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The Kastron Constitution
4b) Description of the Social Division

20 May 2024

Culture is a valuable resource

Nobody has the right to alter culture

The democracies and free enterprise systems allow individuals and organizations to alter culture, such as modifying holiday celebrations, creating new sports, or creating a new type of religion.

This allows citizens, businesses, religions, Zionist groups, and other organizations to manipulate our culture about food, jewelry, tattoos, cosmetics, clothing, recreational activities, vacations, music, and any other aspect of our culture that they are interested in profiting from or altering.

Furthermore, everybody is free to modify culture without justifying what they do, or being held accountable for any problems that they cause. This allows citizens and organizations to create contests for idiotic world records, dangerous sports, or emotionally unpleasant activities, such as MrBeast's challenge to spend 100 days with a stranger in a small room.

If somebody decides to justify their cultural changes, they can use idiotic reasoning. For example, the author of this article has the title, How to convince people to eat insects, and she justifies switching to insects with such meaningless reasons as "to lighten environmental footprints" and to produce less greenhouse gases.

She points out that "two billion people eat insects—primarily in parts of Africa, Latin America, and Asia", but that is as stupid as telling us that billions of people believe in the Bible, Koran, or some other religious document, so we should do the same.

This constitution does not give anybody the right or the freedom to manipulate culture. Our culture is regarded as extremely valuable "human software" that has a significant effect on our attitudes, beliefs, goals, and behavior. Only the government can change it, and the Social Division is in control of most of it.

Furthermore, the government must justify their changes by showing that it provides society with benefits that outweigh the disadvantages. They must post a document in the appropriate database category to explain their changes so that we can pass judgment on whether they are providing us with appropriate guidance. The government cannot change culture simply to appease themselves, other people, or an organization.

Denying people the freedom to alter culture is "oppressive", but it provides us with other freedoms that are much more beneficial. For example, we will be free of the people and organizations that try to manipulate us, such as the charities, think tanks, religions, sports groups, political groups, and businesses that push us into becoming vegans, eating crickets, changing our holiday celebrations, or using different pronouns.

Most people believe that our lives will improve as we get more freedom, but freedom is a complex concept. Some freedoms are detrimental, and as a result, restricting those freedoms can provide us with benefits that outweigh the disadvantages.

For example, we benefit tremendously by refusing to provide people with the freedom to drive automobiles in whatever manner we please, and requiring everybody to follow traffic laws. Another example is that by denying people the freedom to pee and poop wherever they please, we benefit by creating a city that is more pleasant.

Businesses cannot alter culture

In a free enterprise system, many businesses provide their employees with facilities for recreation, and some have daycare facilities for mothers with young children. Some businesses arrange for their employees to get involved with company teams that compete with one another, or with the teams of other businesses. There are also businesses that get involved with the recreational activities of people outside of their business in order to advertise their business.

Although this constitution gives the executives some freedom to experiment with their work environment, they cannot create recreational facilities, day care centers, or anything else in the city. All of the city structures and facilities are under the control of the government, mainly the Neighborhoods Ministry.

The office buildings and factories are arranged in neighborhoods, and every neighborhood has its own recreational facilities, restaurants, daycare centers, medical facilities, and/or whatever else the neighborhoods ministry has authorized. The executives don't have to deal with the issues of designing, financing, building, or maintaining any of those facilities.

A business is created for a specific purpose, such as to manufacture a product or research a particular issue, and its executive fulfills that purpose. His employees have free access to all of the recreational and other facilities in the city.

The government controls all of the recreational and social activities and facilities. For example, the leisure ministry determines what sort of leisure activities are available, and the Social Clubs Minister determines what type of facilities, equipment, and activities are available for the social clubs.

If an executive or an employee wants to create a new recreational event, then he must post a document in the Suggestions category to request it. Businesses do not have the right or freedom to modify our culture.

Nobody has the right to create organizations

No citizen or organization has the right or the freedom to create social or recreational organizations, such as bird watching groups, exercise organizations (such as yoga classes or CrossFit gyms), self-help groups, sports events, churches, religious activities, dock jumping contests, think tanks, rabbit agility classes, charities, research laboratories, and counseling services. People are allowed to get together with their friends to do things, but they do not have the freedom to create an organization.

There is no dividing line between "friends getting together on a routine basis to do something", and "a person who has created an organization", but the ministers must pass judgment on when people have crossed that line. If a minister believes somebody has crossed the line, he can request an intellectual trial.

Everybody in the city is regarded as a member of one, large team. Nobody is allowed to take a group of those people and create his own team. Only the government can create organizations.

Although this concept is bizarre for a democracy, it is common practice among militaries and businesses. Businesses allows their employees to get together at lunch to do things, but they don't allow an employee to create his own organization within the business with some of the employees. For example, an employee cannot organize some of the employees into a church, bakery, or sports club that he operates inside the business.

The ministers determines whether an organization is allowed to exist, and they are required to make that determination according to the effect the organization has on society. They must be able to show that the organization provides more benefits than disadvantages.

By denying the citizens the freedom to create organizations, and by requiring all organizations be beneficial to the city, we become free of the harassment and manipulation of selfish and stupid citizens and organizations.

There will not be any charities, think tanks, religions, or sports groups to push us into accepting their particular ideas about culture. There will be no organization analogous to PETA that promotes veganism, or the IPIFF which promotes the eating of insects. Even though olive oil might be healthy, there will no North American Olive Oil Association to promote olive oil.

There will not be any organizations promoting wine, beer, marijuana, gold, diamonds, or a particular holiday celebration. No organization will be able to claim that their particular food product is the best tasting, or the most healthy. No organization will be able to titillate people with sexual pornography, wedding pornography, or travel pornography.

The people who want to create an organization or alter culture must produce a document to describe their ideas, and post it in the Suggestions category. Then they have to hope that one of the ministers in the Social Division approves of his suggestion and decides to experiment with it.

All changes to culture need a “culture performance review

The ministers are required to give a “performance review” to the products and laws that they authorize, and they must also give a performance review to the changes they make to culture, such as the recreational activities, clothing styles, and holiday celebrations that they create, terminate, or modify.

For example, if a minister authorized the "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" activity, he would be required to analyze its effect on society and pass judgment on whether it has truly been beneficial, and if not, it must be modified or terminated.

The event was proposed in 2001 by Frank Baird, and its purpose is to stop rape, sexual assault, and gender violence, but how many women have benefited as a result of those men walking for a mile in red, high-heeled shoes? And what was the benefit? What were the disadvantages? Did the number of rapes decrease as a result of that event?

Even if the event has benefits that outweigh the disadvantages, that does not justify it. The reason is because there may be other events that would be even more beneficial, or there may be a way of modifying the event to improve it in some manner.

Frank Baird is also involved with helping white people to "overcome the legacy of white supremacy in America." He and the other people who are trying to stop white supremacy and white privilege have no obligation to verify that the cultural changes that they promote are beneficial. They are taking the role of a leader of culture, but they are not held accountable for anything they do.

To improve upon this situation, this constitution prohibits citizens from creating or modifying culture. If a citizen wants to create a "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event, or if he wants to help us overcome the legacy of white supremacy, he must post a document in the Suggestions category to explain his idea, and hope that one of the ministers is willing to experiment with it.

If a minister approves of the idea, he is held accountable for his decision, so if the idea turns out to be worthless or detrimental, he will have that failure listed in his database entry, which will hurt his reputation and increase the chances that he is fired.

To reduce the damage to their reputation, the ministers should fix their mistakes before other people complain about them. This requires that the ministers regularly review the effect that their policies are having on society, and quickly fix the problems.

Citizens are encouraged to analyze all of the government policies, and if they think of a way to improve a policy, or if they believe a policy should be terminated or altered, they can post a "culture performance review" in the Suggestions category, and they will get credit for identifying culture that should be improved or terminated.

Nobody has the right to be deceptive or manipulative

Democracies and free enterprise systems provide everybody with the freedom to manipulate other people, and they can be deceptive. For example, businesses that sell travel trips are allowed to deceive people with photographs in which the colors have been enhanced.

For a new example, this business in Australia rents yachts, and their website claims that they allow us to "experience the adventure of a lifetime, exploring paradise with the freedom only boating can offer." However, it is deceptive to describe that area as "paradise" because all areas of the earth can be described as equally beautiful, other than some of the areas that have been destroyed by humans.

Is this a staged photo?
Furthermore, they claim that we will enjoy exploring the islands in the area, and one of their photos (to the right) shows a woman climbing a steep hill in flip-flop sandals, which is unrealistic for exploring steep slopes and wild land that does not have well-maintained paths.

The businesses that promote travel, and the citizens who boast about traveling, are deceiving people into believing that traveling will make our life more exciting.

In reality, there is no particular leisure activity that we need to do to have a pleasant life. To some of us, walking around a botanical garden with friends is more pleasant than being shaken around on a little boat in the ocean.

The people and organizations that deceive us into desiring a particular activity, clothing item, wedding ceremony, recreational activity, material item, or travel trip are causing us to develop unrealistic expectations of life and activities, and develop idiotic or detrimental goals and attitudes.

To improve upon the situation, organizations are prohibited from promoting themselves and their activities, products, or services. They cannot advertise in any manner, or have logos. Furthermore, the ministers must occasionally review the organizations that they create, and ensure that they are beneficial to the city. If a minister notices that one of his organizations is having a detrimental effect on the people of the city, he must fix the situation by altering or terminating the organization, or replacing its executive.

The social division cannot manufacture items

The social division is responsible for designing bicycle paths, swimming pools, clothing items, and other tangible items, but they cannot manufacture items. They are not permitted to have their own manufacturing equipment or factories. They are in a role similar to that of architects and engineers who design items, but must ask the Economic division to manufacture the items.

For example, the social division has the authority to design a water fountain for a city park, but they don't have the authority to manufacture or install the fountain. They must post their request for the fountain in the Requests category, and hope the Economic division approves of it.

As described here, by separating the manufacturing of items from the design of the items, the divisions will provide some checks and balances on one another.

We must use our intelligence to design culture

Our culture has been evolving to fit our emotions. For example:

We created some leisure activities, such as boxing, fencing, martial arts, and combat reenactments, to satisfy our cravings to fight with the neighbors.

Some leisure activities are designed to allow us to satisfy our craving for status, such as the contests that allow the winner to stand on a podium and receive praise, a trophy, and a prize.

The custom of putting nail polish on women's fingernails and toenails, and designing their shoes to show their toes, is the result of women wanting to put themselves on display and show the men how well-groomed they are.

By designing our culture to titillate our emotional cravings, we enjoy the culture, but our emotions are no longer appropriate for our modern era, so we end up with inappropriate culture.

The ministers are required to design culture according to intellectual reasoning, and that requires that they understand that it is sometimes more desirable to "suffer" with some emotionally unpleasant culture than to titillate ourselves. This requires ensuring that none of the ministers believe that we must follow the Marquis de Sade philosophy of doing whatever is the most emotionally pleasing.

We don't know what we like

The Leisure, Courtship, Social Clubs, Events, and Children Minister have the authority and responsibility to experiment with activities for the city. Their goal is to create activities that are beneficial, but which we also enjoy enough to want to do them. The city should offer so many enjoyable activities that nobody gets bored.

The problem with creating activities that we enjoy is that none of us knows what we truly enjoy. We sometimes assume that we enjoy something because other people are doing them, or because we don't know of anything else.

For example, a lot of people claim to enjoy the game of golf, but it is doubtful if anybody actually enjoys the "game". It is more likely that they enjoy something else about it, such as socializing with their friends, competing with their friends, getting out into nature, or getting some exercise.

When a person makes the mistake of assuming that he enjoys the game of golf, he is likely to foolishly waste a lot of his time and resources on the game, such as taking golf lessons, repeatedly replacing his golf equipment with "better" equipment, and practicing the game. He it is also likely to torment himself when he loses the game.

By comparison, when we realize that we like the game because we enjoy the people, competition, nature, and physical activity, then we will realize that we can adjust the game to be more sensible, and we can refrain from doing idiotic and wasteful things, such as practicing the game, feeling badly about losing, and wasting technical talent and resources on developing "better" golf balls and golf clubs. We will also realize that we can eliminate the emphasis on winning, and that we can eliminate the trophies and prizes.

To make the situation more confusing, some people enjoy an activity simply because it has developed a status value. For example, some, or most, of the people who play or watch polo games and yacht races are likely to be involved with those activities only because they want to feel special. Those people are using the game to jerk themselves off by repeatedly reminding themselves that they are special people for being able to participate in, or observe, such an "exclusive" activity.

Many wealthy people get involved with expensive activities, wear expensive jewelry, and eat expensive foods simply to feel special, not because those things truly bring pleasure to human life. It is our emotional craving for status that fools us into believing that the wealthy people have better activities, foods, and other things.

To add more confusion to the issue of which activities we enjoy, many single women go to social and recreational activities that they have no interest in for the sole purpose of finding a husband. Those women are detrimental to themselves and to men because they can inadvertently deceive men into believing that the enjoy those activities. That can result in a failed relationship, which wastes a portion of their short and precious life.

We will form more stable and pleasant marriages if we get involved with a leisure or social activity only if we enjoy it, rather than to find a spouse. In order to prevent this problem, the Social Division has a Courtship Ministry to provide the single people with courtship activities, and flirting is prohibited in public areas and events.

The ministers must be restricted to people who realize that none of us knows much about what we enjoy doing during our leisure time. They must ignore what we claim to like and dislike. They must treat us in a manner similar to how a farmer treats his animals. They must experiment with our activities in order to figure out what is truly the most beneficial for us. Furthermore, they must make these judgments according to what is best for the City Elders, not according to the public, and especially not the people with ADHD or other mental problems.

Example #1: April Fools' Day

The April Fools custom has been in existence for so many centuries that nobody knows how, when, or why it got started. No society has bothered to analyze it to determine whether it is beneficial for us, or whether it should be terminated or altered.

This constitution changes the situation by requiring the Events Ministry to analyze our holidays, city festivals, music concerts, weddings, birthday parties, and other events, and look for ways to make them more beneficial and pleasurable. They are the only people authorized to create, modify, and terminate events.

However, they must make their decisions according to what will be most beneficial to the City Elders, not according to what the public wants, and especially not to appease the people who are suffering from ADHD or other mental disorders.

When the ministers make a decision, they have to provide an explanation for it so that we can pass judgment on whether they are providing us with intelligent analyses and guidance.

For example, this constitution recommends terminating April Fools' Day, and the explanation is that it encourages wasteful, idiotic, obnoxious, and sometimes dangerous behavior, but there is no benefit for those jokes and pranks to the people who are in good mental health.

It is especially detrimental to encourage children to play pranks on one another because the children are more likely to get involved with idiotic, wasteful, and dangerous pranks.

Some people justify April Fools' Day by claiming that it helps people to get together and entertain one another, but there are more pleasant and productive ways for people to entertain themselves and socialize.

Example #2: The game of golf

Although a lot of people claim to enjoy playing golf, the game is actually very frustrating and irritating, even to the professionals. The main problem with the game is that it is extremely difficult and frustrating to get a tiny ball into a tiny hole that is a long distance away.

One minor problem with the game is that there are 14 different types of clubs to choose from, which causes confusion, and causes society to waste resources on clubs that nobody needs.

Another minor problem is that the people who play golf with several golf clubs tend to carry them around in a golf bag, and to carry several golf balls, and this burden can cause a lot of people to drive an electric golf cart rather than walk, thereby defeating one of the purposes of participating in a recreational activity. The balls also fly so far that some of the elderly people can't walk through the entire course, so they want electric carts.

Some people hire a servant to carry the clubs, but this constitution discourages the jobs that put people into the role of a peasant who is serving a king.

Another minor problem is that the sand traps are frustrating, and they look like open wounds on a beautiful field of grass and trees.

The Leisure Minister has the authority and responsibility of experimenting with recreational activities, so if he decides to authorize some type of golf game, he should experiment with it to make it more beneficial and pleasurable, and less of a burden on society.

All of the leisure activities should be simple enough so that nobody needs any significant training or practice. There is no benefit to practicing a recreational activity because that develops a skill that has no value to any of us, or to society. That type of skill is useful only for the people in a free enterprise system who make money from it.

One way to simplify the game of golf is to make it use only one club. Another method is to reduce the distance that the ball travels by making the ball and/or club softer. That will allow more people to use a golf course at the same time, thereby making much better use of the land.

It would also reduce the problem of lost balls, which is such a common problem at the Pebble Beach golf course that I, my brothers, and my cousin would sometimes gather lost balls along the beach in the early 1960's. The ponds and lakes at the golf courses also have a lot of golf balls, and some broken golf clubs when people lose their temper.

When we realize that we don't need the ball to travel a long distance, we will realize that we have the option to make them out of cellulose so that they decompose if they are lost, and that we can make the club softer, such as from a flexible plastic, so that they are less damaging to the grass, and less painful when we are accidentally hit by them.

Instead of hitting the golf ball into a tiny hole, we could place two flags a meter or so apart, and the goal would be to get the ball between them, similar to hitting a croquet ball through a hoop, and similar to the field-goal concept in the American game of football in which someone tries to kick a ball between two posts.

With those type of modifications to golf, people would continue to enjoy one another, the competition, and the exercise, but they would not suffer from the frustration of the current golf games. Furthermore, by eliminating sand traps and making the course more similar to a botanical garden, it would be even more pleasant to walk around the golf course.

Government officials should recognize misery

The free enterprise system fools us into believing that we are having a wonderful life because it gives us what we want. When we can satisfy our desires, we assume that we are happy, and when we are denied whatever we want, we assume we are suffering. However, that assumption is false. That assumption is coming from our emotions, not our intellect.

The top government officials must be restricted to people who can understand this concept. They must be able to differentiate between a person who is titillating himself, and a person who is having a truly satisfying life.

For example, these monkeys in Indonesia spend a lot of time masturbating, but they are not have a more satisfying life than the monkeys who live in a forest and have to spend every day "working" and struggling to survive. The monkeys that are masturbating are doing it because it is one of the few sources of pleasure in their dreary, boring, miserable lives.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 23 million American households adopted a pet during the Covid lockdown. That is almost 20% of the homes in the USA.

Most, or all, of the people who got pets during the lockdown did so because they were bored or lonely as a result of the isolation. They were behaving just like those monkeys in Indonesia, but they were stimulating different emotions.

The monkeys in Indonesia, and the humans who purchased pets during the lockdown, are examples of what happens when animals and humans have nothing to do. Specifically, we get bored, restless, and miserable, and we search for something to do. Unfortunately, we tend to do something that is emotionally titillating rather than intellectually sensible.

This document claims that many of the Americans who got a pet during the lockdown did not realize how expensive pets can be, resulting in predictions that one out of three pet owners will end up suffering from stress as a result of the unexpected expenses.

This article from March 2023 shows that the predictions were accurate, and that a lot of those people abandoned their pets after a year or two. By December 2023, many animal shelters in the USA were complaining that they had more unwanted animals than they could care for.

Those reports are evidence that the people did not get a pet for intelligent reasons. They did not think about the issue. Rather, they were miserable, and they got a pet so that they could titillate themselves.

Only a small percentage of the people who got bored during the lockdown found something useful to do, such as learn something useful, or do some beneficial work for their home.

Most people reacted to the boredom by doing something that titillated their emotions, such as watching television, eating, shopping, gambling, playing video games, and paying people to do things for them, such as paint their fingernails. Some people also used alcohol or other drugs to distract themselves from their misery.

How many people truly enjoy life?
Although those type of activities provide us with some momentary emotional pleasure, or reduce boredom, they do not provide us with a satisfying life.

When we become old, we will not enjoy reminiscing about the thousands of hours that we wasted on those activities, and children will not want to listen to stories about such activities.

We must restrict the top leadership positions to the people who can make wise decisions about when a person is truly having a satisfying life, and when he is doing something because he is bored, miserable, lonely, or suffering from some type of physical or mental disorder.

Every culture promotes the theory that we all have the best life when we can pay other people to do our "work" while we are pampered by servants, but that is a false and destructive attitude. We become bored and miserable when we have nothing to do. We also create a miserable and unnatural social environment when some people are servants and other people are parasitic.

We should investigate strange behavior

When people behave in strange manners, we have a tendency to ignore or insult them, but this Constitution requires all of the ministries to investigate weird behavior. All ministers should understand the concept that strange behavior is likely to be a symptom of a problem, such as mental or physical defects, boredom, loneliness, low self-esteem, crime, blackmail, and abuse.

An example is that some songs seem to have hidden meanings. Instead of ignoring the possible hidden meanings, we should investigate the situation to determine whether the author of the lyrics, or our culture, has some problem that we should deal with.

For example, Lady Gaga said that her Swine song is about being sexually assaulted when she was a 19 year old student at a Catholic school. If she is telling the truth, then her song is an indication of a problem with society, especially the organized religions, and we should react by investigating the sexual problems rather than allowing them to continue. However, we should also consider that her song is partly about the sexual and emotional abuse that goes on in the entertainment businesses.

And even more appalling song is the music video that shows adults purchasing children and putting them into the trunk of their automobile. Rather than regard that music video as entertainment, it should be regarded as a symptom of a serious problem with our society.

After 1966, the lyrics of the Beatles songs, and their behavior, changed noticeably. Their lyrics became more weird, sad, and bizarre. There is now a lot of evidence that it is because Paul McCartney was accidentally or deliberately killed, and the Beatles were forced to accept a replacement.

Farmers are aware that strange behavior in their animals is a sign of trouble, and so when they find animals that are limping, abnormally violent, or spending a lot of time sleeping, they investigate. They don't ignore the strange behavior.

However, no culture yet promotes the attitude that a person who behaves in an abnormal manner is suffering from something, and should be investigated.

Our leaders should be better-than-average at recognizing when people are showing signs of misery, anger, envy, or revenge. Furthermore, they should investigate those people to figure out what is happening.

It is also important for parents to understand this concept. For example, some children occasionally throw food at people and giggle about it, or jump up and down on furniture. If parents interpret that behavior as a child who is "having fun", they could be making a serious mistake.

Parents should investigate the bizarre and undesirable behavior of a child because it could be a sign that something is interfering with his thinking process, such as hormone imbalances; improper blood chemistry; genetic defects with his brain; or brain damage from concussions.

We cannot assume that a person is happy simply because he is frequently giggling and smiling, or because he claims to be happy. We have to judge people in the same manner that farmers judge the health of their animals. Specifically, we have to analyze the person's behavior and pass judgment on whether his behavior can be considered "normal", or whether it is a symptom of a problem.

Most people cannot provide intelligent analyses of anything, and we have an especially difficult time looking critically at people that we have an attachment to, such as our children or friends. We need to the government to analyze people, and the officials need to be restricted to those who can behave like zoologists, but who study humans instead of wolves and squirrels.

The Schools Ministry and the Teentown Ministry, for example, is required to investigate the strange behavior of the children because we cannot expect parents to do a sensible job of analyzing their own children.