The World Databases
The Databases Council is
responsible for maintaining the World Databases,
which provide the
world with on-line educational
information for schools, and information
adults and organizations
about products, medicines, health, history, and science. Those
databases replace all of the paper encyclopedias, reference books,
dictionaries, user's manuals, and school books.
The World Databases provide the information that everybody in the world
should have access to, whereas the cities maintain databases that have
information that is specific to their city and culture.
The Databases Council is required to design the World Databases to be useful,
rather than entertaining. They
are prohibited from providing fiction, comedy routines, jokes,
pornography, or other
entertainment information, which is happening as of 2024 with the
online encyclopedias.
For example, the main page of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
has such entertainment entries as Trending
Quizzes and Featured
Games. The main page of the Wikipedia has such
entertainment entries as: On
This Day
and Did You Know.
Each city has the right to experiment with their culture, so each city
decides if they want to support those type of entertainment activities.
The World Government is prohibited from influencing the culture of the
cities. They cannot promote or discourage any particular recreational
activity, clothing style, holiday celebration, or other custom. They
can only get involved with a city if they believe it is causing trouble
for the world.
The Databases Council is required to provide
information in a passive
manner. They cannot encourage people to learn anything in particular,
or provide quizzes or games. Their purpose is to provide educational information, not to entertain or manipulate people.
Everybody has free access to the databases through the Internet and
cell phones. Eventually robots will be so advanced that we can
access the databases through them.
Each city maintains databases that have information that is specific to
their city, such
as their laws and holidays, but the
cities cannot
maintain their own databases of educational information, medicines, or
other topics that should be identical
for everybody in
the world.
All of the schools in every city must get their
information from the World Databases in order to ensure that all
children have the same educational
Likewise, all of the people and organizations in every city will use
the World Databases to get
the same information about medicines, products, history, and science.
The reason everybody must get information from the World Databases is
to prevent a problem that has
been occurring all
throughout history; specifically, children getting different,
and often deliberately deceptive,
about history, religion, evolution, psychology, nutrition, medicines,
and other issues.
By setting higher standards for information, and requiring all children
to be taught from the same databases, everybody
will learn the same information, and the information will be more
However, the human race is extremely ignorant about a lot of
issues, and that causes lots of disagreements on which information is
more accurate. For example, there are tremendous disagreements on
nutrition, health, how the universe was created, what
happened to the dinosaurs, and what the differences are between men and
women and different races.
Since there are lots of disagreements on which information is more
accurate, instead of picking one person's opinion to be correct, the
Databases Council must be more honest and point out that there are different speculations.
For example, the World Databases cannot claim that the universe was
created in a Big Bang. Instead, the Databases Council must be honest
and admit that nobody has any idea how the universe was created,
and that the Big Bang is just one of many speculations.
Likewise, the World Databases cannot claim that olive oil is healthier
than other oils. Instead, the Databases Council must admit that
nobody knows much about this issue. Rather than claim that one oil is
healthier, they must describe the different speculations.
The World Databases must take a passive
role in providing information, rather than have the arrogant attitude
that they are providing the only correct information.
Authors are held
The only people allowed to
put information in the World Databases are those
who qualify to be City Elders, and none of them can
provide information anonymously. Every
person who provides information must identify himself
the author so that he can be held accountable for what he provides.
The Databases Council has the responsibility and authority to pass
judgment on whether those authors are providing useful information, and
if not, they have the authority to edit or remove it.
The Databases Council also has
the authority to pass judgment on whether an author has posted so many
low-quality, inaccurate, or worthless documents that he loses his
Authors are pressured to
put effort into their documents
Democracies and free
enterprise systems pander to us, so they give us the freedom to say
almost anything we please. Nobody is held accountable for what they
say, and nobody is required to fix mistakes in their documents.
This freedom allows us to be sloppy, lazy, and arrogant. We can also
claims that don't have supporting evidence, such as the people who
us which foods are the healthiest, or the proper way to raise children.
We also have the freedom to use words that we don't have a good
understanding of. For example, as of 2024, there are thousands of
authors providing us with information about "processed" foods, "ultra
processed" foods,
"organic" foods, and "natural" foods, but what is an "organic" food,
and where is the evidence that it is better
than "non-organic" food?
We do better work when
we are under pressure, so one of the purposes of the Databases
Council is to put authors under pressure to control their arrogance,
put some effort into understanding the words they use, and be less
vague and confusing. The Databases Council is not passive in
regards to authors. Rather, they are in the role of a schoolteacher who
is judging an essay of a student.
Example #1: Organic
The US government allows a food to be described as "organic" if it was
fertilized with sewage sludge, but not if it was fertilized from
potassium and phosphorus from the earth, and nitrogen from the air.
Nobody in the government is required to explain how sewage is organic,
but not potassium from the earth.
One of the complaints
about the artificial fertilizers is that they have
" caused environmental
consequences such as water pollution and eutrophication due to
nutritional runoff."
However, that problem could be because those fertilizers are less
expensive than organic fertilizers, which increases the chances that
farmers use too much of it. Also, those fertilizers are more "potent"
compared to organic fertilizers, which require months to decompose.
That particular problem can be reduced in various ways, such as
designing the
fertilizer to require more time to break down, or by applying small
amounts of fertilizer more often rather than a large amount at one time.
Therefore, we should investigate the possibility that artificial
fertilizers can be as beneficial as organic fertilizers when used
properly. Until that issue has been resolved, nobody is allowed to make
the claim that organic fertilizers are healthier for living creatures
or better for the planet.
Example #2: Processed food
All existing cultures provide us with the freedom to criticize
"processed" foods, but nobody
is required to provide a sensible scientific explanation for what
"processed food" is, or why it is unhealthy.
We could describe
vitamin pills
as "highly processed" foods, or as an artificial food, or
as an unnatural food. Cocoa is a processed food, and so is vanilla
extract. Maple syrup could be described as "processed tree sap", and
honey could be described as "highly processed flower nectar".
Businesses produce "cold-pressed" coconut oil by "processing" coconuts.
Miso has been highly processed by both bacteria and
humans, and yeast bread, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, and beer has been
processed by both humans, bacteria, and
Since no culture cares about the quality of the information we are
provided, there are millions
of people making contradictory, confusing, and vague claims about
"processed" foods and "ultra processed" foods.
The Databases Council has the responsibility and authority to pass
judgment on the information that authors provide to the database,
and ensure the information and meet high standards. If an author wants
to claim that a processed food is unhealthy, the Databases Council is
required to pass judgment on whether he is providing adequate details
on what a "processed food" is, and providing sensible evidence to
support his theory. They can demand that an author either edit his
documents to improve it, or delete it.
The information in the World Databases must meet high standards.
Authors do not have the freedom to say whatever they
People have a
"responsibility of speech"
This constitution does not
give people the right or the freedom to provide the public with
whatever information they please about food, health, history, the
extinction of the dinosaurs, raising children, abortion, or any other
issue. Everybody is required to ensure that the information they
provide to the public is as sensible as possible.
Instead of giving people "freedom of speech", people have a responsibility to
ensure that their information is beneficial. Everybody is
required to admit when they are speculating about an issue, and when
they are providing information that is supported by evidence.
We depend upon "experts"
All of us are ignorant, biased, and arrogance, but some people are more
knowledgeable about certain issues, and are better able to control
their bias and arrogance. We refer to those people "experts",
and we depend upon them to help us make decisions.
For example, when we
need to make a decision about medical issues or repairing a computer,
want to get information from an "expert", not from an ordinary person,
and especially not from an ignorant or mentally ill person.
Unfortunately, most people make terrible decisions about who is an
expert, just as they make terrible
decisions about who to elect to the government, and who to marry.
For example,
millions of people assume that the Pope is an expert on life.
When I first began making the accusation that the World Trade Center
towers were demolished with explosives, some Jews would try to
intimidate me, and fool people into ignoring me, by insulting me with
remarks as, "What do you know
about explosives or demolitions? You're
not an expert on those issues!"
Eventually other people began posting comments on the Internet about
the buildings being demolished with explosives, and if one of those
people was an
architect, the Jews would respond, "You're not an expert in
engineering!" If
engineer posted a comment, the Jews would respond, "You're not an
expert in architecture!"
No matter who said the World Trade Center towers
demolished with explosives, the Jews would respond that he was not an
Prehistoric people had so little knowledge that children learned all of
it without going to school. Every prehistoric adult was an expert on
every issue. Today we have so much knowledge that nobody can learn more
than a small fraction of it. Nobody can be an expert on anything other
than a few issues. Furthermore, none of the experts have all of the
answers to the issues that they are experts about.
It is important for us to understand this concept so that we are not
manipulated by people who insult somebody for not being an expert.
Specifically, nobody is truly an expert on anything. The most
intelligent and
educated scientist is simply "less ignorant" about a particular subject
than the public. Furthermore, all scientists make mistakes and are
biased, and some of them have been caught lying to us because they want
to, or because they were being pressured by a crime network.
This is similar to the concept that nobody is truly "intelligent".
Every human is a monkey with a faulty memory and a crude intellectual
ability. A
person is intelligent only if we compare him to somebody who is less
intelligent. Instead of describing a person as "intelligent", we could
say that he is "less stupid" than the majority of people.
Likewise, no human is truly "tall" or "short" unless we compare him to
somebody who is a different height.
The people who do not have a good understanding of this concept can
easily be fooled by selfish, dishonest, and abusive people.
 For example, there are some people claiming
to be experts on "privacy" and "bioethics", and they tell us that we
should keep DNA private and personal.
When one of us claims that a DNA database would be beneficial, they
insult us for not being qualified to speak on that issue because we are
not an expert on it.
Who is qualified to provide an opinion about DNA databases? Who is
qualified to raise children? Who is qualified to be the leader of a
nation, or a journalist, or a college professor? Who is qualified to
give us opinions about abortion, crime, feminism, or the bombing of
Iran? Who is qualified to provide opinions about the documents that I
have written?
Everybody could be described as being so ignorant, having so little
intelligence, and having so little control over their emotions, that
all of us need help in making decisions about who to regard as a role
model, who to choose as a
spouse, what our meals should be, and whether we should create a
that doesn't use money.
Unfortunately, there is no supreme being to provide us with help. The
only help we can get is from other
imperfect, biased people, and all they can do is put pressure on
us to develop our opinions, and give us constructive criticism.
The Databases Council is in the
role of a quality control agency to put everybody is under pressure to
justify their opinions, avoid insults, listen to constructive
criticism, and fix their mistakes. People
must justify their opinions with scientific
evidence, not by boasting about how many documents or books they
have written or edited, or by how many college diplomas they have.
Having an education or being intelligent does not qualify a
person as an "expert". There are lots of educated and intelligent
people who have serious mental disorders, and who are untrustworthy,
selfish, or violent. And there are some stupid people who are
responsible, dependable and honest.
A stupid human is a genius compared to all other animals. If we had a
robot that had the intelligence of a stupid human, we would be
astounded by its incredible abilities.
The Databases Council passes judgment on the people providing
information to the databases, and if they determine that a person
is routinely providing inaccurate information, they can let the city
know about it so the city officials can consider whether they want to
disqualify him as a City Elder, journalist, government
official, scientist, doctor, or other influential position.
Everybody is encouraged to
improve the format
Each of the online
encyclopedias in the world as of 2025, such as the Encyclopaedia
Britannica and the Wikipedia,
have slightly different formats. To initiate the city and world
databases, they will follow the
Wikipedia format, but everybody is encouraged to post their suggestions
on how
to improve the format to make the information easier to find and
understand. Whoever can find improvements to the format gets credit for
No nation has an authority
for language, and this results in children
picking up slightly different pronunciations
for words. This problem is so extreme in Britain that Americans have
trouble understanding some of the British people.
The lack of an authority for languages is also causing different people
to have different definitions
for words. For example, Mark Cuban said
that the word that annoys him the most is " cohort", and that we should use the
word " group" instead.
Although some people claim that "cohort" and "group" are synonyms,
other people, such as The Content Authority, claim that they
are different.
Scientists use the word "cohort" to refer to a group of people
who share something in common, rather than a group of random people,
but my interpretation of "cohort" was
that it referred to people who support or assist each other
in a crime or
other destructive behavior.
For example, I would describe Ghislaine
Maxwell as a "cohort" of Jeffrey Epstein. Some of the people who worked
with Epstein were undoubtedly honest people, in which case they would
have been his "business associates" or "friends" rather than his
This Oxford dictionary has two definitions
for cohort, and one has the word "disapproving" in parentheses,
which I assume means that "cohort" is used to disapprove of a person,
which is similar to my interpretation of the word.
Since there is no authority for language, every person is learning
slightly different meanings and pronunciations for words. In order to
prevent this problem, the Databases Council is the world's authority
for language.
Another reason why we need an authority for language is to prevent
people from getting into arguments, or wasting their time
on discussions, because they have different or vague definitions for
their words. An example
is the "philosophical" question:
If a tree falls in a forest and no
one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
That question is no more philosophical or intelligent than the
If a peach tree has peaches that
nobody eats, can any of them be "delicious"?
If some Jews murdered Peter Kawaja,
but nobody
has possession of his dead body, did the Jews commit a "murder"?
The people who discuss those questions are actually discussing the definition of a
particular word, but their
ignorance about
language causes them to assume that they are discussing some
intelligent, philosophical concept.
In order to answer those questions, we must make an arbitrary
decision about how we want to define the words "sound",
"delicious", and "murder".
If we define "delicious" to be the stimulation of certain emotions in
the human brain, then a peach that nobody eats cannot be
If we define a "murder" to be the possession of the body of a person
who was killed by another person, but not in self-defense or by
accident, then a person cannot be a murderer without a
dead body.
If we define "sound" to refer to the stimulation
of a particular section of the human
brain, then a falling tree, a
waterfall, and a
roaring lion do not make a sound if no human hears it. If we define
"sound" to be the stimulation of a particular section of any animal brain, then a falling
tree makes a sound if any animal hears it.
There is no authority for language to determine what the word
"sound" represents, so
children are picking up slightly different and vague definitions. Also,
every school system is giving children an inaccurate
understanding of language.
The ignorance about language is causing us to be unaware that we
have different definitions, which results in us frequently getting into
"philosophical discussions" about words we don't understand very well,
such as freedom,
diversity, equality, oppression, and stereotypes. There are some people
arguing over whether a particular person is a "man" or a "woman".
In 2018, Elon Musk posted a brief message
that he was a socialist:
By the way, I am actually a
socialist. Just not the kind that shifts resources from most productive
to least productive, pretending to do good, while actually causing
harm. True socialism seeks greatest good for all.
Some people responded with angry or sarcastic remarks. For example, a
person who refers to himself
as Vanilla Robot is eating a
fancy woke
sandwich, and who describes himself as an autistic vegan who is
"not a
woman", responded
by announcing that Elon Musk is not a
chose to launch a car into space rather than trying to end world hunger
and preventable infant deaths.
You, sir, are no socialist.
Two reasons that we get into arguments about socialism, freedom,
feminism, and other words are:
1) |
Our natural reaction to problems is
to either become angry, or run away.
People should respond to Elon Musk's remark by asking him for
details on what he regards socialism to be. The people who reacted with
angry comments were reacting like an animal that is biting, kicking,
That animal behavior is detrimental today, and those people should not qualify as
City Elders. We need to reduce
the number of those people in every generation.
Our schools do such a
terrible job of teaching people about language that most people don't
realize that each of us has slightly different definitions for many
words, and that we occasionally get into arguments because of
differences in our definitions
rather than because of differences in our opinions.
How many people realize that each
of us has a different image of socialism?
person who describes himself as Vanilla
Robot has a particular image in his mind of what socialism is,
Elon Musk has a particular, but different, image of what socialism is,
other people have a slightly different image of socialism in their
The people who argue about socialism are
assuming that their particular definition is the same as everybody
else's, but, in reality, they are arguing about slightly different
Our concept of socialism is just a collage
of pieces of information that we picked up during our life, and only a
few people have put effort into analyzing that collage and trying to
create a sensible explanation of socialism. If everybody was required
to produce a document to explain what socialism is, and what is good or
bad about it, most people would struggle to produce more than a
Whether socialism is good or bad depends upon our personal
emotional desires, and how we want to define the word. To Vanilla
Robot, socialism is trying to
end world hunger and
preventable infant deaths. However, that is such a crude
definition that it is worthless.
Everybody wants to eliminate world hunger, but we have different ideas
on how to end world hunger.
For example, some people believe that we
can stop hunger by giving rice to hungry people; some
people propose increasing welfare payments; and other people
suggest educating the hungry people. This constitution promotes restricting reproduction
to the people who are in better mental and
physical health, and keeping the population at a level that provides
everybody with plenty of land, food, water, and clean air.
Likewise, everybody wants to stop "preventable" infant deaths, but are
there any infants dying of "preventable" causes?
Vanilla Robot is accusing Elon Musk of ignoring preventable infant
deaths, but he has no evidence that infants are dying of preventable
deaths, or that Elon Musk is ignoring those deaths. Vanilla Robot
should be accused of slander, or of hate speech.
Accusing Elon Musk
of ignoring preventable infant
deaths without any evidence to support that accusation is as unacceptable as
accusing him of ignoring preventable adult
deaths, or
ignoring preventable airplane accidents.
There is evidence that Elon Musk is ignoring the
slander that he is receiving from people like Vanilla Robot, but
there is no evidence that he is ignoring the preventable deaths of
There is also evidence that Elon Musk is trying to stop the pedophile
network that is operating in our governments, media, and businesses.
That would explain why there have been so many people with such an
intense hatred of
him during the past few years, and especially now (January 2025) that
he is working with President Trump. It would also explain why some
people would want to explode
a Tesla Cybertruck next to a Trump Hotel.
In order to improve the world, we need to analyze and discuss issues.
This requires that we have enough of an education about language to be
able to figure out when we are arguing
a definition, and when we are discussing
a concept.
The lack of leadership in language is also allowing businesses to
manipulate us with vague and confusing words and phrases. The Ben &
Jerry's company is an example. In 2025 they released this
video in which they provided a variety of phrases about what the
company is involved with, such as:
advocate for
progressive social change
dismantle white
fight for our
• |
restore the right to
vote for people who were formally incarcerated in Florida
• |
support of refugee
rights in the UK
There is no authority to force them to explain what those expressions
mean. Those expressions are so vague that they should be considered meaningless. For example:
White supremacy
There is
authority to demand that they explain what "white supremacy" is, how we
determine if a person has white supremacy, how we should stop it, or
we should stop it.
There is also no authority to force them to explain whether we should
try to stop other types of supremacy, such as "brown supremacy",
"Khazarian supremacy", "female supremacy", or "midget supremacy". |
Progressive social change, and fighting for democracy.
These expressions are so meaningless that people can use them for
conflicting purposes. For example, a person could boast that he
advocates progressive social change,
and is fighting for our democracy, by opposing the murder of unborn
children and giving those children the right to life.
person could boast that he advocates for progressive social change, and
is fighting for our democracy, by supporting a woman's right and
freedom to
have abortions.
Those expressions make it appear as if a person is a hero who is
helping to improve life, but they are like coloring books
that we foolishly interpret in whatever manner we please, rather than
demand that the person provide us with a sensible explanation of what he is
• |
Formally incarcerated.
This expression is an attempt to deceive us into giving pity to
"criminals". It is as idiotic as referring to "fat" people as "plus"
people; "skinny" people as "minus" people; "midgets" as "little
people"; and children who do badly in school as "intellectually
challenged" or "slow".
These alternative expressions do not
improve life for anybody. Instead, they cause our language to become
more confusing than it already is.
• |
Support refugee rights.
The people who boast that they support "refugee rights" could be
accused of oppressing the rights of
the native citizens.
By not having an authority for language, and not having standards for
information, businesses such as Ben & Jerry's can boast about being
heroes when in reality they are using vague and confusing words in an
attempt to alter our attitudes and culture.
For example, they are actively involved in encouraging pity for
criminals. This
document has the title, “ Saying
"I Love You" Shouldn’t Cost A Thing: Inside the Overpriced World of
Prison Phone Calls", and this
document has the title: " Every
Kid Has the Right to Hug Their Parent: Tell Jails to Reinstate
In-Person Visits". That article claims that the children cannot
hug their parents " because of
corporate greed" and " because
private companies and local authorities want to maximize profits".
They don't provide any supporting evidence for their accusations, but
no culture cares whether people can support their accusations of greed,
white supremacy, anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, or Holocaust denial.
The Schools Ministry should use Ben & Jerry's as one of the
examples of the problems that occur when a society doesn't have any
concern about the quality of information, doesn't care whether people
have supporting evidence for their accusations or boastful remarks, and
doesn't care whether people have different definitions for words.
The management at Ben & Jerry's are not trying to
help us understand why crimes are occurring, or how we can reduce
crime. Rather, they are trying to make us feel sorry for criminals and
become angry at the authorities and corporations.

The Ben &
Jerry's executives are trying to fool us into treating them as heroes.
The Ben & Jerry's website
and X channel have so many
documents trying to change our attitudes and culture that they seem to
be a Zionist organization that is trying to encourage fights and
detrimental attitudes in order to help the Jews get control of us.
The Ben & Jerry's executives should be arrested for hate speech and
false accusations.
The executives of Ben & Jerry's would be arrested if they were
deliberately making poisoned ice cream, but they
are allowed to provide us with poisoned information. Allowing
businesses and citizens to do that is more idiotic
than allowing them to give us poison medicines.
People today need a much better understanding of language, and we need
an authority to ensure that people are using language in a respectable
and sensible manner.
We must also make a distinction between when a person is " discussing" an
issue, and when he is making insults
or unsupported accusations, in
which case he
should be prohibited from the discussion, or arrested for slander or
false accusations.

The only way to
ensure everybody is using the same language is to have
software teach it.
In order to ensure that everybody is using the same definitions and
pronunciations, the
Databases Council is required
to develop
computer software to teach English.
Since computers can
have microphones and speakers, they can speak to the children and
record the children. That will let the children know the proper
pronunciation, and they will be able to listen to themselves to hear
how accurately they are pronouncing words.
The Databases Council is also authorized to determine
which words are considered to be slanderous.
For example, they must consider white supremacist, white privilege,
toxic masculinity, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denier, racist, and similar
words to be slanderous.
The Databases Council is also required to be intolerant of loopholes. The
people who use loopholes are taking advantage of our crude language.
For example, this Constitution prohibits the accusation of
"anti-Semitism", so a Jew
might accuse somebody of being anti-Jewish, or anti-Khazarian. The
Databases Council should regard that as a loophole, and it should not
be tolerated.
The Databases Council has the authority to pass judgment on whether a
person is truly confused by a word, in which case they should clarify
definition, or whether the person is only pretending to misinterpret
the word in order to get away with undesirable behavior. If they
determine the person is deliberately misinterpreting a word, then they
can demand that his city officials give him an intellectual trial. By
giving the Databases Council this authority, they can assist the cities
with stopping
people from using loopholes.
We should not develop a
better language yet
All languages are crude, but we should not try to
develop a more sensible language because we have much more important
tasks to deal with. Besides, we don't have a very good understanding of
language, or how our genetic characteristics affect our language, such
as giving us a preference for certain pronunciations and grammar.
The Databases Council can make some trivial improvements to our
language, such as eliminating duplicate words, and alter the
spelling of some words to match the pronunciation, or change the
pronunciation to match the spelling, but we should not attempt to
create a superior language.
Our languages are so crude that they will need a tremendous amount of revision in
order to make them orderly and sensible, and when we do that, all of
the existing documents will
need to be translated, but that will be such a difficult task that we
should wait until computers have the ability to do it. Until then, we
accept and laugh
at the
irrational aspects of our language.
The history database
contains the history of the Earth and all of its living creatures. It
also has information on how apes evolved into humans, and how our
sports, religions, clothing, language, and other culture evolved from
ape culture.
The cities are forbidden from producing their own historical
information because we have a tendency to bias history to fit our
particular emotional cravings and fantasies. Governments, religions,
charities, think tanks, and other organizations have been routinely
distorting history to fit their particular desires and fears.
Furthermore, all nations have allowed Jews to alter
and fabricate a lot of
historical events.
All existing school systems treat history as if it is entertainment,
but the incredible value of history can be seen by how
governments, Jews, crime networks, charities, think tanks,
religions, and other organizations compete with
one another
to give us a distorted version of history. If history had no value
other than entertainment, then none of those organizations would want
alter history.
History provides us with an understanding of ourselves, other people,
and our culture, so by altering the historical information, we can
manipulate what people think about themselves,
other people, their ancestors, and their culture.
This is not
true of arithmetic, chemistry, or any other field. For
example, no matter how much a person lies to us about chemistry, he cannot cause
us to hate and attack a group of people. However, the lies that the
Jews gave to us about the 9/11 attack caused millions
of people around the world to hate a
fictional group of Arab terrorists who live in caves in Afghanistan,
and to support a war in
Likewise, their lies about the history of slavery is causing millions
of "white" people to feel guilty, and millions of African Americans to
pout or hate the white Americans. There is no way
the Jews could instigate such hatred and feelings of guilt by lying
about zoology or arithmetic.
Furthermore, mistakes
about history have a significant effect on our lives and attitudes. For
example, for many thousands of years, people have been fabricating
historical information about how the universe and humans came into
existence. Their mistaken assumptions about history has resulted in
hundreds of different religions, and has caused millions of people to
fight and hate one another.
This constitution regards history as a valuable scientific
and to reduce
the bias, mistakes, and lies, the Databases Council is the only group
authorized to maintain historical
All of the cities and schools are required to use the historical
database for
education, and all of the documentaries and other educational materials
for adults must also use that database.
Since the World Government consists of people who live in
different cities, it will be difficult for a particular group of people
to inadvertently bias, or deliberately manipulate, the historical
Furthermore, if somebody disagrees with any of the historical
information, they are
encouraged to post a document to explain it, and they will get credit
for finding mistakes and biases.
This category is for the "global"
laws that the citizens and city governments
follow in regards to their interaction with other cities, and their interaction
with the global zone. Each city
has its own database for its "local"
laws that apply only to the people in or visiting that city.
This is exactly the same as
the elections category for the city government ( here),
but this is for the world
government elections.
This category is for the
World Government officials to post explanations of their policies. This
will allow everybody to pass judgment on which of the
officials are providing the
best leadership, and which of them should be replaced.
This is the same as the Suggestions
category that a city maintains,
except that it is restricted to "global" suggestions that affect more
than one
This is the same as the Requests
database that a city maintains,
except that it is restricted to requests from the World Government,
most all of which will be directed to the cities rather than other
departments of the World Government.
This database is for
scientists around the world to post their research documents. Instead
of scattering their documents in thousands of paper magazines and
Internet sites, scientists will post all of their documents
this category. This will make it easier and faster for software to
search through them.
This database is for
scientists, dentists, doctors, and ministers to post information about
foods, medicines,
poisonous plants and insects, and health issues regarding recreational
activities, jobs, and products. For example:
Health issues of recreational activities
The Databases Council maintains and continuously updates the
statistics on the
injuries of different activities. This information will be useful for
all of the city officials who are
involved with the supervision and creation of recreational activities.
For example, it will allow the officials, and the citizens, to discover
that horseback riding
is causing more brain injuries to adults than boxing and American
The health database will allow the city officials and citizens to make
decisions about which
activities they and their children should get involved with. It will
also allow them to discover the dangerous aspects of the activity,
which can help them avoid injuries.
Health issues of foods
The advice that we are being given about food is almost as
contradictory and confusing as the advice on
religion. Some examples of the confusing health information was
described here
and here. For three new
1) |
Some people
claim that sprouted
sorghum is healthy, but other people claim that sprouting sorghum
causes it to develop lethal
amounts of hydrogen cyanide. |
Some people
recommend taking high doses of vitamin A supplements, but some people
in this
BBC documentary claim that high doses can cause
osteoporosis and cancer. |
Some people
claim that we will improve our health by taking vitamin D supplements,
but other people, such as the "Nutrition Detective", claims
that it will cause our body to calcify into a statue. |
The reason there are so many disagreements about health is because we
are so ignorant about human health that we have no way of proving or
disproving anybody's theory about health, which allows everybody to
assume that they are experts on health. This results in us creating a
wide variety of conflicting theories.
One purpose for the Databases Council is to put pressure on authors to
control their arrogance and be more honest about their ignorance. When
an author doesn't know a lot about a particular issue, he must
admit to that. For example, nobody knows which type
of fat is the best for human health, so an author cannot claim that olive oil, coconut
oil, or butter is the healthiest
fat, and he cannot claim that lard, corn oil, or beef fat is going to
ruin our health.
Furthermore, nobody knows if a particular oil is inherently unhealthy
because of its chemical structure,
or if it becomes unhealthy with certain processing techniques. For example,
is corn oil unhealthy for humans? Or is corn oil unhealthy only when we
heat it to high temperatures, or only when it is exposed to oxygen for
certain periods of time?
The reason that we believe that we are experts on everything is because
brain evolved to help us survive and reproduce, not for
scientific analyses. An animal's brain evolved to make rapid decisions
according to whatever information it has at the time.
For example, when when
an animal encounters a predator, it must make a rapid decision based on
whatever information it has at the time. An animal would be eaten if it
had a desire to spend time thinking about what to do.
If our brain had been designed for scientific research, then we would
have a desire to gather information before making decisions. We would
enjoy looking critically at our opinions and trying to improve them,
and we
would want and appreciate the critical analyses of other people.
However, no animal brain cares about the quality of its information, or
whether it has enough information to make a sensible decision. Instead,
our brain evolved to assume that whatever information we know about is
all we need to know, and to regard critical opinions as an attack.
Therefore, the only way we can produce a useful database about health
is to restrict the officials who maintain the database to those who
have been educated about our mental characteristics, and who will
demand that authors resolve conflicts. This requires them to put
authors under pressure to control their arrogance and be honest about
which of their theories are speculation and which have supporting
Dangers of products
Almost every product has a potential danger, but it is detrimental to
put a warning label on every dangerous product because that can cause
to ignore the warnings, as in the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
A more sensible solution is for the Databases Council to maintain a
list of every product. That database would have all of the information
about the products, and their potential dangers. The products would
only need a barcode to give us easy access to the database.

for dangerous items only need a simple description, a skull, and a
For example, instead of a container of sulfuric acid having a label
that uses a tiny font to provide information about its
potential dangers, the label would have some type
of warning image, such as
a skull, and a barcode.
By scanning the barcode, a person would access the entry for that
product in the World Database, and that would give them access to as
much detail as he wanted.
Businesses cannot keep secrets, so all of the information that they
their products belongs to the human race and is put in the World
Databases. This provides everybody with all of the details of every
However, businesses cannot provide any type of sales propaganda. For
the document that describes Clorox Disinfecting Bleach starts
wouldn’t hire a kinda-respectable babysitter or eat kinda-fresh sushi..."
The businesses are required to provide useful
information about their products, so the information about bleach must
resemble an encyclopedia description.
Businesses are also required to be honest
about the potential dangers and disadvantages of the product, such as
what effect the bleach has on our skin, nose, lungs, and eyes.
Since all of the businesses must put all of their
information in the World Databases, everybody is able to access all of
the details. Most people will not care about the details, but some
students, doctors, scientists, and engineers will want to access that
information. Instead of asking the businesses for the information, they
will look in the World Databases.
The products that have no significant danger to the City Elders
would not
have warning labels. For example, the City Elders are expected to
understand that they should not give plastic bags to young children to
play with, so plastic bags would not be
printed with such warnings as: "Warning!
This bag is not a toy. Do not give this bag to children."
Eventually robots will be able to access the World Databases. That
will allow them to answer
our questions about products, give us advice on how to use a product,
and warn us about potential dangers.
That would be much better than what we have to do today, which is
search through thousands of Internet sites and documents that
one another.
The use of medical
No society yet has a database of medical drugs, so when doctors
prescribe drugs, they often have to spend some time explaining
to their
patient how to use the drug, and what its side effects are.
Furthermore, almost every package of drugs has a sheet of paper with
instructions. Those of us who get drugs repeatedly throughout our lives
end up getting the same sheets of instructions over and over.
It is a waste of a doctor's time to explain how to use the medical
drugs, and it is a waste of our
labor and resources to
print the instructions on paper.
There are some websites that provide information about drugs, but some
of the information is contradictory.
To improve this situation, all of the medical drugs must be
listed in the Health Database. Whenever a doctor prescribes a
drug, the patient is
responsible for looking in the
database to learn how to use the drug, and learn about its side
effects. That allows us to access whatever
level of detail we want.
Explanations of
medical procedures
America, Britain, and other nations require surgeons to explain the
dangers of surgery to their patients, and get their signature on a
document that shows that
they know the dangers of the surgery. That is a waste of a surgeon's
time, and it wastes paper and requires storage in filing cabinets.
To improve this situation, the Databases Council is responsible for
ensuring that the health database has information about CT scans, MRI
scans, appendix removal, hip replacements, and all other types of
and dental
procedures. The information must be serious, however, not designed to
promote any type of medical procedure.
Every patient
responsible for using the health database to learn about whatever
procedure he is considering. The doctors and dentists do not have to
waste their time explaining the procedures to their patients, or
their signatures on documents to show that the patient understands the
Medical education
The health database must be so detailed that schools can use it for the
medical education, and doctors, nurses, dentists, and other medical
personnel can use it to
learn about the latest drugs, equipment, and medical procedures, as
well as the latest discoveries in nutrition, allergies, and diseases.
This constitution does not
provide anybody with secrecy, so the health
database can have video and photographs of the medical procedures of real
people. The authors of health information do not have to ask a person
for permission to use photos or video of his medical
Information about us is "public", not
"private". Everybody is a team
member, and everybody belongs to the human race. Everybody has the
right to learn about humans, and nobody has a right to be secretive or
deceptive. The medical information about other people is important to
all of us because we are all related to each other.
Furthermore, this Constitution requires people to control their sexual
inhibitions to such an extent that medical information and photos do
not have to censor any of the sexual related information.
The faces and names of people in the medical photos and video cannot be
because censoring faces and names will result in children assuming that
there is
a good reason to censor that information.
We will create a more sensible and
pleasant social environment when everybody is encouraged to be honest
about themselves, rather than secretive and ashamed. We should
appreciate the people who provide us with information about their
medical problems, rather than laugh at them or insult them. And we
should allow them to learn from our medical problems.
This Constitution regards each person as a team member who lives for a
very brief moment in time, and everybody is required to contribute to
the team. If doctors, dentists, scientists, or ministers believe that
somebody's medical or dental problem would be useful for research or
education, then they should put
his information into the health database so that it can be used by
schools, scientists, and doctors.
Everybody's health information is regarded as valuable knowledge about
the human race. Our health information is considered to be educational
information for the entire world and the future generations, not "private"
When businesses are
competing to develop products, they keep their technology a secret, but
at the end of the time period that they were allocated for development,
all of their work goes into the public domain, and then the development
cycle repeats. The Engineering database is where all of
the engineering diagrams, technical data, software source code,
software libraries, videos, and
test data is posted.
The Engineering database gives everybody in the
world access
to the technical achievements of the human race. This makes it much
easier for people to improve an existing product, or
to learn about how something developed, or to create documentaries
about technology.
The database will also have the failed
experiments to help people avoid making the same mistakes. The
engineers are prohibited from hiding their failures.
The Earth database is
similar to
the City
database that each city provides for itself, except that the Earth
database provides
information about the Earth and the universe.
It contains serious, scientific information for both adults and
students. It will have have all of our knowledge about geography,
dinosaurs, trees, volcanoes, and other aspects of the Earth.
All of the sensors that are monitoring the Earth will send their data
to this database. When a person wants a weather forecast,
or the current levels of dust or pollen in the atmosphere, he can look
this database for whichever region of the Earth he is interested in.
This database will also have the data from cameras that are observing
glaciers, sensors that are monitoring volcanoes, data from seismic
sensors, and video from satellites.
Businesses are producing
paper and electronic documents to explain how to use and repair their
products, but the electronic documents are scattered all over the
Internet, and the paper documents are often discarded by customers or
put somewhere in their house and forgotten, or eaten by silverfish and
other creatures.
To make it easier for people to find information about products, the
Databases Council
maintains a database for every businesses in the world
to put all of their documentation for all products and medicines.
As mentioned in the section about bleach ( above), the
Databases Council
is required to ensure that
information meet high standards. The businesses must provide serious
and detailed information, not sales propaganda. For
example, it is a waste of our time to read such remarks as: " Thank you for
choosing our product!"
Those type of remarks are useful for
manipulating consumers in a free
enterprise system, but it is " information
trash". Every minute we spend reading that type of material is
so minute of our life that was wasted.
We are also wasting our memory
cells when we put that information in our minds.
The Databases Council is also required to reduce the confusion about
that scientists are unsure about. For example, we get conflicting
advice on the charging
of lithium batteries. If scientists cannot agree on the best
policy for charging lithium
batteries, then the Databases Council must be honest and admit that there are different
The Products Database will have all the technical details, schematics,
source code, drawings, and other data about all of the products and
software. This will allow everybody to learn about the products, and
look for ways to improve them.