The Ministries of the Quality
The suggested Ministries
for this division are:
No modern culture gives us
the freedom to do whatever we please. We must follow a lot of laws, and
we must qualify
to do
certain things. For example, we must get a license to become a dentist,
start a business, hunt wild animals, drive an automobile, and get
Since this Constitution provides everybody with free access to all
of the material wealth in the city, everybody will have free access to
a lot of
expensive and dangerous items that they do not have access to in any
existing culture, so we need a lot more licenses.
Nobody needs a license to have access to
clothing, food, or a home, but some of the social clubs will provide
people with access
to expensive or dangerous items, such as 3D printers, CNC machines,
robots, and electron microscopes. The
Leisure Minister will also provide activities that give people access
to expensive or dangerous items or activities, such as scuba equipment,
kayaks, and
recreational vehicles.
The License Ministry
has the responsibility and authority to determine which items and
activities require a license,
and how
a person
gets the license.
failures are listed in the People
Before computers
the people who qualified to drive an automobile or perform dentistry
given a paper license. To
simplify the process of providing licenses
and determining which licenses a person has, each person's licenses
will be stored in his entry of the People
database. Since the People
database is available to everybody from any phone or computer, this
makes it easy to determine which licenses a person has, and whether he
has had any licenses that were canceled.
The People
database will also have information about the training programs that a person has
had, and the results of the programs. For example, if a person requests
training for a 3D printer, but he quits before he completes the
training because he
decides that the
machine is too complicated or boring, his
failure to complete the training will be listed in his database entry.
If he then decides to get training on scuba equipment, but quits
partway through that training session, then he will have another
failure in his database entry. Two important reasons for keeping track
of those type of failures are:
1) |
We tend to ignore our failures and exaggerate our successes.
This concept is most noticeable with people who gamble. They usually
remember when they win a
gamble, but they tend to
forget about their losses. They inadvertently fool themselves into
believing that they are much more successful at gambling than they
actually are.
Keeping track of our failures allows
of us to get a better understanding of ourselves
and other people. We will get a better understanding of how often
we make mistakes about our abilities and failures.
We will also be able to look at other people's entries and discover how
often we were incorrect about somebody else's talents, successes, and
It will help
determine who is an irritation.
Although this Constitution prohibits different classes of people and
requires everybody to be treated equally, we are not treated identically.
The most obvious example is that
children are not treated
the same as adults.
A person who has a history of failing or quitting training
sessions will have an increasingly difficult time convincing an
executive of a social club to provide him with training. The social
clubs are required to give everybody an opportunity to be a member,
but if a person has a history of obnoxious behavior, or of
abusing equipment, or of failing or quitting
training programs, the executive has the option of turning the person
away from his club.
In the USA, this policy would be condemned as discriminating against
the "underdog", but this constitution does not promote a "feel sorry
for the loser" attitude.
are canceled
for bad
The culture of the
USA has
such a strong " feel sorry for me"
attitude that a person must be
extremely irresponsible or destructive in order to have a license
canceled. For example, an American who is caught driving while
might have his license suspended for
many months, but he has to get
caught driving intoxicated many times before he risks having his
license permanently
Every culture believes that punishments
will cure bad behavior, but suspending a person's driver's license for
driving while intoxicated cannot
improve his mind. Some of those people react by putting more effort
into resisting the temptation to drive while intoxicated, thereby
making it appear as if the punishment has been beneficial, but those
people continue to have a lower quality mind than the rest of us.
This constitution prohibits all type of punishments. Therefore, the
ministers can cancel
licenses, but not suspend
When a person's license is canceled, that event will be listed in his
database entry. The more canceled licenses that a person has, the more
difficult it will be for him to convince a social club to
give him training for their particular activity because he will develop
a reputation of being
a waste of time and resources.
The leisure and social activities are not
obligated to
tolerate or accept troublesome people. Those activities are a privilege, not a
The reason licenses are an
The Social Clubs Minister could be responsible for the licenses for the
social clubs, and the Leisure Minister could be responsible for the
licenses for the leisure activities, and the other ministers could be
responsible for the licenses for driving forklifts, performing
dentistry, fishing in the rivers, and other activities.
By having a License Ministry to deal with all licenses, we remove some
the emotional trauma that the other ministers would suffer from, and
put the burden on the License Ministry.
This concept is similar to eliminating the freedom of people to have
kitchens in their home, and requiring them to get their meals at
restaurants. Those restrictions allow parents to be free of the
emotional irritation of children who push them into providing them with
food. The parents will be able to avoid the emotional pressure by
telling their children something like, "You must eat what the ministers
have authorized for children, and when the
restaurants are
open. So stop asking me for food."
We do not like having restrictions on our freedom, so we do not like
the concept of licenses, and we especially dislike the idea of having a
license canceled for bad
behavior. Therefore, the people who have to give and cancel licenses
will be in an emotionally unpleasant situation.
If the executive of a social club was responsible for
determining which equipment in his club requires a license, how a
can gets a license, and when a person should have his license canceled,
then he would occasionally be under pressure by people in his club to
make it easier to get a license, and to be more tolerate more of bad
By having the License Ministry deal with licenses, the executives of
the clubs can avoid the emotional trauma by telling the people
something like, "I don't make
the decisions about licenses, so don't complain to me."
This concept is also the reason that the ministers are allowed
to fire employees of a businesses that they authorized, but they
cannot micromanage the business.
Products Ministry
The Products Ministry
determines which
products will
be manufactured for the public. The
products that are needed by industries, scientists, and hospitals are
determined by other ministries. For example, the Medical Ministry is
responsible for designing the products and
supplies needed by the hospitals, dentists, and other people involved
with health.
The Products Ministry can design products, and they can accept designs
from citizens or other ministries. They decide what features, options,
colors, and decorations to give each product. If they accept a design
from a citizen, than the citizen gets credit for having a beneficial
idea, even if the Products Ministry modifies his design.
However, the Products Ministry cannot manufacture products. Instead,
they post requests for products in the Requests
category, and the Economic Division determines
whether they
will manufacture the item.
control for all products
Although this ministry is restricted to designing products for the public, they
have the responsibility to provide quality
control for all products
in the city. For example, they are required to pass judgment on the
value of the products that are authorized by the Medical Ministry. This
allows them to post a complaint that an x-ray machine that the Medical
Ministry has authorized is too expensive, or has unnecessary features,
or is too complicated to use, maintain, or recycle.
By putting this ministry in the role of quality control for products,
they can reduce some of the problems that are occurring in existing
societies. Specifically, the businesses, government agencies, and other
organizations that put a lot of labor and resources into projects that
are worthless, inefficient, or detrimental. For some examples of what
they can do:
Nations spend enormous
amounts of money on training people to be contestants for the Olympic
Games, and even more money for the facilities
for the Olympic Games, and many of those facilities are wasted
after the games are finished.
However, nobody is held accountable for the waste, and nobody cares
whether the benefits of the Olympics outweigh the disadvantages.
The Products Ministry has the authority to pass judgment on whether the
recreational activities, facilities, and equipment that the Leisure and
Social Club Ministers are requesting are sensible, or should be altered
or terminated.
SpaceX has put more
than 6000 Starlink
satellites in orbit, as of June
2024, to provide Internet services
around the world, but this is a very
expensive method of providing Internet services.
The satellites are in a low orbit, which causes
them to fall into the atmosphere and burn up after about five years.
SpaceX will soon have to replace more than a thousand of them every
but it costs about $67 million to put one satellite into orbit as of
SpaceX hopes to have 42,000
satellites, which will require replacing about 8000 a year. The cost of
the rockets will continue to decrease, but even if the cost drops to
$10 million per satellite, replacing 8000 a year requires a phenomenal
amount of labor and resources.
In a free enterprise system, and in a democracy, nobody is authorized
to pass judgment on whether those satellites are a sensible way of
providing Internet services, or whether it would be more beneficial for
us to put the technical talent and resources into some other project.
If SpaceX was part of an organization that was planning to instigate a
war or other disaster,
then the satellites would be useful during the war, but otherwise it is
an idiotic and inefficient method of providing
Internet services.
Jeff Bezos is
selling $1 billion worth of stock a year to fund the Blue Origin
company. Throughout his life he has had fantasies of creating colonies
in space, and he is currently dreaming of creating millions of space
colonies for trillions of
He is just one of many people who have been fooled by NASA and
Hollywood into believing that outer space is a beautiful and
exciting aspect of the universe, and
that our lives will be more satisfying on the moon and Mars than
on Earth.
Bezos probably believes that space colonies are going to be easy to
create because he has been fooled into believing that space travel is
so easy and safe that people in the 1960s
could routinely send people to and from the moon.
However, creating a colony in space requires a phenomenal amount of
metal, plastic, and rubber just to create a protective shell for the
colony. If we
were capable of creating such a gigantic shell, we could flatten it
out, and
make it into a gigantic barge that floats on the Pacific Ocean, and
then build a city on top of it.

Creating a city on the earth is much
easier than creating a space colony, but no society has yet been able
to create even a tiny city on the earth that is attractive, clean,
quiet, and free of crime. No society has even been successful at
providing itself with honest, competent, and intelligent leadership. It
is absurd for us to be putting
enormous amounts of technical talent and
resources into space travel when we cannot take
care of ourselves here on the Earth.
If we had a space colony
right now, it would be full of the same people that are in Chicago,
Paris, London, and Hong Kong, and its leadership would be just as
corrupt, incompetent, and selfish. It would be a space colony full of
fights, litter, people who hate one another, people speaking different
languages, and people giving birth to retarded children.
It would be a space colony in which the journalists, government
officials, religious leaders, college professors, and business
executives are involved with human trafficking, pedophilia, murder
rituals, and promoting Jewish propaganda
Life in the
space colony would be just as miserable as it is in every city here on
the earth.
If a child is irresponsible with his toys, and if he asks his
parents for another toy, his parents should
respond that he cannot take care of the toys that he
already has, so cannot have any more, especially not expensive toys.
The people in leadership positions today are doing a terrible
job. They all seem to be suffering from serious emotional and/or
intellectual disorders. All they can think about is stockpiling absurd
amounts of material items, being pampered by servants, and creating an
economic monarchy so that their children don't have to earn anything.
We are fools
to allow such terrible leaders to put so much of our labor and
resources into worthless projects, such as
developing rockets to take us into space. We don't need to go into
space. We need to deal with the problems we have here on the earth.
The billions of dollars that Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Richard Branson,
and other billionaires are putting into space travel, electric
vehicles, Hyperloop, and other projects is not their money. It belongs
to society. They are
billionaires only because our culture has
allowed them to take enormous amounts of wealth, not because they
earned it, or deserve it.
During the Middle Ages, the people allowed the kings and queens to take
phenomenal amounts of wealth, and they were also willing to fight
whatever wars the kings and queens told them to fight. People today are
much more educated, so they
should do a better job of managing their society, but our societies
have become more complex. As a result, people today are even more
overwhelmed with
life than they were during the Middle Ages.
Most people cannot make sensible decisions about who their leaders
should be, or what our policy should be for abortion, marijuana,
heroin, immigration, and assisted suicide. Most people cannot even
understand the benefits to allowing the government to develop a DNA
database that contains everybody's DNA, and they cannot agree on
whether telephone wires should be put underground or dangling from
poles scattered throughout the city.
The majority of people cannot take care of a modern society.
Most people cannot even do a good job of taking care of
themselves or their family. They cannot
control their eating, debt, drug use, temper, arrogance, and/or
If we had a space colony right now, the people in the colony would be
just as incompetent at managing it as they are at managing the cities
here on the earth. They would elect incompetent, dishonest, and
criminal officials for their government, and the space colony would be
full of crime, divorce, homelessness, retards, teenage gangs, and
mental illness.
The space colony would have vegans protesting the eating of meat; brown
whining about white privilege; feminists are whining about sexism;
conservatives whining that they need guns to protect them from crime
and corruption; and Jews whining about anti-Semitism and Holocaust
denial. The police would have trouble identifying criminals because
they would be prohibited from demanding a DNA sample of everybody
living in the colony.
Nobody would even know how many people were living in the colonies
they would not put much effort into stopping illegal immigration.
A space colony would essentially be a copy of Hong Kong, Chicago, or
enclosed in a shell, and floating around in space. The buildings will
be just as ugly and disorganized as they are here on the earth. The
colonies would also become overcrowded
as a result of the people being incapable of controlling their
reproduction and immigration.

The Japanese space colonies would need people to push passengers onto
overcrowded trains, and the American space colonies would be full of
overweight people who want to drive vehicles everywhere, rather than
walk or ride bicycles.
There would also be lots of pet dogs, cats, and other animals that bark
and fight with each other; spread poop and hairs everywhere; and
occasionally bite and kill people. And the police would resist killing
the violent dogs, including
dogs that attack police officers, and dogs that have ripped the face
off of a woman.
Eventually there would be so many defective people that there would be
streets in every space colony that resemble Kensington Avenue, and
the government officials would "solve" the problem by pushing the
defective people into other streets.
The space
colonies would have so many obese people that they would demand that
the artificial gravity be reduced so that they can move easier, and
then they would gain more weight.
The space colonies would also have
the same accusations of government officials, professors, journalists,
Jews, and other people involved with pedophile networks, human
trafficking, and murder rituals.
It is idiotic
to allow our incompetent, dishonest, and mentally disturbed leaders to
put phenomenal amounts of technical talent and resources into
developing colonies on the moon, Mars, or in space. They cannot
provide appropriate leadership for people on the earth, so they cannot
provide it for people in other areas of the universe.
It is also idiotic to create new cities with the same people and
culture that we have today. We must restrict the new cities to people
with much better behavior, and we must improve our culture.
NASA is planning
to send a probe to Saturn's moon, Titan. The cost of this project has
been rising,
and we can assume that it will continue to increase. The voters are
supposed to provide quality control over their government officials,
but most voters cannot do that.
The Products Ministry would be able to demand that NASA explain and
justify the development of a new rocket when SpaceX has already
produced reusable rockets that are much lower in
cost than all of the NASA rockets.
Even if six
of the SpaceX rockets were needed to get all of the fuel and other
materials into Earth orbit, that would be much less expensive and faster than allowing NASA to create
another expensive, single-use rocket.
Even though the
reusable SpaceX rockets are much lower in cost than other rockets,
there is no authority to ensure that those rockets are truly the best
design. The Products Ministry can demand
that the engineers show
evidence that they gave proper consideration to alternative designs.
example, the Products Ministry can ensure that the engineers considered
whether it
would be more economical to have the first stage of the rocket be a
large, delta wing
aircraft with perhaps 50 turbojet engines with afterburners.
If the turbojets could lift the second stage to 20 km and 1500
km/h, it would be more economical and durable than a rocket, and much
less likely
to explode.
Furthermore, that type of craft would be able to use one of
turbojets that have already
been designed for the military, thereby avoiding the need to put
more labor and resources into the development of another jet engine.
The second stage would be a reusable rocket, except that it would be
provided with small wings so that it
can land like an aircraft rather than vertically.
Men have such strong craving for status that we sometimes choose to do
something that is inefficient or idiotic because we want to impress
other people, so it is
possible that the SpaceX engineers decided to make the first stage a
rocket rather than
an aircraft, and to have it land vertically, rather than land like an
aircraft, because that design is more difficult.
Launching things
into space is extremely expensive, and we should impress one another by
finding the simplest and most efficient solution, rather than behave
like gorillas that are pounding their chest and trying to intimidate
one another.
In a free enterprise system, nobody has the authority to make the
SpaceX management explain which alternative designs they considered, or
why they dismissed them, but the Products Ministry has the
responsibility and authority to ensure that the engineers are
controlling their emotions and doing what is most sensible for society.
Some organizations,
such as Harvard University and NOAA, have begun doing research into "Solar
Radiation Modification". This is a project to do something to the
atmosphere to make it reflect some of the sunlight back into outer
space to compensate for global warming.
There is no authority in a democracy or a free enterprise system to
the scientists who promote that project to provide evidence that the
truly becoming warmer, rather than just going through its typical hot
and cold phases.
There is also no authority to demand that the scientists show evidence
that the Earth is warming up because of carbon dioxide, rather than
because of our replacement of grass and trees with asphalt, concrete,
and buildings.
For example, the Los Angeles basin must be creating a tremendous amount
of warm air as a result of all of the buildings and roads, which would
have a significant effect on the weather of Southern California, but
the scientists are ignoring that effect.
Furthermore, there is no authority to demand that the scientists show
evidence that we will suffer from global warming. For all we know, the
benefits of a warmer climate will outweigh the disadvantages.
Finally, there is no authority to ensure that the scientists can
evidence that whatever they do to the atmosphere will be reversible if
it turns out to make the climate even worse, or if they decide to
terminate it after it reduces the temperature.
The Products Ministry has the authority and responsibility to demand
that the scientists involved with such a project can justify what they
Since it is impossible for the Products Ministry personnel to have
adequate knowledge about all of the different projects in the city, all
government agencies are encouraged to hire people to become part-time
and temporary
government officials. This will allow citizens to assist the government
with quality
control for the projects that they are knowledgeable about.
The public is incapable of providing
quality control
The free enterprise
systems and the democracies require the public to
handle all quality control issues. For example, consumers are supposed
to drive businesses to bankruptcy if they cannot provide good quality
products, or if the executives are taking "too much" money, or if the
executives abuse their employees or customers.
Up until the last few centuries, business activity was so simplistic
that the public could do a fairly good job of ensuring the businesses
were producing good quality products and behaving properly, but
today it is impossible for consumers to do that.
During the past few centuries, our societies have become so large and
complicated that the public cannot manage it.
results in businesses, charities, think tanks, government agencies,
religions, and other organizations, wasting
enormous amounts of labor technical talent, labor, and resources on
worthless projects.
By making the Products Ministry responsible for quality control of
products, we put
a small group of people in control of all products and research
programs. Instead of trying to pass judgment on the value of an
enormous number of businesses, we only have to pass judgment on the
performance of the Behavior Minister.
By requiring all government officials to document their
decisions, it becomes practical for us to observe what the minister do,
hold them accountable for their actions.
The Products Ministry must respond to complaints
A quality control official will not be of much value if he is allowed
to ignore complaints about products, or his policies. Therefore, as
with all government officials, the Products Ministry is required to
respond to
questions about their policies, complaints about products, and
suggestions for products. They cannot give vague answers, or
promise to investigate, as the Santa Barbara officials
do with complaints about the airport noise.
Although the public is not likely to have any good suggestions, they
can be very useful in identifying problems. For example, I purchased
the probe in the photo
below for my thermometer, and I noticed that the temperature would
fluctuate by a few degrees as I moved the thermometer around in a pan
of hot water.
I assumed that there were
currents of hot water flowing from the bottom, and the probe was so
sensitive that it was picking up the subtle differences in temperature
in different areas of the pan. However, after a couple years, the
temperature was fluctuating so much, and sometimes giving a negative
value, that I decided it must be failing.
Before discarding it in the trash, I decided to cut through the hard
plastic portion
where the wires went into the thermometer ( at the magenta arrow
in the image above) to see if the wires were frayed because
touching that area caused the fluctuations in temperature. I
that one of the two wires was completely severed, and it was such a
clean cut that I assume it happened during the manufacturing of the


blue wire
was broken where it entered the probe.
looks like the wires were sparking, even though it operates at only 3
I soldered the broken wires together, and encased the loose wires in
plastic with a hot glue gun, and that fixed the problem. The
temperature became more stable than it ever was.
The point of this personal example is that most consumers would not
know what was wrong with the thermometer. Instead, they would only be
able to complain that the temperature fluctuates wildly when they
handle the thermometer.
The engineers who design products or software cannot expect the public
to understand what is wrong with their products or software. Therefore,
they must be willing to investigate what appear to be "stupid" and
"vague" complaints. However, our resistance to "work" causes us to want
to ignore complaints that seem stupid. Therefore, the ministers have to
be under pressure to respond to complaints, and they must pressure
engineers and computer programmers into investigating and fixing the problem.
This type of economic system will allow us to get the reasons for why
rockets, cell phones, drones, bicycles, and other items are designed
the way they are; allow consumers to get responses to their complaints;
and put engineers and computer programmers under pressure to improve
their products. It will enable us to take
control of our economy
rather than wonder what is going on.
In the case of the thermometer with the broken wire, an investigation
might show that it was the only thermometer with that problem, but an
investigation might also have shown that there were lots of broken
wires as a result of a manufacturing process that was putting too much
strain on the wires.
For another example, there are thousands of people constantly
complaining about the same problems with the Windows operating system,
and with incompatibilities with DXF files, but neither Microsoft nor
Autodesk does anything to solve the problems. In a free enterprise
system, businesses have no obligation to improve anything they do.
The Products Ministry will improve that situation by having the
responsibility for improving products, and authority to demand that the
complaints be investigated, and the problems be solved. Since the
Quality Division President is not permitted to tolerate or make excuses
for incompetent ministers, if a Products Minister cannot solve
problems, he must be replaced.
The other ministers also have to respond to questions and solve
problems, so citizens will
be able to demand explanations for why a particular holiday celebration
has been authorized, or why a particular recreational activity has been
terminated, or why a particular clothing style has been altered.
By repeatedly replacing the ministers who are the least effective at
resolving complaints and problems, we will provide ourselves with
government officials who are truly talented at improving our products,
software, and other culture.
The Courts Ministry is
responsible for operating a legal system, except that it will deal with
crimes in a manner that is similar to how businesses deal with
employees who misbehave, rather than similar to how nations deal with
crimes. This
document provides details.
As mentioned here,
the ministers can be men or women, except for the Courts and Security
Ministers. Those ministers must be men, and they must have
demonstrated a
success with dealing with unpleasant conflicts and policies because
ministers cannot be
or easily intimidated. They must be capable of making decisions that
people's feelings, and make people angry.
In every existing culture,
the purpose of a security system and law enforcement agency is to
prevent crime. However, the laws document pointed out that we cannot
prevent crime with laws because no matter what type of law we create,
people are capable of ignoring them. Likewise, no matter what type of
security device or system we create, people can ignore or defeat it.
This constitution changes the situation dramatically by giving the
security ministry a different purpose. Specifically, its purpose is to
solve crimes and remove the badly behaved people, rather than try to
prevent crimes from occurring.
For example, in every city the government, businesses, and citizens
keep lights on all night long in order to discourage people from
committing crimes, but burglaries, rapes, murders, and other crimes
continue to occur. We are wasting labor and resources on these lights,
and creating light pollution that prevents people in the city from
seeing the stars.
This Constitution requires the city lights to be for decorative and
useful purposes, not to prevent crime. In the evening, some low level
lights will turn on to make it easy for people to see the walkways,
bicycle paths, and swimming areas, and to decorate the buildings and
plazas. Late in the evening, when almost everybody is sleeping, almost
all of the lights in the city should turn off. The city will be
extremely dark during the night.
As described years ago, this Constitution removes our " safety net". This attitude
is similar to that of the military training programs. The military
officials do not try to prevent the students from failing. Instead,
they put the students through training and tests, and those that fail
are evicted. Likewise, the people who train dogs to assist people with
disabilities do not try to control the dogs. Instead, they put the dogs
through training and tests, and those that fail are evicted.
The Security and Courts Ministries must do the same with people.
Instead of trying to control people with punishments, security systems,
and laws, they must evict the people who cannot behave properly, or put
them on restrictions.
The Security Ministry
protects the city from badly behaved people, but they take an active role in reducing crime, rather than preparing for it or trying to prevent it. This is a
radically different attitude compared to all of the law enforcement and
security agencies in the world today.
Every culture encourages people to prepare
for crime, such as by
installing locks on their homes, bicycles, and automobiles, and using
passwords on their phones and computers, and teaching children to
be afraid of strangers.
In September 2024, the governor of New York passed
the " Retail Worker
Safety Act" that requires retail stores to become more prepared for
criminals. For example, retail stores with more than 500 employees must
install panic
throughout their building, or provide panic buttons that the employees
can wear on their clothing, or provide "panic apps" for their cell
The businesses with 10 or more employees must do such things as " Provide annual training for
employees on de-escalation tactics, active shooter drills, emergency
procedures, use of panic buttons".

We must stop preparing
for crime
and start eliminating
That law is as idiotic as requiring children to wear panic buttons, and
have annual training programs to practice using the panic buttons and
"de-escalation tactics" with pedophiles, crime gangs, and kidnappers.
To improve upon the situation, the Security, Courts, and other
ministries must take an active role in reducing
crime so that nobody has to prepare for becoming a victim.
It is a waste of our life to be fearful of the people in our city. We
live for only a few decades, and we should spend that time enjoying the
people that we live with. We should regard them as our friends and team
members. We should not be
burdened with passwords, locks and keys, or other security systems.
The Security Ministry must provide the city with a security system, but
its purpose is to identify and remove criminals. The security system
will also help us notice and prepare for natural disasters, such as
floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, and hailstorms. The system can
also watch for other types of dangerous situations, such as chemicals
that are leaking from tanks or pipes; structures that are failing from
old age or rust; and machinery that is failing.
The Security Minister must
be a man. He is
responsible for:
1) A surveillance system.
2) A police force.
3) A fire department.
1) A
surveillance system
The Security Ministry is
responsible for designing a surveillance
system to gather data about the people
and the potential dangers of
city, such as the rivers, dams, lightning
storms, and machinery.
The Security Ministry is responsible for collecting and analyzing the
data, and making it available for everybody.
The security system is only partly for use in solving crimes. Crime
will be very low compared to all other societies because criminals are
evicted, and standards are much higher for the people, so the primary
purpose of the surveillance system is to gather data to help us understand
human behavior and health issues.
When computers have the ability to identify people in the security
video, and use that information to create an index of where everybody
is in all of the videos, the surveillance system will also have lots of
other uses, such as allowing us to entertain ourselves when we become
older by watching
video of ourselves.
That surveillance video would also be useful for observing life in the
past. Since technology is changing rapidly, and the government will
experiment with culture, our lives will change through the decades, so
many people will enjoy watching video from decades earlier to reminisce
about it. Many of the older people will also enjoy showing the video to
young children and explaining how life has changed.
The surveillance video could also be used to allow people to understand
how the city was built and changed, such as watching a video at high
speed of the construction of a building or plaza.
The surveillance system would also allow us to figure out what we said
or did in
the past when we forget or have a dispute with somebody. We would be
able to ask a phone or robot to show us what we were doing on a
particular day and time. The city computer would check to see if there
is any video of us on that particular day, and then find it and display
it for us.
The surveillance system would also be designed to monitor creeks for
flooding; gather data about the
animals that get into or live in the city; identify traffic patterns
and areas with congestion; and monitor robots and autonomous
vehicles to ensure that they are operating properly and have not broken
down. By providing infrared sensitive cameras, the surveillance system
can identify hot areas, smoke, and fires.
By putting microphones on some of the cameras, the computers can
monitor noise levels to determine if any machines, bridges, or
buildings arc starting to crack or break; to learn about human
behavior; and to observe animals.
Eventually there will be sensors for chemicals, such as identifying
ammonia or the scent of flowers, which can help us reduce potential
problems, and help us understand how humans react to different
chemicals. For example, we might notice that blooming flowers causes
subtle changes in the way people walk or ride bicycles, and that there
are subtle differences in the fragrances and visual images of flowers
that men and women are attracted to.
The equipment
in the surveillance system, and its functions, will depend upon the
technology at
the time it is designed, and the Security Ministry is responsible for
updating the design as technology improves.
The Security Ministry cannot
manufacture any of the surveillance equipment. As with other agencies,
they must post a document of what they
in the Requests category, and the
Utilities Ministry will manufacture and maintain the security system,
unless they decide to reject it.
The Security Ministry determines what type of equipment to use for
the system, and what its functions are. They determine what type
of video cameras to install, and the locations of the cameras. They
determine which cameras
have fixed locations and lenses, and which
of them have zoom lenses and can be moved by computers in order to
moving objects.
They also decide if where to install microphones in the city, and
sensors for heat, motion, water leaks, freezing temperatures,
earthquakes, broken windows, wind, vibration, dust particles, pollen,
and water levels of creeks.
They are also required to use tracking software and facial recognition
software to allow the computers to identify the people in the security
videos, and to allow the computers to track people's locations.
A lot of these security functions are already implemented in the
advanced nations, but the
equipment is installed and operated by independent
citizens, organizations, and government agencies. For example, millions
of American citizens and organizations have installed surveillance
cameras in their
homes, vehicles, and facilities, and many of them also have sensors for
broken windows and
freezing temperatures. Some citizens and organizations have also
installed WebCams to observe animals or
weather. Many organizations have
also installed sensors around the nation to watch for fires,
floods, and automobile traffic.
This constitution changes the security situation dramatically. The city
provides everybody with free access to all material items, but the
citizens do not have the freedom to install their own security systems,
or hire bodyguards, or create their own private security force.
The managers of factories, farms, and other businesses are
permitted to install cameras, heat sensors, and other surveillance
items in order to allow them to monitor their operation, but
cannot install surveillance items to gather information about the city,
or the people in the city.
Likewise, every mother will have free access to cameras that she can
put into her home so that she can monitor her baby, but she
cannot install cameras to watch other
people, or the city. When the child has outgrown the need
to be
monitored, she must give the equipment back to the city, rather than
use it to observe her neighbors or other people.
Eventually the city will have the technology to provide a mother with a
robot babysitter. Initially the robot will be only able to observe the
baby and provide information to the mother, but eventually the robots
will be so advanced that they will be able to follow the mother's
verbal commands, such as to provide the baby with food, or change its
diapers. When the mother doesn't need the robot babysitter, she gives
it back to the city rather than use it to observe her neighbors or
other people in the city.
The Security Ministry is the only organization that has the authority
to install and operate a surveillance system. That
gives the city only one surveillance
system, and that is much more efficient than having lots of independent
systems. It also makes it easy to update the entire security system
when new technology is ready. Furthermore, all of the data
goes into one database, which makes it much easier for everybody to
access to the data.
The scientists, citizens, and businesses that have ideas on where to
install a surveillance camera, heat sensor, seismograph, or other type
surveillance item can post their suggestion in the Suggestions
category. If their idea is implemented, and it turns out to provide
valuable data, then they will have a success
listed in their database entry.
The surveillance system will collect such an overwhelming amount of
that nobody is expected to sit in front of video monitors to observe
the data. Instead, it will be stored in
the Surveillance
database of the city's computers.
Citizens can request
hidden cameras in their home
The Legal System document mentioned that
a person who is abused by their spouse, parents, or children are
allowed to request the Security Ministry to install hidden cameras in
their home so that they can get proof of the abuse. However, the
Security Ministry has total control of the cameras and video, so the
person who requested the cameras cannot do any editing of the video.
That will prevent the person from removing the video that shows them
instigating the trouble.
Since the destructive people are evicted or euthanized, the person who
requested the hidden cameras doesn't have to worry about his abuser
getting revenge on him.
Surveillance cameras must function properly
One of the problems with allowing individual citizens and businesses to
install their own security system is that they don't always maintain
the system properly. This has resulted in the police discovering that
some cameras were broken, or that video had been overwritten before
they had a chance to see it, or the system was of such low quality that
the video was almost useless.
When a nation has lots of low quality and broken security systems,
criminals can disable security systems to cover up a crime without
arousing suspicion. For example, when Jeffrey Epstein died
mysteriously, the people at the jail claimed that the cameras were
malfunctioning at that particular moment. There are so many
malfunctioning security cameras in the USA that nobody could be certain
if they were lying.
Likewise, the US military claimed that the four low-quality video
images of whatever crashed into the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 are
the only images that their security cameras have.
The Security Minister is responsible for ensuring that the cameras are
working properly, and he must be
replaced if he cannot perform this
job. We must not
tolerate incompetence in the Security Ministry
there is no way to be certain if a security official is incompetent or
deliberately trying to abuse us.
In order to improve the reliability of the cameras, the software that
collects the video must be designed to identify cameras that are
malfunctioning. This also requires the software to have some type of
calibration information so that it can determine whether the lenses are
dirty or blocked.
For example, when a camera is installed somewhere in the city, the
technician would save some of the video from the camera for use as
calibration video. That will allow the software
to occasionally sample video from the camera, and compare it to the
calibration video to ensure that the camera is sending images that
resemble what it is expected to produce.
That will allow the software to identify cameras with dirty or broken
lenses, or defective electronics. It will also identify cameras that
have been covered by vegetation, or broken off of
their mounting hardware.
2) A
police force
The city has only one
police department. It is similar to all existing police
departments, except that this constitution imposes one radical change.
Specifically, everybody is prohibited
from fighting with the police.
Everybody is required to treat the police in the same manner that they
treat other employees of the city.
It is detrimental to allow people to fight with one another, and it is
especially detrimental to let people fight with the people in security
positions. Some of the reasons that people should not be
allowed to fight with the police are:
• |
It makes the job of
a police officer undesirable.
We prefer to work in a job that is peaceful. Therefore, when the police
are required to tolerate abusive citizens, it makes their job
unpleasant, and that makes it more difficult to find
people who are willing to become police
officers. This in turn results in police departments lowering standards
in order to find people who are willing to do the job, which increases
the chances that some of the officers are incompetent or dishonest.
It encourages
people to fight with the police.
When the police are required to be tolerant of abusive people, it
encourages other people to be abusive to the police. We will create a
more pleasant social environment when everybody is required to treat
everybody in a respectable manner.
It causes police
officers to become irritable.
When we encounter people who treat us in a pleasant manner, it makes us
feel good, but when we encounter people who fight with
us, it causes us to become fearful, irritable, angry, or violent.
Police officers are human, and humans are apes, so we cannot expect
them to remain calm and pleasant when they are routinely encountering
people who are fighting with them.
The human mind evolved to react to
abusive behavior with anger and self-defense. Violence should be an unusual event in our life, not a routine part of our job.
It is undesirable for all of
us to live in a city in which the police are frequently
irritated and on the verge of losing their temper. We will create a
more pleasant environment for all of us when the police have a pleasant
attitude, and that requires that everybody treat them with respect.
It results in
unnecessary destruction and injuries.
There are hundreds of videos on the Internet that show police officers
struggling to be nice to criminals who are fighting with them, and this
sometimes results in the destruction of property, or the injury or
death of an officer or citizen.
example is the
police officer on top of an automobile in this video.
He is yelling at the
criminal to turn off the car, and he is pointing his gun at the
criminal, but the criminal ignores him and drives away with the officer
struggling to hang onto the top of the car. The officer does not shoot; he
is just bluffing, as they usually do.
The criminals in the USA realize that the police avoid using their
guns, so they frequently run away, or get into fights with the police.
When the police tried to stop this
woman who was driving a stolen car, she ignored them and tried to run
over one of the officers. He ended up on the
hood, and he shot at her. He hit her five times, but didn't kill her,
although she died
nine days later.
She is another example of how the people who resist arrest can be very
destructive. A person in a vehicle who is resisting arrest is a
criminal with a deadly weapon.
The police should not play
games with them. The police should have tried to kill her as soon as
she began resisting arrest, rather than just point their guns at the
her and bluff.
All existing cultures consider it "normal" for crime levels to be so
high that police officers are needed to patrol the city 24 hours a day.
This constitution follows the security philosophy of businesses,
militaries, and other organizations. Specifically, that the social
environment of an
organization is unacceptable
if the crime levels are so high that the members fear of one
another, and security officers must patrol the organization 24 hours
a day.
In the USA, some of the schools have armed police officers, and tens of thousands of students
are arrested by those policemen every year. This constitution considers
a school system with that much crime to be disgusting.
Violent dogs are euthanized in
the USA, but violent humans,
violent children,
are more dangerous to us than violent dogs
humans have the intelligence and manual dexterity to commit more
destructive and diabolical crimes. It is more important for us to
euthanize or evict the violent humans
than to euthanize the violent dogs.
This constitution does not promote
pity for any
violent animals, including human children. Violent humans are not regarded
as innocent
victims of discrimination, anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, or bad luck.
Rather, they are regarded as genetically inferior or defective.
The creation of life is a chaotic
process, and it results in a small percentage of the population being
unable to fit into society. None
of us should feel guilty that some humans have such mental disorders
that they cannot behave properly. We should not feel guilty for
euthanizing or evicting them.
This constitution requires the police to be as intolerant of violent
humans as they are of violent
dogs. The police are authorized to use tasers and guns to terminate
fights as quickly as possible, as long as they have a video camera
recording the incident. The video will allow us to determine whether
they killed a person who was running away or fighting with them, or
whether they killed an innocent person.
is idiotic to fear the
Many of the people who are afraid of the police will create frightening
scenarios in which violent
police officers are routinely killing innocent people, but it is idiotic to
frighten ourselves with such scenarios. It is more sensible to make the
job of a police officer more pleasant so that they are less likely to
become irritated, frightened, and angered.
We should not
be afraid that the police will kill innocent people. All
animals, including police officers, have powerful inhibitions about
killing their own
species. Police officers are especially resistant to killing people who
they respect. Therefore, it
is in everyone's best interest to treat police officers with respect.
have the ability to reduce crime
We do not have much of a problem with violent dogs because we remove
them as soon as they become violent. We do not try to fix the violent dogs with
punishments or rehabilitation programs. We would reduce the problem of
violent dogs even
further if we prohibited people from breeding violent dogs.
Crime has been increasing ever since people settled into cities, but we
don't have to continue on this path. We have the ability to reduce
crime to extremely low levels. All we have to do is apply the same
policies with people that we apply with animals. However, this requires
a dramatic
change in our culture.
We must regard humans as animals
rather than as creations of
a god, or as creatures that mold themselves to their environment. We
must acknowledge the evidence that human behavior is genetic, and that we cannot fix a
person's genetic problems with punishments, Bible studies,
rehabilitation programs, or therapy.
3) A
fire department

The fire
department must design lightning rods that are decorative. They can
also design them to incorporate cameras and weather instruments.
The fire department is responsible for extinguishing fires; setting
standards for buildings and machines to make them more resistant to
fires; inspecting buildings to ensure they follow the safety
procedures; and recommending lightning rods to reduce fires.
One method that this Constitution uses to reduce fires in the city is
to prohibit the apartments from having kitchens, dining rooms, and
kitchen equipment, such as coffee making machines. Everybody must get
their food and hot drinks from one of the restaurants.
The apartments cannot have fireplaces, either, and the fire department
has the authority to recommend prohibiting candles in apartments, also,
and other potentially dangerous sources of fire. The fire department
can restrict candles and
fireplaces to certain social areas, and restrict the fireplaces to
burning alcohol so that there is no problem with sparks or pollutants.
ministers can also require that the devices that ignite candles and
alcohol fires remain in those buildings, and that they be off-limits to
The government also has the option of prohibiting smoking in
apartments, or the entire city. If somebody truly benefits from
nicotine or marijuana, they can get
it from an inhaler, skin patch, or edible product, rather than by
smoking. This also eliminates the need to provide people with lighters
and matches.
Firefighting is an intermittent job
No city has enough fires to justify hiring full-time firefighters, but
not many societies provide for part-time firefighters. Instead, they
hire full-time firefighters who find other tasks to do, mostly
responding to medical emergencies.

The Alameda
fire department responded to 9663
events, but only 201 were
For example, the city of Alameda, California did a report
on what their fire department was doing, and they discovered that 70%
of the incidents that the fire department responded to were emergency
medical services (EMS), and only 2% were
to deal with fires. The statistics for other cities is similar.
The fire departments are spending almost all their time on medical
issues. They rarely have to extinguish a fire. To make the
situation more absurd, they tend to drive to a medical emergency in a
fire truck, which are usually gigantic.
This Constitution requires the fire department to be an organization
that exists only when needed for fire
related tasks. The firefighters
must have some other, full-time job, and they become
firefighters only when there is a fire, and for training.
The Medical Ministry provides the medical services, not the fire
department. If one of the firefighters wants to do medical services,
then he can get a part-time or full-time job in the
medical services.
Furthermore, the equipment the fire department uses to put out fires
must be designed only for
out fires, not for medical emergencies, and their
vehicles must be capable of getting around a city that doesn't have
many surface roads.
Therefore, the fire department will need smaller, more maneuverable,
and lighter weight vehicles compared to the American fire trucks.
The Medical Ministry needs vehicles for medical services, and they
can be even smaller than the vehicles for fires, and they can also use
drones for delivering supplies, and eventually for carrying a person to
a hospital.
Eventually the software for controlling vehicles will be so advanced
that nobody will need to drive the vehicles for fires or medical
emergencies. Instead, a firefighter will give a destination to one or
more vehicles, and the vehicles will drive themselves to the
Eventually drones will be so advanced that they can be placed around
the city, and the
city's computers would use the city's surveillance system to monitor
the city for smoke, fire, storms, and
medical problems. When the computers sense a problem, they would send a
to investigate, and they would notify the fire department or the
medical personnel.
Some drones could
be big enough to carry a person to a hospital, or deliver medical
supplies or personnel. That would be better than having giant
helicopters trying to deal with emergencies.
If a fireman or doctor was
needed to deal with an emergency, he could request an autonomous drone
to fly to
wherever he happens to be, pick him up, and fly
him to the problem.
The primary purpose of this
ministry is to determine who
is authorized
to reproduce. This
document has details.
Efficiency Ministry
This Ministry is
responsible for observing the government agencies, businesses, social
affairs, parks, swimming pools, and all other aspects of the city, and
looking for ways to improve the efficiency.
The presidents have to occasionally
create, terminate, and combine ministries, but one
of the problems that all governments have had all throughout history is
that they tend to create more agencies than they terminate, thereby
causing the governments to grow in size. Therefore, one of the
responsibilities of the Efficiency Ministry is to pass judgment on
whether the presidents are creating an excessive number of ministries,
or letting them become excessively large.
The Efficiency Ministry must be concerned with the total number of
employees in the ministries, and the amount of resources that they
consume, not the number of ministries.
For example, if one president has 100 ministries that average only five
each, that's a total of only 500 government employees, but if another
president has 10 ministries with an average of 1000 employees, that is
total of 10,000 government employees.
The Efficiency Ministry is
responsible for analyzing each of the ministries, and
passing judgment on whether a minister should be fired; whether a
ministry is doing enough useful work to justify its existence; whether
a ministry uses too much labor and resources; and whether a ministry
should be terminated.
The Efficiency Ministry is also authorized to pass judgment on whether
the ministries are using
resources in a productive manner, or wasting resources. For
If the Research
Minister allocates resources for a project to terraform
Mars for human habitation,
the Efficiency Ministry should pass judgment
on whether that is a useful project or a waste of labor and resources.
If the Leisure
Minister allocates resources for people to practice solving
the rotating puzzle cubes
while standing on a skateboard, the Efficiency Ministry should pass
judgment on whether that is a beneficial leisure activity. |
The Efficiency Ministry is also authorized to pass judgment on
whether the ministers are firing beneficial
executives and allowing incompetent
executives keep their job.
The Efficiency Ministry is also authorized to analyze the city parks
and recreational areas to
if any of them are using excessive amounts of water, labor, fertilizer,
or other
When the Efficiency Ministry makes one of these decisions, they must
post a document in the Requests
category, and at least one minister or president must respond. This
will allow us to determine whether they are making sensible requests,
and how the other government officials respond.
All ministries encourage part-time
and temporary officials, but the Efficiency Ministry should consist
mostly part-time and temporary officials,
rather than full-time officials. This allows citizens get involved
with the Efficiency Ministry when they have specific experience that
would be useful in dealing with an issue.
For example, if somebody suspects a factory is using more labor and
resources than similar factories, or he wonders why the water
processing equipment of a swimming pool is using more electricity or
requiring more maintenance than the equipment at other pools, the
Efficiency Ministry should encourage people who have knowledge about
those particular issues to become temporary officials of the ministry
to supervise the investigation or participate in the analysis. After
they have finished
with their investigation, they return to their normal job.
By becoming a temporary official, rather than taking the role of a
consultant, the person has more authority to do something. The
temporary officials also provide the ministry with a wider variety of
opinions and
perspectives of the city compared to having a small group of
employees make all of the decisions.
Allowing people to vote
creates an infinite
loop problem. The Voters Ministry terminates that infinite loop.
The Voters Ministry is a group of part-time officials who are
for hiring and firing the voters. They pass
judgment on which of the voters is the most worthless, and they must
replace at
least one of the voters every five years.
The officials in this ministry judge the voters according to the value
of the analyses that the
voters provide, described in the Elections
document, and according to which voter has been the most successful in
choosing candidates who turned out to be the most beneficial presidents.
As with the voters and presidents, the officials in this ministry are restricted
men between the ages of 50 and 65, and they must have qualified to be
City Elders.
The men in this ministry work on a part-time basis, perhaps one evening
each month. Analyzing five voters should not require much more work
than that. They can get together to analyze and discuss the voters
during the evenings or weekends.
This ministry will consist of 19 officials, and they do not have any
other employees. They do not need secretaries, for example. Their only
job is to analyze the voters, and they can do that by themselves.
There is no significance to having 19 officials other than it is an odd
number so that if they have to vote on an issue, there will never be a
The Voters Minister does not have a lot of work to do, so the
19 officials can select one of them to be their minister. The minister
is needed only to provide guidance to the group when they have their
discussions, and to arrange for people to be interviewed.
ministry is essentially giving intellectual trials to the voters, so
the minister has the authority to interview voters, government
officials, and And whoever else they believe will help them determine
which voter should be replaced, and which person to hire as a voter.
The Database Ministry is
responsible for providing and maintaining the computers that hold all
of the city's databases, and developing the software to make it easy to
access and analyze the databases. The Database Ministry is
also responsible for ensuring that the data doesn't vanish
from a fire, earthquake, or problems with the hardware or software.
One responsibility of the Database Ministry is to create an entry in
the People
database for a fetus. When the baby is born, they will assign a name
for him. This
document has details.
M ore
information about the databases is here and