Are we making progress? July 20, 2008 Background information; attitudes have changed since 2001A lot of people ask me if we're making progress in stopping the crime network behind 9/11. In 2001 there was tremendous anger towards Arabs and sympathy for Israel.
However, the Internet allowed ordinary citizens to analyze the 9/11 attack
rather than depend on television or newspapers for information.
Unfortunately, the few of us in 2002 who mentioned that Israel was involved in the 9/11 attack were insulted as anti-Semites and Nazis. Most Americans couldn't believe that it was possible for the peaceful, loving Jews to commit such horrendous crimes. Most of us grew up believing that the Jews were innocent victims of
of years of anti-Semitism, and that they become victims over and over because
of jealousy and because Jews are too
peaceful to fight.
However, in the years since 2001, people around the world looked
at the evidence, and today there are millions
of people who know that a global Jewish crime
network is responsible for the 9/11 attack.
The wonderful image that the Jews created for themselves has been permanently destroyed. Some of us wondered what else the Jews were lying about, and so we looked
into other issues, such as Zionism, the banking system, the Holocaust,
the attack on the USS Liberty, and the Apollo moon landing. Soon we were
spreading information about how the Jews are lying to us about those issues,
The Jews refer to us as gullible fools,
but it is the Jews who are disgusting,
not us. And every day thousands more
people discover this information about the Jews. Anger of Israel and Zionism
is increasing around the world, and there's
the Jews can do to stop the information about them from spreading to more
people. Their technique of killing us, threatening us, crying about anti-Semitism,
and pouring out propaganda will only fuel our anger.
It's been more than one year since
Christopher Bollyn has been "hiding". How can anybody continue to believe
that the Bollyn family is merely hiding? It's becoming obvious that they
have been kidnapped by the Jews.
Learn their techniques! One of their successful tricks is to stimulate our emotions to trick us into feeling sorry for them. The Jews have perfected the art of imitating helpless children.
Example: Dr. Henry
Makow, Ph.D
Guess who he claims is involved in the conspiracy to destroy the Jews.... No, it's not the Nazis, or the Islam-o-fascists, or the Neocons... He blames the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers! Is anybody dumb enough to believe his idiotic theory? Probably not,
but he's not trying to appeal to your intellect. He's trying to stimulate
your emotions. This is the typical Jewish trick of imitating
an innocent, helpless child in order to stimulate your mothering or fathering
The Jews praise us and encourage patriotism Our natural tendency is to assume that a person who admires us is our
friend. The Jews use this trick all the time to discourage the soldiers
and their families from asking questions about the war. The Jews referred
to the soldiers as heroes. Here is
a Canadian newspaper that published an opinion with the title "He
died for a good cause":
Most people never wonder, "Why is the media promoting these idiotic articles rather than providing us with serious analyses of the war, the 9/11 attack, and other issues?" Most people assume that people in the media are simply naive, but since
their job is investigating events,
they should know more than the rest
of us. You should assume everybody in the media is a member of the crime
network until proven innocent.
The Jews used him as a prop to encourage patriotism
and fool the Americans into believing that they were dying and suffering
because we are heroes. After the Jews
were finished using Ty Ziegel, they ignored him. He has since been divorced,
but only a few articles
were written about it because he no longer serves a useful purpose to the
Don't let the media get away! The evidence is overwhelming that the media companies are dominated by Jewish criminals and Goyim who are willing to work for the Jews. Don't let the media fool you into thinking that they are innocent victims of the Bush administration, or the corporations, or the CIA. They are lying to us in order to protect the Jewish crime network. Everybody in the media must be investigated and dealt with like every
other criminal. Don't allow them to get away with their crimes.
You shouldn't even purchase the Jewish publications. We should drive them
to bankruptcy.
Don't fall for the patriotism trick
It's acceptable for ordinary people who can't think very well to
give blind obedience to their leaders, but people who claim to be intelligent
should realize that the only way to improve a nation or improve an airplane,
a refrigerator, or computer software is to look
critically at it!
So, are we making any progress? To determine if we're making progress in exposing and destroying the Jewish crime network, just look at the Jews. We can't see anything in improving with the world, but we can see that we're making progress in defeating the Jewish crime network by noticing how they've changed their behavior since 2001. Specifically, they are now struggling to maintain control of us. One of their techniques for controlling us is to have thousands of agents around the world, each appearing to be an independent investigator. Each agent has a slightly different opinion. The Jews don't care which of their agents we follow, as long as we follow one of their agents.
The Jews are in a very difficult situation right now. If they openly talk about the Jewish involvement in these crimes, they will help us expose the Jews, but if they ignore the Jewish involvement, they will make it obvious that they are members of the Jewish crime network.
Many people claim Alex Jones is a Zionist and never talks about Israel... This is for you.People all over the world have noticed that Alex Jones is trying to protect Israel and Zionism, which is why they created the video, but that video only proves that the Zionist Jews are desperate to counteract the growing awareness that Alex Jones is a Zionist agent. If you watch Jones over a span of many months, you'll notice that most of his time is spent blaming other people, such as the Rockefellers or the "Globalists".
If nobody falls for that trick, perhaps he will try blaming the world's problems on the Celtic Zionists, or the Hillbilly Zionists. Every month the pressure increases on the Zionist agents to talk about the Jewish involvement in crimes, but there's a limit on how far they can go before they start hurting themselves. Furthermore, the people who promote Jewish agents are also under pressure. People are starting to become suspicious of the thousands of websites that promote Webster Tarpley, Alex Jones, Daryl Bradford Smith, Michael Savage, Arriana Huffington, Daily KOS, and thousands of other suspicious people. I promoted Alex Jones and Dave von Kleist in my video about 9/11. But
it is now 2008, and it's rather obvious
today that almost everybody in this truth movement is a liar.
I advise you to be suspicious of every
website and person who continues to promote the "truth seekers" who have
shown themselves to be liars. Don't assume those people are naive.
Which Jews are part of the crime network? It's obvious that thousands probably millions! of Jews are involved to some extent with the international Jewish crime network, and possibly millions of Goyim are also working with these Jewish criminals, but many of us know of at least one person with some Jewish ancestry who doesn't seem to be involved with Judaism or Zionism. So which Jews are part of the crime network? Which Jews should be arrested? I think some of the smarter Jews realize that now that the Internet has allowed us to expose them, some Jews must be blamed for 9/11, the Holocaust, and their thousands of other crimes. And I think there is a fight occurring right now between the Jews in regards to who is going to take the blame. There seems to be a tremendous attempt today by the Zionist Jews to
put all the blame on the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the "bankers",
the monarchies of Europe, the Freemasons, and the "Corporations".
Earlier I mentioned that Henry Makow is claiming that the Zionist Jews
are innocent victims of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, and below
are some other recent examples. Please try to understand their tricks so
that you are not fooled by them. Don't allow any Jewish criminal to get
Dr. Harrell Rhome
Notice also that his article is difficult to read. This is not because he's a bad writer. It's because the article wasn't written to inform us of an intelligent concept; rather, it was written to confuse us and spread propaganda. Whenever you find an article that's difficult to read, you have to consider the possibility that it's propaganda. Jeff Rense is one of the people who promotes his articles, and Rense also interviewed him again on 21 July 2008. That should be enough to make you suspicious of Rhome. If you need more reasons to be suspicious, Rhome is a member of the
"Corpus Christi Wicca Witches Druids, etc... Meetup Group". Here is a screen
If you need more reasons to be suspicious of Rhome, he is one of the
editors of The Barnes Review (I have their list here).
They are part of the American Free Press,
which I complain about here.
Alex Jones and Bob Chapman
Also, notice in that audio excerpt that Jones is promoting Dr.
Stanley Monteith, a radio host. I was a guest on Monteith's show a
couple times, but the last time (perhaps a year ago), some of the people
calling in to the show brought up the Zionist involvement in 9/11. Monteith
defended Israel for a while, but he soon became so frustrated that he announced
that the show was over, and he disconnected me.
The Money Masters video
Update November 2008: Pat Carmack separates himself from Bill Still. The Money Masters has excellent information about the banking system
and the Rothschilds. It's a clever trick to direct anger towards the Rothschilds.
But is it clever enough to allow the Zionist Jews to go free? Not
if you help us spread information about these criminal Jews.
Andy Hitchcock
This would explain why Hitchcock continues to be a good friend and supporter
of Daryl Bradford Smith.
Lets's drown the Jewish rats!
The only option the Jews have now is to trick us into thinking that only a few Jews are criminals. So, learn their tricks and don't let any of them get away! And tell other people about this trick. Don't believe the nonsense from Jeff Rense, Daryl Smith, or the other "truth seekers" that "only a few Jews" are criminals. It takes more than a few Jews to manipulate the world's media, schools, police departments, militaries, and governments. I suspect that almost all Jews are involved in this crime network to some extent. Our only protection against their tricks is to demand that everybody
be investigated.
No exceptions!
We are winning! We don't see the world improving, but we can see that the Jewish crime network is failing. After we get rid of the Jewish crime network, then we have the opportunity to start making significant improvements to the world. So don't give up hope. Don't become depressed when your mindless family
members and relatives ignore or insult you.
Do we need the majority on our side? The majority of people are not going to get involved in making the world a better place. Furthermore, most people probably believe the Jewish propaganda that they pick up from the television. However, most people are passive, not active.
This brings up another very important point. When the Jewish crime network
is finally destroyed, we would be fools to let the majority of people tell
us what to do with the world. The decisions of what to do should be made
by those of us who helped make the world a better place.