Important update, 31
July 2017
The Bollyn children appear to
have been released!
When the Bollyn family was kidnapped in 2007,
their son was almost 12 years old, and their daughter was about 10
years old. After Mario Nardone discovered
their address in Sweden and visited them, those of you who contacted
the Bollyn family, Curt Gemheden, the police in Sweden and Estonia, or
other people, increased the pressure on the Swedish and Estonian police
to investigate the Bollyn family, and you also increased the pressure
on the Jews to make it appear as if the Bollyn family was free and
I was wondering what the Jews were going to do when the two Bollyn
children became adults. How are the Jews going to explain to the
Swedish police and government that the adult children have no desire to
find a job, get married, or get their own home?
After reviewing the Facebook pages of the Bollyn family members, (Christopher, his wife has two pages, one and two, their son Chris, and their daughter Catherine) I have
come to the conclusion that the two children have been allowed to go free, but
in return the parents are not allowed to identify
or talk about their children on their Facebook pages, and the children
are not
allowed to identify or talk about their
parents on their Facebook pages. All of them have a few photos of one
another scattered among their other photos, but they don't identify one
another, so only those of us who recognize them will realize who
they are. The parents and the children are
behaving as if they don't know one another.
As of July 2017, my conclusion about what is going on is
that the
Jews were getting tired of providing financial support to the
family, and they were becoming worried about maintaining the farce that
the family was free, and so they worked out a deal with the
Bollyns. They agreed to let the children go free but they would keep
the parents. In return, the parents would have to be silent
about their children, and the children would have to be silent about
who their parents are, and, of course, their horrendous childhood.
This would explain why the Jews would want to fake a kidnapping of Marina Joyce. By faking that kidnapping, the Jews
1) Preparing the sheeple and the police to
ridicule the accusations
that some of the young adults who are living in our
are actually victims of
2) Observing the reaction
of the police and the sheeple to the accusations that the victim of a
kidnapper would be given the freedom to wander around in public.
most people showed no reaction, or laughed at the accusations that
Marina Joyce was kidnapped, the Jews felt confident that they could get
away with releasing the Bollyn children, who were about the same age as
If any of you were to encounter either of the Bollyn children, or if
the police were to confront them, they would certainly deny they were
Actually, they would probably react in a hostile manner, as Christopher
and his wife reacted when Mario visited them. The children would
probably suspect that anybody who confronts them is either a Jew or one
of their cohorts, and that they are being confronted to determine
whether they are keeping their part of the bargain, which is to remain
silent about the kidnapping. The Jews are certainly keeping both of
those children under constant surveillance, and so the best thing to do
probably to ignore the Bollyn children rather than confront them.
Everybody's Facebook page has an "Intro" section. The image below shows
how Bollyn's daughter, Catherine, starts her Intro section, as of
July 2017:
How many young women start their introduction
with a remark like that? That remark could be a sign that she has been
through a lot of sexual and/or physical abuse.
At her Instagram account, and at another site she joined, the sentence she wrote for her description of herself is:
19 years into my life sentence and I regret nothing, they deserved to die. |

That is another very unusual description. I suspect that the phrase "19 years into my life sentence" is a sign that she regards herself as a prisoner who is in jail forever,
and that she has endured only 19 years of her life sentence so far. She
has perhaps 50 to 70 more years of suffering before it's finally over.
know what she means by "I regret nothing, they deserved to die." Perhaps some of her
kidnappers have been killed, but not necessarily by the police. Crime
networks often kill their own members after they have committed a crime
in order to get rid of the members who might leak information,
or who they don't like, or simply to avoid having to share money with
This post on her Instagram account has only one sentence next to a photo of her sitting by a window:
 | I just wanna feel safe and loved is that so much to fucking ask for (answer: yes it is) |
How many 19-year-old girls put messages like that
on their Instagram account? It is another sign that she is suffering
emotionally, and has no hope for her future. Her brother may be just as
miserable, but boys don't express their emotional feelings as easily as
girls do, so his Facebook page is not as sad as hers is.
Will she, her brother,
her parents, or any of the other people who have been kidnapped by
Jews, pedophile networks, and crime networks, ever be released? Can
we find enough respectable humans among the horde of criminals and
sheeple to get rid of these crime networks?
government official arrested for child pornography
There is nothing we can do to free the Bollyns,
or stop the Jews from kidnapping or murdering more people, until we
find enough people who are willing to do something
about the corruption in our government, media, schools, military, and
police departments.
Yesterday, 27 July 2017, Raymond Liddy, who was a Deputy Attorney
General of California, and the son of G. Gordon Liddy, was arrested
for child pornography. Liddy is another
example of a person in top-level law enforcement position who is
involved with child pornography, pedophilia, and/or organized crime. He
is also another reason why it is useless for victims of pedophilia and
crime networks to ask the police for help.
Until we clean the criminals out of our government, law enforcement,
schools, hospitals, and media, we have to expect some of the victims of
crimes to pretend that they are not
Many years
have passed since Jimmy Savile died,
but the British sheeple and police still show no interest in dealing
with the network that he was a member of.
Some people have already publicly
admitted – on television and
in courts –
that they and other children have been sexually abused in the
entertainment business, by journalists, by
government officials, or at Children's Hospitals, but the public
doesn't show any concern. The apathy of the sheeple is so extreme, and
the number of people involved with crime networks is so large, that
many of the victims of crime are afraid to ask for help.
From the point of view of the sheeple, it seems ridiculous for me to
make the accusation that the Bollyn children are victims of a
kidnapping when those children are living and working among us, and
apparently free to do as they please.
However, if the accusations about
pedophilia in Hollywood are correct, then some of the children who are
living and working in the Los Angeles area are actually victims
of a pedophile network. There might even be somebody living
in your
neighborhood who is a victim of a crime network, but you don't notice
because they are afraid to let other people know about the abuse.
Do we
really have freedom?
A lot of Americans like to boast that the USA
provides people with "freedom", but what type of freedom do we
have when there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of children who are
afraid to tell the police, doctors, and school teachers that they are
sexually abused? Here is a quiz for you:
Who is the USA providing the freedom to?
a) The
pedophiles and crime networks?
b) The honest citizens?
I would say that a person does not have much
freedom if he is so frightened of crime networks, the police, the
government, the doctors, the lawyers, and the journalists that he is
afraid to expose a crime.
Does the United States, Japan, or Europe provide school
teachers with
freedom? I don't think so. Otherwise the teachers would not be under
pressure to lie about the 9/11 attack, the Apollo moon landing, the
Holocaust, the world wars, the attack on the USS Liberty, and who knows
how many other historical events. I would say that a teacher does not have
freedom when he is forced to teach lies and propaganda.
Do scientists
have freedom of speech? If they are under pressure to lie
about global warming, the Apollo moon landing, the 9/11 attack, and the
Holocaust, then I would say they do not
have freedom of speech. I would describe them as frightened and oppressed
victims of a crime network.
What difference does it make if you are being oppressed, abused, and
frightened by a government or by a crime network? The effect on your
life is the same regardless of which group of people is abusing you.
Therefore, why complain about abuse by government
but not about abuse by crime networks?
People often propose fighting the government in order to provide the
people with more freedom, but it is the crime
networks who are abusing
us, not the "governments". We need to be fighting the crime networks.
The Bollyn
children show that we are winning
this battle
I believe that the Bollyn children have been
released from captivity, and I regard this as evidence that we are
beating the Jewish crime network. The Jews
failed with whatever their
plan was for the Bollyn family.
What would have happened to the Bollyn family if none of us had shown
any concern for their safety? My guess is that:
1) The two Bollyn children would have been
sold to the pedophile network, and government officials and journalists
would have raped them at their pizza parties.
2) Christopher and his wife would have been killed, or tortured to
3) The Jews would have laughed about how clever they are, and they
would have been confident to continue kidnapping
people and pretending that they are free and alive. They may have tried
to kidnap me, and who knows how many other people.
Furthermore, all of you who have been fighting this crime network have
been successful in preventing a war with Iran, North Korea, China,
Georgia, the Ukraine, and who knows where else. And a lot of false flag
operations have been sabotaged or prevented. We are winning
after battle. The Jews are losing.
Don't get
discouraged if the victims don't
appreciate you
An interesting aspect to the battle that we are
in with the Jews is that we are certain to save a lot of children from
the pedophile network, and we have already prevented several wars, and
we may have stopped thousands of murders and other
However, we can be certain that some of the people we save from
torture, rape, and death will not
appreciate or understand what we are doing. Some
of the children who are being sold by the pedophile network, for
example, are mentally ill, and some of the people who have been saved
from a war with Iran are criminals and lunatics who don't like us and
don't appreciate us. It is even possible that the Bollyn children do
not appreciate what we are doing for them.
However, you should not be in this battle to save a particular child or
person. This is a battle for the future of the human race
and the planet earth, and your future.
Men have powerful emotional cravings to be a hero to women and
children, but don't let your emotions influence your decisions about
what to do. Don't think of yourself as saving a child from a pedophile
network, or as preventing a war. Think of yourself as freeing
the human race from a crime network, and taking the human
race on a new and better course. The difference might seem
insignificant, but it is important.
If you focus your attention on saving a child, and you are not paying
attention to how we are trying to change the course of the human race,
you could get caught up in activities to become a hero, which can
distract you from the real goal of this battle, which is to bring the
human race to a level that is above the animals.
We need the human race to advance from our
current situation; namely, a world in which nations are constantly
fighting with each other like packs of wild dogs, and in which there
are crime networks preying upon us, like swarms of ticks and
Don't worry about whether the people you save from the crime networks
appreciate your efforts. You should not be trying
to save the victims;
you should be helping us to get rid of the crime networks.
If you focus on
the victims, you can put a lot of time and effort
into saving a
particular person who is of no value, and who
doesn't appreciate
you. The only people who are worth saving are those who are helping
to defeat the network.
It might help you to understand this concept if you consider the
stories, whether true or not, from the Vietnam War in which the
Vietcong would put a child
alone in a canoe, and as the child drifted down the river and cried,
the American soldiers, who wanted to be heroes and save the child, went
out to the canoe, and then they were either shot at by the Vietcong who
were hiding in the bushes, or they were blown up by a bomb that was in
the canoe.
Those troops were trying to save a particular child, not win
battle. The only people worth saving in a battle are the
people who are
helping you to win the battle. The victims
are not important.
This attitude might seem cruel or selfish, but it is the only sensible
policy to win a battle. We have to fight a battle with our intellect,
not our emotions.
To rephrase this philosophy, you should fight only
with the people who are your enemy, and you should save only
the people
who are helping you to defeat the enemy. You should not
be concerned
about the criminals, the retarded people, the sheeple, and the
If you focus on being a hero to the sheeple, then you will put a lot of
effort into saving people who are worthless, and that results in your
wasting your time. It makes you useless in this
battle. It is
equivalent to a person who is saving bags of trash from a house that is
on fire.
Many sheeple promote the philosophy that the military is analogous to a
sheepdog, and that the military should protect the sheep, but the
sheep promote that attitude because they are selfish. The sheeple are
essentially telling us:
"Risk your
lives and do a lot of work for us,
while we sit at home, watch TV, eat excessive amounts of ice cream, and
play games."
Don't be a sucker. Don't think of yourself as a sheepdog who is
protecting sheep. Think of yourself as a group of explorers
adventurers who are going to create a new world for
the human race by
getting rid of the crime networks and corruption. The sheeple who don't
want to help in the battle should be regarded as deserters,
or as
selfish animals. Don't be fooled into thinking that you owe them