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The Kastron Constitution

25) Become an explorer

8 May 2024

As with the New Path document, this document is intended to inspire you look forward to experimenting with the "radical" changes that this Constitution proposes, rather than be worried or fearful.

I recently noticed that both documents discuss some of the same issues, although in slightly different manners. I have been working on these documents on and off for a couple years, with lots of interruptions, so they are not as organized as they should be.

A new path can be exciting

Technology is never finished

Engineers cannot create "perfect" products. No matter how much work an engineer puts into the development of a product, it is never truly "finished" because there are always ways to improve it. An engineer has to make a decision about when a product has been developed enough to put it into production. He can then resume his efforts to improve the product. This results in products evolving through the years.

This concept applies to social technology, also. Nobody can create a perfect government system, recreational activity, law, or clothing style. We simply have to make decisions about when we have created something that is useful enough to implement, and then we can resume our efforts to improve it.

No matter how many times I edit my documents, I find sections that I want to rewrite to make less confusing, or I find sections that I want to move or delete. It seems as if my documents are always crude and unfinished, but we must expect everybody's new ideas to be imperfect.

It is important to understand this concept so that we react to imperfections by suggesting improvements, rather than ridiculing the new ideas.

Don't complain about this constitution, improve it!

People who do not understand this concept are likely to react to imperfections with insults. For example, after noticing the inability of surgical robots to do an appropriate job, some people insulted the robots as being worthless, rather than realize that the robots have limited use right now because they are new technology. We should be excited by surgical robots, and look for ways to improve them.

There are also people reacting to the crude aspects of AI software by becoming frightened of it, rather than excited by its potential, or looking for ways to improve it.

This concept applies to culture, also. The documents that I have created for a new culture could not possibly be perfect, but it is senseless to react by insulted the imperfections. Instead, regard these documents as seeds that have been planted, and look for ways to help them to develop.

We no longer have to fear the unknown

We have a strong emotional craving to follow established procedures and be afraid of the unknown. Our mind frightens itself with fantasies of potential problems when we consider doing something that has not been done before.

Our prehistoric ancestors benefited from this fear. For example, if they discovered a dark cave, they would frighten themselves with fantasies of dangerous animals inside it, and that would cause them to be cautious. If they encountered a berry or vegetable that nobody had eaten before, they would frighten themselves with fantasies of getting sick if they were to eat it, and that would cause them to be cautious with it.

Today, however, it is foolish for us to frighten ourselves with potential problems. We cannot ignore the potential problems, but we have the knowledge and technology to deal with our problems. We must suppress our fear of the unknown and make intelligent decisions about what is truly dangerous to us.

This constitution requires us to abandon everything we are familiar with, and join a group of strangers who are essentially traveling to a different planet and creating a completely new culture. This can be especially frightening if our friends and relatives refuse to join us because we are social animals, and we are frightened of being alone.

We must find the courage to abandon the people that we know and start a new life with strangers. Those of us who must make this journey by ourselves might be able to reduce our fear by imagining ourselves walking towards a beautiful city that is full of people who are similar to us.

Whether an exploration is successful or a failure depends upon the people. If we can create a team that can work together for the benefit of the group, we will be able to deal with unexpected problems, and we will enjoy an event that may never occur again in human history. The people in the future are likely to regard it as a spectacular transformation from a crude, ape-like culture to an intelligent, human culture.

A summary of some cultural changes

This constitution is for one city only, Kastron. It creates a culture that is considerably different from all others. Here is a summary of some of the significant differences.

1) Everybody has free access to everything

The city is analogous to a giant mansion, and the citizens are regarded as family members who are sharing the mansion. The homes are analogous to bedrooms; the restaurants are analogous to dining rooms; the clothing businesses are analogous to sewing rooms; the clothing stores are analogous to clothing closets; the factories are analogous to the portion of a garage that has tools and a workbench; the recreational areas are analogous to family rooms; and the parks and swimming areas are analogous to a yard surrounding the mansion.

Just as a home is designed for a specific number of people, the city is designed for a certain number of people, and the population is kept at that level.

Nobody can own any land, water, or buildings. We will share all of the city facilities, services, and material items. Every adult is free to live in any of the vacant apartments, and the city maintains an excess of apartments so everybody can move to another apartment whenever they please. Nobody will own anything except for items we don't want to share, such as certain clothing and medical items.

It is important to realize that many groups of people have tried to create communes or nations in which they share the wealth, but they have all failed, so we must experiment with a different method. Some details are here.

There is only one class of people; a working class

This constitution is based on the theory that we evolved to live among people who are our friends and team members. We did not evolve to be peasants or slaves. However, all existing cultures allow people to become a pampered, wealthy class, and others to become a peasant class.

This Constitution changes that situation by requiring everybody to have a job, be a productive member, and to share everything equally. There is only one class of people; specifically, a working class. Everybody is treated equally, including the people in leadership positions. There will not be any poor people, servants, wealthy people, or "middle class". Nobody gets any special privileges or pampering.

Everybody is a "worker", including the government officials, who are "city employees in a management position".

Since there is only one class of people, the economy will be noticeably different. For example:

None of the businesses will provide products for wealthy people, such as the businesses that produce yachts, mansions, $432,000 handbags, and $150,000 golf clubs.

None of the businesses will produce low-quality items for poor people, such as ugly apartment buildings.

By having only one class of people, everybody will do work that is beneficial to the entire group. This will provide more people with more job satisfaction.

Everybody works for the city, not for a wealthy class

A free enterprise system puts people into competition for profit with no concern for how they make it. This results in people doing work that benefits themselves, but is not necessarily of any value to anybody else, and might even be destructive to society. Some examples are:

The dentist who broke some people's teeth in order to profit by fixing them.

The colleges that offer courses that have no value to students.

The businesses that exploit the people who are lonely, stupid, mentally ill, or desperate to deal with a medical problem by offering them worthless or potentially dangerous products, such as astrology predictions, prayer services, and gambling operations.

Most people in a modern free enterprise system are employees, and they work for the benefit of the owners, executives, and/or investors of the business, not for themselves or society. They are in the role of medieval peasants who are pampering their Kings and Queens.

This constitution is based on the philosophy that humans were not designed to be slaves or servants, and that we will have a more satisfying life, and get more job satisfaction, when we are working for the benefit of our team. This constitution accomplishes that goal by:

Eliminating free enterprise, allowing the city government to control the economy, and giving the government the responsibility of ensuring that all businesses are producing products and services that are beneficial to the city, rather than for the benefit of a small group of pampered people.

Allowing everybody to share the city's material wealth and services, which makes everybody equal in wealth. This will make the city feel as if it is a large group of friends who work for the benefit of one another.

We will get more job satisfaction in this type of economic system because we will do work that is appreciated by our friends, relatives, neighbors, and the future generations. We will be proud of our work, and we will appreciate the businesses, rather than be disgusted with them.

Information about us belongs to the team

Every existing culture provides people with the freedom to keep information about themselves a secret, and to decide what happens to their dead body, such as whether it is buried, cremated, or donated to science.

By comparison, this constitution regards every person as a member of a team, and that information about each person's life as belonging to the human race. There is no "private" or "personal" information, and every person's dead body belongs to the human race.

Nobody has the right to keep secrets about, or deceive people about, their medical or dental issues, job history, marriages, divorces, school records, or previous behavior. And nobody has the right to decide what happens to his dead body. The reason for this policy is that every person today is a member of a world-wide team, and the team benefits tremendously from information about us, and by having the option to investigate or use our dead body.

We are no longer independent savages who take care of themselves. We depend upon millions of people around the world for our modern lives. For example, none of us are feeding ourselves. Rather, we have food to eat because there are millions of people around the world who are producing and distributing food, irrigation systems, fertilizers, trucks, electricity, tractors, and refrigerators.

Likewise, we are no longer independent savages who deal with their medical and dental problems by themselves. Instead, we benefit from people around the world who develop and produce antibiotics, plaster to make casts for broken bones, and dissolvable stitches to close wounds. We benefit from the doctors and dentists, and the people who educate and train people in the medical and dental professions. We benefit from all of the construction workers who build hospitals and offices for doctors, dentists, and medical scientists. We also benefit from the scientists who analyze information about us and provide us with information about diseases, digestion, vitamins, bacteria, and other health issues. We also benefit from the millions of people who are working in factories to provide us with material items.

All of us benefit tremendously by being a member of a giant, worldwide team. However, the people who want to keep information about themselves a secret are interfering with progress by denying doctors, dentists, scientists, engineers, and other people with information about humans.

If each person was a clone of other people, then we could understand humans by studying one individual human. However, each of us is a unique jumble of genetic characteristics, and each of us has a unique jumble of genetic defects, and each of us also lives in a unique environment. Therefore, in order to truly understand humans, we need information about as many people as possible.

We interfere with our understanding of ourselves when we allow people to be secretive, and it is especially detrimental to allow people to deceive us about themselves. In order for us to get a better understanding of humans, we need honest and accurate information about everybody.

Instead of giving people the freedom to choose which information about themselves is private and which is public, this constitution gives everybody the right to know the truth about everybody else. Information about everybody is collected and put into a publicly accessible People database (more details here).

Likewise, instead of giving people the right to choose what happens to their dead body, the human race is given the right to analyze everybody's dead body to understand why they died, or to use their dead body for the benefit of other people, such as for educational purposes, or to provide their skin, liver, or blood to somebody who needs it.

Everybody must meet high standards

Businesses, militaries, and other organizations set high standards for their members, and they evict those who cannot meet the standards. However, nations have such low standards of behavior that some people have been convicted of dozens of crimes during their life, and people are allowed to behave in rude and obnoxious manners without any repercussions. These low standards allow high levels of anger, crime, corruption, fights, fear, suspicions, and accusations. It also causes people to treat one another with more respect while they are working than during their leisure time.

The Behavior Ministry has the responsibility and authority to set standards for citizens. However, they can only have one set of standards, and everybody must meet the standards at both their job and during their leisure time. This will create an environment in which we are treated with respect all the time.

The Courts Ministry has the authority to put restrictions on the people who cannot meet the standards, such as restricting them to certain neighborhoods, jobs, and social activities, and they have the authority to evict a person that they consider him to be too irritating or destructive to tolerate.

This will give the city a social environment that resembles that of a business, orchestra, and other organizations in which the members are required to treat other people and property in a respectable manner.

The goal of the courts ministry is to create a city that is so free of crime and bad behavior that parents have no fear of letting their children play outside, and even drive around in electric vehicles by themselves, including at night.

As described in the legal document, the US constitution promotes Blackstone's ratio, which was a sensible theory when it was created in 1760, but modern technology allows us to favor crime reduction.

The ministers are authorized to use any technology that can help the police identify the person who commits a crime. For example, they can install security cameras anywhere in the city, including cameras that can use facial recognition software and attract people as they move. Furthermore, nobody has any secrecy, so the people database will collect photos, video, voice samples, DNA samples, and whatever else is useful in identifying people.

The goal of the ministers is to have evidence of crimes that cannot be argued with so that there is no doubt about who committed the crime. The ministers are required to keep crime to such a low level that parents have no fear of allowing their children to wander around in the city, including at night. Nobody should worry that their children will be molested, kidnapped, or harassed by badly behaved children.

Humans evolved to live among people that we can trust. Women and children have a natural desire to trust adult men, and look to them for guidance. Therefore, the men who cannot behave properly must be evicted. The dangerous women and children must also be evicted. Nobody is allowed to try to fix the badly behaved people with punishments, rehabilitation programs, electric shocks, or any other technique.

The city should feel as if it is our home, and and the people in the city should feel as if they are our friends. We should not fear one another.

When we live among people that we fear, we are putting ourselves into an unnatural, miserable environment, similar to the mice in the utopia experiment. Therefore, crime reduction is an important aspect of this constitution.

To further reduce crime, none of the organizations can be secretive, and the people in influential positions cannot hide what they do at their job. For example, in the USA, the police cannot inspect embassies, synagogues, churches, businesses, charities, or other organizations without getting approval from a court, which requires that they collect evidence that a crime has been committed.

Furthermore, the police departments need a court order, if they could even get one, to inspect the offices of the FBI, military, CIA, and other police departments.

This constitution changes the situation dramatically by creating a city that is essentially a giant business, or a large family. The executives of a business do not need permission from a court to inspect one of their departments or warehouses, and parents do not need permission from a court to inspect one of the rooms in their home.

The ministers create businesses and other organizations, and they belong to the city. The organizations are not independent entities that can do as they please. The ministers do not need to get permission to inspect an organization, including other government agencies.

Reproduction is a not a right, privilege, or freedom

Many nations have laws that prohibit the breeding of animals that are defective, but no society has restrictions on the breeding of defective humans. Every culture is more concerned about the genetic health of animals than humans.

When we reproduce, we are creating life, which puts us into the role of a god. However, most people have no concern about the genetic health of their children, or the quality of their lives.

Imagine if God had no concern about the genetic health of the humans. Imagine God filling the Garden of Eden with random sample of the people who exist today, such as people with ugly faces, crooked teeth, mental illness, migraine headaches, and digestive problems. In such a case, there would be areas within the garden that resemble the miserable sections of our cities, such as Kensington Avenue (below).

We would be disgusted with God if had filled the Garden of Eden with people who were as defective, violent, dishonest, sickly, and miserable as people are today.

We are disgusted by people breed genetically defective pet dogs, but we are not disgusted by people who reproduce when they are aware that they have a serious inheritable genetic disorder. They reproduce because they want to titillate their craving for children, and they don't care about the quality of their children's lives. They are only concerned with their own entertainment.

This constitution considers that lack of concern about the quality of a child's life to be selfish, abusive, and animal-like. This constitution considers a person to be cruel to provide life to children who are going to suffer.

This Constitution doesn't give anybody the "right" or the freedom to reproduce. Instead, the Reproduction Ministry passes judgment on who can reproduce, and how many children they can have. This is described in more detail in this and this document, and this document provides historical evidence to support this policy.

Immigration is by invitation

Our prehistoric ancestors lived in small, homogeneous groups, just like other wild animals. Although they occasionally accepted an immigrant, or a child that they found, or a child or woman that they kidnapped from a neighboring tribe, almost everybody in a tribe had very similar mental and physical characteristics. Also, they spoke the same language, ate the same foods, and followed the same culture.

Furthermore, the brutal competition for life eliminated almost all of the defective children, resulting in adults who were in good mental and physical health.

During the past few thousand years, the situation has changed significantly because no society has shown much concern for who is immigrating into their group, or why they are immigrating into the group. People today are also adopting the unwanted children from other nations with no concern about their genetic quality.

Nations today, especially the USA, have become an unfriendly mixture of people with incompatible religions, languages, clothing styles, and political beliefs.

We are also living among crime networks, Zionist organizations, religious missionaries, charities, feminist organizations, and other groups that are struggling to manipulate, exploit, or dominate us.

We no longer have a friendly, relaxed social environment. Our nations resemble a gathering of unfriendly animals around a pond of water. Just like those animals, we are suspicious and fearful of one another, and occasionally fight, kill, and cheat one another.

This constitution changes that situation by giving the government the authority and responsibility of ensuring that all of the people in a city are following the same culture, and that all people have compatible mental and physical characteristics. Nobody has the right to immigrate into another city. Immigration is by invitation only, and the Courts Ministry has the authority to evict an immigrant if they determine that he doesn't fit in properly.

Everybody gets job performance reviews

Many employees are given routine job performance reviews, and employees are fired for incompetence, dishonesty, and bad attitudes. However, no society is critical of their leaders.

The reason we are so tolerant of badly behaved leaders is because we inherited an animal's emotional craving to become submissive to whoever happens is above us in the social hierarchy.

Furthermore, animals acquire their leadership position through fighting and intimidation. Therefore, the animals consider it "normal" for leaders to fight with, and sometimes kill, their competitors. Animals do not consider violent behavior to be "bad" behavior. Animals do not consider a leader to be "cheating" when he gets into a leadership position through violence.

Modern human societies must change that attitude. We no longer benefit from leaders who are the best fighters. We need leaders who can provide us with the best analyses of our problems; the courage to experiment with improvements; the ability to face criticism; and a willingness to allow competitors to have a fair chance. We must prohibit people from getting into leadership positions through violence, intimidation, blackmail, inheritances, bribery, or censorship.

Modern humans must suppress their craving to become submissive to whoever happens to be our leader. We must push ourselves into treating our leaders as "employees of the city who are in a management job." We must give them routine job performance reviews, just like other employees, and we must push ourselves into firing and replacing the leaders who do the worst job.

This Constitution requires the voters to give routine job performance reviews to the people they elect. Since women are more submissive than men, voting is restricted to men, but only to the men who have demonstrated an above-average ability to suppress their craving to become submissive to their leaders to such an extent that they can treat their leaders as employees of the city. The voters must be able to treat our leaders in the same manner that we treat factory workers, gardeners, and farmers.

Everybody is accountable for their actions

The employees at the bottom of the social hierarchy, such as factory workers, waitresses, plumbers, farm workers, stewardesses, and retail clerks, are under pressure to do their job properly, put a lot of effort into their work, and behave in a respectable manner.

However, the people who are higher up in the hierarchy tend to get special treatment because of our craving to be submissive to our leaders. This allows people in leadership positions to be incompetent and dishonest without anybody demanding that they be replaced.

To make the situation more absurd, the Alzheimer's organization in the UK posted this document to suppress attempts to pass judgment on whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden have dementia or some other mental problem.

People are extremely critical of waitresses, stewardesses, and retail store clerks, but we ignore the mental problems and crimes of the people in influential positions.

That attitude is the opposite of what we need. We should demand that the people in leadership positions meet the highest standards. The reason is because they have much more of an influence over our lives and our future than the factory workers.

Factory workers are so low in the social hierarchy that nobody has a problem giving them a job performance review, or replacing those that are incompetent. In order to provide ourselves with better leadership, we must restrict voting to the men who have the ability to treat our leaders in the same manner as we treat factory workers.

This constitution regards everybody as a team member of equal status, regardless of what their job is. The people in management positions are held accountable for what they do just like the factory workers. Actually, the people in leadership positions must meet higher standards (described next).

Leaders must meet higher standards

Although everybody is a "city employee", some employees have more of an effect on our lives than others, and those employees must meet higher standards. For example, the business executives, journalists, teachers, and government officials have much more influence than a factory worker.

It is more important for us to have high quality leaders than to have high quality factory workers. Therefore, the people with the influential jobs must meet higher standards.
More details are here.

Children are regarded as immigrants

More details are here.
We must pass judgment on the quality of our minds

This Constitution requires everybody be treated equally, but people are not considered to be identical in their physical or mental abilities or limitations. Instead, each of us is a unique jumble of mental and physical characteristics.

Furthermore, the majority of people are "ordinary" in their physical and mental abilities, and only a small percentage can truly be described as "intelligent".

By acknowledging that each person is unique, and that most people are average or below-average in their intelligence, this culture has some dramatic differences compared to all existing cultures. Three examples are juries, jobs, and voting.

1) Juries

The concept that a group of people selected at random will be able to provide us with intelligent analyses of crimes is as idiotic as expecting a group of random people to provide us with an intelligent analysis of microprocessors, viruses, or magnetism.

This constitution does not allow court cases to be settled by people who are selected at random. There are no juries. Instead, the decisions are made by judges who must meet high standards. More about this here.


Since the majority of people have ordinary or below-average intelligence, we cannot expect them to provide us with intelligent decisions about who to elect to the government. Therefore, this constitution restricts voting to a few men who have demonstrated excellent abilities to analyze leaders and policies. More about this here.


Since everybody has slightly different mental and physical abilities and limitations, managers are expected to adjust jobs to fit a particular person's mental and physical characteristics, including temporary characteristics, such as pregnancy. Also, this constitution encourages part-time jobs.

We are team members, not enemies

Copyrights and patents are prohibited

No person or organization is allowed to copyright or patent anything, including paintings, scientific theories, recreational activities, music, math formulas, clothing styles, food recipes, and software.

Everything that we create belongs to the human race. There are no exceptions, and it does not matter whether a individual citizen created the item during his leisure time, or an organization created it.

Nobody can own or control school books, sculptures for city plazas, the narration for video documentaries, repair manuals, oil paintings, images created by AI software, music, clothing styles, food recipes, recreational activities, the lyrics to a song, or the instructions for using a particular medical drug.

Businesses can keep technology a secret while they develop it, but when they are finished, all of the engineering diagrams, source code, and other information is given to the human race.

Nobody can stop people from making modifications of something he created, and nobody can demand royalties – or any type of favor – in return for providing the world with his creation.

People get credit for their ideas

By eliminating copyrights and patents, nobody has to be secretive about ideas for new culture or products. Everybody gets credit for useful ideas, even if other people quickly find ways to improve it. This will allow people to have discussions about new ideas without fear that somebody will steal their idea. For example, a person could post a question like this:

Can a zoom lens determine how bad our eyesight is?
The eye doctors are currently determining what strength of lens we need for eyeglasses by making us wear an uncomfortable fixture in which they repeatedly place a different strength of lens and ask us whether it improves or degrades our vision.

Would it be possible for us to instead look through some type of zoom lens, and adjust it until we can see properly, and then look at how we have adjusted the lens to determine the strength of the lens we need in eyeglasses?

Another example, which is mentioned in here (drawing at the right), is that a technician could discuss his idea for improving bolts on an Internet message board. If it turns out that his idea is useful, he will get credit for it, even though he had no idea if his idea was possible, and did not have the engineering knowledge to experiment with such a concept.

Furthermore, if his idea turns out to be useless, but it evolves into something beneficial, then he will get credit for initiating a useful idea.

This concept is similar to a person who puts some tomato seeds in the ground, and then other people come along to water the seeds, and then other people come along to take care of the plants, and then other people come along to harvest the tomatoes.

Although the person who planted the seeds didn't do much work, and he may not have known how to take care of the tomato plants, he should get credit for starting the process of producing the tomatoes.

The credit will be in the form of a remark in his database entry that shows that he was successful in creating a beneficial idea. That credit improves his "social credit score". It can help him get certain types of jobs, and it will improve his reputation, which will cause other people to give his future ideas more consideration compared to the people who have failures listed in their database entry.

Artists are city employees

In a free enterprise system, a person can become an artist by creating something and then selling it. However, this constitution does not allow people to create businesses, and there is no money. A person can create art at one of the social clubs that does arts and crafts, but he cannot sell his art.

Furthermore, only the ministers can authorize decorations for the city. Therefore, a person such as Banksy would be regarded as a criminal, not as an artist, and he risks being evicted.

If a person wants to have a job as an artist, he must hope that one of the ministers has created a business in which there is a need for an artist, and he has to apply for the job.

The people who are hired as artists must create the art that the city has authorized them to create. The art that they create belongs to the city, not to them. They cannot control how it is used, or whether it is changed by another artist in the future. They are treated just like a farmer who produces apples but cannot control what we do with those apples. Nobody owns what they create, or can control it.

No artist creates anything by himself

Since most artists work by themselves, they tend to regard their creations as their own personal possessions, similar to how a mother regards her baby as her personal possession. However, no artist is truly creating anything by himself. Rather, every artist is building on the work of other people.

We contribute to the work of other people

The concept that we build on the work of other people applies to everybody, not just artists and authors. For example, a farmer who grows peaches is using farming information that was developed over centuries by a lot of people who put a lot of time and effort into farming. He is also using machines, fertilizers, diesel fuel, and other resources that other people provided to him. He is also growing peaches that were bred by businesses to produce better peaches than those that are natural.

A modern farmer can produce an enormous amount of peaches because he is a member of a very large team of people. He is not an isolated individual who is working on his own. When he grows peaches, those peaches are not "his" creation. Rather, the peaches are the end result of the work of many people, including many people from previous generations.

A farmer should regard his peaches as belonging to the team that helped him to produce the peaches.

This Constitution does not support the arrogant and selfish attitude that a person or business should have control of the items or technology they produce. Instead, this Constitution regards every person as contributing to society.

Everybody is required to contribute

The life that we want today requires a lot of people to work to provide homes, computers, clothing, foods, medical technology, and thousands of other products and services. Unfortunately, a lot of people want to be pampered by servants rather than do "work". They want to "work smart", not "work hard". Some of them even insult the people who work as doing "nigger work".

This Constitution allows people to share the wealth, and that requires that everybody contribute to it. We will create a miserable social environment if we allow some of the people to be parasitic or pampered.

Everybody in Kastron either contributes some useful work, or they are evicted. The only exceptions are the people who become incapable of working as a result of injuries, diseases, or old age.

A policy of evicting people who cannot contribute will cause some people to suffer from a fear of eviction, but that fear is an unavoidable side effect of the policy, not the purpose of it.

Businesses and other organizations evict the members who cannot contribute to it, but they do not evict them in order to punish them, or to create a fear among the other employees that they will be evicted if they don't behave properly. Rather, they evict the unproductive and disruptive members in order to get them out of the team. Some of the members might be in a constant state of fear of being evicted, but that is a side effect of the policy, not the purpose of it.

Everybody is encouraged to find improvements to culture

Since all of the artwork, software, paintings, songs, material items, food recipes, and other technology and culture belongs to all of us, everybody is free to look for ways to improve it and make variations of it. Nobody has to ask anybody for permission to modify something.

This policy will increase the speed at which we improve our art, documentaries, music, software, city plazas, bicycle paths, holiday celebrations, food recipes, and all other technology and culture that is currently inhibited by copyrights, royalties, and patents.

However, everybody is expected to acknowledge that they are modifying other people's work rather than ignore or suppress those other people. Everybody should get credit for what they do. Nobody should take credit for, ignore, suppress, or minimize somebody else's work.

If a person makes a modification or improvement of somebody else's song, painting, software, clothing style, food recipe, robot, microscope, 3D printer, or recreational activity, and if he claims to be the only person involved with its creation, he is guilty of einsteining the person.

Everybody should get credit for their contributions, even if somebody else quickly finds a way to improve it.

Everybody benefits from this policy because it will increase the speed at which our technology and culture improves, and it will provide us with more variety. Years ago I used van Gogh's Starry Night painting as an example of how this concept will provide us with more variety in art.
Special privileges are destructive

Leaders do not have special privileges or pampering

One of the problems with the existing and previous government systems is that they provide the leaders of society with a lot of special privileges, such as extreme wealth, extreme secrecy, and better treatment by the courts, police, banks, schools, and other organizations.

Animals did not evolve to have special privileges. The leader of a group of animals does not get any kind of special treatment. Instead, the leader of a group of animals could be described as having the worst treatment of all members of the group. The reason is because the leader of a group of animals is under constant pressure from the other males to prove that he deserves to be their leader. This results in the leader frequently getting involved with battles, which results in him frequently becoming scratched, kicked, bitten, and injured. The leader can never relax; he must always defend his position.

Humans evolved for that environment, and we should re-create it by putting all of the people in leadership positions under pressure to continuously prove that they deserve to be a leader. They should not be given any special treatment or privileges. Two reasons that it is detrimental to provide people in leadership positions with special treatment are:

1) Special treatment puts us into an unnatural environment that encourages arrogance and selfishness. This is true of both children and adults. The children who get special treatment often become spoiled brats.

When we give leaders special treatment, we cause the people who are attracted to the special treatment to be attracted to leadership position simply because they want the special treatment.

For example, Donald Trump is still giving speeches to crowds of people in 2024, even though he has not been president since 2020. He shows more of an interest in standing in front of crowds of people and listening to their applause than in analyzing world problems, discussing issues with us, providing us with advice, or experimenting with improvements.

His behavior suggests that he wants to be president only to satisfy his craving for attention and status, not because he is interested in dealing with the nation's problems.

Likewise, many of the people who became business executives seem to have been attracted to that job because they have extreme (or neurotic) cravings for status and wealth, not because they have a desire to improve our lives by developing better products or services.
I wrote about this concept in many documents, such as here and here and here)

Leadership should be considered difficult, not exciting

Many people are attracted to leadership jobs because they are attracted to the status and the pampering. Therefore, we will get better candidates for government when we eliminate the special privileges, treat our leaders as city employees, and routinely replace the worst performing leader. Leadership should be considered a difficult job, not an exciting job.

We must resist the urge to
become submissive to our leaders.

The Teentown document explains that the teenagers must be given practice taking the role of a leader to a group of other teenagers. One purpose of those exercises is to allow the teenagers to practice resisting the urge to be submissive to leaders, and push themselves into treating their leaders as "employees who have management duties".

Those exercises will also help the teenagers understand that leadership is a difficult job that is appropriate only for the small percentage of the population who has an above-average desire and ability to analyze problems, explore the unknown, listen to criticism, and experiment with new ideas.

The teenagers are also required to analyze one another's leadership abilities, and pass judgment on which of them is the worst leader. That will get them accustomed to passing judgment on people in leadership positions, and replacing the worst performing leaders.

The teenagers are also taught that leaders should be put under more pressure than an ordinary employee because leaders have more of an influence over other people's lives.

The existing cultures give special treatment to people in leadership positions, which makes leadership positions appealing to people with extreme cravings for status. To improve upon that situation, this Constitution prohibits leaders from giving speeches in front of crowds of people who applaud and cheer them.

It is also forbidden to provide leaders with red carpets to walk on, as in the photo to the right.

The people in leadership positions must use the same transportation systems, furniture, buildings, walkways, and other items that everybody else uses.

Our leaders must also meet higher standards than ordinary people. They should be under more pressure to control their arrogance, selfishness, sexual cravings, and other emotions.

There should be fewer complaints about sexual harassment, pedophilia, dishonesty, lewd remarks, and other bad behavior among our leaders, which is the opposite of what we have today.

We must also routinely replace the worst performing leader so that somebody else has the opportunity to test his talents. We must prevent the problem that has been occurring all throughout history in which leaders suppress, murder, blackmail, or intimidate their competitors in order to remain in their position throughout their life.

Voters must be under pressure to prove themselves

Every society considers voting to be a simplistic task that every adult is qualified for, but this constitution regards a voter as being a leader of society because they are choosing government officials who have tremendous influence over our lives and future.

The voters should be under constant pressure to prove that they deserve to be a voter, and they should be under more pressure than farmers, plumbers, and doctors.

However, every society is doing the opposite. Specifically, the waitresses, stewardesses, sales clerks, and other people at the bottom of the social hierarchy are under more pressure. Furthermore, the stewardesses, waitresses, and other people have to apply for their position. They cannot take those jobs simply by turning 18 years old.

This constitution requires people to apply for the job of a voter, and they must qualify for that position. They must show that they have an above-average ability to provide intelligent analyses of political candidates, and intelligent job performance reviews of government officials.

Everybody must earn what they want

During prehistoric times, there were no parasitic people. Everybody had to work every day, and all of the children had to learn how to take care of themselves. Modern technology has changed that situation dramatically by allowing people to become parasitic. For example:

Technology allows parents to become so wealthy that they can provide their children with inheritances that are so large that the children don't have do any work.

Technology makes it so easy for us to produce food and material items that it is easy for governments to provide welfare programs.

This constitution requires all children to learn a useful skill. No child is allowed to have special privileges or pampering, regardless of who his parents are. Every child must become an adult who contributes to society. Since nobody can own anything other than a few personal items, inheritances are impossible.

Children need training programs, not pampering

Many parents believe that the best way to raise children is to pamper them with toys, praise, trophies, awards, entertainment, and sweet foods. In the USA, most schools do not require the children to participate in the cleaning of the classrooms, or the maintenance of the playgrounds. Most parents also believe that they are protecting their children from harm by censoring information about sex, childbirth, surgeries, and digestion.

This constitution has a different attitude. Children are regarded as animals that have a mind and body that was designed to adapt to its environment, and that requires exposing children to reality.

In order for our bones and muscles to develop properly, we need a certain amount of exercise, and in order for our mind to develop properly, we need to experience reality, which includes nudity, criticism, disappointments, problems, and failures.

Pampering children is as destructive as raising an animal in a small, isolated room that prevents it from getting exercise, and prevents it from learning how to interact with other animals.

The Schools and Teentown Ministries are required to prepare children for adulthood by exposing them to the issues that they need to deal with as adults.

Society has priority over entertainment

When given freedom, most people choose entertainment

Animals want to titillate themselves, not learn, think, or work. As a result, the public provides tremendous financial support for entertainment activities, such as Hollywood movies, gambling, automobile racing, strip clubs, religion, pet animals, jewelry, status items, pornography, video games, and television.

However, there is not much support to modernize our industries, improve the vocational courses in the schools, increase the funding for research into human health issues, or put telephone and electric power lines underground. There is even less support from the public to deal with unpleasant issues, such as pedophile networks, human trafficking, illegal immigrants, and government corruption.

The welfare of the human race is more important

This constitution changes the situation by requiring the government to give first priority to society rather than the entertainment of the public.

The government has total control of the economy, so the government determines which products are put into production, which services are provided, and which research programs are supported. However, the government must make decisions according to what will provide us with the most satisfying life, not according to what we want.

This allows the government to reduce or eliminate the funding of products and research that they regard as not very beneficial. For example, they have the authority to reduce or terminate the gambling operations, jewelry production, movies, and pet products. They can also authorize research programs that the public is not interested in, such as certain health issues, educational robots, and recycling technology.

It is acceptable to deny what people want

In order for a government to make decisions about which products and research programs are best for society, the government must ignore what people want. This puts the government into a similar role as the manager of a zoo, or the parents of young children.

This requires us to change our attitudes towards life, happiness, and leaders. Specifically, it requires us to realize that our leaders are not cruel when they deny us something that we want.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to figure out what will provide us with the best life. Therefore, our leaders must experiment with our culture in an attempt to figure out what is most beneficial for us. This requires leaders who have the courage to experiment with culture, and who are able to look critically at themselves and their experiments. We cannot have submissive representatives, or leaders who want to be pampered Kings and Queens.

What we want is not what we need

This Constitution is based on the theory that our emotions are inappropriate for our modern world, so we cannot assume that what we want is what will provide us with the best life. We must ignore our emotional cravings and experiment with ourselves to figure out what is the most beneficial for us.

We must consider what our emotions want, but we must be use our intelligence to make the final decisions.

We rarely practice what we preach

Many people during the past few thousand years have noticed that when people have nothing to do, they tend to do something idiotic or worthless, and sometimes dangerous or detrimental. This concept has been expressed in different manners, such as:

The devil finds work for idle hands.
Do something, so that the Devil may always find you busy.
Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
An idle brain is the devil's workshop.

Although a lot of people repeat expressions like those, not many people believe that the concept applies to them. Instead, most people fantasize about becoming so wealthy that they can become one of those idle people.

We are so arrogant that we believe that if we could quit working, we would find something beneficial to do.

This is another example of how people mimic expressions that they either don't understand, or refuse to apply to themselves. It is similar to the people who mimic the phrase, "money doesn't buy happiness," while they struggle for, fantasize about, and sometimes cheat, to get more money.

We do not enjoy being pampered

If a person truly understood the concept that "an idle brain is the devil's workshop", and if he had the ability to realize that it applies to all humans and animals, including himself, he would not waste his life fantasizing about becoming so wealthy that he could quit working.

Instead, he would fantasize about living in a society in which he could be a productive team member who works with his friends for the benefit of everybody. He would fantasize about impressing his friends with his achievements, rather than with his yacht, goldplated cell phone, butler, and diamond jewelry.

Furthermore, a person who truly understood that expression would not pamper his children, or provide them with large inheritances. Instead, he would teach his children to learn a useful skill, learn how to take care of themselves, and earn what they want in an honest manner.

We need to “suffer” in order to enjoy life

Our emotions cause us to fantasize about doing what we want to do, but we get more enjoyment from life when we are under pressure to work, especially when we can work with our friends. We get more enjoyment from life when we must "suffer".

Prehistoric humans could not avoid work, so they never had to deal with this issue, but technology allows a significant percentage of our population to be pampered parasites. This requires modern humans to have the intelligence and education to understand these concepts, and have the emotional ability to require that everybody be a useful team member.

The people who promote doing "what they want to do" are a detrimental influence because they encourage people to become selfish, bored, unhappy parasites. They are monkeys in a human world.

Instead of trying to avoid work, we should experiment with our jobs and work environments in order to provide as many people as possible with a job that they enjoy, and which other people appreciate.

Are bored, parasites trying to take over the world?

There are lots of accusations on the Internet of a group of wealthy people plotting to create a "New World Order", but their plot doesn't show signs of intelligence. For example, instead of of attracting people to their organization by impressing us with intelligent analyses and suggestions, they seem to recruit people with deception, murder, blackmail, intimidation, threats, bribery, and false flag operations.

Those are the techniques of criminals who don't have the intelligence to achieve their goals in an honest manner.

Who is responsible for starting the New World Order? Who is in control of it today? How many of the people who joined the organization know the truth about their organization? How many of their members know who is in control of it? How many of their members know whether their leaders are involved with a pedophile network?

Although we may never know the details of how it got established, and what changes it went through during the centuries, a lot of the people who decided to join the organization might have been wealthy people who were bored, and who decided to get involved with a plot to take over the world through false flag operations, murders, and other crimes. If so, those people would be an excellent example of the expression, The devil finds work for idle hands.

We prefer to mimic instead of think

Most, or all of us, have wasted some of our life on idiotic, worthless, or dangerous activities as a result of our strong desire to mimic other people. We often refer to this situation as following a fad, peer pressure, craze, fashion, tradition, or trend.

During prehistoric times, children learned their culture by mimicking the adults. Nobody had to be concerned with what the children were mimicking because their culture had not yet been contaminated by religions, and Zionists, feminists, businesses, whiny minorities, or mentally disturbed people. Their most idiotic activity was probably tattooing themselves.

Today, however, we are living among people who are promoting a wide variety of conflicting concepts and customs, and some of it was designed to manipulate or exploit us. Today we must pass judgment on whether we are mimicking sensible culture, and if not, do something to improve it.

Therefore, this Constitution gives the government total control of culture. For example, the Leisure Ministry is authorized to prohibit activities they regard as worthless or destructive, and the Schools Ministry is responsible for identifying the children who are a bad influence on the others, and they must separate them from the other children.

Arrogance causes us to abuse ourselves

We have a strong attraction to democracies and free enterprise systems because we are arrogant creatures who want other people to be submissive to us. We want to give orders to other people, not listen to them.

Our arrogance is also the reason that parents pressure schools into providing the curriculum that they personally want. This is why so many schools are under pressure to promote the fantasy that a god created humans, or that we are like pieces of clay that molds itself to the environment.

People are so certain that they know the best school curriculum that they have no desire to discuss the issue, do research about it, or conduct experiments with it.

Our arrogance also causes us to want journalists to be submissive. Almost everybody becomes upset if a news report tells them something they don't want to hear. This results in people listening only to the news reports that they like, thereby denying themselves the benefit of learning from alternative opinions.

Some people boast that they get a variety of opinions because they get their news from several different television businesses or newspapers, but they are looking at trivial variations of what they want to believe. They look at a truly different opinion only when they want to insult or criticize it.

Those of us who have tried to expose the lies about the 9/11 attack have encountered this many times. Specifically, most people refuse to look at the information. However, many of those people boast about how they enjoy learning about alternative opinions. They are so arrogant that they don't notice their hypocrisy.

Most people avoid whatever they don't like. They behave like a child who boasts about enjoying a variety of foods, but refuses to eat some of his meals.

The people who refuse to look at critical or different opinions are censoring and abusing themselves, and they will suffer just as much as if the government, Facebook, or Google was censoring their information. There is not much of a difference between these people:

A North Korean citizen who is given censored information by his government.

An American or European citizen who ignores the information that he dislikes.

In order for us to get an accurate understanding of the world, produce intelligent thoughts, develop new technology, and improve our culture, we must be willing and able to look at different opinions, and be critical of ourselves.

The North Korean citizens are unable to get a difference of opinion because their government censors information, whereas the Americans and Europeans are able to get different opinions but are unwilling to do so.

Adults need leadership, not pandering

Every adult believes that he knows what he wants, and that he has created the most brilliant opinions, but none of us knows what is best for us, and most people's brilliant opinions are just a collage of bits and pieces of other people's opinions.

If everybody was mimicking sensible beliefs and activities, then we would not need leaders to watch over us, but all of us sometimes mimic idiotic or dangerous beliefs and activities. For example, every person who is religious picked up his beliefs from other people. He believes that he knows the truth about the universe, but in reality he is behaving like a child who mimics information that he doesn't understand.

Likewise, many women picked up bits and pieces of feminist attitudes. Those women believe that they have figured out the truth about men and women, but they are also behaving like children who have picked up bits and pieces of information that they don't understand.

Everybody would benefit by having leaders who observe our culture, pass judgment on the value of our activities and beliefs, and pressure us into changing those that are detrimental or worthless. This requires leaders who understand that they are not hurting a person by providing him with constructive criticism, or by denying him something that he wants.

Our leaders must investigate why we do what we do. They must pass judgment on whether we are truly enjoying it, or whether we are doing it because we are mimicking somebody, or because we are bored, or because we are unhappy and are looking for a way to bring some pleasure into our dreary lives.

For example, when our leaders notice that a lot of people are developing a desire for pets, masturbation, candy, or some type of dangerous activity, they should not assume that those people have just discovered a wonderful and beneficial activity. Instead, our leaders should investigate to determine whether the activity is beneficial, and to determine why they are doing it.

Our leaders must realize that people often do something only because they are mimicking other people, or because they are miserable.

Furthermore, if they determine that the people are unhappy, then they must consider the possibility that their unhappiness is the result of the government making inappropriate changes to the city's social environment, in which case they need to undo whatever they did to the city's culture, and experiment with something else.

This concept is most obvious with children. For example, when school officials do not provide proper guidance to the children, it can result in the children becoming sloppy, noisy, and irresponsible.

Most school officials understand this concept, and they occasionally adjust the school's social environment in order to improve the behavior of the children. However, no society is applying this concept to adults.

For example, when divorces increase, or when people spend more time masturbating, or when there is an increase in the number of people with pet dogs, no government considers the possibility that the social environment is deteriorating, and that they need to experiment with improvements to our culture.

We cannot solve problems with invalid base concepts

When a farmer notices that his animals are spending more time fighting or masturbating, he will assume that there is something wrong with their environment, and he tries to figure out how to improve the situation. However, no culture is applying this concept to humans.

In order for us to improve our lives, we must acknowledge the evidence that humans are a species of ape, and that we follow all of the same rules that animals follow. The people who refuse to acknowledge this will constantly give us idiotic explanations and solutions to our problems.

For example, some psychologists recently published this document in which pointed out that the children who were lonely prior to the age of 12 were more likely to have alcohol problems as an adult. Their conclusion was that:
Intervening in childhood loneliness could prove useful in inhibiting the pathway to emerging adulthood alcohol misuse.

Psychologists believe that we can improve a person's behavior by altering his environment. Although the environment has an effect on our behavior, and it is important to provide ourselves with an environment that encourages good behavior and dampens bad behavior, we must acknowledge that humans behavior is also affected by our genetic characteristics.

There are certainly a lot of ways of altering our environment to reduce alcohol consumption, such as terminating the custom of encouraging alcohol at weddings and other social events, but the people who have problems with alcohol are suffering because of their genetic characteristics, not the environment.

The psychologists believe that we can reduce alcohol problems by "intervening in childhood loneliness", but even though there are certainly lots of ways of altering our environment to reduce the loneliness of children, no matter what we do to the environment, the genetic variations between us will result in some children being social misfits.

No matter what our environment is, there will be some children who are ugly, deformed, stupid, and have bizarre behavior, and those children will have trouble fitting in with the other children.

To complicate the issue, some of the children who are exceptionally intelligent, talented, honest, or responsible can become lonely misfits because they can be bullied for being nerds, goody two shoes, or the teacher's pet.

Loneliness will have an effect on a child's attitude, but it cannot cause a child to be an alcoholic. A lot of us were lonely as children, but we reacted differently to it, partly because we had slightly different environments, but mainly because we have different genetic characteristics.

If it is true that a lot of the adults who have problems with alcohol had lonely childhoods, their attraction to alcohol would not be because they were lonely. It is more likely that their attraction to alcohol is due to a genetic disorder, and that disorder also caused them to be social misfits.

For example, if a child is suffering from some a bipolar problem, he will have trouble socializing no matter what the environment is. He might enjoy becoming intoxicated because that might reduce some of his misery. If so, we cannot help those children become less lonely because their loneliness is due to their mental disorder, not the environment.

Likewise, some adults might be attracted to alcohol because it helps them to relax around people, and without the alcohol, they may be too awkward or introverted to socialize. Therefore, there would be no way to help those children become less lonely because they would be suffering from a genetic disorder of their personality.

The psychologists, religious fanatics, feminists, and other anti-genetic people, are continuously failing to improve our lives and relationships because they refuse to acknowledge that human behavior is primarily due to our genetic characteristics, and that the environment affects us only to the extent that our genetics allow it to it affect us.

Everybody is capable of contributing to our future

Creating a new city and new culture will result in lots of confusion and problems, but we have the intelligence and knowledge to deal with them. All we need is the desire to work together as a team for the benefit of everybody, and the courage to explore the unknown and face unexpected problems.

Everybody is capable of contributing something of value to the team, even if it is something as simple as inspiring people and maintaining the morale of the team.

Everybody can also contribute to our social and technical progress even if they know nothing about science or culture. For example:

A factory worker can complain that certain tasks are causing shoulder injuries or carpal tunnel syndrome. His complaint allows the management to become aware of a problem that they would otherwise be oblivious to, and that allows the engineers to determine if they need to alter the equipment or manufacturing process, or whether the managers need to switch the job to part-time, or whether the product should be redesigned to eliminate that particular job.

A person operating a food processing machine can point out that food is building up in a certain area of a machine, which allows it to become dry or moldy, and then contaminate the food that passes by it. He does not need the engineering knowledge or intelligence to know how to redesign the machine, but his observation makes the engineers aware of a problem that they were oblivious to.

The people who are involved with arranging leisure activities for children can point out that some of the activities are causing the children to behave in an obnoxious manner, and that can cause the people in management to determine whether the activity needs to be modified or terminated.

People who use software can point out what is confusing about it, or not functioning properly, and that allows the software developers to improve it.

We become upset when people complain about our products, software, or culture, but we benefit by encouraging people to complain, and by putting pressure on the people in management to improve the products, software, and culture. We inhibit social and technical progress if we suppress complaints, or if people are so apathetic that they ignore problems.

Our leaders must be team members

Although everybody is capable of pointing out problems with technology and culture, we will not benefit from their complaints if the people in leadership positions ignore them. For example, there are constant complaints about telemarketing, but the government does nothing about it.

The members of a team will become apathetic when their management ignores their complaints.

In order for us to create a better life for ourselves, we need leaders who treat us as their friends, and who respond to our complaints and suggestions. We need leaders who are our team members. We need working leaders, not pampered Kings and Queens, or aggressive monkeys who suppress their competitors and critics.

So, let's do it!

Instead of frightening ourselves with possible scenarios of disaster, we should inspire ourselves and one another with a promise to work together as a team to experiment with a new life. Imagine that we have just landed on a different planet, and we must now create some new cities, new food recipes, new social activities, and a new government.

We will not be able to create a perfect world, but how could we possibly fail to improve upon the ape-like culture that we have today?