4) Why
did Mel Gibson's girlfriend secretly record his angry remarks?
Mel Gibson fell in love with Oksana Grigorieva.
She became pregnant, but they never got married. However, he eventually
came to the conclusion that she was deceptive.
Recently she secretly recorded the audio of one of their arguments,
and somehow the Jewish propaganda site radaronline
was provided with the audio recording. |
How and why did Oksana Grigorieva record this argument? Was
she just coincidentally carrying an audio recorder in her pocket at the
time of the argument? Or was this entire event planned?
Did she prepare the audio recorder, and then instigate a fight?
The details are unknown, but according to this
report, she had two reasons for recording Gibson:
1) to show Mel how mean he was,
2) she feared for her life.
Prior to the September 11 attack, I might have believed those reasons,
but during the past nine years I've been contacted by hundreds
of people who have tried to become my friend, and I've noticed that lots
of other people are also pursued, especially those who are famous, wealthy,
or who have important positions in government. So I have to wonder, was
Oksana Grigorieva truly in love with Mel Gibson? Or was she a "gold digger"
who wanted some of Mel Gibson's money and fame? Or is she a Jewish
whore who got involved with Gibson in order to set him up for blackmail,
financial ruin, suicide, or accidental death?
I also wonder why she got involved with Tim Dalton.
And this
report claims that before she got involved with Mel Gibson, she was living
in a house purchased by David Foster. Was she in love with David
Foster, also? How many wealthy men has she been in love with?
Do you
understand how a con artist operates?
If not, you may become their victim. Politicians, salesmen,
and even potential spouses can deceive and manipulate you by figuring out
you want, and then giving it to you. They titillate your emotions,
not your intellect. The people most likely to be taken advantage of are
those who are suffering from low self-esteem and want to feel special.
Learn from the mistakes of other people, such as Mel Gibson or - for a
more extreme example - Katie Piper.
Should Oksana Grigorieva fear for
her life?
She supposedly was afraid that Mel Gibson might kill her, but
how many people has Mel Gibson killed? Phil Spector was arrested for killing
his girlfriend, and some women might wonder if William Shatner's
wife truly drowned by accident, but how many deaths have been associated
with Mel Gibson?
I don't see any reason for women to fear Mel Gibson. However, the women
who are working with the Jewish crime network should be in
fear of the police! The police
should cleanse society of these disgusting criminals.
Lots of ex-wives are available,
but be careful!
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
The ex-wives of Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, Al Gore, and other
famous men are now available, but which of those women is looking for a
And which is looking for a
host? And
which is a Zionist whore looking for
a victim?
Also, I must warn you that Violet Kowal,
a porn star with lots of experience
with men, claims that Gibson was "the
best sex I've ever had!", so if you get involved with any of the Gibson
women... well, after you break up, be prepared for her to give interviews
to the tabloids that expose your rating on the Gibson Lovemaking Scale
(GLS). For example,
"His best performance wasn't
as good as Gibson's worst!"
"His top score was only a 0.3 on the GLS. My
minimum is a 0.7."
"I've experienced the best; I can't settle
for anything less."
"I never thought I would have to fake another
orgasm, but that's all I've been doing since I met him!"
Of course, Christopher Bollyn didn't listen to my warning about Linda
Shelton, so I suppose some of you will ignore my latest warning about being
compared to Mel Gibson. And I suppose some of you will consider Violet
Kowal's remarks as a challenge!
By the way, am I the only person who is curious about GLS rating of
Al Gore? Is he as dull with women as he is in public? I think he could
play a Vulcan in a Star Trek movie
acting. Perhaps he's a Reptilian. |
relationships between men and women are terrible!
Although it can be entertaining to joke about sexual performance,
this is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with. Some women claim that
the majority of women fake orgasms
on a regular basis!
Have you noticed how awful most relationships are between men and women?
Most relationships are so awkward that they never develop into a marriage,
and of those that become a marriage, many end in divorce. Some women are
having almost as many partners as a prostitute! Of the married couples
who remain together, only some of them seem to be truly happy with each
Businesses are taking advantage
of the miserable relationships by offering dating services, marriage counseling,
sexual information, and devices to masturbate with, but we shouldn't react
to problems by looking for ways to profit from them. We should be experimenting
with changes to society.
I think we would dramatically improve marriages - and even friendships
- if we could put a higher quality group of people in control of the government,
businesses, and schools. As I've complained about in other files, the crude
savages who dominate society today are promoting constant
toilet humor and sexual titillation for both children and adults in television
shows, advertisements, and movies, but there is almost no serious information
about our bodies or sex. Furthermore, there are various groups of feminists
and religious fanatics who are promoting their particular distorted views.
The end result is that a lot of children are becoming adults who are confused
about marriage, money, sex, fame, and life in general. Many children have
to learn about sex by watching pornography, but that may be creating more
trouble by giving them a neurotic view
of sex!
By the way, we should consider the possibility that there are subtle
differences between the different races of humans in regards to personality,
affection, kissing, and even lovemaking. This could explain some of the
awkwardness among interracial couples.
We need serious
information, not "toilet humor"
I think the world is dominated by people with crude attitudes,
and that they are a terrible influence on the world. For example, they
promote the simplistic attitude that happiness comes from extreme levels
of material wealth, fame, sex, and jewelry. They provide endless sexual
titillation and toilet humor, but there is almost no serious information
about human bodies. As a result, there is incredible ignorance and confusion
about food, digestion, and sex.
An example I find amusing is when I had dinner at a couple's house and
asked what the hard, crunchy green cubes in the salad were. I was told
that they were pieces of avocado. I
asked why they didn't let the avocados ripen, and I discovered that they
didn't realize that avocados are supposed to ripen. It makes me wonder
if there are people who don't realize that bananas should ripen, also.
Children today are also ignorant about sex. Thousands of years ago children
learned about sex because there was almost no privacy, but when I was growing
up, a lot of us were extremely ignorant about some issues. For example,
there was a time when I was walking past my parents bedroom and I heard
my mother making awful noises. I visualized her having a nightmare, and
I went over to the door and was about to pound on it, open the door, and
yell, "Mom! Are you okay? Wake up!"
But before I said anything I stopped and thought, "Wait
a minute. It's too early for her to be asleep!" So I stood
there next to the door listening for a while trying to figure out what
was going on, and after a while I wondered if that is what sex is. I walked
away a bit confused.
I assumed my mother was having a nightmare, but consider what would
happen if a child assumed that their father was hurting their mother. In
such a case, the children could become adults with unpleasant memories
of their father abusing the mother. Furthermore, if their parents later
got divorced, that would reinforce the children's assumption that their
parents were fighting. Those children would be able to pass a lie detector
test as they recounted their horrible memories of their mother crying in
pain as a result of the beatings, and how the beatings occurred on a routine
basis. The mother would deny that she was beaten, and some people would
respond that she was in a state of denial, or suffering from something
such as the Stockholm Syndrome.
What are "liquid farts"?
Young children don't have many inhibitions about their body.
One day when I was a child, my youngest brother asked why sometimes when
he farts, it feels as if a liquid instead of a gas comes out. What creates
this strange illusion? Children can talk about this issue, but they have
no answers. Adults could probably answer the question, but most are too
inhibited to talk about it!
One day a few years ago I had one of those strange, liquid farts, but
this time it felt like so much liquid came out that I decided to look at
my underwear to see if there was any sign of a liquid or if it was truly
an illusion. I discovered that there was a nearly colorless liquid that
was slightly thicker than water.
I knew that the pancreas and gallbladder put fluids into the intestines,
so I wondered if this was some type of digestive fluid. Our liver dumps
old red blood cells into the intestine, so perhaps it was some waste product,
such as old white blood cells. Or was it a lubricant that the intestines
produce to help food pass through?
Then one day it happened again, and I decided to find the courage to
smell the liquid in case I could determine what it was by its odor. To
my surprise, it smelled good, like
a sexual scent.
Update, 26 September 2010
After posting this article, I received an e-mail message from a man
who told me that he had also been wondering about these "liquid farts",
and he said that he has taken a close look at the liquid a few times. He
says that the liquid is not always the same. Sometimes it's watery, and
sometimes it's thick, and the amount varies considerably. He hasn't been
able to find any explanation for any of it, however. He also wrote, "I
have smelled this several times, and there either is no smell, or the smell
is metallic."
Today, 26 Sep 2010, I just had another of those strange, liquid farts,
and this time I very quickly smelled the liquid, and I would describe it
as a faint, "chemical-type" odor. Perhaps it's just a lubricant or a digestive
chemical. So I suppose that the reason it smelled good the last time I
smelled it was because it had a chance to sit on my skin and pick up the
sexual odors that are on the outside of my body. |
Ants do
get thirsty!
While I'm on the subject of interesting aspects of life, I'll
skip over the details and point out that I discovered that the tiny ants
that live in my city actually do get thirsty! All throughout my childhood
I was amazed at how the ants could wander around during the hottest and
driest summer months without water, but here is a photo of two of them
drinking from a droplet of water on my bathroom sink.
What do tiny spiders eat?
Another curiosity of life is that there are tiny spiders with
very tiny webs along the walls in my house. I don't understand how they
survive. The photo below shows a mechanical pencil next to one of these
spiders. The pencil lead has a diameter of 0.5 mm. The spider sits in depressions
or corners, and his web is directly over him. In the photo below, the spider
is under his web but a bit frightened by my pencil. His web is 2 to 4 times
larger than him, but the web is made with such thin silk that it doesn't
show in the photo, and it is difficult to see with your eyes.
Here is a close-up of another spider. This is the position they are
normally in as they sit under their web.
What insect is so tiny and so stupid as to get caught in its tiny, delicate
web? And why don't spiders get thirsty? |
Some flies are very stupid!
The last curiosity that I'll mention is that during the dry months
of the year, I have noticed these tiny flies around the bathroom and kitchen,
apparently because they want to be near moisture. Some of them will fly
away when I get near them, but some of them won't move until I touch
The reason I could get a photo of these flies is because they remained
motionless on the bathroom wall while I arranged a light and video camera
only a few centimeters away! These
flies behave as if they work for a modeling agency! They seem accustomed
to sitting still while photographers arrange lights and cameras! |
This photo shows a dead fly next to that same mechanical pencil to
show that the fly is much larger than the spider, so the spider doesn't
eat these flies.
Their wings and bodies have hairs on them, not scales like a moth.
Update 22 March 2013.
I have a video about these flies here. |
We are ignorant about life!
The reason I mentioned the issues above is to point out that
we think of ourselves as highly educated, but we are amazingly ignorant
about even the ordinary aspects of
life, such as the food we eat, the creatures that live in our homes, sex,
our body, and the differences between men and women. We need serious information
about the world we live in. We don't need sexual titillation, toilet humor,
or propaganda. We need to put higher quality people in control of society!