To search HugeQuestions:
Most "investigators" in the "truth movement" are criminals, but they provide some truth in order to lure you to their site. So become a smart fish; ie, take their bait, but don't bite their hook. Please learn about the concept of a wolf in sheep clothing!
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This bombing is an excellent way to introduce people to the concept
of false flag operations. In the British
documentary, "The Age of Terror", you can listen to Israelis admit to dressing
like Arabs and blowing up the hotel.
• 4 mins of a BBC video on the warning - New link, 31 Oct 2011- the other videos were deleted again! |
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General Ben Partin, one of the military's expert on explosives, explains
how he knows that the building in Oklahoma City was brought down with explosives
that inside the building, not the truck
driven by Tim McVeigh. Warning: General
Partin seems honest about the Oklahoma City bombing, but he supports the
official story of 9/11.
Brian Gerrish exposes the diabolical
tricks of the organization Common Purpose.
Gerrish show how they have been 'training" people for British and EU governments
for the CFR, Tavistock, and related groups of "wealthy elite".
But is he really trying to expose and stop a diabolical plot by those elite to get control of our nations? ![]() ![]() |
This video exposes Global Warming as a fraud. It was shown on British
TV in March 2007. The video is often deleted, but try this link (new link, 17 Aug 2020).
Rather than debate the issue, scientists have been threatened for 'climate denial' (new link, 1 Sep 2018) |
The people who promote Global Warming are not "Liberals", "Greens",
or "Environmentalists". They are Zionist Jews,
and they are trying to use Global Warming to manipulate
us and impose taxes, as I explain
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As people realize that Zionists were involved with 9/11 and other crimes,
the Zionists fight back by calling us "anti-Semites", as can be seen in
this "documentary" from Britain's Channel 4, shown 9 July 2007:
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Take a look at the Rabbis who protest Zionism and Israel, the "Dancing
Israelis", Morgan Reynolds, and more.
The BBC is another Zionist propaganda delivery device, but they show
Cardinal Ratzinger (now the Pope) helped cover up the pedophilia. Why would
the Catholic Church promote pedophiles?
Griggs says the Zionists do this with the military, courts, and media
so that they can control the organization
through blackmail.
The accusations that the Vatican has been infiltrated by Zionists might make sense to you now. Take a look at at the evidence here. (videos are gone, new link below, 1 Sep 2018) |
Oliver O'Grady |
Uranium weapons are causing birth defects and cancer. The US military
leaders have been tricked into thinking they are safe, or they are such
irresponsible jerks that they don't care. This video was also deleted,
but now it's back.
Don't be fooled into thinking our enemies are the Vatican, Al Qaeda,
or the “Globalists”.
Wake up and smell the Zionism!
On youtube: (new link, 1 Sep 2018) |
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Part 1: Holocaust Denial English |