How do Mel Gibson's problems
affect your life?
If Mel Gibson was having problems with women, then I wouldn't
be concerned. However, I think he is under attack by a pack
of criminal Jews. And whether he's secretly participating or
a true victim doesn't matter.
I think we are witnessing the technique
that the Jews have been using to control the media, military, police, and
government. Specifically, anybody who stands up to the Jews is attacked
by packs of Jews. We have to stand up to these criminals. We
can't let them attack and destroy us one by one.
Most of the fights are secretive
The primary technique that the Jews use to control their enemies
is to become our friend, spouse, lover, or business partner. And then,
after they gain our trust, they set us up for bribery, blackmail, death,
or kidnappings.
Most of the battles are so discreet that we never notice. Most people
never notice that government officials, military leaders, and policemen
are routinely taking bribes. The Jews also routinely murder
people, but the media fools us into thinking that the murders are natural
deaths, accidents, suicides, or assassinations by psychotic, "lone gunmen".
The Jews also kidnap and blackmail people, but most of us
never notice those crimes, either.
So, why is the fight between Gibson and the Jews going public? Perhaps
because the Jews have been trying to control Mel Gibson in their typical,
secretive manner, but they have been failing,
and now they're becoming so desperate that they are telling their troops
in the media and the Los Angeles police department to come to their assistance.
Of course, it's possible that other
people are starting to rebel against the Jews, and Mel Gibson volunteered
to show the rebels what will happen to them if they dare stand up to the
Regardless of why Gibson is being attacked, by bringing this fight
out into the public, the Jews are exposing
Therefore, by observing the battle, we can learn their tricks and identify
possible criminals. |
The media is struggling
to ruin Gibson's image
The media in many different nations are providing hundreds of "news"
reports that tell us that Gibson's career is over; that he's ruined his
image; and that he is an anti-Semite and a racist. I've mentioned this
trick in other files; specifically, the Jews are trying to tell
us what to think. They are treating us as if we are their baby.
They don't want to provide us with information about Gibson and his girlfriend
and let us make our own conclusions.
The television audience ought to be
that they are treated in this manner, but most of them don't notice or
care. |
The ABC television news for 10 July 2010 featured Harvey Levin
in their report about Mel Gibson. Levin tries to manipulate the audience
into disliking Gibson with such remarks
• "I think it's definitely possible that
Mel's career is over..."
• "This is as vile as it gets."
manipulative report describes Gibson as:
• "Mad Mel Gibson"
• "Too Toxic Even for Hollywood" |
“as vile as it gets!”
Sure, the Jews are laughing
In this
article we learn that Mel Gibson's talent agency dropped him as a client
because Ari Emanuel was very upset
that Gibson had used the "N-word". One remark in that article:
WME board member Ari Emanuel "woke up
at 3 AM and emailed his partner Patrick Whitesell that 'we can't represent
a guy who said the N-word'.
Do you believe Ari
Emanuel was truly so upset about Gibson using the N-word
that he couldn't sleep?
I don't think he was upset. I think
he was excited that he might finally
have something to attack Gibson with.
Emanuel has been struggling to hurt Gibson ever since that suspicious
arrest of Gibson for drunk driving in 2006. For example,
article points out that "In July 2006, Emanuel wrote
an open letter urging Hollywood to blacklist the actor..."
Emanuel could be described as committing hate
crimes, but the Los Angeles police and courts would rather pursue
Lindsay Lohan, although she may profit
from it, so maybe that is just a publicity stunt, also! Regardless, is
this your idea of a sensible legal system? |
Ari Emanuel is the brother of Rahm Emanuel,
of the Obama administration. As Bollyn wrote here
years ago, both of them are the sons of a Zionist terrorist.
This fight with Mel Gibson must be serious in order for so many people
in the media, police department, and US government to get involved.
Don't dismiss Gibson's problems as meaningless! |
Alex Jones and other "investigators" claim that the mysterious "New
World Order" is acquiring control of police departments by filling them
with criminals and idiots who are easily controlled through
bribes, deception, and blackmail.
However, the Jews are doing this,
not the "New World Order". And, yes, they have acquired tremendous control
over the American and European police, which is why the police are investigating
Gibson rather than his girlfriend and the Emanuel brothers, and why they
allow Roman Polanski
to go free. |
Let them laugh!
Don't become discouraged by the fact that the Jewish crime
network has nearly total control of the world. The secrecy that has been
protecting them has been removed, and slowly people are becoming aware
of what the Jews have been doing. Every day more people learn about them
and their tricks, and every day they inadvertently expose
more of their criminal members in the media, police departments,
and government. Eventually they will be completely exposed and helpless.
In fact, you should note that the Jews haven't been successful with a large
false flag operation for years.
Sure, the doom for June 23 failed. So what? We will succeed during
the July 4th weekend.” |
“OK, the July 4th doom failed, but we will be successful on July 11.”
“OK, the July 11 doom failed, but we will be successful on the 14th,
and if that fails, the 17th, and if that fails, the 23rd, and if that fails,
the 27th. We have thousands of backup
plans! |
We also have an enormous army of highly talented and dedicated pedophiles,
whores, homosexuals, unemployable weirdos, religious fanatics, and lunatics.
How could we possibly lose?” |
be frightened by the BP oil leak!
Some Jews want us to believe that all Jews are suicidal
maniacs who will use the Samson
option rather than give up. During the past few months, some Jews on
the Internet have been posting remarks that the BP oil leak will ruin the
Gulf of Mexico forever. I suppose the Jews destroyed the well so
that they could tell government and military officials, "You
either obey us, or we're going to destroy the Gulf of Mexico, and - if
you continue resisting - we'll destroy the entire world!"
However, don't let the Jews frighten you! They cannot destroy
the Earth, especially not with oil. I live near an area that has natural
oil seepage, and nature somehow takes care of the problem. The
University at Santa Barbara refers to the area as the Coal
Oil Point Natural Reserve.
The Jews will kill a lot of animals and plants, but they won't be able
to destroy the Gulf of Mexico. Nature will
recover. So don't be afraid
of the Jews! Rather, look for more people
to help expose them, resist
them, and put an end to their crime network.
Start noticing who
is attacking Gibson!
The people in the media who are supporting the attack on Mel
Gibson are identifying themselves as
members of the crime network, and so are the police
who support the attack on Mel Gibson, and so are all of the government
officials who assist in the attack. Some of these people might be going
along with the crime network out of fear, but observing them and their
associates will help identify criminals.
For example, the photo
shows Harvey Levin with his alleged
lover, Dr. Andy Mauer. This should
make us wonder, is Andy Mauer involved in the crime network, also? What
about Mauer's friends and family members?
Also, you might want to ponder the philosophical question, "Is
it safe to go to a doctor, dentist, or car mechanic who is a close friend
or lover of a member of a crime network?"
Incidentally, in 2007 radaronline posted this
article describing Harvey Levin as the Sultan
Of Sleaze. However, the article is missing from their website.
Did they erase it because they are so frightened that they are putting
aside their differences and working together?
A site that has vanished completely described Levin here
as "The aging failed actor... probably has a resume
stranger than any you've seen." |
The honest police and
the ordinary citizens should start noticing who among us might be helping
the crime network. We cannot be certain which policemen, judges,
etc, are honest, and we can't do anything about dishonest government officials,
anyway, but the crime network will not survive forever, so we may as well
prepare for the day at which these criminals are dealt with. By identifying
the suspicious people, we will know who needs to be thoroughly
The ordinary citizens should also start observing the people that they
with at their job. Start noticing who is promoting propaganda,
or faking ignorance about the 9/11 attack, or defending the HoloHoax, or
suppressing discussions about these issues.
What about your neighbors? Which of them seems to be faking ignorance
or promoting propaganda? Furthermore, if you happen to live in my
neighborhood, or the neighborhood where Mel Gibson lives, or in a neighborhood
where somebody lives that the Jews are fighting with, start noticing who
is walking their dog all the time. How many of those people are actually
the neighborhood for the Jewish crime network?
Who owns
secret audio recordings?
The website that boasts about exposing the secret recordings
is, and they have a warning message that
nobody is allowed to reproduce or republish the audio! What gives them
the right to take possession of secret recordings of Mel Gibson? Meanwhile,
his girlfriend is claiming that she has "no
idea" how the recordings got out into the public!
Is this the best the Jews can do?
When you are in a battle with somebody who is shooting at you
with a rifle, you don't come out of
hiding, run towards him, and throw rocks... unless you feel trapped
and can't think of anything better to do. However, that is what the Jews
are doing right now! A lot of Jews are exposing themselves (and their lovers!)
as they attack Gibson. I suppose they realize that their audio recordings
are of questionable value, but they're willing to take this risk because
they realize that they are in very serious trouble, and they are
very frightened, and they don't know what else to do.
“Listen, we're in big trouble! People all over the world are
starting to rebel, so here's our plan. We'll release audio files of Gibson
over several weeks, and we want you to push the hatred of Gibson,
and push hard! We must show people
that nobody gets away with opposing us!” |
Will any of the sheeple
care that Gibson yelled at his girlfriend?
The first audio recording
of Gibson didn't seem to have any effect on the sheeple. In fact, I would
say that Gibson came across as being incredibly generous and kind.
And I bet a lot of people were agreeing
with Gibson's complaints!
Mel Gibson's career is over! He
at his girlfriend for getting fake boobs while breast feeding her baby! |
So what? I'd be upset, also, if my wife had done that! |
Gibson called his girlfriend a 'Vegas whore'
for dressing provocatively! People will hate
Gibson! |
Are you kidding? I'd be embarrassed, also, if my wife behaved like
her! |
Will the Jews bring out their "N-puppets" to stir up
trouble? Or will the N-puppets find the courage to stand up to the
Gibson used the N-word!!! Let's
hate Gibson, throw rocks at the police, and burn some buildings! |
Oh, please! He was more insulting to the Las
Vegas whores, but you don't see any of them crying about the
word! |
Are they making these recordings
Each subsequent recording made Gibson look a bit worse, but
why are the recordings getting increasingly worse? Why don't the Jews release
all recordings at one time? It can make you wonder, are they creating a
recording after watching the reaction
to the previous recording?
“Nobody cared about your complaint about the fake boobs or the
Vegas whores. We're not going to create fear of Jews unless you
become more violent and nasty. So, let's see..., how about this time you
imply that you're going to burn the house down? Or would it be better if
you called her a witch and threatened to rape her with a magic broom?
Hmmm... No, she has such a bad image that people might enjoy that one.
Do the 'burn the house' remark!” |
How many Jews will die for
lost cause?
I suppose that one reason the Jews are having so much trouble
today is because some of the smarter Jews are secretly bailing out of the
network as a result of their contemplation of the philosophical issue,
"When a Jew pursues the impossible
fantasy of world conquest, is he wasting his life?"
As the smarter Jews abandon the network, the dumber Jews gain more influence,
causing the activities of their network to become increasingly stupid.
The other Jews will try to threaten, deceive, and convince the Jews to
die for their cause, but I doubt if every Jew will sacrifice his life for
a crazy fantasy.
“Do you realize that the Goy will get rid of inheritances and nepotism,
and make everybody earn an honest living? They'll create a legal
system that doesn't tolerate crime or allow us to destroy our competitors.
They'll get rid of our Federal Reserve, our charities, and our think tanks!
Do you realize what this means? Our way of
life is over! Do you want to work
for a living, like a common Goy? If
not, then help us remain in control!
Don't leave us rich and famous Jews standing by ourselves! We need you!
We're parasites, remember? We have
to work together! Please help us!” |
I'm sure there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Jews who are
smart enough to realize that there is no point
in continuing the pursuit of their idiotic fantasy. The Jews
have lost the secrecy that they need to operate, so even if all
Jews remain together, they are going to lose.
So what is the point of continuing when the final result is failure?
The Jews may destroy America and a few other nations, and they may make
a big mess in the Gulf of Mexico, but they will not
conquer the world. Furthermore, as I wrote here
a while ago, it's not even possible for
crime networks and parasites to dominate because when they become too successful,
kill their host.
Learn from the mistakes of
Learn from the mistakes of Katie Piper,
Christopher Bollyn, and Mel
Gibson (assuming Gibson is truly a victim of the Jews). If you don't become
suspicious of people, and if you can't control your cravings for fame,
sex, money, praise, or gambling, then criminals
- and salesmen - of all races and religions may
notice your
weakness and manipulate you.
Furthermore, people who are members of organized religions are easily
manipulated. Mel Gibson, for example, is following the Catholic
religion, but how does he know what the Catholic religion is? The Catholic
religion and the stories of Jesus came from Jews.
And have you seen the evidence that the Jews have taken control of the
Catholic Church through the blackmail of pedophiles and homosexuals, as
well as murder? (I wrote this
article about it in 2006.) Gibson is following a religion that was
created by Jews, and which is still
being manipulated by Jews!
Have you watched Harvey Levin's
television show, TMZ?
In California, this show is on six nights a week at 7 PM in
the evening. The first time I saw the show I was amazed at how little it
stimulates my mind. Some shows are entertaining and stimulate emotions,
and some shows stimulate intellectual thought. However, TMZ stimulates
almost nothing.
I suggest you watch TMZ at least one time because I think the show is
evidence that Jews have control of the television, and that Harvey Levin
is part of their network, and that the Jews are giving funding to their
criminal friends, and the Jews are filling the media with propaganda,
toilet humor, and distorted views of life.
You ought to wonder, what would television, history books, and the
Internet be like if we could get these freaks out of our lives?