New details about the Bollyn
family help us to understand...
How to kidnap
and murder
an entire family!
Information from anonymous
20 June 2009
Update: a reader expresses his concern, see this
Once again, just when I thought the Bollyn situation couldn't
get any stranger... a man in Europe sent me an e-mail message.
He had a brief encounter with a person who speaks Estonian, and he asked
for help in understanding the television interview (at this
page) and news reports (references, below) about
the Bollyn family. I put the information he sent me into this article.
Christopher's wife, Helje
Kaskel, is a teacher
The television interview shows Helje working as a teacher at
a school.
The name of the school is the Otepää Gümnaasium, and
it is located in the city of Otepää, Estonia. |
Other news reports provide even more details, such as her starting
salary of 10,000 EEK per month.
Her salary was later increased by
500 EEK per month.
She doesn't appear to be hiding from anybody, or having financial troubles. |
Helje is co-authoring books!
These books are for sale at this
Helje is listed as one of the co-authors of these books that teach English. |
Helje meets friends
of her first husband at a concert
Helje's first husband was a famous Estonian singer, Urmas Alender.
He died when the ship that he was taking to Sweden, the Estonia, sank mysteriously.
Helje has been involved in exposing this "accident" as a deliberate sabotage.
Christopher has some information about the ship at his website
However, keep in mind that ever since Bollyn has disappeared, he has been
promoting people that I wouldn't trust, such as Anders Bjorkman. So, when
you look at Bollyn's website, consider it to have been edited
and approved by criminal Jews. |
On 18 July 2008, Helje attended a concert
in which one of the singers was Tajo Kadajas, who used to work with her
first husband.
After the concert, she met with him and another of the singers, Margus
Vaher. |
It appears as if she is happy and free to do whatever she pleases.
The full-size photos are here
and here. Both captions
Otepää in front of the church in July 2008
after the concert "My Estonia" |
Christopher's daughter meets
Avril Lavigne
The television interview showed a photograph (below) of
the singer Avril Lavigne (left) with Christopher's daughter, Catherine
(right). Since I don't speak Estonian or pay attention to entertainers,
I didn't understand the significance of that photograph.
It turns out that this photograph was taken in July 2008, when Avril
Lavigne had a concert in
People who bought ordinary tickets did not
have the opportunity to meet Lavigne. Only people who bought the more expensive
"VIP tickets" had this opportunity. |
Helje's explanation of the tickets is:
"During the summer we went to Avril Lavigne's
concert in Tallinn as a friend gave us VIP tickets that gave Catherine
the opportunity to meet the singer behind the stage, talk with her, and
take a photo with her."
So, it appears as if the Bollyn family has made some wonderful, generous
friends, and that they're all having a wonderful time in Estonia.
Why do Estonians get a different
view than you and I?
The people in Estonia have been given a completely
different view of the Bollyn family compared to what Christopher
is giving to those of us who speak English.
Christopher tells us that he is hiding
from the Chicago police, and that he is homeless,
and that he is in desperate need of financial donations.
But the people in Estonia are being given the impression that the family
has an income, and that the children are going to school and concerts,
and that life is not too much different for the Bollyns compared to other
families in Estonia. |
Most people in Estonia do not speak
English, and almost nobody outside of Estonia speaks Estonian. This isolates
the people in Estonia from most of the world. Therefore, it's easy for
Christopher to behave like a politician and tell each group a different
story. Since we cannot communicate with the people in Estonia, we won't
realize that we are being given contradictory stories of the Bollyn family.
Furthermore, if it was not for the Internet, we
wouldn't know what was going on in Estonia. The Jews would be
able to get away with anything! The Internet has removed the secrecy that
has been protecting these criminal Jews. Today, whenever they do something,
millions of people around the world can analyze it. So take advantage of
the Internet and spread information!
Who are the Bollyns hiding from?
The television interview shows their son (in the foreground, in the
yellowish shirt), at school. |
The name of the school was displayed in the television interview.
If the Chicago police, or the Mossad, were really interested in locating
the Bollyn family, all they have to do is take a trip to this school. |
The name of the television reporter, Martin Mae, was displayed at the
beginning of the interview.
If the police or Mossad wanted more information about the Bollyns, they
could contact this reporter. |
It should be obvious that the Bollyn family is not
hiding from the Estonian police, or the Estonian school officials or students,
or anybody else in Estonia. At Christopher's website, he even posted the
banking information for their bank account in Estonia, so they're not hiding
from the banking system, either. They are only hiding from those of us
speak English.
Helje starts having serious
problems at her school
The Estonian news reports show that the Bollyn family was having
a relatively normal life when they first moved to Estonia, but after a
while, they started having problems. For example, not long after Helje
received an increase in her salary, school officials reduced her salary
by about 35%. They said it was due to the severe economic problems that
Estonia was suffering from.
Reuters news report verifies that the Baltic republics were suffering much
more than the rest of Europe: "Economies in the Baltic
republics, worst hit by the crisis, contracted by 18.6 percent year-on-year
in the case of Latvia, 15.6 percent in Estonia..."
However, Helje sent a letter to the local city officials to complain
that she was being abused by some school officials, and that they were
trying to pressure her into quitting her job as a teacher. She also complained
that she was the only teacher who had her salary reduced.
Christopher's son also has
serious problems at school
As you probably know, children have a tendency to torment other
children that are different, or who they don't like. Christopher's son
was picked on by other children when he attended school in other nations,
so I'm not surprised that some of the Estonian children picked on him,
also. However, the abuse seems to be much
worse in Estonia than anywhere else. The abuse became so bad that Helje
removed both of her children from school.
Christopher gets into legal problems
The news reports show that Christopher encountered one of the
boys from school who was picking on his son. Some witnesses claim that
Christopher only spoke to the boy, but other witnesses claim that Christopher
grabbed the boy by his clothes and shook him. The boy filed a complaint
to the police that Christopher was physically abusive to him. Helje said
that she would find a lawyer to help deal with the legal charges.
In addition to his legal problems, there is no evidence that he ever
found a job in Estonia, or that he even looked
for a job.
How can anybody succeed in
kidnapping a family?
Have you ever considered how difficult it would be to kidnap
and kill an entire family? In order
to get away with the kidnapping and eventual murder of the Bollyn family,
the criminal Jews must accomplish two, very difficult tasks:
1) Convince us that the Bollyns are free.
It's easy to convince the police that a kidnapped family is
free because most policemen have a tendency to dismiss "conspiracy theories",
and they have no personal contact with the family.
However, it's difficult to convince the relatives that a kidnapped family
is free, especially if they are in regular contact with each other, as
Helje was with her mother and other relatives. When the Bollyns stayed
at my house, I personally saw Helje talking on the phone with her mother
in Estonia.
Christopher's mother and father are dead, so there aren't many Bollyns
in America for the kidnappers to worry about. The primary problem for the
kidnappers is reassuring the people in Estonia that Helje is free.
This would explain the strange events in Estonia. Specifically, the
criminal Jews transported the Bollyn family to Estonia, and then arranged
for Helje to have a job, and to be a co-author for those books mentioned
above. They also arranged for the children to go to school. Christopher
may have been too uncontrollable to have been set up with a job.
The criminal Jews then arranged for a television interview and for publicity
photos with famous entertainers. These stunts would certainly convince
Helje's relatives that the Bollyn family has simply moved from America
to Estonia, and is now living a relatively normal life, just like everybody
2) Terminate communication between us and the
The kidnappers must somehow stop the communication between
the kidnapped family and their relatives, friends, etc. That's not
easy to do! Somehow Helje's relatives have to become so disgusted with
the Bollyn family that they don't care if they never hear from them again.
This could explain the strange troubles that developed.
Specifically, after arranging for Helje to get a job as a teacher, the
Jews started causing trouble for her in order to create the impression
that she's a terrible teacher with a terrible personality. The Jews also
encouraged fights with the Bollyn children to make it appear as if the
children are terrible, also. And then they arrange for Christopher to get
into legal problems, just as they did in Chicago. And they also create
financial problems for the Bollyns.
The criminal Jews can now justify moving the Bollyn family out of Estonia.
They can send e-mail messages from Helje's account, and they can post articles
on Christopher's website, to explain that they are moving to another nation
in order to escape the legal problems, financial difficulties, and abuse.
When Christopher left America, he told us that he was hiding from the
Chicago police. Now he will be able to tell his relatives in Estonia that
they are hiding from the Estonian police, also.
If the criminal Jews are successful in causing Helje's relatives in
Estonia to become disgusted with her, then they will eventually be able
to kill Christopher and Helje, and sell the children as sex slaves.
Take advantage of the Bollyn situation!
Although it is sad that the Bollyn family has been kidnapped,
don't let yourself get depressed over the situation. Instead, take advantage
of this incredible opportunity. For example, the kidnapping has already
helped expose a lot of Jewish criminals, such as the American
Free Press and WingTV.
This latest information from an anonymous European provides us with
more information on the techniques that the criminal Jews are using to
eliminate those of us who stand up to their network. This is a tremendous
opportunity! Don't let the suffering of the Bollyns
go to waste. Instead, take advantage of their sad situation
by learning from it. And then help
us to expose and eliminate
these disgusting, Jewish criminals.
Whenever the Jews commit a crime, they give us the opportunity to learn
about their techniques and attitudes. So don't get upset or depressed when
they kill, kidnap, start forest fires, or stage false flag operations.
Instead, learn from them.
Here is a brief, Bollyn timeline:
• Prior to June 2007, Christopher
Bollyn and I used to talk on the telephone and by e-mail on a regular basis.
He was in regular contact with other people, also, and he would travel
occasionally in order to interview people for his articles. When they were
traveling through California, the entire family stayed at my house, once
in 2005, and again in 2006.
Bollyn's primary flaw was that he was very
trusting. He didn't want to believe me when I warned him that
he cannot trust Professor Steven Jones, Leuren Moret, Dave vonKleist, or
most other people. He didn't like it when I told him that the inscription
at the base of the Statue of Liberty is not a joke; that America really
does have a lot of "wretched refuse".
He preferred to think that most Americans were wonderful people.
However, there was a moment during the elections of 2004 when he noticed
that nobody in Chicago seemed to care whether the votes were counted accurately,
and he became so upset with the American people that he wrote a short article
with the title:
face it. We are a bunch of losers.
In order to win a battle, whether it be sports contest or a fight with
Zionist Jews, we have to be serious about our teammates. We're not going
to defeat the Zionists by convincing ourselves that we have the greatest
people on our side. America, Europe, and other nations are loaded with
alcoholics, criminals, psychos, and freaks, and many of them will sell
out to crime gangs for small amounts of money. We need a realistic
assessment of the people around us.
• In 2006 the Hoffman Estates Police
Department (outside of Chicago) arrested Christopher for resisting
arrest. The police destroyed
the video from the cameras inside their
cars, but this illegal destruction of evidence
meant nothing to the corrupt Chicago court system.
Chicago has had a reputation for working with and protecting organized
crime gangs for more than a century, so it's not surprising that the Chicago
police routinely commit crimes. Furthermore, most policemen are taught
to blindly follow orders, and so some of them may assist with crimes without
realizing what they're doing.
This photograph, taken by Bollyn from his house after his arrest,
shows the car of the mysterious men who visited all of his neighbors.
Bollyn thinks that the men were criminal policemen
who were frightening his neighbors into remaining silent about the illegal
• A trial was held in 2007,
and Bollyn was convicted of resisting arrest. Bollyn decided to leave the
country before the police could put him in jail. On about June 11, 2007,
he vanished for a couple weeks.
• When Bollyn reappeared, he would
not let anybody know which continent he was on. He claimed to be hiding
from the corrupt Chicago police.
• Meanwhile, Daryl
Smith, who claims to be an honest person who wants to help us
expose corruption, began putting pressure on me to criticize the entire
Bollyn family, as I described here.
He wanted me to condemn Christopher and Helje as terrible parents, and
he wanted me to criticize their children as weirdoes who needed psychological
I also received e-mail messages and phone calls from
many other people who tried to convince me to ignore or criticize
the Bollyns.
It appeared to me that there was an actual campaign going on among the
Jews to ruin Bollyn's reputation and cause us to forget about him. This
is a very important trick to understand.
Smith and the others were trying to trick us into ignoring the information
that Bollyn was providing and instead focus on some supposedly horrible
qualities of his personality and children.
However, everybody could be described as having characteristics that
are strange or flawed, and almost every parent has children that we could
complain about. Watch out for this trick in which the Jews try to focus
your attention on some irrelevant aspect of somebody's personality or their
If the Jews had succeeded in convincing us to ignore the Bollyns, then
they could have arranged for me to
be arrested, and then Smith and the others could ruin my
reputation and take over my website. And then they could do it to the next
person who dared to stand up to them.
Don't allow the Jews to get away with this trick any longer. Help
us expose and destroy this disgusting network! Don't allow them to kill
those of us who have the courage to stand up to them!
Did you listen to the actor Dirk Benedict's
accusation that there are hundreds of murders
in Hollywood? This would explain how the Jews control the entertainment
The video of Benedict has been removed from the Internet, but I have
a copy of the audio here:
240 kb |
"hundreds of murders"
And did you look at the mysterious death of Jim Morrison,
the musician of the band The Doors? Note that his father, an admiral in
the US Navy, was so independent that he wanted to retaliate
against Israel after they attacked the USS Liberty in 1967.
Jim Morrison was very independent, and so was his father. The Jews may
have killed Jim Morrison in order to get rid of an entertainer that they
had trouble controlling. Furthermore, by killing Jim, the Jews would be
showing his father that they can kill any American they dislike, even family
members of top US military officials.
Admiral Morrison would realize that he is alone in standing up to these
criminal Jews because he is surrounded by cowardly
and dishonest military officials and
police departments.
Incidentally, after Jim Morrison's mysterious death, some secretive
people have been promoting stories that Jim was a user of heroin, and some
suggest that he is homosexual. The Jews are trying to do to Morrison what
Smith tried to do to Bollyn; namely, focus our attention on supposedly
bad qualities of his personality so that we don't ask questions about his
strange death.
It is also very important to realize that there is an enormous
army of criminal Jews patrolling message boards on the Internet
in order to counteract people who promote the truth. You should easily
be able to see this at the YouTube videos of Jim Morrison's death, as I
described here.
• During 2008, while Daryl Smith
and other Zionist agents continued to criticize the entire Bollyn family,
the Zionist Jews in Estonia were arranging for television interviews and
news reports to create the impression that the Bollyn family was doing
fine in Estonia.
However, I have to wonder about some of those scenes in that television
interview. The video of Christopher walking around in the market shows
that his jacket doesn't fit very well.
Since he claims to be homeless, maybe he got this jacket from the trash.
But I wonder if the bulge around his waist is an electrical device to keep
him under control. |
• During 2009, the criminal
Jews have been creating serious financial and legal problems for the Bollyns.
This will allow the criminal Jews to justify moving the family out of Estonia
into a secret location.
How can kidnap victims meet with
famous entertainers?
You may wonder how it's possible for kidnap victims to have
their photos taken with famous entertainers,
reporters, and school
officials. If you have seen the evidence that the criminal Jews
are in control of the entertainment businesses, media companies, militaries,
government officials, police departments, schools, etc, then it's easy
to understand how these publicity stunts can be arranged.
It is probably easiest for the criminal Jews to arrange publicity photos
with entertainers because the Jews
seem to have more control over the entertainers than any other group. For
decades the Jews seem to have been getting rid of entertainers who shows
signs of independence, morality, or honesty. For example, Bill Cosby
was probably the most famous black man in the world when I was growing
up, but he has been replaced by men who I consider to be terrible
role models, such as Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton.
The people who are being promoted as entertainers today are pathetic
creatures who seem to care only about money, drugs, fame, jewelry, gambling,
and/or sex. Don't be impressed by any of them. And take a look at the controversy
regarding Paul McCartney.
Can Christopher trust his
Some people have wondered if Helje is actually working with
the Zionists. It's difficult to believe that a woman would marry a man
simply to set him up for death or kidnapping, but as I show in my articles
about Zionist whores, the Jews
seem to have been doing this for a long, long time.
Furthermore, I have personally seen this tactic myself. For
example, Sofia Shafquat, who made the
video 911 Mysteries (I mention her
and have a video excerpt of her strange behavior), spent four
years trying to become my friend, but did she really like me? She associates
with Zionist criminals, and she promotes their propaganda. And as I've
mentioned in other files, there were other women who were also very friendly
with me. I now think they were all trying to influence me, or set me up
for blackmail, or worse.
Furthermore, I am still getting phone calls almost every day, and sometimes
two and even three times a day, from a Jew named Fred who is living in
his van. These criminal Jews are relentless.
They pursue us for years. They also
seem to pursue people with money. They will do anything to become our friend,
or our spouse. They will give us money if we need it, or other assistance.
Don't assume that somebody who offers to help you is your friend.
Or is Helje a victim?
The Bollyns stayed at my house for a few weeks. Helje seems
much more respectable than the other women in the so-called "truth movement".
So I suspect that Helje is a victim
who is willing to work as a teacher and stage publicity photos because
she is trying to cooperate with her kidnappers. She may not suspect that
the Jews are using her to set up her eventual murder. Instead, she may
be glad that she can get outside, visit other people, and have a somewhat
normal life for a few moments. And even if she was aware of what the Jews
were doing, what option does she have? Would it be better for her to refuse
to cooperate?
Who can we trust?
Christopher Bollyn was too trusting. For example, when his
computer had trouble, he trusted some of the "truth seekers" in his area
to fix it, but that gave them access to his files, including his passwords.
The Zionist network is gigantic. They are people everywhere willing to
work for them. We have to be careful about who we trust.
Furthermore, I think we must eliminate the secrecy that is protecting
the criminals. Don't believe the propaganda that secrecy is necessary to
"protect our rights". As I described in my audio file for April
19, 2008, we need to make a distinction between secrecy
and privacy.
Take a look at the people who complain the most about the lack of secrecy,
such as The
Intelligence Daily. They claim to be concerned about our "rights",
but look at who they promote and what they say. It should be easy to see
that they are promoting Zionist websites and Zionist propaganda. They're
not concerned about our "rights"; rather, they are concerned that we might
expose their crime network.
By the way, notice that the Zionist agents tend to tell us that they
are honest. The Intelligence Daily, for example, describes itself as "uncensored
news from around the world". Why do they tell us that their
news is uncensored?
As I mentioned in my audio file for September 3, 2008 here,
for years Daryl Smith has been denying that he's a pedophile, but I never
saw an accusation that he was a pedophile.
Why does Smith deny an accusation that nobody made?
This is a trick. A dishonest person
will tell us what he wants us to believe because he doesn't want us to
look into the issue and make our own decisions. Don't fall for these tricks.
Do your own analysis!
"I hate liars!"
"I am not a pedophile!"