To search HugeQuestions:
What can we do about the corruption?
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From 2002 to 2004 I was interviewed by lots of radio hosts, and many
people sold my book and video, but today virtually everybody is afraid
to even mention my name.
The criminal Jews have been exposed, and now they are slowly losing the battle, and they are becoming frightened. So, let's finish them off ! ![]() ![]() |
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The police and military have been fooled
into testing tasers on themselves!
they test their guns on one another?
manufacturers of TASERs want to make TASERs appear harmless so they can
sell them to consumers, but the police should
risk internal damage from electricity simply for corporate
Help the police and military realize
that they're being taken advantage of
by their corrupt and incompetent
Click here Plus, don't fear the police or military.
Let's hope the police are wising up to the corruption
and finding the courage to stand up
to it.
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People of all races, religions, and nationalities
are growing tired of Zionists, Monarchies, the Rothschilds, and other criminals.
These criminals have been torturing the world for centuries. Some of us have had enough of their abuse. Learn about Zionism, and prepare for battle. |
Don't be fooled into thinking that we will solve our problems by replacing
President Bush. We must also replace
the people in control of our media!
Don't support these criminals. You don't need their magazines, newspapers, or other propaganda products. Drive them into bankruptcy! |
Sam Newhouse |
Why doesn't Alex Jones want to encourage high school or college students
to get involved?
Students years ago were at least partially interested in their future. what is wrong with the students today? |
Senator Arlen Specter was only republican
to vote against Hayden for CIA director
Spector helped cover up the assassination of President Kennedy with his "Magic Bullet Theory". Why would this criminal oppose Hayden as CIA director? Is he afraid that Hayden might spy on him and his Zionist friends? |
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If you know people in the NSA, CIA, or military, explain to them that we need their help. Demand that they spy on the Newhouse family, the Bronfman family, Larry Silverstein, and thousands of other Zionists and "truth seekers". Tell them to help us remove this Zionist Cancer! |
Israel can spy on us, but not the NSA |
The ACLU has fooled Judge
Taylor into ordering the NSA to stop
spying on Americans.
The ACLU pretends to be protecting us, but they will not expose the Israeli spy ring, 9/11, or the attack on the USS Liberty. Two reports about the Israeli spy ring are here and here. |
Can you see what is happening? The ACLU, ADL, SPLC, and other "defenders
of freedom" are ignoring Zionist crimes. These groups promote freedom
of speech but they also support laws that prohibit discussions of the
The media and most of the 9/11 "truth seekers" are also complaining about the NSA spy programs. Why would liars want to protect us from the NSA? The most sensible explanation is that these liars are worried that the NSA might figure out that Al Qaeda is not our enemy, rather, our enemy is the Zionists. |
We are not dividing the 9-11 movement
when we discuss suspicious aspects of Tom Flocco, Karl Schwarz, Mike Ruppert,, etc.
Rather, we are cleaning our house of criminals! |
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The investigation of a crime requires that we identify
the criminals, even if those criminals are pretending to be
Lisa Pease, Jenna Orkin, and most other "Truth Seekers" are disinformation
pests. Don't promote criminals!
Why is Walmart taking over businesses? Because so many people support them! We are not helpless; we can make a better world whenever we want to. |
Most people are frightened by 9/11, so make the issue and enjoyable
by having a "Conspiracy Party". This is a great way to spread information
and meet people who enjoy thinking
If you don't like conspiracy parties, or even if you do, another enjoyable
activity is to terrorize the emotionally
weak people with information about 9/11, the Apollo moon landing, the Holocaust,
and other conspiracies. Sure, they will whine about it, but it's like pulling
off a Band-Aid. Just do it!