we believe Zionists
are the masterminds
of the September 11 attack?
Let us count
the reasons...
updated 13 April 2006
August 2011: The website
had a lot of important
information, but most links no longer work because they removed their
and are now pretending to be an honest, Christian site that is abused
Jews. In reality, they have been exposed as another of the Jewish
and sheep's clothing.
“So I said to the stupid goy,
'I hate
They staged the 9/11 attack!'
now he trusts me. What a fool!” |
Please learn
about the wolf
in sheep's clothing
trick. Don't let criminals
outsmart you! I wrote this
to help you understand some of the tricks they use.
The Five Dancing Arabs
Five Arabs -- dressed in Arab clothing -- were
seen celebrating
after the World Trade Center towers were hit with airplanes. Later that
day the police spotted their van and stopped them. The police
that they were Israeli
army veterans,
not Arabs.
Their Arab clothing was discovered in their van, along
with box cutters
and weapons, and their visas had expired, so they were in the country
They were arrested and put in a federal jail in Brooklyn.
However, they were not
Rather, they were released from jail and sent back to Israel. About 60
other young Israeli Jews were arrested in the weeks following the 9-11
attack. They were also sent back to Israel without
any investigation: washingtonpost.com
One of the first news reports about them: Five-men-detained-on-911.html
Reports several months later claim that up to 200
young Israelis, some
of them former members of military intelligence units, had been
and sent back to Israel without any investigation.
• telegraph.co.uk/news
• haaretzdaily.com
You can watch 3 of the 5 "dancing Israelis" talking
about this on Israeli
2.4 mb
The video is also here: Video-PhilosophyOfZionismAndIsrael.html
They told the Israeli audience that their
purpose was to document
the event. Who were they documenting the event
for? How did
they know the attack was going to be that particular morning?
Here the audio of the CNN television news report about
two of the five
in police custody:
220 kb
Here is the audio of Dan Rather describing the event
for the CBS television
90 kb
New Jersey police officer Scott DeCarlo, one of the
two officers who
arrested the five Israelis in their van, said that one of the Israelis
tried to avoid arrest by insisting that they our friends, not our
80 kb
on the "dancing Israelis"
The Israeli spy ring
Carl Cameron, of Fox news, has a four-part
investigation into
an Israeli spy ring. The exposé was shown once, and then erased
from the Fox web site, never to be seen again. You can watch Cameron's
video here:
v552406rYaXEFgw (new link, June 2011)
Since Cameron's report is coming from a Zionist media
company, they
try to twist the story to make it appear as if the Israelis were spying
on the evil Arabs terrorists who did 9/11.
Cameron's program is what we refer to as "damage
control". Try to learn
from this deception so that you don't get fooled by it.
By spying on American military, FBI, and other
officials, the Israelis
would know how to avoid getting caught, and they could acquire
material over the large number of immoral officials.
Larry Silverstein is a
Zionist Jew

Larry Silverstein was the landlord of Building
7, and he got
control of the World Trade Center towers a few weeks before the attack.
He quickly replaced some of the security and maintenance personnel. He
is receiving billions of dollars in insurance money as a result of the
9-11 the attack.
Silverstein announced on television that the fire
department decided
to demolish Building 7 rather than put out the fires. If you have not
this video clip, please watch the video 9/11, A Closer Look,
my site:
Larry Silverstein and Benjamin Netanyahu are such
close friends that
Netanyahu would call Silverstein every
I explain the significance of Silverstein's friends in
a speech for
a 9/11 conference in Italy: Italian-911-Conference-17Sep2006.html
Pentagon cannot account
for $2.6 trillion

The accountants at the Pentagon claim that they
cannot account
for $2.6 trillion. The man at the top of this accounting mess is Dov
Zakheim, a Rabbi.
is also another man with a slanted forehead. As I mention in my Neanderthal
articles, there are so many of these people involved with crime that I
wonder if there is something different about them.)
In testimony before the Congress, Donald Rumsfeld
minimizes the missing
$2.6 trillion as an innocent mistake:
I know Dr. Zakheim's been trying to hire CPAs because the financial
systems of the department are so snarled up that we can't account for
$2.6 trillion in transactions that exist, if that's believable. And yet
we're told that we can't hire CPAs to help untangle it in many
... |
And then he makes a joke about it:
REP. LEWIS: Thank you, Mr. Moran.
Mr. Secretary, the first time and the last time
that Dov Zackheim and
I broke bread together, he told me he would have a handle on that 2.6
by now. (Laughter.) But we'll discuss that a little --
SEC. RUMSFELD: He's got a handle; it's just a
little hot. (Laughter.)
The transcript is here: defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=408
The 9/11 attack follows
a pattern
Israelis have been caught many times as they
stage terrorist
attacks and blame them on Arabs or Nazis. This is called "false flag"
I have a short video to explain "false flag operations" at this page: HowToHelp.html
The direct link to the video: What-is-a-False-Flag.wmv
For more information on previous Israeli false flag
the site the7thfire.com
is another wolf in sheep's clothing site. Look at their information,
don't trust the people at that site! Update:
the7thfire.com no longer exists, but you can find it at the Internet
archives, at least until they remove it from that there, also.
• Zionist Jews got caught after they blew up
the King David
Hotel. A British documentary about it is at my page of videos:
This site has an article: the7thfire.com
• Zionist Jews got caught in Egypt in 1954: the7thfire.com
• The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967
- James Ennes
- Wayne
Kyle interview
• The Zionist boycott of German products in
1933 was intended
to create anger towards Jews. This is a complex but very important
when you find the time, here are some articles to help you understand
- Ben
- Samuel Untermyer
with image from 1933 newspaper)
Israelis may be instigating
fights in Iraq
August 2011: judicial-inc
had important information about how the mysterious terrorists in Iraq
actually Jews pretending to be Arabs, and it showed
their special
guns that had video cameras built into them, and
which could shoot
around corners. The links
no longer work. Apparently, judicial-inc decided that they were
themselves too much, and deleted them. However, here are some copies of
those pages:
Do Iraqi's have video cameras built into their
Who are the "contractors" in Iraq?
Who was really behind the abuse at the Abu Ghraib
prison? Take a look
at the Israeli ties to the abuse at Abu Ghraib:
Who is "John Israel"? rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=48433
The media is controlled
by Zionists

One the most important pieces of evidence that
Zionists are
the masterminds to almost all the world's corruption is that they
the media of Europe, North America, and Australia. (photo:
Sumner Murray Rothstein of Viacom)
No crime network could get away with a crime as
enormous as the September
11 attack unless they can suppress investigations and evidence. The
executives must
either be under
the control of the crime network, or members
of the crime network.
Some people claim that the media companies are
helpless victims of a
mysterious, nebulous group called the Globalists,
or the New
World Order, or the Illuminati. However,
until somebody can
identify these mysterious people and explain how they force media
around the world to cover up horrendous
crimes, it makes more sense
to assume that the media is directly involved in these crimes,
they are among the top members of this criminal network.
The most logical explanation is that the Zionists are
promoting other
Zionists to top positions in the government, media, banking, Hollywood,
and education. The more Zionists they promote, the easier it is for
to take control of the nation and suppress evidence of their network.
• Zionist Power Structure In America: the7thfire.com
• One of many lists of Jews (it claims
that Senator John Kerry and Elvis Presley are partly Jewish. Did you
know that?): reference.com/browse/wiki/List_of_Jews
Update 2017: that list
has been deleted, so the link now points to the copy in the
Internet archive. There is also a copy
here in case the copy at the Internet archive is removed,
Zionists remove complaints about them, or they condemn
critical remarks as "anti-Semitic".
Did you know that
President Truman
was irritated by Zionists: washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A40678-2003Jul10
Update 2017: that
article has also been deleted, and it is not in the Internet archive,
either. A copy is here however:
Truman was pushed into helping Israel get established.
Here is a brief
description of Israel's history to help you understand why Truman was
Zionists have a world-wide

Millions of dollars of profit were made from
suspicious stock
trades. The governments of America, Europe, and Japan announced plans
investigate in order to determine who the investors were. However, every
investigation was terminated.
When looking for the crime network behind the
September 11 attack, we
must find a network that has tremendous influence in many nations. Does
the Bush family have this much control over the world? Does Dick
Does any Italian crime gang?
The only group that seems to have a network this large
are the Zionists.
The Zionists have been setting up organizations around the world since
their movement became officially established in 1897. For example:
• The Zionist Federation of Australia zfa.com.au
• In the UK zionist.org.uk
• In Hungary cionista.hu
Most of the 9/11 truth
seekers are Zionists

Jews make up a small portion of America and
Europe, and Zionist
Jews are an even smaller percentage, but they
dominate the 9/11
truth movement. Could this be because Zionists are more interested in
the 9/11 crime? (Photo: Mike Berger of 911Truth.org)
It is more likely because they are trying to fool
people into thinking
that they are the truth seekers, when in reality they are diverting
attention away from Israel and onto Bush, Cheney, the CIA, and a few
Please consider that the people you trust to expose
corruption, such
as Amy Goodman (of Democracy Now), Alex
Jones (www.infowars.com),
Tarpley (author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA),
Dave vonKleist
(The Power Hour radio show), and hundreds or thousands
of others are deceiving us.
Why are so many truth seekers and investigators
to us? Have you read my introduction about some of the tricks criminals
use? Here:
To get away with
crimes, pretend to be a crime fighter
Examples of Truth Seekers who are Zionists:
• Crypto
• What
are Handlers?
Most people pushing UFOs
are Zionists
promote a lot of idiotic theories, such as the idea that the airplanes
that hit the World Trade Center towers were either holograms or
created by blue screen technology.
This is evidence that they are trying to send people
down the wrong
path, and create the impression that conspiracy theories are stupid.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to figure out who
among us has been
fooled into believing these idiotic theories; who is deliberately lying
about them; and who has been threatened, bribed, or blackmailed into
them. Examples are Morgan Reynolds and Jimmy Walter:
• The Bovine
Gas Theory
• Jimmy Walter
promotes Blue Screens
Another example is a person who calls himself Ghostwolfemoon.
He posts messages on the Internet. One of his recent messages promotes
astronauts spotted UFO's on moon???
And in this message he promotes Alex Jones, Bob
Bowman, and the theory
that Cheney is the main suspect for 9/11:
main 9-11 suspect????
Jeff Rense promotes UFO theories on a regular basis.
One of his most
US astronauts ordered not to report UFOs & aliens?
AIPAC and Jack Abramoff
Does Jack Abramoff -- another Zionist -- merely
provide Israel
with influence over America? Or did he assist with the 9/11 attack?
Hopsicker thinks so; he reported that days before the 9/11 attack,
Atta and several other alleged hijackers were invited on Abramoff’s
boats. Daniel Hopsicker is another Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, but as
all of those wolves, they provide lots of honest information with their
propaganda, so take a look:
If Hopsicker's accusation turns out to be true, this
is evidence
that the hijackers were patsies for the Zionists. Furthermore,
connections with AIPAC, Tom delay, and other people should be
Professor Cole describes Jack Abramoff’s “charity” as
a front for Zionist
Warning: Daniel Hopsicker is like many of the "9/11
truth seekers";
specifically, he provides some valuable information, but he is trying
deflect attention away from Israel and Jews tries
and convince us
that everything is the fault of the Bush administration or the CIA.
Goyim are the victims, not
News reports frequently remind us that Arabs
and Iranians are
determined to destroy Israel. For example:
However, most of their victims are other Arabs, or
goyim from America
and Britain. Why don't the Arabs attack Israelis?
Why don't they attack American
• For
example, the Syrians are blamed
for killing Rafik Hariri, the former Prime Minister of Lebanon:
However, the crater from this car bomb is a sign that
the bomb was actually
underground, not in a car:
- Bollyn-Hariri-Feb2005.html
- Bollyn-Hariri-Nov2006.html
• On
October 15, 2003, another large
bomb destroyed a car, supposedly with CIA agents inside:
It also excavated a crater that has the telltale signs
of the bomb that
was underground: judicial-inc
• Have
you seen the enormous
crater from the 1996 "truck bomb" at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia
that killed US Military personnel:
How does
Al Qaeda do this?
If you believe the Arabs are doing this with car bombs, please look
at my "Science Challenge" and pass it to college students:
And if you think this is going to stop anytime soon,
please read this,
and think about it:
We do not yet have enough people who care. Will we in
the future? Only
if you can help us find more people who are tired of the corruption.
More information on the Zionist connection at my audio
page, such as
these with Christopher Bollyn:
• DarylBradfordSmithInterviewsBollyn.html
• DarylBradfordSmith_Bollyn-Hufschmid-11Sep2006.html
Standing up to Italian crime gangs is not
standing up to American crime gangs is not
anti-American; and standing
up to homosexuals who have been blackmailed over their homosexuality is
not anti-homosexual.
So don't be fooled into thinking that standing up to
Zionist crime gangs
is anti-Semitic!
When you are ready to stop being a victim of crime
join with us by helping to educate people.
You can print "business cards" about 9/11. Two
styles to choose from
here. |
If you want a more printable form of this article, I formatted it for
six pages in
this PDF
And prepare to fight this criminal network! Two of my
early articles that might inspire you:
• Prepare
for the
• Battle-Plan.html