PBS admits in a video documentary that 60%
of the rescue workers are sick. Here is the PBS site with video, transcription,
and audio:
On 11 April 2006 a medical examiner confirmed that the autopsy of the
34 year-old police detective, James Zadroga, shows that he died due to
breathing dust and fumes while he was helping search the rubble for survivors. |
• wcbstv.com/topstories/local_story_101192156.html
• wistv.com/Global/story.asp?S=4758477
However, on 26 Oct 2007, the city's chief medical examiner, Charles
Hirsch, said that Zadroga died from prescription drugs:
How about these articles about the evidence that the dust was dangerous:
• "Absolutely
Horrifying" - Newsweek
• at
least 15,000 people with medical problems
rescuers suffered 12 years' worth of lung loss
officials use money for victims to fight lawsuit by victims! (this
article was deleted !)
Tiny particles of metal from
extreme heat
Professor Cahill, of the University of California at Davis,
an expert on airborne aerosols, says that an analysis of the "dust" at
the WTC shows
ultra-fine particles
that are created only by temperatures far beyond ordinary fires, as explained
in this article by Christopher Bollyn:
These tiny particles explain why thousands
of people are suffering health problems.
The victims blame the wrong people!
The health problems are extremely serious, but the victims
are angry over the wrong issue, and
the lawsuits complain about the wrong people.
Thousands of people are suffering health problems, and some have
died, but -- as of February 2007 -- the victims only care about who
pays their medical and funeral bills!
This is equivalent to a criminal gang raping your children, one of whom
dies, and you respond by asking for help with the medical and funeral bills!
Meanwhile, the gang remains free to rape some more. What
is wrong with American people?
Some people hold "vigils" for the victims, such as this:
If a criminal gang were to rape your children, would you react by holding
vigils? When will the foolish Americans demand the criminals be arrested?
When will the people at policeone.com
do something useful?
When will the foolish Americans realize that the media
executives are
information about this gang because they are members
of the gang?
It was demolition debris,
not dust
Those clouds of dust were not ordinary "dust", nor were they
"fumes". Rather, the explosives inside the World Trade Center towers
and Building 7 pulverized the buildings and their contents.
The people who breathed that "dust" were inhaling microscopic shards
of glass windows, computers, asbestos, mercury, fluorescent light bulbs,
coffee makers, carpeting, firemen, toilets, garbage, electrical wires,
and other dangerous items.
The particles damaged their lungs, cut into their eyes, and caused skin
rashes. Some of the toxic chemicals and metals got into their bloodstream,
which in turn harmed their liver and other organs.
The news reporters are deceiving us when they refer to this material
as dust or fumes.
NOTE: If you are new to this site and confused by what we mean
by the "demolition" of the World Trade Center towers, please watch the
free video 9/11; A Closer Look, at
this web site:
Christie Whitman of EPA lies to
Congress in 2007
Most of the 9/11 "truth seekers" blame Christie Whitman of
the EPA for the health problems that rescue workers are suffering from
in New York City. She told people that the air was safe to breathe. By
claiming that her
incompetence is responsible
for everybody's sickness, it distracts people from the truth; namely, that
their health problems are due to the explosives
that were used to destroy the towers.
On 25 July 2007, she was called to Congress to explain her remarks about
the air being safe. One news article about her testimony in Congress is
She told Congress:
"There are indeed people to blame. They are the terrorists
who attacked the United States, not the men and women at all levels of
government who worked heroically to protect and defend this country,"
By June of 2007, almost everybody has heard the rumors that the World Trade
Center towers were demolished with explosives, and that the September 11
attack with a false flag operation, but she continued to promote the lie
that those mysterious Arab terrorists are responsible.
Don't make excuses for your government employees. If they are truly
as ignorant as they claim to be, they should not
be in positions of importance. You can be certain that they
all know what happened, and that they are deliberately
How many people have to suffer?
Tens of thousands of people breathed the demolition debris
on September 11, and thousands of others breathed it as they sifted through
the rubble to search for survivors or clean up the rubble. Many of them,
possibly all of them, are suffering permanent health damage as a
Some of their problems may be minor, such as a reduction in lung capacity,
or a liver that does not work as well as it should, but some of the people
have already died a slow death at an early age.
How many more policemen have to die before the other policemen show
an interest in this issue? What is their problem? Are the police
being blackmailed into silence? Or are they so emotionally weak that they
can only deal with small crimes, such as parking tickets?
Have the police been blackmailed?
There have been reports that the policemen, firemen, and everybody
else in the area was encouraged to take money from the broken ATM machines
and steal other items. Furthermore, there are reports that somebody was
filming them as they stole the money
and other items.
This could explain why everybody has remained silent. Specifically,
they were tricked into doing something
illegal, filmed while doing it, and
now they are being threatened with arrest if they talk about what happened
on September 11.
Tell the police and firemen to stand up to their blackmailers! They
are assisting with the criminal network by remaining silent.
Do you know what a "false flag"
operation is?
How many more of these "false flag" attacks have to occur before
we find enough people to help us drive the media companies to bankrupcy
and put an end to the corruption in government?
Note: If you don't know what a false flag attack
is, please watch this short video:
You can find that and other videos at this page:
Omitting some truth to deceive
The reason most people don't realize how dangerous that dust
was is because most of the 9/11 "Truth Seekers" are trying to suppress
evidence that the towers were demolished with explosives.
A clever way to deceive people is to tell them the truth about an issue,
but don't tell them the complete truth. A simple example is a person who
says to you:
"Somebody just stole your car!"
That statement could be 100% correct, making it appear as if the person
is being honest. But by leaving out the statement "My friend stole your
car", he is deceiving you into thinking he is honest.
Deception with the WTC Dust
This type of deception is happening with the dust from the
World Trade Center towers. For example, a woman named Jenna
Orkin was invited to speak about the dust at a meeting that
Jimmy Walter held in New York City on September 11, 2004.
Jenna Orkin was honest when she explained to the audience that the Environmental
Protection Agency officials reassured the residents of New York City that
the air was safe to breathe. She also honestly explained that the dust
was actually quite dangerous.
By speaking honestly about the dust and the EPA officials, she gave
everybody the impression that she is an honest person who cares about the
residents of New York City.
However, she avoided the issue that the towers were pulverized with
and those explosives are the reason the dust was so dangerous.
Your first reaction might be to assume that she simply did not realize
that the towers were blown up. However, she was speaking at a 9/11 meeting
where Christopher Bollyn and I presented evidence that the towers were
indeed blown up, so what are the chances that she did not know about this
She knew about the evidence, so
the only issue to wonder about is: why was she ignoring it? Do you
think she truly believed that fire caused the towers and Building 7 to
collapse? The evidence suggests that she is part of the Zionist criminal
network, and her job is to control and confuse the victims of the dust.
Making a mistake in this type of situation can be dangerous. If you
trust her, and if she is part of the criminal network, that means you are
trusting criminals, and you are allowing
them to run free.
Are you a good judge of people?
The inability to figure out who among us is lying and who can
be trusted is one of the major problems the world is facing. Take a look
at government leaders around the world.
Most of the human population is incapable of figuring out that most
of these government leaders are liars, criminals, pedophiles, incompetent
nitwits, or emotionally disturbed freaks.
Suppressing the truth is lying
There may be tens of thousands of people suffering health problems
from breathing that demolition debris. Some have already died, and others
are suffering painful, miserable lives.
However, instead of investigating the truly suspicious people, such
as Larry Silverstein, the media executives, Governor Pataki, Mayor Rudy
Giuliani, and hundreds of other people, many of the New York City rescue
workers are foolishly blaming their health problems on the incompetence
of one woman, Christie Todd Whitman, who was working at the Environmental
Protection Agency at the time.
Solving the 9-11 attack requires more than simply investigating the
truly suspicious people. It also requires avoiding the deception
from people like Jenna Orkin. We must not fall into the trap of assuming
that these "Truth Seekers" are on our side.
Should we trust the charities?
Organizations are developing to collect money for the victims
of the dust, or to provide the victims with "help". For example:
• stws.org
• 911blogger.com/node/5740
• fealgoodfoundation.com
Here is a site that has a forum for the victims, but you have to register
to see the messages. Why isn't it public? Why the secrecy?
911blogger has proven itself to
be working with the Zionists, so why would they suggest people donate money
to the victims? For the same reason the Zionists pretend to be patriots,
Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, antiwar activists, and news reporters:
• The Zionists want to be in control
the victims of the dust so that they can suppress
information about it and keep the victims ignorant.
• The Zionists want their victims to believe that a few EPA officials
are solely responsible for their health problems.
• The Zionists don't want the victims to realize that Larry Silverstein
and his Zionist friends destroyed those towers with explosives in a false
flag attack to make Americans angry at Arabs.
Have you seen my video explaining False Flags:
Most of the organizations that claim to be helping the victims of 9/11
dust are likely to be similar to most of the groups of 9/11 "truth seekers";
ie, Zionist fronts to identify
and control the victims. For example,
watch John Feal in this interview with Dylan Avery, who made the video
Change, and who protects Zionism:
John Feal's foot was hurt during the cleanup of 9/11, but all he wants
to do is blame Christie Whitman of the EPA! He doesn't care that those
buildings were demolished with explosives, and that a war was started as
a result.
Is John Feal as stupid or naive as he appears? Or was he a Zionist stooge
who hurt his foot during the cleanup process, and is now using his injury
as a way to infiltrate the organizations of sick rescue workers?
Note that Dr. Bill Deagle was at the Columbine school shooting
and at the Oklahoma City bombing to prescribe mental-health drugs to victims.
These type of drugs will make the victims docile:
If you think Dr. Deagle can be trusted, please watch my brief video
of him at this page:
Please spread this information so that the victims of the 9/11 demolition
debris can watch out for the people who lie to them about what the dust
is, and why they are so sick.
Furthermore, uranium may have been
used to ignite the fuel when the airplane crashed into the South Tower.
The uranium would cause rapid health problems and cancer. Take a look at
the photos:
What can you do?
Help expose the lies and the crimes! The victims of the 9/11
attack are filing lawsuits against the wrong people.
They should be complaining about the media companies
and news reporters who have lied to
them about the attack.
They should also be demanding an investigation of Jenna
Orkin, 911truth.org, and
all of the other 9/11 "truth seekers" who deceive them.
We cannot solve a crime when people are blaming the wrong group. The
media company executives and most "truth seekers" are working with the
criminal network!
Where is Alex Jones on this issue? Where is Jeff Rense? Webster Tarpley?
Wayne Madsen? Charlie Sheen?
Please take a look at how these "truth seekers"
us. Look through the articles at HugeQuestions.com and compare
what I tell you to what they tell you. For example, notice that those truth
seekers also ignore this issue:
Please help us educate people the media
is part of the criminal network. Tell people about the attack on the
Liberty; tell them to watch videos
on 9/11; and tell them to look at reasons why we accuse
the Zionists of 9/11.