it risky to eat brains?There are some people who eat brains without showing any signs of health problems, but there is some evidence that at least some people are risking their health when they eat brains. For three examples:
These particular neurological problems are thought to be caused by prions, which are seemingly harmless pieces of common proteins. How is it possible for protein molecules to cause such horrendous problems? Scientists do not yet know. Actually, scientists are still learning about how the toxic molecules produced by spiders, bacteria, fungus, and other creatures are capable of causing pain or death. Are blood transfusions risky? For about a thousand years the Jews have been accused of participating in blood rituals, such as draining children of their blood and then drinking the blood. Today both Jews and non-Jews are also injecting themselves with children's blood. By the end of 2018, a clinic should be open in New York City for wealthy people to purchase children's blood. If we were maintaining a database of everybody's life and health, we would be able to look through it to find out who among us is injecting or drinking children's blood, and that would give us an idea of whether the blood is helping people to live longer or healthier. Unfortunately, the people who are involved with this activity are very secretive about it. ![]() Actually, they are suspicious, not secretive. For example, in the news article I provided a link to (this one), the journalist asked Jesse Karmazin, the CEO of Ambrosia, if he was planning on injecting himself with the blood that the company is offering, but he refused to answer the question. Why didn’t he answer the question? What is he afraid of? Is he looking for wealthy fools to take the role of guinea pigs?
When you inject the blood of a child into your veins, you are putting possibly millions of bits of foreign DNA, RNA, proteins, and other chemicals into your bloodstream. All of those chemicals will bypass your digestive system. If those chemicals interfere with your immune system, then it would be easier for cancer and other diseases to get established. If any of those foreign chemicals interfere with your brain, then it could cause neurological disorders. How genetically similar should we be to the blood donor? It is interesting to note that the wealthy elite are supposedly getting most of their blood from the children of Third World nations. In other words, the wealthy elite are injecting themselves with the blood of a different race of people. Does it matter what race a person is when we inject his blood into our body? How safe is anal sex? A related issue is anal sex. Putting something into your rectum allows it to bypass your digestive system and get directly into your bloodstream. If semen has bits of DNA, RNA, prions, or other chemicals, could that have an effect on a person's health? How safe is anesthesia and surgery? Some people suspect that heart surgery is causing brain damage, at least to some patients. Although some research programs claim that there is no damage, here is an article from February 2001 that claims 42% of patients show a decline in mental ability, and here is a more recent article (Oct 2018) that claims the majority of patients are suffering a decline in mental ability. Our brain should be protected As I have pointed out in previous files, most people do not have an interest in protecting their brain. For example, they don't worry about getting concussions or other types of head injuries. What effect does soccer have on our brains? Perhaps an engineering teacher would like to give his class the project of adding stress gauges to a mannequin, and then measuring the force each student puts on the manikin’s head when they punch it with their fist. They would then hit the manikin with a soccer ball that is traveling at different speeds to create a table of the forces that the soccer ball puts on the manikin.
Can we stop the secrecy and paranoia? If scientists could access a database that has information about our lives and our medical history, we would be able to develop a better understanding of how we are affected by blood transfusions, open heart surgery, and soccer balls. |
you know much about Marquis de Sade?I was a child when I learned that our words "sadism" and "sadist" come from the cruel behavior of Marquis de Sade, but I never knew anything about his life or attitude. He was not a topic of conversation in any of my school classes, or among the people that I knew. I assumed that he was an unusual man who lived long ago, and he did not have any relevance to us. ![]() Recently I saw his name in some Internet document, and I decided to learn more about him. I was surprised to discover that the drawings that express the philosophy of Marquis de Sade, such as the drawing to the right, resemble the descriptions of the murders, tortures, and sexual abuse provided by Katy Groves, David Shurter, Jenny Guskin, and others. Most "truth seekers" are criminals During the past few years, a lot of people have decided to post videos and documents to expose pedophilia or other crimes. Keep in mind an important concept that I learned as a result of exposing the lies about the 9/11 attack. Specifically, almost everybody involved in the "truth movement" are wolves in sheep's clothing. They are criminals who are doing some type of "damage control".
The criminals provide a lot of important information, but they are mixing it with propaganda, minimizing the role of Jews and Israeli government officials, and trying to divert our attention away from people who are truly trying to expose the crimes. I wrote about some of their techniques years ago here. The crime network is gigantic The crime network is much larger than you expect it to be. Many wonderful, honest, friendly, and kind people are actually criminals. For example, almost every "Holocaust denier" is a "Wolf in Nazi Clothing" who is helping the Jews do damage control. They expose only the information that has already been exposed, and they often mix in some false information. Furthermore, they are sometimes set up to be arrested or fired from their jobs in order to give them credibility, so don't be fooled into thinking that the suffering that they endure is proof of their honesty. ![]() They do this to grab your attention and lure you over to their documents and videos in order to prevent you from learning something new. They can be visualized as Pied Pipers who lure the ignorant and gullible people into a "Goy Pen" so that they can control the information that those ignorant people have access to. Don’t blame bad behavior on the environment The Wikipedia says that Marquis de Sade was: Our genetics determines how we compare to other people The environment of a child affects his attitudes, behavior, and goals in life, but the environment doesn't change how he compares to other children. It might help you to understand this concept if you consider how the field of bodybuilding is affected by the environment. Specifically, how hormones, steroids, and exercise equipment affects the bodybuilders.
Don’t get carried away with competitions Incidentally, regarding the imaginary scenario of the two different planets, on the planet that provides the bodybuilders with hormones and drugs, the bodybuilders will spend a lot of their time and money on drugs and sticking needles into themselves. Marquis de Sade had an attitude that is opposite of mine ![]() The philosophy towards life that was promoted by Marquis de Sade is the opposite of what I have been proposing in my documents. I have been advocating self-control, and I have been criticizing the attitude that the key to happiness is doing "whatever feels good" and avoiding whatever annoys us, but that is what he promoted. Two of his remarks are:
If we could measure our desire to please ourselves, we would find that we produce a bell graph. At one extreme would be the people like Marquis de Sade who want to do whatever titillates their emotions regardless of the consequences. The abuse is happening all around us! David Shurter, Jenny Guskin, and the other victims of child abuse bring up a very important issue. Specifically, their families are abusing their children, and sometimes abusing and murdering other people's children, while living among us. |
scum rises to the top of modern society.I think that a lot of the people who rise to the top positions of modern society are emotionally and/or intellectually defective people, not people that we should admire. In previous documents I described the behavior of people in leadership positions as being similar to an animal, but now that I am more aware of Marquis de Sade, I would describe them as having an attitude similar to Marquis de Sade. What is the relationship between Tim Cook and John Podesta? ![]() The photo to the right of Tim Cook and John Podesta would have had no significance to me a few years ago. However, during the past few years there have been so many accusations on the Internet that John Podesta is involved with a pedophile network (one of the first was from Andrew Breitbart in 2011) that I wonder if Tim Cook is also involved with a pedophile network. Why would Rex Tillerson accuse Russia of interfering with our elections? ![]() In February 2018, Rex Tillerson claimed that Russia was interfering with our 2018 elections. At the time Tillerson made that remark, he was working for the Trump administration, and the Trump administration was complaining about the idiotic accusations that the Russians had manipulated the 2016 presidential elections. ![]() How can people who have been promoted to top leadership positions be so incredibly stupid? I suspect that they are not nearly as stupid as they appear to be. |
is only one racist
opinion that we can promote.As you should have noticed, YouTube, Google, Facebook, and other businesses are censoring certain videos, photos, people, and documents. However, you should note that there is one issue that we are allowed to discuss in public without being criticized for being a "racist", or a "supremacist". That issue is the superiority of the Jews.
In my document about Damore, I pointed out that after he got fired, the first person he wanted to be interviewed by was Jordan Peterson. Why not censor Jordan Peterson? YouTube is not deleting Peterson's videos, or accusing him of spreading "Jewish supremacy" or "racism", or complaining that he is insulting other races. |
much longer will we let Jews abuse
us?It should be rather obvious that a group of people who describe themselves as "Jews" are exerting a tremendous influence over the world. They dominate the media in many nations, and are dominating many government agencies, businesses, think tanks, nonprofit institutions, and school systems. They also dominate the investigations of the 9/11 attack, the pizzagate issue, the pedophile networks, and other crimes. It is impossible for all races to be mentally identical All throughout history different groups of people have been insulting their neighbors as "barbarians", or as "violent savages". These insults are partly due to our extreme arrogance, and our natural tendency to fight with our neighbors, but we ought to put some research effort into understanding exactly what is different between the different races of people. I think that the success of the Jews is primarily due to emotional differences, not intellectual differences. For example, a lot of the intellectual achievements that they boast about are the result of plagiarism and einsteinism. Our emotional differences will cause us to want different culture If we could stop the secrecy and create a database of everybody's life, we would eventually discover the subtle differences in the emotional attitudes of the different races of people. We would find that the sexual behavior of different races is slightly different, and that we have slightly different emotional reactions to food, children, status, material items, territorial boundaries, jobs, leisure activities, and other issues. Should we interbreed into just one race? The Israelis want to keep themselves genetically separate from the rest of us, and they want all of us to interbreed and create just one race that they can use as servants and slaves. Why should we follow their selfish, irrational plans? Where is the evidence that all races should mix together and follow the cultural guidelines that the Jews have designed for us? Why should we let the Jews tell us what to do with our lives?
We don't yet even have the ability to create respectable governments or businesses. For example, the law enforcement agencies and courts of the USA are so dishonest, corrupt, and incompetent that they cannot even enforce the do not call list. Our legal system is so ineffective that many people do not even bother to report crimes because they do not believe that the police will protect them from retaliation by criminals. And the USA is not alone in this. A sad example of this problem happening elsewhere is Katie Piper of the UK. We need some dramatic changes We need a completely different group of people in influential positions. We need leaders who understand genetics and evolution, and who have the courage to experiment with our options. And we need leaders with the courage to destroy crime networks, and who will not be intimidated by Jews. |