When given freedom, most
people choose entertainment
Animals want to titillate
themselves, not learn, think, or work. As a result, the public provides
tremendous financial support for entertainment activities, such as
Hollywood movies, gambling, automobile racing, strip clubs, religion,
pet animals, jewelry, status items, pornography, video games, and
However, there is not much support to modernize our industries, improve
the vocational courses in the schools, increase the funding for
research into human health issues, or put telephone and electric power
lines underground. There is even less support from the public to deal
with unpleasant issues, such as pedophile networks, human trafficking,
illegal immigrants, and government corruption.
The welfare of the human race
is more important
This constitution changes
the situation by requiring the government to give first priority to society rather than
the entertainment of the
government has total control of the economy, so the government
which products are put into production, which services are provided,
and which research programs are supported. However, the government must
make decisions according to what will provide us with the most
satisfying life, not according to what we want.
This allows the government to reduce or eliminate the funding of
products and
research that they regard as not very beneficial. For
example, they have the
authority to reduce or terminate the gambling operations, jewelry
production, movies, and pet products. They can also authorize research
programs that the public is not interested in, such as certain health
issues, educational
robots, and recycling technology.
It is acceptable to deny what
people want
In order for a
government to make decisions about which products and research
programs are best for society, the government must ignore what people want. This puts
the government
into a similar role as the manager of a zoo, or the parents of
young children.
This requires us to change our attitudes towards life, happiness, and
Specifically, it requires us to realize that our leaders are not cruel
when they deny us something that we want.
Unfortunately, it is impossible for us to figure out what will provide
us with the best life. Therefore, our leaders must experiment with our
culture in an attempt to figure out what is most beneficial for us.
This requires leaders who have the
courage to experiment with culture, and who are able to look critically
at themselves and their experiments. We cannot have
submissive representatives, or leaders who want to be pampered Kings
and Queens.
we want is not
what we need
This Constitution is based
on the theory that our emotions are
inappropriate for our modern world, so we cannot assume that what we
want is what will provide us with the best life. We must ignore our
emotional cravings and experiment with ourselves to figure out what is
the most beneficial for us.
We must consider
what our emotions
want, but we must be use our intelligence to make the final decisions.
rarely practice what we preach
Many people during the past
few thousand years have noticed that when people have nothing to do,
they tend
to do something idiotic or worthless, and sometimes dangerous or detrimental.
This concept has been
expressed in different manners, such as:
Although a lot of people repeat expressions like those, not many people
believe that the concept applies to them. Instead, most people
fantasize about becoming so wealthy that they can become one of those
We are so arrogant that we believe that if we could quit working,
we would find something beneficial to do.
is another example of how people mimic expressions that they either
don't understand, or refuse to apply to themselves. It is similar to
the people who mimic the phrase, " money
doesn't buy happiness," while
they struggle
for, fantasize about, and sometimes cheat,
to get more
do not enjoy being pampered
If a person truly
understood the concept that "an idle
brain is the
devil's workshop", and if he had the ability to
realize that it applies to all humans
and animals, including himself,
he would not
waste his life fantasizing about becoming so wealthy that he could quit
Instead, he would fantasize about living in a society in which he could
be a productive team member who works with his friends for the benefit
of everybody. He would
fantasize about impressing his friends with his achievements, rather than with his
yacht, goldplated cell phone, butler, and diamond jewelry.
Furthermore, a person who truly understood that expression would not
pamper his children, or provide them with large inheritances. Instead,
he would teach his
children to learn a useful skill, learn how to take care of themselves,
and earn what they want in an honest
need to “suffer” in order
to enjoy life
Our emotions cause us to
fantasize about doing what we want to do, but we get more enjoyment
from life when we are under pressure to work, especially when we
can work with our friends. We get more enjoyment from life when we must
" suffer".
Prehistoric humans could not avoid work, so they never
had to deal with this issue, but technology allows a
significant percentage of our population to be pampered parasites. This
requires modern humans to have the intelligence and education to
understand these concepts, and have the emotional ability to require that
everybody be a useful team member.
The people who promote doing "what they want to do" are a detrimental
influence because they encourage people to become selfish, bored, unhappy parasites.
They are
monkeys in a human world.
Instead of trying to avoid work, we should experiment with our jobs and
work environments in order to provide as many people as possible with a
job that they enjoy, and
which other people appreciate.
Are bored, parasites
trying to take over the world?
There are lots of
accusations on the Internet of a group of wealthy people plotting to
create a "New World Order", but their plot
doesn't show signs of intelligence. For example, instead of of
attracting people to their organization by impressing us with
intelligent analyses and suggestions, they seem to recruit people
with deception, murder, blackmail, intimidation, threats, bribery, and
false flag operations.
Those are the techniques of criminals
who don't have the intelligence to
achieve their goals in an honest manner.
Who is responsible for starting the New World Order? Who is in control
of it today? How many of the people who joined the organization know
the truth about their organization? How many of their members know who
is in control of it? How many of their members know whether their
leaders are involved with a pedophile network?
Although we may never know
the details of how it got established, and
what changes it went through during the centuries, a lot of the people
who decided to join the organization might have been wealthy people who
were bored, and who decided to get involved with a plot to take over
the world through false flag operations, murders, and
other crimes. If so, those people would be an excellent example of the
expression, The
devil finds work for idle hands.
prefer to mimic instead of
Most, or all of us, have
wasted some of
our life on idiotic, worthless, or dangerous activities as a result of
our strong desire to mimic
people. We often refer
to this situation as following a fad,
peer pressure, craze, fashion, tradition, or trend.
During prehistoric times, children learned their culture by mimicking
the adults. Nobody had to be concerned with what the
children were mimicking because their culture had not yet been
contaminated by religions, and Zionists, feminists, businesses, whiny
minorities, or mentally disturbed people. Their most idiotic activity
was probably tattooing themselves.
Today, however, we are living among people who are promoting a wide
variety of conflicting concepts and customs, and some of it was
designed to manipulate or exploit us. Today we must pass judgment on
whether we are mimicking sensible culture, and if not, do something to
improve it.
Therefore, this Constitution gives the government total control of
culture. For example, the Leisure Ministry is authorized to prohibit
activities they regard as worthless or destructive, and the Schools
Ministry is responsible for identifying the children who are a bad
influence on the others, and they must separate them from the other
causes us to abuse ourselves
We have a strong attraction
to democracies and free enterprise systems because we are arrogant
creatures who want other people to be submissive to us. We want to give
orders to other people, not listen to them.
Our arrogance is also the reason that parents pressure schools into
providing the
curriculum that they personally want. This is why
so many schools are under pressure to promote the
fantasy that a god created
humans, or that we are like pieces of clay that molds itself to the
People are so certain that they know the best school curriculum that
they have no desire to discuss the issue, do research about it, or
conduct experiments with it.
Our arrogance also causes us to want journalists
to be submissive. Almost everybody becomes upset if a news report tells
them something they don't want to hear. This results in people
listening only to the news reports that they like, thereby denying
themselves the benefit of learning from alternative opinions.
Some people boast that they get a variety of opinions because they get
their news from several different television businesses or newspapers,
but they are looking at trivial variations
of what they want to believe.
They look at a truly different opinion only
they want to insult or criticize it.
of us who have tried to expose the lies about the 9/11 attack have
encountered this many times. Specifically, most people refuse to look
at the information. However, many of those people boast about
how they enjoy learning about alternative opinions. They are so
arrogant that they don't notice their hypocrisy.
people avoid whatever they don't like. They behave like a child who
boasts about enjoying a variety of foods, but refuses to eat some of
his meals.
The people who refuse to look at critical or different opinions are censoring
and abusing themselves, and they will
suffer just as much as if the government, Facebook, or Google was
censoring their information. There is not much of a difference between
these people:
A North Korean
citizen who is given censored
information by his government. |
An American or
European citizen who ignores the
information that he dislikes.
In order for us to get an accurate understanding of the world, produce
intelligent thoughts, develop new technology, and improve our culture,
we must be willing and able to look at different opinions,
and be critical of ourselves.
The North Korean citizens are unable
to get a difference of opinion because their government censors
information, whereas the Americans and Europeans are able to get different opinions but
are unwilling to do so.
need leadership, not
Every adult
believes that he knows what he wants, and that he
has created the most brilliant opinions, but none of us knows what is
best for us, and most people's brilliant opinions are just a collage of
bits and pieces of other people's opinions.
If everybody was mimicking sensible
beliefs and activities, then we would not
need leaders to watch over us, but all of us
sometimes mimic idiotic or dangerous beliefs and activities. For
example, every person who is religious picked up his beliefs from other
people. He believes that he knows the truth about the universe, but in
reality he is behaving like a child who mimics information that he
doesn't understand.
Likewise, many women picked up bits and pieces of feminist attitudes.
Those women believe that they have figured out the truth about men and
women, but they are also behaving like children who have picked up bits
and pieces of information that they don't understand.
Everybody would benefit by having leaders who observe our culture, pass
judgment on the value of our activities and beliefs, and pressure us
into changing those that are detrimental or
worthless. This requires leaders who understand that they are not hurting a person by providing
him with constructive criticism, or by denying him something that he
Our leaders must investigate why
we do what we do. They must pass judgment on whether we are truly
enjoying it, or whether we are doing it because we are mimicking
somebody, or because we are bored, or because we are unhappy and are
looking for a way to bring some pleasure into our dreary lives.
For example, when our leaders notice that a lot of people are
developing a desire for pets, masturbation, candy, or some type of
dangerous activity, they should not assume
that those people have just
discovered a wonderful and beneficial activity. Instead, our leaders
should investigate to determine whether the activity is beneficial, and
to determine why
they are doing it.
Our leaders must realize that people often do something only because
they are mimicking other people, or because they are miserable.
Furthermore, if they determine that the people are unhappy, then they
must consider the possibility that their unhappiness is the result of
the government making inappropriate changes to the city's social
environment, in which case they need to undo whatever they did to the
city's culture, and experiment with something else.
This concept is most obvious with children. For example, when school
officials do not provide proper guidance to the children, it can result
in the children becoming sloppy, noisy, and irresponsible.
Most school officials understand this
concept, and they occasionally adjust the school's social environment
in order to improve the behavior of the children. However, no society
is applying this concept to adults.
For example, when divorces increase, or when
people spend more time masturbating, or when there is an increase in
the number of people with pet dogs, no government considers the
possibility that the social environment is deteriorating, and that they
need to experiment with improvements to our culture.
cannot solve problems with invalid
base concepts
When a farmer notices that
his animals are spending more time fighting or masturbating, he will
assume that there is something wrong with their environment, and he
tries to figure out how
to improve the situation. However, no culture is applying this concept
to humans.
In order for us to improve our lives, we must acknowledge the evidence
that humans are a species of ape,
and that we follow all of the same rules that animals follow. The
people who refuse to acknowledge this will constantly give us idiotic
explanations and solutions to our problems.
For example, some psychologists recently published this
document in which pointed out that the children who were lonely prior
to the age of 12 were more likely to have alcohol problems as an adult.
Their conclusion was that:
Intervening in childhood loneliness
could prove useful in inhibiting the pathway to emerging adulthood
alcohol misuse.
Psychologists believe that we can improve a person's behavior by
altering his environment. Although the environment has an effect on our
behavior, and it is important to provide ourselves with an environment
that encourages good behavior and dampens bad behavior, we must
acknowledge that humans behavior is also affected by our genetic
There are certainly a lot of ways of altering our environment to reduce
alcohol consumption, such as terminating the custom of encouraging
alcohol at weddings and other social events, but the people who have
problems with alcohol are suffering because of their genetic
characteristics, not the environment.
The psychologists believe that we can reduce alcohol problems by
"intervening in childhood loneliness", but even though there are
certainly lots of ways of altering our environment to reduce the
loneliness of children, no matter what we do to the environment, the
genetic variations between us will result in some children being social
No matter what our environment is, there will be some children who are
ugly, deformed, stupid, and have bizarre behavior, and those children
will have trouble fitting in with the other children.
To complicate the issue, some of the children who are exceptionally
intelligent, talented, honest, or responsible can become lonely misfits
because they can be bullied for being nerds, goody
two shoes, or the teacher's
Loneliness will have an effect on a child's attitude, but it cannot
cause a child to be an alcoholic. A lot of us were lonely as children,
but we reacted differently to it, partly because we had slightly
different environments, but mainly because we have different genetic
If it is true that a lot of the adults who have problems with alcohol
had lonely childhoods, their attraction to alcohol would not be because
they were lonely. It is more likely that their attraction to alcohol is
due to a genetic disorder, and
that disorder also caused them to be social misfits.
For example, if a child is suffering from some a bipolar problem, he
will have trouble socializing no matter what the environment is. He
might enjoy becoming intoxicated because that might reduce some of his
misery. If so, we cannot help those children become less lonely because
their loneliness is due to their
mental disorder, not the environment.
Likewise, some adults might be attracted to alcohol because it helps
them to relax around people, and without the alcohol, they may be too
awkward or introverted to socialize. Therefore, there would be no way
to help those children become less lonely because they would be
suffering from a genetic disorder of
their personality.
The psychologists, religious fanatics, feminists, and other
anti-genetic people, are continuously failing
to improve our lives and relationships because they refuse to
acknowledge that human behavior is primarily due to our genetic
characteristics, and that the environment affects us only to the extent
that our genetics allow it to it affect us.
Everybody is capable of
contributing to our future
Creating a new city and new
culture will result in lots of confusion and problems, but we have the
intelligence and knowledge to deal with them. All we need is the desire
to work together as a team for the benefit of everybody, and the
courage to explore the unknown and face unexpected problems.
Everybody is capable of contributing
something of value to the team, even if it is something as simple as
inspiring people and maintaining the morale of the team.
Everybody can also contribute to our social and technical progress even
if they know nothing about science or culture. For example:
A factory worker
can complain that certain tasks are causing shoulder injuries or
carpal tunnel syndrome. His complaint allows the management to become
aware of a problem that they would otherwise be oblivious to, and that
allows the engineers to determine if they need to alter the equipment
or manufacturing process, or whether the managers need to switch the
job to part-time, or whether the product should be redesigned to
eliminate that particular job.
A person operating
a food processing machine can point out that food is
building up in a certain area of a machine, which allows it to become
dry or moldy, and then contaminate the food that passes by it. He does
not need the engineering knowledge or intelligence to know how to
redesign the machine, but his observation makes the engineers aware of
a problem that they were oblivious to.
The people who are
involved with arranging leisure activities for children can point out
that some of the activities are causing the children to behave in an
obnoxious manner, and that can cause the people in management to
determine whether the activity needs to be modified or terminated.
People who use
software can point out what is confusing about it, or not functioning
properly, and that allows the software developers to improve it. |
We become upset when people complain about our products, software, or
culture, but we benefit by encouraging people to complain, and by
putting pressure on the people in management to improve the products,
software, and
culture. We inhibit social and technical progress if we suppress
complaints, or if people are so apathetic that they ignore problems.
Our leaders must be team
Although everybody is
capable of pointing out problems with technology and culture, we will not benefit from
their complaints if the people in leadership
positions ignore them. For example, there are constant complaints about
telemarketing, but the government does nothing about it.
The members of a team will become apathetic when their management
ignores their complaints.
In order for us to create a better life for ourselves, we need leaders
who treat us as
their friends, and who respond to our complaints and suggestions. We
need leaders
who are our team members. We need working
leaders, not pampered Kings and Queens, or aggressive monkeys
who suppress their competitors and critics.
So, let's do it!
Instead of frightening
ourselves with possible scenarios of disaster, we should inspire
ourselves and one another with a promise to work together as a team to
experiment with a new life. Imagine that we have just landed on a
different planet, and we must now create some new cities, new food
recipes, new social activities, and a new government.
We will not be able to
create a perfect world, but how could we possibly fail to improve upon
the ape-like culture that we have today?