15 Nov 2007 As awareness of Zionism increases, I find myself under increasing pressure to stop blaming “Jews”.Most of the 9/11 criminals share certain characteristics, such as:
Two noticeable characteristics of Neanderthals:
1) short, slanted forehead, often with a massive brow. 2) head doesn't sit vertically over their body; their short necks are at an angle. |
The Neanderthal neck is not vertical over the body. |
Hitler in prison in 1924 |
Leonid Brezhnev, about 1968 |
Simon Wiesenthal, the "Nazi Hunter". |
Mao Zedong |
Kobe Bryant |
Are Neanderthals extinct? Scientists thought the coelacanth fish was extinct for millions of years, until somebody caught one alive. Several countries created postage stamps and coins with this fish. As I mentioned a couple years ago in one of my documents, scientists have been wrong so often about extinct species that we have a phrase for their mistakes: "living fossils". |
Perhaps the Neanderthals did not
go extinct. Perhaps they interbred with us Cro-Magnons and are now
throughout our population. Perhaps many of the people we regard as
savage, dishonest, immoral, perverted, freaky, wierd, and disgusting
relatives of Neanderthals; perhaps
was a "living fossil".
By referring to the 9/11 criminals as Neanderthals, we can include criminals of all races and religions, and there is no Neanderthal Defense League to complain that we are anti-Neanderthal. Futhermore, there might be some truth to this accusation! |
Eric Hufschmid 100% pure Cro Magnon |
I'm anti-Neanderthal.” |
Koestler13thTribe.htm Smith and I discuss it at this page. Perhaps the Khazarians, the Huns, the Mongols, the gypsies, and other savage groups are close relatives of different types of Neanderthals. |
Henry Kissinger |
Joe Stalin, young |
Stalin while dictator |
Tony Blair of Britain |
Menachem Begin, of Israel |
Harvey Weinstein, of Hollywood |
Shimon Perez, of Israel |
David Letterman, a TV comedian |
Ehud Olmert, of Israel |
Einstein when older |
Edgar Bronfman Jr. |
Matthew Bronfman |
Nelson Rockefeller |
David Rockefeller |
Donald Trump |
Bill Gates of Microsoft |
Al Franken, a "liberal" in the
US General Wesley Clark |
Wolf Blitzer, the TV show host |
Mugshot of Isaac Babel |
Sumner Redstone, of Time Warner |
Yitzhak Rabin of Israel |
Pope Ratzinger in 2004 |