something, so curing them of
their mental problems might cause them to become very impressive people.
Human behavior is animal behavior
The people who refuse to believe that humans are animals are creating
idiotic theories about their own behavior, the behavior of other
people, and what they like and dislike.
In order for us to create sensible analyses of ourselves and
other people, and in order for us to create better recreational
activities, holiday celebrations, government systems, and other
culture, we need a realistic foundation to base our theories on,
and that requires acknowledging the evidence that humans are a species
of ape.
As with animals, human behavior is the result of our mind analyzing the
information in our memory and coming from our eyes, ears, and other
senses. Therefore, the three factors affecting our thoughts, behavior,
and happiness are:
1) |
Our emotions.
Our emotions are the result of a haphazard jumble of genetic
characteristics, so we have no control over them. We all have the same
emotions, but there are subtle differences in the intensity of them,
and the duration at which they remain stimulated, and how easily they
are stimulated.
Our processing ability
(our intelligence).
Our intelligence is also the result of a haphazard jumble of genetic
characteristics, so we have no control over our intelligence, either.
This also results in each of us having slightly different intellectual
Our information.
Each of us picks up slightly different information during our life, and
we see different things with our eyes, so even if we have identical
intelligence and emotions, we will produce different thoughts.
Our emotions and intelligence are genetic, so we have no control over
them, but each of us has total control
over the information that we put into our mind. Therefore, we can and should
ensure that we have accurate and beneficial
information. Unfortunately, no culture yet
has any concern about the value of the information that we are provided.
Every culture allows criminals, religious
fanatics, Jews, lunatics, government agencies, and businesses to
provide us with deceptive,
false, and irrational information. Each of us believes that we know how
to enjoy life, but our desires are manipulated by the people and groups
that are competing to provide us with information. This is why this
Constitution authorizes intellectual trials.
All of us could be described as a puppet of the
religious fanatics, businesses, Jews, the FBI, their peer group, or
whoever we accepted information from.

None of us
knows what makes our life pleasant.
We need to experiment with our
We all believe that we know what will make us happy, but we make those
decisions with information that is
incomplete, inaccurate, deceptive, and false.
An example are the people who believe that they know how to eat a
Cadbury cream egg, or an
Oreo cookie.
Those people are puppets of
the businesses that sell those products.
If we could live our life over and over, each time in a different
environment, we would discover that what we enjoy is influenced by our
environment. For example, if Isaac Newton had grown up in a city in
which the majority of people had his
level of intelligence, he would have been an ordinary person rather
than a misfit, and that might have allowed him to have pleasant
friendships and a pleasant marriage. He would have been unknown, but he
would probably conclude that life is more pleasant for an ordinary
person who has satisfying relationships than for a famous and lonely
We do not know when we are
enjoying life
None of us knows much about
ourselves. We
don't know what will provide us with the most satisfying life because
we have never experienced any other type of life, and we don't
understand our mind well enough to be able to figure out why we like or
dislike certain things.
Do pet animals improve our lives? The only way to truly determine that
is to experiment
with different environments. I suspect that if
were living in an environment in which we enjoyed the people that we
were living with, we
would consider pet animals to be a burden, and a waste of life. Every
animal prefers to form relationships with its own species.
We cannot assume that we are enjoying life simply because we are doing
what we want to do. We
must consider the
possibility that we enjoy doing something simply because we want to mimic other people, or because we
are lonely, or because we are
bored, or because we are
suffering from physical or mental
disorders, or because we are following the culture we picked up as a
The only way we could determine what provides us with the best life as
if we could live life over and over, and each time in a different
environment. We would have to experience millions of different types of
cities, recreational activities, foods, friends, jobs, homes, and
clothing styles.
Some unpleasant things can become pleasant
To confuse the issue of
what makes us happy, something that we dislike can become desirable in
a different culture. An example is bicycle riding. Many people do not
like to ride bicycles, but is that because they truly do not enjoy
It is likely that some people do not like riding bicycles because of
our existing culture. The free enterprise system, for example, requires
everybody to purchase bicycles and deal with their maintenance and
storage. It also results in businesses competing to design bicycles
that attract consumers, rather than designing them to be comfortable,
practical, and reliable. Furthermore, our cities do not provide us with
many pleasant bicycle paths.
This constitution creates a city in which the government has bicycle
stores scattered around the city, and everybody can take any bicycle
from any store, ride it, and then give it back to the city.
The city handles the maintenance and storage.
Furthermore, this constitution puts the transportation system
underground, and that allows the city to have lots of beautiful bicycle
paths. Furthermore, by making many of the bicycle paths one-way, ( as
in the image below, which is supposed to show blooming Jacaranda
trees), the
people do not have to watch out for head-on collisions:
By making bicycle paths
cross over or under other bicycle and foot
none of the people walking or riding have to worry about
collisions at intersections.
will have to worry about collisions from the people next to and behind
them, but eliminating the head-on and side collisions makes bicycle
riding more relaxing and less dangerous.
That type of city will make it easier for people to enjoy the scenery
and chat with their friends. Many of the
people who dislike bicycle riding in our existing cities are likely to
that they enjoy it in that type of city.
The AI software has trouble
with the concept of paths that
cross over other paths, but these images
might give you some ideas of what is possible.
The same concept applies to
swimming pools. It is unpleasant to swim in
an ugly, rectangular, concrete pool with water that has extreme levels
of chlorine, and in which people are peeing. It is also unpleasant to
realize that most of the people in the pool have filthy butts because
they prefer to use toilet paper rather than washing their butt.
If we were living in a city that had hundreds of beautiful swimming
pools, and in which the people were clean, many of the people who don't
want to go swimming in public pools might discover that they enjoy it
We are foolish to think that we know what we like and dislike. We need
to remind ourselves that we don't understand ourselves, and that we
should experiment with our city, social
activities, apartments, holiday celebrations, and other culture.
A puppet is a victim
In addition to describing
us as puppets for being
manipulated with false and deceptive information from
businesses, government agencies, Jews, crime networks, and religions,
we could also describe ourselves as victims
of those people.
given examples in other documents, such as how businesses exploit young
girls with wedding pornography, thereby causing many girls to develop
unrealistic and very expensive goals for their wedding. Although those
girls could be insulted as "puppets" or as "gullible fools", they could
also be described as innocent victims of deceptive, abusive businesses,
and that they were exploited because of our natural tendency to trust
the people we live with.
When a person takes advantage of a retarded person, such as selling him
something worthless, we do not insult the
retarded person. We realize
that he has been manipulated. We don't tell the retarded person "buyer
beware". We don't expect retarded people to be able to deal with
dishonest and abusive people. We should apply that policy to all of the
other people in society.
Specifically, the government should be in the role of parents who
protect their children. They should not tell us "buyer beware" when we
are cheated by businesses, and they should not advise us to install
security devices when our homes are burglarized.
We should restrict the top government positions to people who have
exceptional intelligence, education, and self-control, and they should
protect the citizens from false and deceptive information.
Unfortunately, men have a strong craving to be dominant, so we don't
want to be treated as a child. Each of us believes that we should be
the dictator of the world, not protected by a government.
Our craving to be dominant results in us preferring a government system
that considers everybody to be equally talented as a leader, voter,
parent, and juror.
This constitution changes the situation dramatically by regarding the
majority of people as ordinary, and half the population as
below-average. The government is required to treat the majority of
people as children, and protect them from false and deceptive
This constitution will have a dramatically different effect on the
lives and attitudes of the people. For some examples:
Instead of
regarding religious people as intelligent and educated, this
constitution regards them as too dumb to understand evolution, and/or
emotionally unable to
accept it. This
constitution regards the religious people as victims. The government is required
to protect
them from religious propaganda rather than encourage them to believe
that they can figure out how the
universe was created.
In order to protect people from religious nonsense, the Schools
Ministry is required to teach children that nobody knows how the
universe was created. Everybody is free to believe the universe was
created by supreme beings, a Big Bang, or something else, but they must
keep their opinions to themselves, not form organized religions, become
a member of an organized religion, or push their beliefs on other
people, including their children.
Parents do not
have the right to control the education of their children, or determine
what their children believe. Every child is regarded as an independent,
young adult who has the right to have access to honest and accurate
information. Everybody also has the right to be free of the
intimidation by the people who want to control their behavior or
beliefs. That includes intimidation by parents, friends, and neighbors.
The people who
celebrate Easter by having their children search
for candy are considered to be victims of religious fanatics and
candy businesses.
The Events Ministry is required to protect the people from idiotic
holidays and other events, and develop events that are more beneficial.
photo to the right
shows a couple that got married in an "exotic" and "exciting" location.
Some of the wedding cakes are so extreme
that they should be described as absurd.
people who want such unusual and
extravagant weddings are regarded as victims
of idiots, mentally ill people, and businesses.
The Events Ministry is required to protect the people from idiotic
concepts about weddings. They are required to develop weddings that are
more beneficial. |
Since men want to be dominant, we will not enjoy
having a government
that treats us as children, but if we can provide ourselves with
excellent leadership, the benefits will be worth the
By providing ourselves with leaders who experiment with our culture, we
will slowly improve our holiday celebrations, work environments,
recreational activities, social affairs, school systems, economic
systems, city plazas, music concerts, and other culture. Eventually the
future generations will have culture that is so advanced that they
regard our culture as crude, idiotic, ape-like, and miserable.
Although we cannot figure out what the future culture will be, we can
imagine a city that consists of clusters of tall
buildings surrounded by nature, and which puts the transportation
system underground.
That type of city provides everybody with easy access to a variety of
restaurants, social clubs, lounges, recreational areas, swimming pools,
bicycle paths, foot paths, and plazas. Everybody can get out of their
home or office and into the social and recreational areas simply by
taking an elevator ride to the ground floor and walking a short
Furthermore, by eliminating
money, evicting criminals, prohibiting
different classes of people, and raising standards for people,
everybody will be free of the stress of crime, finances, unemployment,
and people whining about racism, sexism, white privilege, and
anti-Semitism. That will create a city that is so friendly and safe
that we will want to spend our leisure time with other people rather
than sitting at home by ourselves.
In that type of city, many of the activities that we enjoy today will
seem idiotic, crude, or miserable. For example, a person in that city
is not likely to be interested in spending his leisure time with a pet
dog. The reason is because humans prefer to form relationships with humans,
not with dogs, and we do not get any pleasure from walking a dog,
picking up dog poop,
feeding a dog, or removing hair and fleas from our clothing and
furniture. We would likely regard a pet dog as a filthy, noisy, and
irritating burden.
If we were living in that type of city, we would be more interested in
spending our leisure time having a casual meal at a restaurant, riding
a kayak in the creeks or canals, relaxing in the city plazas,
riding a bicycle along the beautiful paths that meander around the
city, swimming in one of the beautiful pools or ponds, getting involved
with a social club, or relaxing with other people in one of the video
or lounge rooms.
What will give us the best
life? How do we know if we are truly enjoying ourselves or merely
relieving boredom and misery?
None of
us know. The ministers must have the courage, intelligence,
and education to experiment
with our culture in order to help us answer such questions.
Praise and insults might be symptoms of unhappiness
We need to occasionally
masturbate sexually because our sexual cravings build up to the point
at which we must either masturbate or we have orgasms when we are
trying to sleep. However, the people who masturbate more often than
"typical" are not
experiencing more pleasure in
their life. Rather, their excessive masturbation is likely to be a sign
that there is something wrong
with them. ( This
concept is also discussed in this
Likewise, the people who get involved with dangerous sports claim that
are enjoying life by getting close to death, but it is more likely that
they are suffering from something, and that the risky
activities are helping to distract them from their misery and provide
them with some pleasure.
Anybody who does something to excess should be investigated to
determine if there is something wrong with him. This includes people
who spend a lot of time praising themselves, or insulting other people.
They are likely to be suffering from loneliness or low self-esteem.
example of this behavior is Elliott Rodger. He was
extremely envious of the men who had wives and girlfriends, and he was
angry that neither men nor women wanted to be his friend. He was lonely
and suffering from low self-esteem. To make himself feel better, he
repeatedly praised
himself and insulted other people.
Tim Cook considers
" being gay among the greatest
gifts God has given me". Tim Cook doesn't
have any evidence that homosexuality is a gift, or that it's
better than heterosexuality. He believes that homosexuality is a
gift simply because he wants to.
He is creating a
pleasant fantasy for himself. This should be considered evidence that
he is upset
that he is homosexual, and is struggling to make himself feel better.
When we praise ourselves, we are masturbating.
Although everybody does
this occasionally, we should pass judgment on when a person is doing it
Praise can be detrimental because it can encourage us to become even
more arrogant than we already are. Praise can encourage us to boast
about or ignore our problems rather than look for ways to reduce them
and become a better person. And insulting other people can prevent us
from learning from them, as well as becoming an irritation to other

Insults are a
type of masturbation.
The people who praise themselves or insult other people to an excessive
amount are likely to be
suffering from
something, and are trying to make themselves feel better. This behavior
is similar to that of the fox in Aesop's fable of the Fox and
the Grapes.
The fox was upset that he could not get the grapes, but rather than
accept reality and deal with it calmly, he created the fantasy that the
grapes were sour.
By insulting something that we want, we can suppress our craving for
it. This is a type of masturbation in which we suppress
an emotion rather than stimulate
Everybody occasionally behaves like that fox, but some people do it
much more than others. For example,
many of the single men and women claim that they do not want to
married, and that they enjoy being single. They frequently insult the
opposite sex for having terrible qualities.
In reality, nobody wants to
be single, unless they have a serious mental disorder. However, a
lot of people have trouble facing reality, so they deceive themselves
with the fantasy that they enjoy being single, and that the opposite
sex is horrible.
Animals are not very good at masturbating, but humans have developed
the ability to masturbate in a variety of manners. We should pass
judgment on when our masturbation is beneficial, and when it is
destructive to us and/or other people. Furthermore, we should pass
judgment on whether we are doing an abnormal amount of masturbation.
Excessive amounts of masturbation is likely to be a sign that the
person is
suffering from something.
Another example of excessive masturbation are the parents who have a
defective child, and who
repeatedly tell themselves that they love their child, and that God has
given them a retarded child for a purpose. They repeat those phrases
over and over because they are trying to make themselves feel better
and distract themselves from the realization that they are wasting their life on the care of a
An abnormal
environment can cause abnormal
The farmers and managers of
zoos are aware of this concept.
Specifically, they observe the behavior of the animals, and
when they notice abnormal
behavior, they
assume the environment
is inappropriate.
For example, if the zoo notices that the monkeys are masturbating
excessively, they don't
assume that the monkeys have discovered how to improve their lives.
Rather, they assume that they have done something to ruin their lives, and they experiment
with changes to the social environment in order to make their
become more normal.
We must restrict government officials to people who can understand this
concept. Specifically, when they notice that people are changing their
behavior, such as spending more time masturbating with sexual
pornography, or wanting more pet dogs, or wanting to eat more candy, or
spending more time grooming themselves,
they should not
that the people have just discovered how to enjoy themselves. They
should instead consider that they have made made the culture worse, and
that they need to experiment with changes to improve people's behavior.
( This concept was discussed in the mouse utopia document.)
The ministers cannot
determine whether they are improving the culture by asking the
people if they are enjoying themselves. They must analyze the behavior
of the people, just like the managers of a zoo analyze the behavior of
the monkeys.
Nobody knows what will provide us with the best life. We must
experiment with our culture in order to determine what type of
behavior is a symptom of bad culture, and figure out what will provide
us with a truly satisfying
Children must be taught
that they are imperfect monkeys
When an animal experiences
a problem, it assumes that the problem is
coming from outside of its body, such as from a thorn, the weather, or
another animal. It does not consider
that the problem is coming from
inside its own mind or body.
Humans inherited that attitude. When we are suffering from
something, such as internal pains, or failures with our relationships
or jobs, our natural reaction is to assume that something outside
of us is causing the problem, and this causes us to blame
something idiotic, such as our parents, wealthy people, anti-Semites,
sexism, bad luck, poverty, or a lack of
opportunities. This can cause those people to whine about, hate, or
attack the people or
things that they assume are ruining their life.

People who
blame other people for their troubles are dangerous and
should be evicted.
An example are the non-white people in the USA who blame "white" people
for their misery and failures. They don't want to look critically at
themselves and consider the possibility that their problems are the
result of their bad
attitudes, or they are inferior
and/or defective genetic
They prefer to blame other people for their troubles, and that can
cause them to become so angry at the people they blame that they want
to kill them. Those people are dangerous because they are stimulating
their anger emotion.
The people who react to problems by hating other people are dangerous
because they are stimulating their anger. The Courts Ministry has the
authority to pass judgment on when a person is going too far with his
blaming of other people for his troubles, and they must evict those
The people who react to their problems by searching for
happiness can also be detrimental. Those people can be a problem
because they assume that happiness is something that they must acquire,
and this puts them on an endless quest for pleasure. They are a
disruption to society because they spend their time searching for
happiness. They focus on pleasing themselves, rather than on becoming a
productive team member who participates in society.
For example, some of them spend their life trying to become wealthy or
famous. Some of them experiment with bizarre sex activities,
pedophilia, dangerous sports, and drugs. Some of them travel to
"exotic" locations, or have extravagant weddings or birthday parties.
Benjamin Sifrit
and his
girlfriend wondered if burglary would improve their lives, and when
that failed, they wondered if committing a random murder would bring
them some excitement.
The Schools Minister is required to ensure that
children are taught that humans are just a jumble of monkey genes, and
that that the first thing a person should do when he is unhappy is to
consider that his misery is coming from his own mind or body,
such as from allergies, an improper diet, hormone disorders, mental
disorders, a defective liver, or faulty kidneys.
The people who cannot understand this concept, or who cannot apply it,
and end up blaming other people for their problems, or searching for
happiness, must be regarded as potentially dangerous misfits by the
Courts and Behavior Ministries, and must be put on restrictions or
Free enterprise distorts our
view of happiness
The free
enterprise system gives us warped views of happiness because the
compete to convince us that we will have a more pleasant life when we
purchase their particular products and services.
Fictional books, television programs, and movies are also distorting
our view of happiness by making it appear as if the happiest
people in the world are those who have lots of
material wealth, fame, servants, sex, and that mysterious substance we
to as "power".

The James
Bond movies
gambling and alcohol.
The movies also make gambling
look like a fun activity, and most movies promote alcohol.
The movies and television programs also tend to give us very
views of women, such as
showing women giggling at lewd remarks; showing
beautiful, intelligent women falling in love with stupid, clumsy, ugly
men; and showing women who are almost as promiscuous as men.
Every culture believes that we protect
children by censoring information about sex, childbirth, and digestion,
and by promoting religion, but we would protect them by letting them
have access to that information, and by censoring the idiotic
and deceptive
Our leaders must experiment
with culture
The only way to improve our
lives is to provide ourselves with leaders who
have the courage to experiment with our activities, work
environments, clothing, holiday celebrations, and other culture. We
need to experiment
with our attitudes and beliefs in order to figure out what
brings us the most
satisfaction from life, and what merely provides some momentary
The public must be willing to participate in
Our leaders cannot conduct
experiments with culture if the public refuses to participate in the
experiments. The majority of the public
must be willing to participate in the experiments.
We could force everybody to participate, but that does not give us
"participants". That gives us "prisoners" who do something only because
they cannot figure out how to avoid it.
The public must be willing to participate. They must become team
members, not prisoners who do something only because they are afraid to
do something else
This Constitution prohibits the government from trying to force people
to change their behavior. The government must let people do what they
want, if it doesn't cause trouble for other people. Instead of trying
to change the behavior of the misfits, the Reproduction Ministry
prohibits them from reproducing, or put restrictions on how many
children they can have.
We must often try something new repeatedly
Children adapt to culture
very easily, but adults are resistant to changes in culture. As
a result of this characteristic, when we
experiment with a new food, recreational activity, holiday celebration,
clothing style, work
environment, or other custom, we must be willing to try it over and over,
over a span of several weeks, before
we can make a determination of
whether it is beneficial or not. If we try something only once or
twice, our natural resistance to change can cause us to assume we
dislike it.
Our mind is not
a computer. It is a monkey brain.
We cannot
depend upon it to make intelligent decisions. When trying to determine
if we like a new food or activity, we have to try it many
times. I discussed this years ago in regards to the first
time I made beef burgers.
We must also be aware of our tendency to mimic other people,
which can cause us to like or dislike something simply because they
like or dislike it.