9) Why is Angelina
Jolie being attacked?
I don't pay much attention to Hollywood, but with Mel Gibson frequently
in the news now, I'm starting to notice that some of the Hollywood entertainers
get favorable publicity, and some are
For example, Angelina Jolie seems
to be under attack right now. Some "shocking"
photos of Angelina Jolie's "dark
past" in 1999 are being exposed today.
Note: those two articles
are from foreign sites that print in English, and as I pointed out here,
be suspicious of such sites!
Why are these photos
being published after 11 years of secrecy? I suspect that the Reptilians
are trying to intimidate the people in Hollywood.
It's also interesting that Andrew Morton just finished a biography
about Jolie, and it appears to be an attempt to hurt
If the Reptilians were respectable people,
they would help Jolie understand her
strengths and weaknesses, and help her to deal with her problems, but,
instead, they are exploiting her.
Meanwhile, the attack on Mel Gibson continues.
Gibson is accused of attacking his baby daughter,
and the website radaronline published photos
to support the accusation. The blue arrow
points to the damage that Gibson inflicted on his daughter.
Gibson is also accused of hitting his ex-girlfriend on the side of her
face. Photos of her beaten face are
The photos are proof that Gibson
hasn't hurt anybody. Therefore, this ridiculous
attack on Gibson is a sign that the Reptilians are desperate
to intimidate Gibson. Of course, it's
possible that Gibson is under their control, in which case this idiotic
attack on him is to intimidate other
people, such as Brad Pitt, or Angelina Jolie. |
When should society
investigate "domestic"
I suspect that almost every couple, whether they are male or
female, or two homosexuals, have had a few arguments during their relationship.
And I suspect that arguments are even more common between children, and
between parents and their children.
I also suspect that the arguments between Mel Gibson and his ex-girlfriend
are not much different than the arguments between millions of other couples.
If Mel Gibson hit her, he didn't hit her any harder than millions of other
couples hit one another.
We have to make a decision on when society should get involved with
domestic arguments. Should the police try to stop men and women from yelling
at each other? Or should they get involved only when the couples hit
one another? And if so, should the police ignore abuse that doesn't cause
any physical damage? Should they get involved only when the abuse is so
serious that somebody needs medical attention?
What about couples that torture each other in an emotional
manner rather than a physical manner?
Should the police get involved with that type of argument, also? If so,
at what point do they get involved? Do they wait until they see tears running
down a person's face?
When should the police get involved with arguments between parents
and their children?
When should the police interfere with arguments between
children at school? If a
child pulls the wings off of a fly, should the police be called to investigate?
Should the police deal with children who set cats on fire or put firecrackers
into bird nests? |
We also have to make decisions on when a person is abusing
an animal, both pets and wild animals. We are allowed to kill
rats, but should the police stop an angry person from torturing
a rat? Should we be allowed to kill deer, mice, raccoons, turkeys, or skunks
that wander through our yard or get into our homes?
We are allowed to raise and eat chickens. Should the police stop
us from raising and eating dogs, horses, or rabbits?
Should we allow circuses to "train"
animals? |
We need leaders who can provide
Our primitive ancestors didn't have to deal with such issues
as abortion, crime networks, or feminism. Today we must deal with an enormous
number of issues, but none of us can deal with these issues by ourselves.
These are issues that affect all of society.
Therefore, a lot of people must get involved in the decisions. We need
leaders to arrange discussions and provide help in selecting policies to
experiment with.
Unfortunately, we don't have leaders
in control of our government, schools, media, or businesses. Instead, we
have a network of criminals, pedophiles, and parasites who are trying to
intelligent conversations so that they can dominate
and exploit us. This network of freaks
is like a fungus that is suffocating the human race and interfering with
both social and technical progress.
Furthermore, this network of freaks is using our police, military, and
legal system to eliminate their enemies. For example, consider the battle
that is going on regarding Mel Gibson. As of today, it seems to me that
the arguments between Gibson and his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva,
are as trivial as those between millions of other couples, in which case
I would say the police are wasting resources by
investigating them, and the media is wasting resources by publicizing them.
The police should investigate Grigorieva
and all of the lawyers, news reporters, and other people who are supporting
this ridiculous attack on Gibson. Those are the people committing
a serious crime, not Gibson.
If we allow the Jews to get away with this type of crime, then they
would be able to publish meaningless photos of your
children, or your spouse, and then
have you arrested for abuse. |
George Clooney is also in the news
right now because his girlfriend is involved
with cocaine use from several years ago. Did the police really need three
years to gather enough evidence before they could expose this cocaine incident?
Or is this issue coming out now because George Clooney is showing signs
of rebellion? Is Clooney one of the men that the Reptilians are trying
to intimidate?
Incidentally, this brings up the issue of which drugs a society should
try to control. We are allowed to drink alcohol, even to excess, and we
are allowed to use Viagra and certain other drugs, but the police risk
their lives to stop people from using certain other drugs. I don't think
our drug policies make sense. I think our policies are being influenced
by the crime networks that dominate
report claims that Brad Pitt and George Clooney played a joke on Hollywood
producer Jerry Weintraub during a flight
from Italy to Los Angeles. They got him drunk, and after he fell asleep,
they put M&Ms in his underpants and shoes.
Weintraub laughed about it when he described
it during a television interview, but perhaps their "joke" is a sign that
Pitt and Clooney are fed up with the
abuse, murders, deception, bribery, blackmail. If so, it would explain
why both Pitt and Clooney are being attacked right now.
Actually, the Reptilians don't have anything to attack Pitt or Clooney
with, so they're attacking their women.
This strategy may backfire, however. One reason is that a lot of people
may become disgusted with the attacks on Angelina Jolie. Everybody already
knows that she has problems, so these reports are not "news" or "entertainment".
Rather, they are "senseless cruelty". They are equivalent to a teenage
gang beating an old man.
Another reason these attacks may backfire is that they might cause Pitt,
Clooney, and Jolie to find partners that they are better suited to. If
each of them form better relationships, then they will become even more
desirable to the public, thereby drawing more attention away from the ugly,
dreary, bland Reptilians. |
Weintraub is lucky that M&Ms melt in our mouth,
not in our underwear.
By comparison, Leonardo DiCaprio
is getting favorable
publicity for refusing
to work with Mel Gibson.
DiCaprio admits that he was a "real
punk" when he was younger, but neither he nor his girlfriend are being
attacked by the media. What a coincidence that DiCaprio's girlfriend, Bar
Refaeli, is an Israeli! |
Another interesting report is that Brad Pitt recently bought
a house in Italy near Clooney's house, and now Matt Damon and Julia Roberts
are looking
for a home in that area. Is this just a coincidence? Or are these people
trying to get away from the Reptilians? If so, will the Reptilians soon
purchase houses in that area?