Women are mothers, not leaders or explorers
As discussed here,
women evolved to be leaders to their children,
not to adults. Their mind and body evolved to take care of children, not deal with
the problems of a society, or deal with wolves, neighboring tribes, or
badly behaved adults. They expect men to pamper them, and protect them
from dangerous situations. A lot of women cannot even deal with mice
and rats. Women do not have
the physical abilities or emotional characteristics
to deal
with predators and violent adults.
Women did not evolve to be explorers,
either. Both men and women have a fear of the unknown, which causes us
to feel safe when we follow the culture we grew up with, just like
animals on a migration path, but
women are much more frightened to try something different than men.
discourage their children from being adventurous, especially
their daughters.
Women are more frightened of the unknown than men because, until
recently, they were living in a very dangerous environment.
Women and
are much more vulnerable than
men to wolves, neighboring tribes, and the dangers of uncharted
forests, such as sharp rocks and thorns, fast-moving rivers, and
eroding cliffs.
It is much more dangerous for
women and children to be adventurous than a group of men. As a result,
the women who were the most successful at raising children were those
who remained on the paths that were familiar to them; who discouraged
their children from being adventurous; and who let the men explore the
world and deal with dangerous problems.
Women and children expect men to provide leadership, and to deal with
the violent and badly behaved
animals and humans. Women did not evolve the emotional or physical
characteristics to be effective as police officers, soldiers,
explorers, or the leaders of society.
Human history provides a lot of evidence for these claims.
Specifically, women have been in positions of authority for centuries,
such as queens, prime ministers, senators, and business executives, and
many women have also been police officers, soldiers, and Secret Service
If women were identical to men
in their abilities, then there would be no difference between the behavior
and policies
of the Kings and the Queens, or the performance of male and female
police officers, but history shows us that the women have fewer
intelligent remarks, more trouble dealing with badly behaved people,
and are less adventurous.
Some female leaders have been accused of behavior that is more bizarre
than what the men are accused of. For example, Kamala Harris has
been accused
of forbidding low-level employees from looking at her in the eye and
speaking to her. That type of leadership creates a miserable work
environment because we have a natural desire to look at and speak to the people we work
If that accusation is true, Harris should be disqualified from
influential positions, and if the accusation is false, the father and
son who make it should be considered guilty of slander.
most effective female
leaders are masculine
The women who are the most
adventurous, and
who are the most effective as leaders, are unusually masculine. They
are not
women. This is more evidence that women evolved to be mothers, and that
a woman becomes effective as a leader and a police officer only when
she is more similar to
a man.
When both men and women take male hormones,
they become physically
stronger, and
many people claim that male hormones also make them more aggressive,
and cause them to lose their temper more easily. This is more proof
that men evolved to be physically stronger than women, and to deal with
violent people.
We refer to some hormones as "male" hormones, and others as "female"
hormones because those hormones determine whether a fetus becomes male
or female, and this applies to all animals.
If we were unisex creatures,
there would be no difference between male and female hormones.
Nobody has conducted an experiment in which a random group of young
girls were given male hormones during their childhood to see what
effect it has
on their intellectual characteristics and personality, but that type of
experiment would undoubtedly show us that the girls become more
intelligent, adventurous, and aggressive, and have less of a desire
to become
mothers, and have less of an attraction to babies.
Women might be the primary source
of nonsense
Prehistoric women spent
most of the day with other women and children, while the men spent most
of the day alone or with other men. Prehistoric
men would have provided information to their sons about hunting and
making tools, but most of the tribe's culture would have been passed
from one
generation to the next by the women.
The children learned how to speak by spending every day
with women, and they got almost all of their information about medical
issues, food, clothing, and other culture from women. Even today we
find mothers are providing more information to their young children
than the fathers.
When I was a child, and my grandmother visited our family, she would
often tell us a story when we were in bed and ready to go to sleep. She
would not read from a book, however. She would either make up a story,
or tell us about her life.
It is likely that prehistoric women also told stories to their
children, but what type of story would a prehistoric woman have created?
I suspect that most of the nonsensical beliefs in our culture is the
result of women creating stories for their children, and that the
evolved through the centuries into astrology, tooth fairies, gods,
heaven, magic, women's intuition,
clairvoyance, palm reading, and fortune-telling.
Our mind produces thoughts
by processing information, but prehistoric people did not have much
information. Therefore, their theories about life
were the result of their mind guessing at the missing information, and
they would have filled in the details to please
themselves, just as we do today.
Children have emotional cravings to be taking care of by their parents,
and adult women have cravings to be taking care of by a man who is
older than she is, and who is strong, talented, and important.
It is not likely to be a coincidence that the most popular religions
promote the
fantasy of an older, male god who behaves like a father or a husband
who protects us from danger and gives us what we ask for. Many
Christians even refer to their god as "father".
Men have a craving to become submissive to a strong, powerful, older
male leader, but a "normal" man does not expect his leader to give him
praise or gifts. A normal man expects to work for what he
wants. Therefore, men would have been attracted to the concept of one
or more gods, but they would have been less likely to believe that the
gods would give them gifts and praise. They would be more attracted to
the concept that the gods were strong and wise leaders who would help
them deal with difficult problems.
Men also want to torment, intimidate, and hurt the people who
misbehave, so men might be the main source of, and support for, the
concept of hell and the devil.
My personal observations of people, and surveys
of the public, show that women are more attracted to religion than men,
this was certainly true thousands of years ago. The reason is because
women have a strong emotional craving to be taken care of and pampered
by a strong and wise man.
Women have been promoting religion all throughout history, and I
suspect that they
were the primary source of the original religious fantasies.
Even today we find modern women are the primary's supporters of idiotic
fantasies, such as astrology, palm reading, women's intuition,
clairvoyance, and the unisex fantasy.
The prehistoric children would have been emotionally attracted to
the concept that they were protected by powerful gods, and that
they can ask the gods for gifts. When the boys became adults,
they would have continued to believe in
those fantasies because they had no alternatives.
Religion is like a teddy bear, a pacifier, and a sex doll.
Specifically, it is a "device" that we can use to make ourselves feel
good. We can titillate ourselves with the fantasy that there is a
powerful God watching over us and protecting us from harm. We can also
titillate ourselves with the fantasy that we will go to heaven when we
The religious people are masturbating with fantasies of gods, angels,
Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, or whatever they have chosen to titillate
themselves with. Since they use religion for entertainment, they do not care that
there is no intelligent supporting evidence for it, or that their
religious beliefs contradict other people's beliefs.
When men buy a sex doll, or when children choose a teddy bear, they
pick the doll or teddy bear that is most emotionally appealing to them.
Likewise, people choose the religious concepts that they are most
attracted to, and ignore the others. They treat religion
like a coloring book. They
modify the religious concepts to be most emotionally appealing to them,
which results in each person becoming even more strongly attracted to
his beliefs, and having slightly different beliefs than other people.
Incidentally, it might not be a coincidence that a lot of men involved
with the organized religions are homosexual.
Perhaps homosexual men
are more likely to have the feminine desire to be taken care and loved
by a man. Perhaps lesbians, as a
group, have less of an interest in religion than feminine
The human mind needs to evolve
The prehistoric
women did not
cause trouble by promoting idiotic theories about gods, palm reading,
or women's intuition. Actually, the fantasy that a powerful god was
watching over them would have been beneficial
when they encountered frightening problems, such as group of
hungry wolves, or a shortage of food.
When people settled into cities, the mental characteristics of both men
and women became
increasingly inappropriate, and began causing a lot of problems. For
example, some people formed organized religions that exploited the
people for money and labor, instigated fights with other religions,
tormented and killed witches, molested children, and
inhibited the advancement of science.
The human mind needs to evolve to fit our technically advanced and
large societies. For example, men are
too arrogant, intolerant of criticism, and too afraid of the unknown,
and women need to become more intelligent.
We cannot improve the genetic characteristics of those of us who are
already alive, but we can impose restrictions on who reproduces in
order to improve the future generations.
Women must provide leadership to children
It was acceptable for
prehistoric mothers to do whatever made their children giggle and
smile, but
modern women must prepare
children for becoming an adult
in a complex world. It
is no longer acceptable for women to treat children as toys to play
with. Women must
become leaders for children.
This requires putting restrictions on our freedom. For example, the
information that mothers provide to children must meet high standards,
just as if they were providing medicines to their children. Everybody
is free to discuss
issues, but nobody has the right to teach children to believe in
astrology, fortune-telling, women's intuition,
feminism, or religion.
The Schools Ministry has total control of the educational curriculum of
children, and other ministries have total control of all other culture.
Parents do not even
have the freedom to produce clothing for themselves or their children.
Parents must select clothing that the ministers have authorized.
Parents do not have the freedom to create recreational activities for
children, either. They must choose from the activities, equipment, and
facilities that the government has authorized for
children. For example, mothers cannot arrange for smash birthday cake
parties unless the government has authorized that activity.
Mothers must follow the culture that the government authorizes, and if
they want to make changes to that culture, they must post a document in
the Suggestions
category to explain their idea, or they can discuss the issue with the
Girls need high-quality

are so afraid of exploring the world that they behave like
on a track.
Children adapt to whatever culture they are exposed to, but adults
resist changing that culture. Therefore, it is important to ensure
that children are provided with sensible culture.
However, women are more similar trains on a track than men because they
have a stronger desire than men to follow the authorities, and a
greater resistance to exploring the world and
thinking for themselves.
Therefore, it is especially important that we
ensure that the girls are
provided with high quality
We must also ensure that the people who get into influential positions
are providing the girls with sensible guidance, rather than exploiting
or deceiving them. For example, most business executives are
exploiting girls and women for profit, such as by selling them
fingernail and toenail
"women's" cigarettes ( Marlboro cigarettes were originally
designed for women), and absurd wedding fantasies.
If we allow girls to pick up idiotic culture, such as astrology,
smoking cigarettes, and
religion, they will become adult women who promote those idiotic
customs, and who become hysterical when somebody tries to change their
My mother is an example. She follows the authorities
without any concern for why. Her idea of being adventurous is reducing
the sugar in a recipe, and she is probably willing to do that only
because other people do it.

Some of the
temperatures in the 20th century.
My mother followed the authorities who recommended cooking pork to a
temperature of 185°F (85°C), poultry to 190°F (88°C), and lamb to 180°F
Those temperatures caused the pork to become so hard and dry that we
would put applesauce on it to make it tolerable, and we would put
mint jelly on the lamb.
After moving away from home, I began experimenting with how I cook
meat, and I eventually discovered that if the meat is fresh, it tastes
wonderful when cooked at a lower temperature. I discovered that I like
pork more than any other meat.
A couple of times when I was visiting my
mother for dinner, she panicked when I
to take the pork out of the oven when it reached 140°F (60°C). She
would not
tolerate that. Eventually I noticed a news article that said President
Obama was eating pork at about 145°F (63°C), and that convinced her to
let me remove the meat from the oven when it reached 150°F (66°C). She
that the outside of the meat was hotter than the inside, so after
removing the meat she wanted it to sit for about 5 minutes so that the
inside would reach about 155°F (68°C).
My mother is typical of the women that
I have known in my life. Specifically, women have a strong desire to
follow whatever culture they picked up during their childhood,
and whatever the authorities are promoting. They do not have as
much curiosity as men, or as much of a desire to think for themselves.
Since they are less intelligent than men,
when they decide to think, their decisions are more
We need restrictions on our freedom
Prehistoric children could
pick up everything they needed to know simply by observing adults, but
today the children need an extensive education about a lot of complex
issues in order to become a productive member of a modern society.
However, we cannot expect the parents to figure out how to prepare
children for life. We need scientists to analyze human
behavior and culture, and to provide guidance to everybody about school
curriculum, clothing styles, food recipes, holiday celebrations,
economic systems, leisure activities, and other culture.
The only way to ensure that children are raised properly is to put
restrictions on our freedom to create information and culture. Men cannot
have the freedom to treat their wife or children in any manner they
please, and women cannot have the freedom to treat their husband and
children in
any manner they please.
It was possible for men and women to do whatever they pleased in
prehistoric times because their emotions had adapted for that
environment. An obvious example is that prehistoric mothers could
properly feed their children without knowing anything about nutrition
or health.
Women are titillated by babies that smile, giggle, and laugh, and the
our mouth and nose evolved to cause us to enjoy certain foods.
Therefore, if the prehistoric mothers gave their baby an inappropriate
food, the baby would cry, spit the food out, or push the food away.
The prehistoric mothers wanted to titillate themselves, so they would
give the baby the foods that the baby enjoyed. Both the mother and the
baby were trying to please themselves, and in the process, the mothers
gave their babies appropriate food. However, those emotions are no
longer appropriate.
Our modern technology allows us to produce a tremendous variety of
foods, but a free enterprise system and a democracy provides a lot of
worthless, dangerous, and unhealthy foods, such as lollipops, candy
bars, and alcoholic beverages. It is no longer sensible for mothers to
feed their children whatever
the children enjoy.
Mothers today need an extensive education in
nutrition and food, and they must have the ability to resist demands
from their children for the candy bars. However, it is absurd to expect
all of the mothers to have such an education, and to have the time and
intelligence necessary to analyze and make sensible decisions about the
wide variety of foods that the businesses are providing. It is also
unrealistic to expect mothers to resist the desire to please their
To make the situation even more complex, no culture has any standards
for information, and this allows businesses to provide deceptive
information about their food products, and it allows citizens to claim
to be experts on health and nutrition. The millions of health experts and
businesses are providing a tremendous amount of contradictory
information. It is absurd to expect people to make sensible decisions
from what is essentially an "information trash dump".
Therefore, this Constitution authorizes the Meal Minister to design
meals, and everybody must get their food from restaurants. It is no
longer sensible to give people the freedom to feed their children
whatever they please, or let the adults have the freedom to feed themselves.
The feeding of humans must become a scientific field, just like the
feeding of animals at a farm. Our meals need to be designed by scientists,
not by mothers who do whatever titillates their children, or by people
who believe that they are experts on health, or by people who are
trying to create the most tasty foods.
This concept of restricting our freedom in order to improve our lives
applies to all aspects of
culture, not just our meals. Our culture needs to be designed by scientists, not by businesses,
children with ADHD, parents, or teenagers.
Therefore, the government has total
control of culture, and the
ministers must have the attitude and talent of scientists. The Courts
Ministry has the authority to conduct information trials in
order to ensure that we are provided with beneficial and accurate
information, and the other ministers must ensure that all of our other
culture is beneficial.
The public must follow the guidelines of the
government officials, rather than create whatever culture they please.
Nobody has the freedom to create recreational activities, religions,
clothing styles, or food recipes. Anybody who
wants to change our culture has to post a document in the Suggestions
category to explain his idea.
Kastron is like a business, not a dystopian city
The ministers will put
tremendous restrictions on our freedom, which might seem to create a
dystopian city, but it creates a society that is similar to that of a
business, military, orchestra, or other organization. The members of a
business or military do not have the
freedom or the right to change the
culture of their organization, or to provide the other members with
whatever information they please. Instead, the members must follow the
set by the management of the organization.
If a business has a cafeteria, the employees do not have the
freedom to tell the cafeteria how to make meals. If they do not like
the meals, then they must inform the management of their concerns.
This constitution treats people in a similar manner as the employees of
a business, except that there are two very important differences:
1) |
Ministers are accountable for what they do.
The executives of a business can design the culture of their business
in secrecy, and nobody can hold them accountable for what they do. For
example, some female employees have complained that they are required
to wear high-heeled shoes, which hurts their feet, but there is nothing
anyone can do to stop the executives from enforcing that rule.
The employees are allowed to complain about the clothing styles,
cafeteria food, working conditions, and other aspects of the business,
but the executives have the freedom to ignore the complaints.
By comparison, the ministers are required
to respond to the complaints in the Suggestions
category. Although they have
control of culture, they are employees
of the city, not dictators.
Ministers must meet high standards.
A free enterprise system doesn't have any standards for business
executives, investors, bankers, or anybody else involved with the
economy. Nobody needs any particular education, and nobody has to meet
any particular mental or physical standards.
This allows people to become influential in the economy even if they
are dishonest, violent, alcoholic, members of crime networks,
religious, or suffering from mysterious mental disorders, such as
Asperger's, ADHD, and bipolar problems.
Tim Cook believes that homosexuality is one of God's greatest gifts,
and that stupid belief is proof that he is incapable
of providing us with intelligent analyses of life, and that he should
be disqualified from
influential positions.
By comparison, the ministers must meet high standards in regards to the
quality of their mind and education. They must show evidence that they
understand the concepts of evolution, and they must have above-average
control of their emotions. They must be zoologists who study humans,
not religious fanatics or Freudian psychologists.
They must be people who can make social science become a "real"